The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 13, 1928, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Hate.
One copy, one year.
One copy, six months
One copy, three months 73
Athena, Oregon, January 13, 1928
There is no disputing the fact that
oHnpfltinn is hieh, all along
the line from public school system j
up to and including the maintenance
of universities and colleges. In this
respect the cost of operation of th.
public schools is perhaps more notic
able than other avenues of tax ex
penditure, due to the reason that ad
ministration of school affairs is lo
cal. The cost of maintaining the pub
lic schools in Umatilla county is no
greater than in other counties of the
state, and from a cost statement pub
lished elsewhere in today's Press, it
will be seen that the Athena school is
run for less money than any other
school in the county-$157.60 per
pupil per year and that Helix is the
hin-hest. at $401.55 per pupil per
One of our big time industrial
... , . i i:..f
writers says that wnai iarm icnei
is in need of more than all else is
less restriction on immigration, so
that cheap labor may be had on the
farms. He also terms this view to
be practical farm relief, and he says:
"High prices for farm products will
not help the farmer unless he has
products to sell. Production requires
labor. Lack of farm labor causes
loss to the farmer, abnormally high
prices and increased living costs.''
To which we will add that it has been
our observation when the farmer gets
the price first, he has no trouble in
finding farm help and to pay for the
work. On the other hand, no price,
no money to pay for labor.
"Street railways are still an in
tegral part of American life," de
claims a writer who is supposed to
know his stuff. Maybe they are,
and so is the motor bus and city taxi
cab. In favor of the latter mode of
transportation it may be said there
are no tracks to be torn up in case
they go blooey.
The senate commerce committee,
sponsoring a bill by Senator Jones of
Washington state to build up the
merchant marine and keep it under
supervision of the government
through the shipping board, has in
directly and directly locked horns
with President Coolidge.
Since the war the price of silver
has gone down, and again we hear
that the economic burden on gold is
becoming unbearable, and that it is
time an international conference give
the matter serious consideration
Hut this time there will be no "crown
of thorns," etc.
To be an American mining engi
neer in Mexico is like being a moth
fluttering around the candle flame.
To insure his safety he should be pro
vided with ransom money in his
pocket, or be escorted to and from
his work by a regiment of soldiery
If a hundred dollar Ford .smashes
another hundred dollar Ford, the oc
cupants of th? flivvers may claim
personal and property damages run
ninir into thousands of dollars. How
come ?
Irene Castle has turned her atten
lion from dancing to the welfare of
homeless dogs in Chicago. Such an
philanthropic act, initiated as it is,
at Chicago, is all the more com
Reading of the maiden trip of
Uncle Sam's gigantic airplane carrier
"Lexington," which cost $50,000,000
and took seven years to build, we are
nudged with the glaring fact that
"we're in the navy now!"
The Rankin flying school at Port
land has an enrollment of 208 stu
dents, which leads to the prophesy
that sooner or later they'll all bo up
in the air.
Who said corn would not grow in
Oregon? At Grand Island, near Day
ton, nine acres of land produced S'OO
bushels, and there were but few nub
bins in the crop.
The kids have exchanged use of
their sleds and skates for the kid
diecar and the coaster wagon but
then maybe snow will come again
(Oregon Journal)
Two years on an unhabited island
in the bleak Arctic and much of that
time utterly alone, facing death
bravely, has been the experience of
an Eskimo woman, Ada Blackjack of
Mnmp. Alaska. She was the last sur
vivor of a party sent to Wrangel is
land in the summer of 1921 to ascer
tain how long one could livo there,
writes a contributor to the Sr. Loui3
It was an August afternoon in l.Ul
when the Silver Wave from Nome
pushed her way through the ice, low
ered a dory and lanaea ioui n--
a woman at Rodgers Harbor, on me
bleak shores of Wrangel island, 110
miles north of Siberia, in tne Artm.
Primarily the party had come to
claim the island for the British and
ai test Vilhialmur Stefar.sson's
theory that any armed man coum live
nnv of the Artie islands for one
vpur at least. And after the supplies
had been unloaded and the new com
ers had hoisted the, .British flag, tne
Silver Wave sailed away wni'.n me
five on the island known as "the
graveyard of the Arctic," waved fare
well, the men knowing it was to be
their last contact with the outside
world. Of that party only one woman
survived and perhaps she is the only
Eskimo woman who will go down in
British and American annals as tha
outstanding heroine of her race, for
Ada Blackjack's heroism is of the un
usual tvne.
From the time Ada was able to lea-
die in her dismal home in Kodiak the
ittle wisn of humanity knew noth
ing but the harder side of life. Only
for a brief spell did she have any reai
comforts, and that was whilo sh was
a Christian mission in Nome, where
she learned to read and write as well
as speak English, and to cook white
folks' food. Here, too, she learned to
sew. But, like most Eskimo girli, she
became a bride at 16, marrying
Blackjack, erstwhile hunter and
musher, and to him she bore three
hildren. When two of her babies
died and Ada could endure black
jack's brutal treatment no longer, she
divorced him. With her son Bennett,
she found lodging in Nomo and there
eked out an existence as a seHmst.rcss.
But the sewing business was dull
when, in July, 1921, Alan Cravford,
a young Canadian; Lome E. Knight,
from McMinnville, Or.; Frederick W.
Maurer, from New Philadelphia, Ohio,
and Milton Galle, from New Braun-
fels, Tex., arrived in Nome. They
were the party named at the sugges
tion of Stefansson to occupy Wrangel
island and to claim It as a British
possession. A native seamstress who
could fashion clothing quickly from
the skins of animals was deemed in
dispensable, and Ada was engaged.
The fact that she not only was able
to speak and understand the English
language won her a place with
the expedition. So, sending her son
to her mother in Kodiak, Ada, who
was then 23, set sail on the Silver
The party took with them provi
sions and ammunition to last at least
one year, having been asured that
additional supplies would reach them
the following year. And an attempt
to carry out this plan was made in
1922, but the ice was so heavy that
the ship could not approach within
miles of Wrangel island and was
forced to abandon its mission.
Two years almost to a day from I
the time the expedition had been
landed on Wrangel island Harold
Noice, a young Scotsman, at the head
of the Wrangel island rescue expedi
tion, pushed the nose of his gasoline
schooner Donaldson against the icy
shore at Rodgers Harbor. He saw the
tents the Crawford party had erected
and hoped that he had arrived in
time. But there were no whites
there to welcome him. He was greet- ;
ed only by Ada Blackjack, who, half !
running and half leaping, half crying '
and half laughing, rushed down to
the water's edge to embrace a living
human being.
Her first question was regarding
Crawford, Maurer and Galle. Had he
seen them? And then Noice learned
that eight months before Crawford,
Maurer and Galle had set out to
make a dash over the ice to Siberia
and never had returned. Somewhere
in the silent Artie the bodies of these
three youths are frozen in the cold,
solitary wastes.
As Ada led Noice to her tent he
saw that only meager rations remain
ed, and realized he had come in time
to'save only one life. For in the big
tent of the white men, the one ad
joining Ada's, lay the dead body of
Knight, clad in his deerskin sleeping
bag, in which he had died six months
before. His three white companions
had left him, stricken with scurvy,
assuring him they would return. They
left him alone with the Eskimo wom
an, and she had nursed him as ten
derly as though he had been her hus
band. Then she kept her lone vigil
beside the body of the dead.
And so, alone on that bleak island,
Ada Blackjack wrote her diary, prob
ablv the only one in English ever
penned by an Eskimo woman.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon forUmatilla County.
In the matter of the Estate of Mar
tha J. Shick, Deceased. ;
Notice is herebv erven that the
trnpA has been anrjointed exe
cutor of the last will and testament of
Martha .1. Shick. deceased. Dy an
nrHpr of the above entitled Court.
All persons having claims against
th said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena,
Dree-on. or to mv attorneys, Watts
& Prestbye, at their office in
Athena, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice. All claims must be
verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 13th
day of January, 1928.
Executor of the Last Will and
Testament of Martha J. Shick,
Watts & Prestbye Attorneys for
Estate, Athena, Oregon. J13F10
Complete Kitchen
EVERYTHING for the kitchen
from an oil stove to a dipper
you'll find it at this store. We v
selected our stock thoughtfully with
your kitchen ngeds always in mind.
All the articles we offeryou are tried
and proved through long years of
honest service.
We have New Perfection Oil Cook
Stoves clean and reliable, com
plete with oven and warming cabi
net. And we also carry a big assort
ment of Utensils Aluminum and
Enameled Steel.
Let us help you select the articles
you need for your kitchen.
OiJ Cook Stoves and Ovens , i -MaS5
In a few short months you can
be filling a paying position and
on the road to success. You
can go where you want, buy
what you want, BE what you
want, when you combine the
ability with the right training.
Writ today for FREB SUCCESS Cut
log. We filled over 1000 potltlon
lftit year.
Portland Oregon
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes-
Try Our
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
American Beauty Bread
Baked by the most modern and up-to-date process known to the
art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask
your grocer.
MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Rugs Cleaned and Sized
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn. Harris Barber Shop.
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
The home of good
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Main Street Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Bank Statement
Charter No. 4516.
onuiuuu ui mo . 1-. u- qi 1097
1.1. i Vmcinoaa nn December ol, ivii
at wie tiuoo vi. nun..."-
Reserve District No. 12
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your' face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
. i t- i. AtViAYta in flio State of the Condition of the first national ca.:.
of Oregon,
a Loans and discounts including rediscounts, ac
ceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of ex
change or drafts sold with endorsement of this
bank (except those shown in b and c) $ 64 ,,880.08
Total loans n"n'
Overdrafts, secured, ;unsecured,
U. S. Government securities ownea:
- fVnciri tr, secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)
W iVJJUUvvw vv J
b"AU other United 'States Government securities (including
premiums, if any) -
4 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned:.......-....
6 Banking House, 6,062.00 Furniture and fixtures, 6i.m
8 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank
10 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks.................
Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 ....... 58,3o3.04
15 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S.
Treasurer -
19 Capital stock paid in .-
20 Surplus fund r"io"'T;
21 a Undivided profits 5,43o.40
b Reserve for 5,4i6.40
22 Reserved for taxes, interest, etc., accrued
23 Circulating notes outstanding
We read that one sure way to in
crease lawlessness is to increase th
number of laws. And that is saying
a mouth full.
Cal is going, to Havana, but full
enjoyment of the trip is lost, for he
doesn't smoke the filthy .weed.
Sit tight; there remains a month
and a half before spring is di.e.
The snow is goneand without
any aid from Jupc, cither.
Watch value that &e&ca com
parison! This lovclr watch hM
whin gold filled engraved
and a dependable i jewel
Bui ova Moretnent. a
FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler
Pendleton, Oregon
26 a Amount due to State banks, bankers and trust companies
in the United States o1.71
27 Certified checks outstanding -
28 Cashier's checks outstanding
n llivulninl i'hi'ks outstanding
Total of 24. 25. 26, 27, and 28 9,300.75
!0 Tiiiliirifluul itnnnKits Kiihivt tr check.
31 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than
fr mnrwv hnrrnwpd
32 State, county or municipal deposits secured by pledge of
assetts of this bank or surety Dona
Total of demand deposits other than bank deposits) sul
ject to Reserve, Items 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34... 289,291.84
35 Savings dcposits( including time certificates ofdeposit other
than for monev bo rowed)
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 35, 36, 37,
and 38 - -J. omh
39 United States deposits (other than postal savings, includ
ing War Loan deposit account and deposits of United
States disbursing officers
SAFETY-DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable -semiannually.
Total 1 $809,557.08
State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss.
I, F. S. LcGrow, Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me F. S. LEGROW, Cashier.
a. a
mh Anv nf .Tnnnnrv. 192S. orreci aucsi.
B. B. KICuAKDS. .Notary rumic
Commission expires March 11, 1023
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Athena, b ' Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Blucstem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the bunous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Vthena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash