A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them .in your goods, but its dead easy if d6ne the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost. ill NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, rrodcrn -ork, prompt delivery. Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter VOLUME 48. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30. 1927 NUMBER 52 Congress Adjourns Over the Holidays Record of Accomplishment First 15 Days Thought Satisfactory. Washington, D. C Under the sha dow of the death of one of Its most beloved members Senator Jones, ; of New Mexico the 70th congress ad journed for its Christmas recess. "-- As they departed from Capitol hill for a vacation of two weeks, senators and representatives left behind them a record of accomplishment over ,th3 15 days since .convening that had few counterparts in recent years. The first of the annual appropria tion bills, to make up deficiencies, was on its way to the White House; te 5290,000,000 tax reduction bill had rounded the first buoy of the legisla tive course, as. had the measure pro posing settlement of the German American alien property claims, and a resolution to give a congressional medal of honor to Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh had become a law. In addition, the Walsh bill, designed to compel testimony of recalcitrant witnesses in the naval oil criminal conspiracy cases, was in President Coolldge's hands, and both bouses had set forth upon what promises to be a long series of Investigations. Even before the legislative wheels of either house had been started, both had received demands for a number of inquiries, several of which are well under way. A special senate committee, plung ing immediately into charges in the Hearst newspapers that a fund of $1, 215,000 was created for four United States senators, satisfied itself that no senator received, any money , and pushed its inquiry to determine the authenticity of the documents which Hearst purchased for publication. HOPE GIVEN UP FOR MEN IN SUNKEN S-4 Provincetown, Mass. With life ad mittedly extinguished within the hull of the S-4, the task of raising the sunken submarine from its grave off Provincetown harbor passed from a rescue drama into a routine salvage job. ' Lieutenant Commander Edward Ellsberg, directing the operations, de clared that unless unusually fair weather persisted it was not likely the steel coffin with its cargo of 40 dead men could be raised to the surface before next spring. The S-4 had been at the bottom of the sea off Provincetown harbor for just 113 hours when it was finally de cided that the six men who had fought a gallant battle for life in her torpedo compartment no longer survived. It was not until air lines, attached to the listening device of the torpedo room by a method never before used, had been pumping fresh air into the com pavtment for 13 hours that hope was at last given up. Signals sent by the oscillator ot the Falcon remained unanswered, and all was still in the battered hull of the submarine. The rescuers regretfully admitted it was the end. COURT HALTS LEGISLATURE Oklahoma Governor Wins Injunction Declaring Session Illegal. Oklahoma City, Okla. Two new court orders lent assistance to the ef torts of Governor Henry S. Johnston to send members of the legislature besieging his administration back to their homes. A permanent injunction issued by District Judge Chambers bars the house members from attempting to function further as a legally convened group, from continuing their investiga tions of state officers, from preparing any more impeachment charges and from filing new charges with the nretended court of impeachment' The second injunction, a temporary order issued by District Judge Hooker, forbids members to draw pay for their activities in the seEsion. France Votes Big Navy Program. Paris. Uy a vole of 270 to 20, the French etccte ra .f .d adoption by the chamber of tit, ci ihi naval build- Urn v sv jf liiMiitiH 4. t- vV isf , - ' -' 1Eb ' ' ' SOME of us were born In New Eng laud und have' that ktnd of a conscience. Why New England should produce a particular conscience different from any oi tier's conscience seems a little ditik-ult to explain However, there seems to be a tra dition about It. If you possess a New England conscience you are supposed to Ik' responsible to the last degree. You go one point fnrilier linn actual ly ucccessity and worry for fear yo'i wmi't think up all ibe possible things you illicit have done tinder a certain st'l of circumstances. . Well, thtn- We all rather like to think we obey our conscience? it give: as a fain! glow of saiutlliK'KS. (Though, of course, to admit this publicly would ruin - us for life!) Whatever con science is "a still, small voice," un broken nnblts of right thinking, an in stinct that urge? ns toward the best most" of us possess .an inner law of some sort or another: and we either follow this law. or push it oft irrilab'y At New Year's we take stock of our affairs. And very often conscience Sits as judge. And let us never for get that we are responsible. Not to be responsible is a kind of crime. Just MMM I MM 14 A PSALM FOR NEW YEAITS EVE By Dinah Muloch Craik is 5 ?rccr::' e iis:Tam talla tor so fur at. we bare pushed our abil ities, then just so far should we use them for the finest development. To do le?8 Is sheer waste of Invaluable material. To do less is being false to ourselves. To do less is sinning against truth. Convictions may change from yeai to year: we should keep stride with them as strong men not take it out In thinking but demonstrating them by doing. If we are good workmen be it in the woods' or in the shop, coun try or town and do not do that work for the glory of doing it wel!, then we never should have been trusted with ability. For ability Is a two edsed sword If not sharpened for the gallant battle at life, It turns to rend the owner. Let this year's conscltnce be nour ished by that higher, unwritten re eponsibiliiy which answers the quiet, inner knowledge of life carried for ward with the utmost strength and courage. liapiy New Year to oar coa-te'.i-Mi'. . " A FUIEND stands at the I door j In either tight-closed hand Hiding rich gifts, three hundred and three score; Even as seed the sower. Each drop, he trends it in. and passes by; It cannot be made fruitful till it die. O good New Year, we clasp This warm shut hand of thine, f Loosing forever, with half sigh., half gasp, That which from ours falls like dead fingers' twine l i Ay, whether fierce its grasp t Uns been, or gentle, having X been, we know That it was blessed: let the Old Year go. O New Year, teach us faith I ' The road of life is hard: When our feet bleed, and scnurg Ing winds us scathe, Point thou to Him whose vis nge was more marred Than any man's; who snith, "Make straight paths for youi feet," and to the opprest, "Come ye to Me, and I will give you rest." Yet hang some lamp-like hope t Above this unknown way, Kind year, to give our spirits freer scope And our hands . strength to work while It is day. Kut if that nay must slope -Tonibward, oh, bring before ""our fading eyes The lamp of " life, the Hope tfiat never dies. Comfort our souls with love Love of all human kind; Love special, close In which like sliellcu'd dove. Each weary heart Its own safe nest may find; And love that turns 'above Adoring;y. contented to re sign ' All loves, it need be. for the Love iMvine. Friend, come thou like a frit ml And whether bright thy rice. Or dim with clouds we raunoi comprehend. We'll hold out paiieni hands, each In his place, And trust thee to the end. Knowing thou It-.idtst on wards to those spheres Where there are neither days nor months, nor years. - Mrs. Eominger is visiting her par enU near Umapinc X TURN THE , window train shivered,' creaked apd gave way under the prying force of the jimmy. The flat palm of a massive hand finished the raising process. A foot thrust over the casement was firmly planted on tit floor of the darkened room. After a hasty survey of the apart ment, the man called out the window. "Pnrd!" then whistled softly. In due time "Pard" arrived via the window route.- A systematic search of the house was Instituted, and the valuables deposited In the living room. "New Year's means lots of parties, and a party for us, uh, Sara!" "PardP Snm painfully exclaimed of one of the bed rooms, "you bozo, drop every lost thing In your hands.'' "Snm, you sap." growled the other disgustedly, "you ain't gone senti mental again? 1 thought If 1 got you through Christ mas all right, you'd come out all 0. K. Sam walked over to him and put his bond oo his friend s shoulder. "You have been a friend tome. See this pic ture? It was there on the chlfforobe. That's her, 'Pard'l I'd do any thing on earth for that," and he slapped the picture vehemently, only to meet his Tard's" sour looks. "There ain't no time like tonight to begin all over again. Tonight starts a New Year, an' a start with this in my possession means sure-enough suc cess. Tm young. She don't know I went to the dogs, 'Pard.' She never will if you're a friend. Pll pay you fifty dollars to leave that stuff right where it Is an' beat It. This Is nil I'm faking, and her father will never mis that." Sam gazed Into ttie eyes of one who meant so much to him, then Into "Pard's" glowering ones, "To think my year's work was to turn out like this. A softy, a sap what thinks a New Year says a new start and after that thing, too." His laughter subsided as the scrap ing of a Ley and the tumblers of the lock gave a warning note. Four feet found their way over the window sill Info the darkness of the night j NewYar'j Story CT 6y ROBERT STEAD from the depths ill 1m? Mrs. James Lieuallcn of Adams va3 a Visitor in Athena Tuesday. MU. CLIFTON DALE ruefully surveyed the mud on his pew overcoat. An automobile had swept by, regardless of the thntf which ushered in the first day of the year, and left him plentifully bespat tered. "I shall make another resolution," said Mr. Dale, as he tried to flick the tenacious mud from his garment. Entering bis oflice in the little prai rie town where he was known us "our enterprising realtor, Mr. Clifton Dale, he seated himself at his desk und took from tits pocket a memorandum hook. It opened at a page Inscribed, "New Year Hesolutlons," and Mr. Dale smiled grimly ns he read the one and only entry: "Under ho clrcum stances will I u I low myself to be mar ried to any female during thts year. c, i v v ; That entry had been made In n polgnnnt moment. At Just two o'clock that morning, on his way home from the Old Timers' ball, he had paused at his oflice to place his decision on record. It was the immediate result of the behavior of Mtss Adnline Hill, who. after protesting to Mr. Dale that tier program was full, had danced eight times with Amery Hodge, pro prietor of the Plain vllle" garage. "Hodge-IUII," Mr. Dale comment ed, bitterly. tie took up his pencil and mnde n second entry." "I shall be careful to observe (he speed limits, and not to splash Innocent pedestrians," he wrote. At that moment his telephone rang. "Oh. Cliff, this is Addle speaking. 1 am so glad I got you" "You ?re, eh? Well, you haven't got me yet, let me tell you, youug woman" "Oh, Cliff, don't be silly t We're broken down, Dad and I, eight miles out on the main road south. Father hns telephoned Mr. Hodge, but yon know he is so unreliable. Won't you conic?" Hut Mr. Dale was firm. "Maybe I'd find your program full," he growled. A silvery laugh over the wire dis armed hlra. "I'll explain nil that If you get here first," she said. Then she added, significantly, "There's more than a broken car at stake." . Mr. Dale made a dash out of bis oflice, Jumped Into his car, nnd whizzed into Main street Just as Amery Hodge turned in from the other side of the thoroughfare. In a moment the two cars were abreast. They crossed the railway tracks, spottering mud In every dlrec 'Ion. Hotli drivers knew that Just at the town limits the snowbound road nar rowed down to the width of one ve hicle. The car which reached that narrow road last would have to re main behind for the rest of the trip. Punching his accelerator down at far as It would go, Mr Hodge, in bis new speedster, got the edge on his adversary. But Just as he swung Into the country road his rear wheels skidded, and Mr. Dale slipped by. missing him by on Inch. Fortunately there was n pool of muddy water nl the spot, nnd when Mr. Dale glanced imck the new speedster hnd the ap pearance of a resurrected scow. Thereafter Dale set his own pace. Dodge overtook him, but could do notlilny but honk at the real estate magnate's car ambling on ahead. At the stranded Hill car Adaltne ner eyes warm with welcome, took Dale's hands In hers. "You win," she said. "Hut I don't understand I Why did vuu turn me down last night?" "I'll tell you on the way home. Amery can help Dad out After all, It's his car." "Ills car?" As they drove on together Adullne explained. "I've been trying to get Dad to trade in the old car," she said, "but he art' Mr. Hodge couldn't agree on the price. After eight dances last night Amery raised Ids bid a hundred dollars. That's a little better than twelve dollars a dance, lsn'f It?" Mr. Dale took out his notebook and made another entry. "Hesolutlons Xos. 1 and 2 are vetoed by the presi dent." ft read. Then: "Adnline, you are a business worn in." he said, with profound admira tion. "Perhaps," she laughed. "But I've end enough poetry to know that Hill tnd Dale alwry an together." 1928 Greeting The l.oid bless thee aud keep thee The I.rd make His face to shine upon I bee, "ml le gracious unto thee. The ljid lift up his countenance upon i;iee. und I'lve thee peace. Numbers Adair Cash Grocery Robbed Second Time Amateurs Suspected of the Crime; Finger Prints For Clue. For the second timcin two months, Adair's Cash Grocery has been en tered through a broken pannel of the back door and robbed. The first time the store was robbed, the upper pan nel of the door was smashed and pulled out, and Saturday night when the second robbery was pulled off, the lower pannel was jimmyed with a c:wbar, loosened and removed in three pieces. ,,L The larger piece- of the pannel was carefully preserved and taken to Walla Walla for an examination by an expert to disclose finger-prints, to give the officers a clue to work on. It is said the officers are confident that both robberies are the work of amateurs,, and that certain details of Saturday's night's robbery indi cate that inexperienced hands did the job. Further it is believed that the same parties pulled both robberies, and the authorities are working on this supposition. . In Saturday night's robbery, a clean sweep was made of the entire stock of tobacco and cigaretts in the store. In the first robbery, the cash register was rifled of the change it contained and cigaretts were taken. The first robbery occured on the night of November 18. Hickman Confesses To Killing the Girl Marian Parker Strangled and Body Cut Up In Bathtub. Seriously Injured Mrs. Stamper who resides in the east part of town was seriously in jured in an automobile accident on the highway near the E. A. Dudley place Sunday evening. A Ford roads ter, in which Mrs. Stamper and little daughter were riding, nnd driven by Charles Yenney, came upon a car parked on the highway during a heavy fog. In trying to avoid an accident, Mr. Yenney pulled to one side, but not far enough to avoid sideswiping the parked car. One wheel of the Ford was torn off. Mrs. Stamper was injured internally. She was brought to her home and a physican called at once, and later she was taken to the hospital at Pendleton. Girls Club Organized A group of young Misses met at the home of Mrs. Bollinger Tuesday evening, December 27, to organize a club which, will be called the G. E. C. These mystery letters are known only to members. A pot luck dinner was served at 6:30, after which a business meeting was held and the following officers elected: Myrtle Campbell, President; Mary Tompkins, Vice president; Marjorio Douglas, Secretary-Treasurer; Betty Jane Eager, Reporter. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Douglas at 7 P, M. January 10. ' Gold Fish Propagation For a number of years several gold fish made their home in a glass bowl at the Rogers & Goodman hardware store in Athena. Last spring Marion Hansell took the fish out to his home and placed them - in a small pond. After a while myriads of small gold fish appeared in the waters of the pond, and just before cold weather set in, a large number of fish were taken out and put in receptacles. Sam Pumbrun has taken some of the fish to plant in the pond at his farm home south of Athena, Robbed of Presents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and son Ray drove to Weston Saturday even ing to spend Christmas with relatives. In Ray's Ford coupe was stored the presents which the family had pro vided for their relatives and friends, including two big fine feather pillows and other articles of value. Stopping down town in Weston, when Ray re turned to his car, the Christmas presents had beon stolen, together with his car "jack" and other tools. Hrakes Turn Car Over To prevent colliding with the inter urban at State Line one day last week, Mrs. Fred Tittman put on the brakes suddenly. The car skidded into the ditch, turning over against the em bankment. Mrs. Pittman and daughter Ethel; were on their way to Walla Walla when the accident occured. The top of the Chevrolet sedan was slight ly damaged when it struck the em bankment. Neither of tho occupants received injury. Los Angeles. William E. Hickman has confessed that he alone killed 12 year old Marian Parker of Los An geles the day after he kidnaped her Single-handed. ,v .;. In "a confession amazing for its un rivaled details of brutality, the 19-year-old youth said he strangled the child and cut her body into pieces in the bathtub of his Bellevue apartment in Los Angeles. 1 The confession eliminates the phan tom Andrew Cramer, first named by Hickman as an accomplice. That he lied consistently on this point was ad mitted in the confession when be said be worked alone. His motive in the kidnaping was to get $1500 to go to college, he said. He had no accomplice. Cringing before the ominous rumb ling that swept the city with news of his arrival, the slayer of Marian Park er, was taken from the "Jail car" at tached to "The Padre" of the South ern Pacific at a little used freight sta tion in the lower part of the city. He was burred into an automobile before the few passersby knew that the most hunted criminal in the his tory of California was back iu the city. Carloads ot detectives carrying sawed-off shotguns quickly formed a guard as the machine carrying Hick man sped through back streets and alleyways to tho county jail in the Hall of Justice. Pendleton, Or William Edward Hickman, Los Angeles kidnaper aud killer, was arrested by Tom Uurdane, Pendleton chief of police, and C. L. (Buck) Lieuallen, state traffic offi cer, east of Echo on the Old Oregon . trail, after a, man hunt that covered the whole Pacific coast and lasted for seven days. He was taken without resistance. When arrested, Hickman had $1420 worth ot United States $20 gold certi ficates on his person. The youthful fugitive was captured without a struggle when Gurdane and Lieuallen, who had been watching for him on the strength of "hot" tips, pounced on him with drawn guns as the big green sedan he was driving turned a corner of the highway near Echo. He was speeding toward the wilds ot eastern Oregon. A trail of "blood money" the $20 gold certificates which Perry M. Park er, Los Angeles banker, bad paid for the mangled body of his little daugh terled to the capture. Calmly sitting in the outer part of the cell block of the Pendleton city jail, Hickman related his version of the crime. The murder was done by Andrew Cramer, his partner in the crime, he said, and he had no part In the killing and did not know that she had been slain until her body was delivered to him in his Bellevue apartment on Sat urday night. Manacled to two Los Angeles police police lieutenants, Hickman started On a road that probably will lead tot death. In the custody of District Attorney Keyes, Chief of Police Davis and Cap tain of Detectives Cline, of Los An geloB, Hickman was removed from th Pendleton jail and placed aboard a special Pullman car on which he and his captors Blurted to Los Angoles. Thoroughly subdued, absolutely teo ror-stricken, Hickman gave bis guards no trouble. Chief of Police Tom Gurdane, pic turesque character ot Pendleton, and. Clyde "Buck" Lieuallen, state traffic officer, buckaroo and boxer, accom panied Los Angeles officers to California. National Guardsmen Patrol Town. South Pittsburgh, Tenn. With vir tually all local law enforcement offi cers of Marian county, Tennesee, dead or disabled, national guardsmen po liced this section to prevent further disorders growing out of a gun tight between city and county authorities In which five were killed and four were wounded, one fatally. The shoot ing was the result ot a feud between police and sheriff's officers growing out of a recent strike at a local manu facturing plant, in which tho respec tive law enforcement ajtutica tup borud oppojlog tliss.