The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 23, 1927, Image 2

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    Sto Mm Stow -
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rate.
One copy, one year $2-00
One copy, six months $1-00
One copy, three months "5
Athena, Oregon, December 23, 1927
Suppression of crime is viewed by
one of our exchanges as loiiows
New theories are being continually
advanced for the suppression of
crime. Most of the proposals dodge
the main issue, namely, swift and
effective punishment for the criminal.
Why so. much sympathy is extended
to the criminal class by courts, juries
and feature story writers is hard to
understand. s
A survey in one of our large and
comparatively well regulated cities,
reveals that out of every 75 felonies
committed, only one offender was
ever punished. One paroled thirteen
times, killed an officer. The "repeat
ers" are a large, serious factor in
the whole situation and it was in an
endeavor to improve this .condition
that the Baume's Laws were adopted
by the state of New York. Under
these laws the severity of a sentence
is automatically increased for the
Kvt'ond, third and fourth offenses, the
fourth offense entailing life imprisonment.
It is an incontrovertible fact that
crime becomes a "urofession in
many cases. Prison records show
that an offender is released only to
be re-committed in many instances
for a repetition of his first offense.
Public life and property are con
stantly endangered "oy these "repeat
crs" criminals, and the tax payers
are put to an enormous expense by
endless trials and retrials,
When only a small percentage of
those committing felonies are punish
ed, and when there are countless re
cords showing that a criminal is
apprehended time after time for com
mission of like offenses, it is es
sential that in all states penalties
such as imposed under the Baume's
Laws, which aim to do away with the
"repeater" class in the "crime pro
fession," should be adopted
"More tractors on the farms, the
general use of tractors 24 hours a
day, the tractor as a general utility
tool, doing all of the work on the
farm from plowing to cutting hay
these are some of the methods which
are being used in North Dakota to
cut farm production costs," says a
feature article in the Fargo Forum.
Throughout the country the manifold
uses of the tractor are being in
creasingly understood and practiced.
Farmers have found that it replaces
old, inefficient machinery and
methods and is a money, labor, and
time-saver. It has probably met a
more enthusiastic response than any
agricultural invention since the cot
ton gin, to which jt may be compared
In importance.
Such demonic crimes as that at
Los Angeles causes human blood to
congeal in horror and humanity
shudders at the thought of it. Stun
ned by the revolting details, the
people rise as one in pursuit of the
The Walla Walla Valley was most
creditably covered by special holiday
editions of the Milton Eagle and the
(Freewater Times which contained a
vast amount of advertising matter of
interest to the buying public of that
district. Both editions bear the im
press of superlative typography.
Lindy having conquered Mexico,
"we" will swoop down on the South
ern Americas to get acquainted with
our Latin brothers. Lindy and his
Spirit of St. Louis are 4 great world
mixers, and wherever they go they
leave a good taste in the mouths of
the people forever after.
, o
With $5000 to her credit in a bank,
Miss Francis Middlesworth died of
starvation at Jamesburg, N. J. Well
did you ever ? But then on re
flection, we have heard of people
starving to death without having so
much as 30 cents in the bank.
vWho was it that wrote "General
Motors is all to the good?" He
must have known what he was
writing about, for the net earnings
of that concern for the first half
of 1927 amounted to only $129,250,-
murderer, and the cry of vengence is
on every lip. And the populace will
be appeased with the capture and
the putting away of the arch fraud,
but the family of the little victim
l.vill move on through their entire
lives bearing a cross of sorrow which
the execution of any capital punish
ment can neither alleviate or temper.
Paris, since the war, has a "Har-Pi-m"
of its own, and a large negro
population has poured in on the
iFreiuh capitol, from America, Africa,
'Martiniiit and the French West
J' ulies. The French mo rapidly ac-
liring proficiency m tl Charleston
'id the Black Bottom mid the
''ontmartrc section of the city has
' zaed up quite a bit with the result
: at it will soon be hnrd to tell a
Frenchman from a Yank in the mat
ter of ballroom diversion.
permanent and of the sort that build
for American prosperity.
Alex Cruickshank's honors mean
that he has attained specialized
knowledge of farming; that he
has mastered knowledge of the
soils , and of domestic animals;
that he has learned the science of
agriculture fully and deeply; that he
is one of the young men' of the na
tion who will advance the cause of
The Yamhill county lad demon
strates that proper farming methods
will pay. He challenges the thought
that agriculture in America is on the
way to riiin. Likewise he proves that
he is a young man with purpose and
courage and determination; and that
American youth is not as decadent
as some critics would have us believe.
And finally, the significance of
Alex's achievenments is that life's
more lasting honors come from
serving some useful purpose, from
doing some work that greatly bene
fits mankind. In comparison with
such awards, the fame that ''arises
from gridiron or baseball diamond
no matter how brilliant it may be,
is ephemeral and tawdry. ;
Santa Claus is real, to the con
trary notwithstanding. The head of
every family is a real Santa Claus,
and if you don't believe it, a little
after the first month just ask dad.
He knows.
Last year Yakima cider was found
to have a 7 per cent alcoholic kick
this year chemists are on hand to
solve the problems of de-kicking the
When she had it bobed she looked
like a Pharaoh fashion plate; now
that she is letting it grow, she re
sembles a queen of the Aztecs.
(Albany Democrat-Herald)
Let them who rate undergraduate
success in terms of athletic achieve
ment, or the standings of universities
and colleges in terms of winning
foot-ball teams consider the case of
Alex Cruiskshank of Yamhill county
and Oregon State college. Cruick
shank has been officially recognized
as the best junior farmer in the Uni
ted States. The honor was given to
him by a committee of experts at the
Chicago International Livestock Ex
position. The Yamhill youth, who is
19 years of age, won the Farm Journal will rpsnl Tint finlv in tha tnrtftoll-
(Portland Telegram)
"Though the mills of the gods grind
slowly, yet they grind exceeding
small." At last comes out in the
grist the explanation of the peculiar
conditions existing on the United
States Shipping Board. We learn
why it was that the straightforward
efforts of Oregon and Washington
interests to secure recognition on an
equality with California firms, per
sistently arid mysteriously failed.
The cards were stacked against us.
Commissioner William S. Hill of
South Dakota, whose inland mind
is not immediately concerned with
local problems of the Pacific Coast,
was thriftily bought by agents of
the operators, Swayne and Hoyt.
Commissioner Teller's association
with Swayne and Hoyt goes back to
the time of the discreditable "Sacra
mento" incident, when Swayne
pleaded guilty to a charge of violat
ing the neutrality laws, and his sub
ordinate Bley was sent, to McNeil
Island for two years. Although
Teller ostensibly ended his financial
connection with Swayne and Hoyt
before entering upon his duties with
the Shipping Board, he has remained
their man Friday, consistently work
ing in their interests.
It is expected that these disclosures
Here's a holiday tip for Athena
boy trappers: A Helena, Montana,
fur dealer offers from $20.50 to $1
for coyote pelts, and from $3.70 to
15 cents for muskrat. No kid would
look out of place on the banks of
the Wild Horse, wearing a Daniel
Boone cap, carrying a bunch of ;;teel
traps. Huh?
A seventy year old Missouri bride
who wed an eighty year old groom
the other day, said that there was
but one rule to be enforced between
the two. That was "when he gets
mad I will keep my mouth shut; and
when I get mad I hope he keeps his
National 4-H club leadership contest
and the Moses silver .trophy offered
to the farm club boy of the United
SUites who made the best showing in
outstanding rural leadership. These
honors are the greatest that have
ever come to Oregon, as they place
Alex Cruickshank in the position of
national champion club member and
club leader. Not only is he com
petent in mastering agriculture, but
he is the most competent in impart-
ng his knowledge to others.
Last Saturday a large group of
distinguished men went to Alex's
home to felicitate him. There was
the govornor of Oregon, the president
of the college under the leadership of
which he had pursued his club work
and on which he reflects so much
credit, and scores of other men well
known for their achievement'!. Thi-v
went to learn how Alex, this champ
ion ot junior farmer of thi IInito.1
States, does things. They lauded him
and his achievements and told him
how proud of him Oiptrnn i
Siu-h fame never attended a foot
ball team or any gridiron hero. Alex
Cruickshank's achievements arc bet
ter for Oregon State than a national
football championship; they speak
more eloquently of the worth of the
institution. Likewise they arc better
for Alex than membership on an All
American football team: for his
achievements are of th Li i m-i ......
ation of the contract under which
Swayne -and Hoyt have been operat
ing the American-Australia-Orient
line, but in new proposals for selling
the ships of the North Pacific lines.
In all probability, the ships will now
be offered for sale on terms which
make them desirable to buy, and
Oregon's clean and honest fight will
finally win over the tactics of our
Throughout the whole unsavory
business, the steadfast honesty and
loyalty of Jefferson Myres, our own
commissioner, stands out in fine re
lief. He has done his utmost for
Portland and its commerce, without
forgetting his larger responsibilities
to the Nation. Oregon has reason
to be proud of its representative
and of this belated vindication of
our just claims.
The way is now cleared for selling
the ships on fair terms, requiring a
reasonable guarantee of service and
permitting the same interchange of
ports allowed to the southern lines.
creasing the percentage to as much
as seventy per cent of our Sale per
capita. To retain this amount we
must sell nine or more seals per
capita. Umatilla county rated with
a population of 25000 by the State
Board of Health but irregardless of
what settlement is- made with the
individual county's $.95out of every
dollars worth of seals stays in Ore
gon. To finance an educational pro
gram against tuberculosis. local
county Health Associations uses seal
sale money to assist our own county
health nurse, Miss Flannigan, in
spreading and cultivating more pub
lic and individual responsibility in
Public Health generally, and es
pecially in that which tends to de
crease tuberculosis among the people
our own county. We had sixteen
of our own country. We had sixteen
deaths in Umatilla county in 1926
all of which might have been pre
vented if - these people had in the
past understood the fundamental
laws of health. Not any of the
money which comes into the Health
Association is used for salaries for
anyone. The nurse's salary and $33
per month for maintenance is paid
by the County Court. All members
of the Health Association serve as
volunteers. The car used by the
Nurse is owned by the Association
and all expenses for storage, up
keep, etc. are paid from the treas
urery of this Association. This
county's share of the money re
sulting, from the seal sale by the
teachers, and pupils this year will
be set apart and used to finance
one definite tuberculosis project in
the county during 1928. Those in
charge of the seal sale this year
urge that all families or individuals
financial conditions permitting buy
at least one dollars worth of seals.
If every piecef of mail, be it card,
package or letter that leaves this
county during December were to
carry just one seal, Umatilla county
could retain its seventy per cent.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the Estate of Clar
ence Ogilvy, presumed to be dead.
Notice is hereby given by an order
of the above entitled Court made and
entered in the matter herein on the
16th day of December. 1927. the
above entitled Court has found that
the legal presuirmtion of the Heath
of the said Clarence Ogilvy is made
Notice is hereby further civen that
the said presumed decedent, if alive,
or any other person ior him, is re
quired to produce to the Court with-
in twelve weeks from the date of
the last publication of this notice.
satisfactory evidence"" of the continu
ance in life of said presumed de
cedent: and that if no such evidence
is urouucea wunin said time t.h
above entitled Court will nvneperf with
tu- J: . . "
Hie Hununisirauon oi- tne estate oi
the said presumed decedent.
lhis notice is published pursuant
to an order made and entered hv tho
above entitled Court in the above en
titled matter, on the 16th day of
December, 1927, which said order di
rects that this notice shall be mih-
lished for a period of two successive
weeks in the Athena Press, a news
paper of general circulation as de
fined by Section 58, Oregon Laws.
Watts & Prestbve. R. T. BROWN.
Athena, Oregon, Clerk.
Attys. for Petitioner. D23J6.
(Mrs. Herbert Thompson)
Seal Sales in Umatilla County 1926
amounted to $1336. Help us increase
this amount. These seals are sold
on a sliding scale with a guaranty
of not less than forty-five per cent
of the proceeds to remain in the
county and with the privilege of in-
Adums and Athena always ge.l
along well together in an athletic
U'llV ..'Vi n.Vo Atlinttn 1Q. A.l...... !
15,v Girls, Athena 36; Adams 11. Big
crowd; present.
An inventor . offers the public nn
oil lamp that burns 94 per cent air.
And right here we see, where the oil
induttry has been given th"9 air.
Adair's Cash Grocery
Phone 567 Free Delivery
Saturday Special
Very best bacon 35 cents
Walnuts, lb 30c
Almonds, lb.. 25c
Brazils, lb 35c
Xmas Candies, lb 15c
Chocolates, lb. 30c
Cranberries, 15 and 30c lb
1 lb can Xmas Prince Albert
Smoking Tobacco, .... 1.50
. 5 If) Xmas box of Chocolates
Milk, can l0c
Sugar 12 lbs........ 1.00
Best Cocoa, lb... S5c
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the Estate of Will
iam P. Willaby, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed her final ac
count and report in the above entitled
matter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday, the 7th
day of January, 1928, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, as
the time, and the County Court room
in the County Court house at Pen
dleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, as
the place, for the hearing of said fi
nal account and report. Objections
to said final account and report
should be filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 9th
day of December, A. D. 1927.
Administratrix of the Estate of Will
iam P. Willaby, Deceased. Watts &
Prestbye, Athena, Oregon, Attor
neys for Estate. . D9J6
dr. j. l; geyer
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Athena. Oregon
Main Street. Athena. Oregon .
State and Federal Court Practice
Scalp Treatments
Shampoos, Henna Packs
Weston Beauty shoppe
Located in Barber Shop
Lilla B. Shelttn.'-
Practical Offerings
BT. Tj
Washing Machines, Gasoline Stoves, Lamps
and Lanterns, Silverware, Aluminum ware,
Granite ware, Cutlery, Boys'- Sleds, Wagons
and Tools, Kiddiecars. --.7' v "
) 1
Rogers (Goodman
(mercantile Trust)
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes,
Try Our
Good, Clean
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
American Beauty Bread
Baked by the ' most modern and up-to-date process known , to the
art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask
your grocer. . . '
MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
' Rugs Cleaned and Sized
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
;t, 'f;, FVE Sintth, tMiltpn-Frecwater, ; . . J
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 683. - '
1 over
io all points
in Oregon
Idaho and
Sale Dates
Tind ntwrn limit Januarys
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena. Oreg
Foley's Honey and Tar
wrcs colds, prevents pneumonia
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
It Pays io Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
, These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to yon at any time during
banking hours. . '
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits. ,
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
annually. - ;i -
Mim JM jnn tmm w inin iw twm tmm. in
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
U made in Athena, b Athena labor, in one ol the very" best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestetn
wheat grown anywhere. Patronue home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Vthena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash