The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 23, 1927, Image 1

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in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
-.1 - i the Hom Offices at Athena. Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Kidnaped Los Angeles
Girl Returned Dead
19 Year Old Youth Identi
fied as Slayer of :
the Child. .
'.' Hiekmaa Caught; at Echo r :
William E. Hickman, arch fiend
who murdered Little Marion Park
. "er at Los Angeles, and sold he? . v
:" mutilated body to her father for
$1500, was captured in the west
part of the county, shortly after
noon yesterday, with $1400 of the
currency on his person, by Tom
Gurdain, Pendleton chief of
police and Buck Lieuallen, state .
traffic officer. Hickman was im- ,
mediately brought to the Pendle
' ton city jail. He admitted his
identity, but until last evening
had not confessed to commiting
the awful crime. California re
ports state that over $100,000
reward is available to the captors
of the murderer.
Los Angeles. The Los Angeles po
lice announced that the kidnaper
murdarer of little Marian Parker had
been positively identified from finger
' Police said that the Child's slayer
had been identified as Edward Hick
man, formerly an employe of the Los
Angeles First National Trust & Sav
ings bank, of which , Marian's father,
Perry M. Parker, Is an assistant cash
ier. The identification- had been
made- after three fingerprints had
been discovered on the rear window
of an automobile identified as the one
used by the slayer.
Hickmai'a fingerprints on record
itt the police identification bureau
also were identical with those discov
ered on ransom letters which had
been sent to Parker. ..
Parker Identified a photograph of
.Hickman that of a man who had
been discharged from the bank.' His
discharge followed hie- arrest on a
charge of forging checks.
Hickman, who is 19 years of age.
pleaded guilty in juvenile court and
was released ' to the custody ot his
mother, who then was living in Al
hambra. . The motive for the atrocious crime,
the police said, was vengeance. Perry
M. Parker was believed by young
Hickman to have opposed his parole.
The mutilated body of Marian Park
. er, 12, kidnaped on Thursday last
week, was tossed out of an automo
bile Saturday night at the feet ot her
father, who had gone to an appointed
street corner in the northwest sec
tion of the city, carrying $1500 in ran
som money demanded by the abductor.-
Parker received a telephone call inr
structing him to proceed to the corner
of Fifth street and Manhattan "place
with $1500 in gold certificates and his
daughter would be returned to him
there. ' -. ,'
A few minutes after he arrived a
small roadster drew '" up - alongside
Parker's automobile. The banker saw
his daughter in the seat beside the
driver and was told by the kidnaper
that the little girl was asleep.
According to the agreement, the
man after taking the money drove
ahead of the father a little way. Climb
ing out of the car, he threw the body
of the girl on the grass in front ofsa
house a few doors up the street.
As soon as the man had driven
away, Parker ran frantically to- his
daughter's side clasped her in his
arms and found she was dead.
First 'examination of themutilated
child revealed that both legs had been
cut off apparently close to the body.
A wire had been twisted so tightly
around the girl's throat that the flesh
had been cut deeply into a gaping
wound. v ,
Billion Dallar Farm Body Borah Plan
Washington, D. C Creation of a
federal agricultural corporation with a
capital stock of $1,000,000,000 was pro
posed in a bill introduced by Senator
Borah, republican, Idaho. The board
of director would )JjfcbmpoBed of the
secretary of agriculture and eight in
dividuals to be appointed by the pres
ident, one ot whom would act as man
aging director at a salary of $25,000 a
year. Other members of the board
would draw $20,000 salaries.
Lindbergh to Mexico.
Boiling FiUtt. V.'u-hington. Colonel
Charles A. LsuirJ took off on a
Cight Tuji-Ir j , :Ut" Mexico City as his
in n
I f i r. n n . i
v- i n
r v . i
I a .j I As, . , W
I In i"" -4 kv"'' 1
i? ' rtiTJTiwr! ilppn in
tlioiicht. seated at a broad
desk, heavily laden . with
papers which bore evidence
- . of her many responsibili
ties, planned and pondered the q,ue.s
tlon at lengths S.i9 wiis of slight
build, lier hair was tinged with
gray, her complexion clear, her eyes
brown and sparkling, her facial ex-,
pression most pleasant, although one
could not help but note at the mo
ment a trace of worry. "
There were exactly one hundred
and fifty old people In the institution
depending upon her care and "judg
ment. Never was this fact brought
so forcefully to her attention as it
was at Christmas time. To be sure,
people were generous and thoughtful
in remembering this group. That
was exactly IL How could one put
this generosity into a form which
would benefit the largest number in
tire group? The agitation of the ques
tion had begun but today, when Mrs.
Barber had received a note and a do
nation of fifty dollars from a croup
of fine, public-spirited citizens who
were endowed with the true Clirint
ma.i spirit. The accompanying note
merely stated that "1U use could !est
bo determined by Lira, ISiirbcr, and so
would be left entirely tv her good
judgment She read the note once
more as it lay on the desk before her,
"Our group or aoclety has a little
fund raised in various ways by its
members. Each ""year at jbuteUsas
time, we give, fifty dollars ot this fund
to the head of some institution, and
leave it to the Judgment of the per
son in charge as to how it wilt be dis
poned of to best adrantage In their
particular or peculiar situation. It
has occurred to us that the children
art more apt to bo well takes cars
She Read the Note Once more as It
Lay on the Desk.
of than are the Institutions such as
j yours. ; We therefore wish to remem
ber the OlcJ People's home with our
small isQin." We luive enjoyed accu-
mulating this money and lmpe It, add
ed t your other yearly contributions,
may help to bring cheer and happi
ness to your home on Christmas day."
The evening failed to disclose the
adequate -solution for this problem.'
However, on the morrow, Mrs. ISurber
awoke with a radiant face. With the
clearness of the morning, the crlsp
ness of the air and the lnvitroratlon
whicli had come through sound, rest
ful slefip, the perplexities - vanished,
fmd Mrs. 15arber saw her way clear;
ly defined before her. Her feet ai:d
iiancli couldn't work fast enough to
comply with the w!sl:.j of her bra;:i.
Time n-;is limited. Plans must ba
drawn up quickly and executed im
mediately. - ' v ,
Tho llrst day evt the tcKulionc ni
a center of Interest. It w-w instant
ly in use either fur outgoing or in
coming calls. If Mrs. Carbsr hr.l
realized how many pI:one operator:
she wore out, ber kludheartedne-M
would certainly Lave maJfe her .'.prca-l
her phone calls, vtr twi, dajt.. hu
was so enthusiastic and absorbed in
her plans that she was not aware cf
her excessive tax upon these girls.
The la:t phone c:Il brought smile
and added energy to Mrs. Barber as
she hurried off Into the heart of the
great smoky city. Shu pent perhaps
an. hnur iwuind eiomid Cnuii iu CGB-
ference witn tne matron tn cnarge or
the large settlement house. At the
end of that time she emerged with a
piece of paper bearing the names of
some fifteen young boys and girls.
Glancing down the list she swallowed
forcefully, uttered i peculiar sound
and shook her head as she said:
"Can't exactly say I am very apt
at pronouncing these long foreign
names," . . T
The Settlement house matron put
her hand on Mrs, Barber's shoulder in
an affectionate manner, .
"Don't worry. They understand
and are vised to lt They will, help
you and you v wiffrsoon learn their
Americanized versions," The next
two. days were 'spent In the city
library. From the stacks of books
which Mrs." Barber went through In
her two days there, but one did shej
seieqt to laue away witn ner.
For some few days after this Mrs.
Barber "occupied her time with the
white paper with the list of unpro
nounceable names, the book, and last
but not least, fifteen vivacious young
persons, grimy and a little crude, but
how sweet, earnest, happy and eager
they were. The training had to be
patiently undertaken. The response
was altogether what might have been
expected from these kind-hearted,
J'lgh-spirlted youngsters.
Then, lastly, there were the hous?
decorations to be attended to. There
were willing hands in the home which
helped hang wreaths, trim the tree
and put up the little sprigs of holly
and mistletoe, Melodies not familiar
to the younger generation filled the
hou.. The humming and quiet whis
tling told of expected Joys not now far
in the ofllng.
There was shopping to be done and
many preparations for the food which
would be necessary. Busy days, but
what happy ones. Mrs. Barber waa
never too. busy or too tired to stop
and have a friendly chat with anyone
of the elderly people, to profit from
their suggestions or abide by their
wishes, if it was at all possible to
do so. ;
Christmas Day, the day, arrived.
When the old folks came -down to
their breakfast, they found a Christ
mas tree laden with Tkt least one gift
for each. They were ni pleased and
happy as children With their pres
ents. , ' , .
At booh the festivities took on "pro
portion. One .would never have
guessed that the folks ranged any
where from seventy to ninety-five, as
they trooped In to Christinas dinner.
The table was heavily laden with all
the Christmas delicacies, especially
good for. people of their age. They
also had another little surprise. They
had fifteen radiantly happy guests
who ' wvre Introduced to them. It
was indeed hard to judge which was
enjoying the dinner the most, the
young op the old. Suffice it to say,
the young folks encored it the mosti
Before the group left the table Mrs,
Barber piade a little announcement,
"Our guests have come out today
not only to help us enjoy our Christ
mas dinner, but to help us to have
a delightful afternoon, They have
come prepared to present a short
Christmas play and to furnish us a
little musical entertainment,"
From the chuckles, smiles, laughter
and applause, there was no doubt
Jhere Were Willing Hands Which
Helped Trim the Tree.
about the approval with which the
entertainment was received. The
young people were worth of all the
praise which they received. The
coaching had been successful. The
day had been delightful and was a
topic of conversation for a long time.
51rs. Barber was evea happier over
.the occasion than the old folks, if
such a thing could bo possible She
realized that this. vision, her scheme,
had been practical The fifty dollars
had given pleasure to not only the old
people but it gave these young for
eign Scttlcmtnt-iousa children a
chance to hare-laihe jo-isiif Christ
mas, the joy of giving of their own
talents, reaping the consequential re
wards of pleasure, -praise and remu
neration, the Joy of flndlug the true
Christmas spirit in. giving freely oi
tht-meclves, as well as having had a
tumjAuouj Christmas dinner wbkh
otherwise miht have Ken merely a
thing of their dreams.
(ffl, 1127. WMttra Nvwipaper Union.)
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burke of Port
land, arrived in Athena Wednesday
evening and will spend Christmas at
the J. C. Burke borne. -
HERB is one jaunt I hope
never , to deprive niy
youngsters of," said a
business man the ' other
day, "agd that is the an-
' nual trip to the. woous
after Christmas greens for the house.
Every year since, we Mere married,
my, wife and I have bundled ourselves
up in warm toss and gone out a dny
or two before Christinas and gathered
nrmfmV of spruce and hemlock
branches, 'sprays of ground pine, and
occasionally some mistletoe, though
this is rare in our part of the coun
try. "After the children came, this ex
cursion Into the woods became as
much a part of Christmas as the tree,
the stockings, and the dinner, When
we were living out In the suburbs,
near the open, woods, we used to go
out and chop down our own Christ
mas tree and bring It home on a low
sledge. ' , A'
"Then the time came when we had
'to move Into town, because of my
having n good deal of night work, and
it took too long to get way out into
the country late at night. We
couldn't bring home our own Christ
mas tree uny more, of course, but we
could, and did, take a whole, day to
go out and get our Christmas greens,
and we do It every year. If the
weather is open and there isn't too
much snow, we take the car and
drive out to the woods,
"If there Is a great deal of "snow
and It Is impossible to take the ear
out, we go on the train to a con
venient country station, get off- and
tramp through the woods, nnd; col
lect our Christmas decoration, if
we have too large a load to take Into
the coach, I find that the baggage
car will bring It in to town for a half
dollar or so. The spirit of Christmas
tomes back with us from the woods,
undine twining of our own groen in
to wreaths and festoons means a hun
dred times more than if we bought
them out of a wooden packing box at
.ihe florist's."
More Trees Distributed and
Buying is Heavy With
Local Dealers.
Dealers say that there were more
Christmas trees distributed in Athena
homes this season than ever before.
By the same toTven, more Christmas
presents than usual were purchased
to put on these trees. .
Christmas trade is reported ex-,
ccptionally good by Alhcna mer
chants, -and while the toy trade lius
been exceptionally heavy, there has
been a noticeble demand for prac
tical gifts, also. The rule to please the
children ' with toys and elaborately
decorated, trees is a common practice
at Chriiitmas time, but more and more
the practiral and substantial gift
idea is being carried out.
Clothing, footwear, furnishings,
chinaware,.,artsquares, rugs, jewelry,
beds, blankets,' and even stoves, wash
ing machines' and cream separators
have become common articles to be
listed as practical Christmas presents.
And dad. who is familadily carica
tured holding a package of bills label
ed "from the'-.wnole family," now fre
quently turns": the table on the family
by presenting them with the key to
a fine automobile, which on Christ
mas morning is promptly driven up
to the front door by the P'ord dealer
or the Rolls-Royce demonstrator, as
the case and the size of dad's purse
might be.
Oh, yes, Christmas buying is chang
ing, as is everything else. And by
the way, it is a patent fact that
more than ever, home people are
finding out that Christmas buying
can be done as cheaply" and with more
satisfastion in their home town with
the home merchants.
The First Christmas
W XJIOHT had descended upon
si 11 the hills of Judeu. All ws
hushed and still; the earth and
heavens seemed resting in a
great, deep calm, No sound
came to break the stillness,
Even the humble shepherd men
who watched their flocks were
silentthey, too, felt the deep
thrill and mystery of the night.
Humble and uneducated as they
were, they could hot fathom
what' it all meant, but in their
hearts was a sense of awe and
wonderment that kept them si
lent. Then on the darkness of the
f, night there came out of the
jjl heavens a dazzling light and
j the shepherds were frightened?
Jjj But an angel of the Lord was
4ji standing beside them and In a
ul voice that found Its way to their
jjj very hearts told theni to fear
.ij not, rather to rejoice instead,
J for he vns bringing them tld-
(. ln?R of great Joy, that the long-
j' looked-for Savior had been born
jj,' that night in Bethlehem of
Jjj Judea. And when this angel had
i; finished speaking the glory of
j'l heaven shone brighter all tboiit
them, and looking up they be-
lr held a multltudd of the heavenly
'i host praising God and singing
y the song that has echoed since
Jtt through all the ages: "(Jlory to
Jjj Ood in the highest and on earth
J- peaco to men of good will."
?i After the ongels had departed
S) and the dazzling light had van-
jj Ished from the hillside the .nhep-
Jj; herds whispered among them
selves, and they decided to leave
their flocks and go to the little
town of Bethlehem, us the ongel
had told them. Over the hills
and valleys ihey went, never
pausing until they came to the
humble rtable where tho Savior
There they prostrated
IieniKelvps at 111k feet riiviMiifr
X !od for the thing that had come
to paf, and telling Mary, uls If,
Jli mother, and Joseph of what Ihey jj
.It had seen and heard that pight. -l
TUnn ,!,. AnntA Til,. K
v prefjenco and went their way,
? telin' all whom they met of the
"Ji Savior's coming.
1, I'jV. Wettcra Nowtjaxf VfckD.)
K hu
X t he
So was It at tho first Christ-
7 iXA.'V'iVvi
In Spain tne ciinaren seen secret
places among the shrubs and bushes
in which to hide their shoes und on
Christmas morning they g out to find
tti-m filled -nii frulla and candles.
I' dim and 1'aotU.
Christmas Buying
Good In Athena
view Heroine
After Long Fight
Hears the . Summons
. --fiX..
. Longview.--LuciHc ,J- Chamberlain,
17-year-old girl heroine and aquatic
star, died late today after a fight
of four months for her life.
Miss Chamberlain,, who was cred
ited with saving the lives of two
others by her daring and prowess in
the water, was injured August 1
when she dived 20 feet into the
Columbia river and struck a sub
merged log.
"Goodbye, everybody, I hear ma
ma calling," the girl said today
when she realised that death was
near. Her mother died two years
For weeks, although she was to
tally paralyzed, the girl had refused
to give up hope for life.
Last inght she had a relapse.
She rallied, however, and when a
physican arrived, she smiled at him
and said:
"Doc, I was awfully scared, but
I -guess I'll pull through all right."
The friends of the dying girl
nevertheless realized she had not
long to live and last night gave
her her Christmas presents.
At her bedside today were her
father, Walter W. Chamberlain,
Longview, railway employee, and
her closest friends, Rae John
son, a Longview boy, and Florence
Tennant, freshman at the University
of Washington.
Miss Chamberlain was born' at
Pacific City, Wash..
" After her mother's death two
years ago, Lucille assumed the du
ties of housekeeper for her father
and a young sister and brother.
The day before she was injured,
August 1, she swam the Colum
bia river here in record time, and
saved Lila Mclvor, nine, from
Turfman Must Pay
In Damage Suit
Walla Walla. George Drumhcller,
nationally known racehorse owner
and wheat man, must pay $10,000 to
the woman who charged that he drop
ped her to marry a younger girl, but
his attorneys will take steps to appeal
tho case, it was announced here.
Mrs. May Kelly, who sued the
turf magnate fjr JIOO.CSC, alleged
that he p:aaiu;d to :v.a;-;- her. She
had been tmploycd f years on the
praarihcllcr ranch.
Letters introduced as te.tirnony
and purportedly written by Mrs..
ti Dfu.v.hcIIor and the irl
whom , he later took for hit second
wife, told ot a love, that had "lasted
for years." Letters of Mre. Kelly
to Lijlia Rook-;, the 25 year old girl
whtpft prjmheller married, adited
her t "think it over" before many.
lag 5-rufl,he;:pr, "for he might treat
you ii ha fcij me."
Dry-sheller denied that he had
proposed marriage to Mrs. Kelly, and
said his interest in her was friendly.
He had been a friend of her dead
huiA'and, Jkrt Kelly, rodeo rider, ha
zuid thr&u-! hia coa.uel, and
promised only to "take care of her."
House Coalition
Passes Tax Bill
Reduction $65,000'000 Above
Maximum Set By Sec
retary Mellon.
Washinrton, . I). C The tax bill,
passed by the house, reached the sen
ate with indications that it would not
oveii'bp considered by the senate fi
nance committee until after t'hrisl
nias. Out ot line with Ihe recommenda
tions of the treasury, and calling for
a. $290,000,000 decrease in rei-enue pas--ments
more than the treasury, in
President CooJidge's opinion, can
stand It will be the subject ot '.brief
hearings, then the senate will take It
up, with predictions general that con
certed efforts will be made to revise
Its provisions.
As approved by the houso, the meas
ure would result in an annual tax re
duction of $57,000,000 more than the
amount recommended by its ways and
means committee at least that is the
estimate. The houso total was $S5,
000,000 above tho "safe" maximum,
set by Secretary Mellon and approved
by tho president, but more than $100,
000,000 below the figure recommended
by tho chamber of commerce cf tta
United Slates.
Chairman Smoot of tho senate fi
nance committee has expressed the
belief that the senate may scale the
bill down to somewhere near tho
treasury total. On tho other hand,
Senator Simmons of Nortli Carolina,
the senior democrat on the committee,
sees no reason why the reduction
shouldn't he boosted to $400,000,000,
and Is laying plans to that end.
With a democratic-republican coali
tion holding a whip hand, the house
passed the tax bill with three major
amendments, which were vigorously
opposed By republican party leaders;
On a final showdown, however, only
21 republicans were willing to go on
record against the measure after ex
hausting every parliamentary 'means
to eliminate the three contested
amendments, among them one tor re
peal of the sales tax on automobiles.
The vote on passage wbb 366 to 21.
Mexico City. Mexico safely cap
tured, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh
made plans to extend the Lindbergh
nir line to Central America.
lie announced his acceptance of in
vitations to visit Guatemala, Hondur
as, Salvador and Panama.
After leaving Mexico City he will
fly to the Central American countries
and then visit Cuba before pointing
the nose of the Spirit of St. Loula
toward Its home port, St. Louis.
Mexico gave Lindbergh a reception
that Impressed him more than any
other he had received at home or
"Vivas," flags and bunting In the
capital of the southern republic vied
with New York's ticker tape aud the
bouquets and meduls of Washington,
Paris and London in acclaiming Col
onel Charles A. Lindbergh as the dar
ling of the people wherever he goes.
Oregon Timber Sals Deal Declared
Off by Chief Forester Greeley.
Washington, D. C Chief Forester
Greeley canceled tho contract of F.rcl
Hcrrlek of St. Mario's, Idaho, for the
Bale of SS0,000,000 feet of timber on
tho Malheur national forest in Oregon.
Repret-ntativos of Hcrrick said they
would appeal to tho seerctary ot acr!
tulture. The sale to Hcrrkk occurred
fe jvu'al yars age. Failure of tho turn
paoy (.'-riiiCd ty Hcrrkk to tarry cat
the terms of the contract aroused rui
deou nl liakcr, Or., to petition the bee
reiary oi' agriculture to tancel tho con
tract. EepruscuUtlvea of Sir. HurrUk
tailed to satisfy Chief Foresur Grve
ley that prospoctivo associates or pur
chasers were prepared to tako over
and put li the lumber toject to com
pletion as demanded by the govern
incut. Pa.-i-Amerlcan Meat In Hana;
Havana. Cuba. Preparations for tne
sixth l'au-Auiriean cnnfrence, to be'
Icld U'ira bcgintiiug Jjuiury 1J, are
V:n', runUt-d in an otiur; to h-ivo
bVwryUiui W rcaJiuubb ly uit UjU.