The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 16, 1927, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell, one hundred, people any
thing thnt would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will .tcl
several -hundred at once at nominal cost. . , '.,
in, the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We iu: aLh neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter
Bill Introduced
Measure to Contain Epual
lization Provisions
' Modified
Washington, D. C The McNary
Haugen bill vetoed last session by
President Coolldge has -been started
on its way through congrtss agr'n in
slightly modified form. . . ,
Senator McNary, republican, Oregon, .
new chairman of the senate agricul
tural committee, put the new bill in
the senate legislative hopper.
The new measure contains the con
troversial equalization objected to by
the president as unconstitutional in
vetoing the original bill, as a means
of raising funds to meet the cost of
marketing surplus crop.
The equalization fee, however,
would now be Invoked only after co
operative marketing associations with
the aid of government funds found
', themselves unable to handle the sur
plus and the fees then would be applic
able to all commodities, when requir
. ed, instead of to only a part.
Republicans Oontrol Senate
Continuation , of republican control
in senate was assured with an an
' nouncement by the five western Inde
pendents that they would assist the
old guard in organizing that body,
Their declaration was made after
Senator Curtis, Kansas, republican
leader, had assured them that a ma
jority of the republican senate con
ference "took the position that there
should be no unnecessary delay In se
curing a vote" on the three measures
which the independents had proposed.
These are a farm relief pill along
the lines of the McNery-Haugen meas
ure a bill cyrb the Issvanee of labor
injunctions j the federal courts and
resolution proposing an Inquiry into
the administrate policy In Latin'
While agreeing to go along on the
qnestiM of ergaalzatloa, the five in
dependents Blain and Lafollette of
Wisconsin and Frazier and Nye of
North Dakota, republicans, and Ship
stead, farmer-labor, Minnesota an
nounced that they would reserve their
v rights "to pursue an Independent
course of action upon questions which
may arise during the session,"
Senate Bars Vara
William 8.' Vare of Pennsylvania
trod the pathway upon which the sen
ate started Frank L. Smith of Illinois,
Vare, a republican, was, in effect,
stopped at the senate's door. The
oath was denied him until the special
campaign funds committee can further
investigate and report upon the charge
of fraud In both his primary and gen
eral election.
Like the senator-elect from IJllnola,
he will have an opportunity to present
his case in person and through counsel
before the committee and then will be
heard on his own behalf on the senate
Hopes of the friends of Vare that
his case would prove stronger than
that of Smith were shattered, for the
senate vote to deny him the oath of
office was 88 to SO while that in
Smith's case was 58 to 28.
Mexican Quia Ordered
An Inquiry Into charges published
in Hearst newspapers that President
Calles of Mexico ordered more than
$l,200,00q paid out of the Mexican gov
ernment treasury to four United States
senators was passed by the senate.
Co-operation of the state department
in the investigation was asked by 8en
ator Reed, republican, Pennsylvania,
' who offered the resolution Of inquiry
and was named chairman of the inves
tigating committee. The committee
membership Includes Senators Jones,
Washington; Johnson, California, re
publicans; and Robinson, Arkansas,
and Bruce, Maryland, democrats.
Gun Elevation Voted
The "big navy" bloc won a victory
when the house, without a record vote,
approved overwhelmingly an appropri
ation of $940,000 to elevate the guns
on the battleships Oklahoma and Ne
vada to meet the range of British and
Japanese warships.
An amendment 4was attached, how
ever, to prohibit use of the money for
" any modernisations on the ships that
would violate the Washington disarm
ament treaties. This, in effect, puts
up to President Coolldge the determin
ation on gun elevations.
Placing the full support of his ad
ministration behind itPresident Cool
ijga transmitted to congress the army
engineers' plan for controlling Missls
liii sirsr ficods.
Steiwer Given
Places on Two
Big Committees
Washington. Senator Steiwer was
kindly treated by his party associates,
when the Republican caucus approved
committee assignments and awarded
to him a place on two of the major
committees of the senate judiciary
and naval affairs. The latter place
he had particularly requested.
Steiwer also received assignments
to banking and currency and privi
leges and elections committees, which
are often entrusted with important
legislation, although not rated as first
rank. The banking and currency com
mittee will deal with any changes in
the federal reserve act or other bank
ing proposals, while the elections
committee ordinarily deals with elec
tion contests. As for minor commit
tees, Steiwer goes on Indian . affairs
and on claims. .
Senator McNary .besides Being chair
man of agriculture, retains his mem
bership on commerce, irrigation and
manufactures and is transferred from
Indian affairs to public lands. Stan-
field of Oregon was chairman of the
public lands committee in the last
congress. , The chairmanship is now
taken by Nye of North Dakota.
13 Jurymen Hear
Drumheller Case
Breach of Promise Suit In
Walla Walla Superior
Court. " "'
Vare is Denied
Oath to Office
WASHINGTON. William S. Vare,
of Pennsylvania, trod the pathway
upon which the senate recently start
ed Frank L. Smith, of Illinois.
Vare, a -republican, was, in ef
fect, stopped at the senate's door,
The oath was denied him until
the special campaign funds com.
mittee can further investigate an'l
report upon the charges of fraud
in both primary and general election.
Like the senator-elect from Illi
nois, he will have an opportunity
to present his case in person ajiq
through council before thi com
mittee and then will be heard on
his own behalf on the senate floor.
Hones of the ' friends of Vare
that his case would prove stronger
than that of Smith were shattered
for the senate vote to deny him the
oath of office was 66 to SO while that
of Smith's case was 53 to28.
"Red Devils" Take
On Heavy Schedule
The Press is in receipt of the
game schedule of the Helix "Red
Devils" basketball team, from L. fr.
Tate. The Helix team, faster than
ever is playing independent ball this
season, and have shouldered big
expense to secure games with the
outstanding teams of the state,
Owine to this fact, and relizing
that the fans of Athena and other
nearbv .towns should appreciate the
opportunity to witness the games,
Mr. Tate and the members or we
Helix team are depending to some
extent, on attendance from these
towns to pull the expense bill out of
the hole.
Helix is prepared to give the fans
their money's worth. They have a
splendjd gym over there with gener
ous seating capacity. Games have
been scheduled Whitman college,
Goldendale Fireman, Grass Valley
Zebras, City of Portland Basketball
Team, and - others. Announcement
of playing dates at Helix will be
given as they are sent in.
Walla Walla. Thirteen Jurymen
are hearing the breach of promise
action which -started Monday in
superior court wherein Mrs, May
Kelly is suing George Drumheller for
$100,000 damages for alleged breach
of promise. The thirteenth juror was
chosen in the case a juryman be
comes ill, that the trial efforts will
not come to naught. Will E. Estes is
the 13th juror and he will sit before
Jud;,-: D. Davidson of Elbnsburg.
Both Mrs. Kelly and Drumheller
were on the stand yesterday and the
testimony f both was heard by a
crowd which packed the small couit-
roqm, with scores standing in the
corridors straining to hear a word
now and then. '
Mr. Drumheller was called by the
plaintiff as the first witness, and
entered a general denial of the
charges. Mrs. Kelly followed the
general line of her written complaint
in her testimony.
Drumheller said Mrs. Kelly had
worked for him most of the time
since 1910 for a wage of $50 a month;
he also borrowed some money from
her. . He felt friendly towards her,
but he said there had never been'any
discussion of marriage between them,
or anything at any time out of. the
Mrs. Kelly, a widow, was in tears at
times as she gave her testimony. She
stated she got money from Mr. Drum
heller frequently, and in large
amounts, and that they had arranged
to be married. In November, 11)26,
she stated ,he told, her he was to
marry another, later doing so.
Jurors are: Jl. H. Hughes, U,
H. Tullock ,G, W. Phelps, H.H.KMen,
A. N. Walker, Mark Bolter, A. Larson
B. J. Sims, Pierre Ganget, Frank
Dalton and Henry Hoffman. Will N,
Estes is the 13th juror.
George Rummens, of Seattle, and
Earle Benson are attorneys for Mrs.
Kelly, and Francis Garrecht, of Spo
kane, and Marvin Evens, of Walla
Walla, attorneys for Mr. Drum
Rcbekah Officials
The Rebekah lodge met Tuesday
evening and entertained Mrs. Etta
Sanderson, presidentof the Rebek
ah Assembly. Mrs. Nellie Bean, Mrs.
Sanderson Sr., of Freewater, and
Mrs. Eva Kimmouth of Walla Walla,
were visitors, also. Election of of
ficers was held as follows: Charlotte
Dickenson. Noble Grand; Belle Pink-
erton, vice-Grand ;Maude Logsdon, re
cording Secretary; Ceha Harden, fi
nancial Secretary; Bessie Thompson,
Treasurer. Laura Gross, Katherme
Keen and Bessie Thompson served
To Held Food Sales
The Baptist Womens' Society have
organized themselves into two di
visions for handling cooked food sale,
Mrs. Emmet Lee and Mrs. Jess
Smith heading the divisions. There
will be a cooked food sale on the
third Saturday of each month at
Steve's store, beginning at 1 o'clock
P. M. Mrs. Lee's division holds the
sale tomorrow.
New Kotary Plow
Prepares beed Bed
In One Operation
A tool that promises to revise
plowing methods, at least for ceitain
conditions, has recently been develop
ed in the form of a rotary plow now
being manufactured in Salem, Ore.
For centuries the American farmer
has plowed his fields with the same
type of instrument. In Palestine and
and other sections of the world the
same type of crude wooden plow is
used today as in pre-historic time.
The new spading , plow can be
attached to an ordinary tractor. The
spading wheels revolve at such a
velocity that the soil is thoroughly
pulverized and prepared for a seed
bed in one operation. Deep plowing
can be done by driving at the rate of
2Vi miles an hour, or moderately deep
at the rate an ordinary plow -team
Cost of preparing the -soil is found
to compare favorably with the cost of
the several operations ordinarily re
quired. Advantages are more thor
ough incorporation of organic refuse
with soil and ability to fit the soil
when the moisture conditions are
right. This one operation prepares the
land to take the smallest seed and if
dry weather follows the soil can be
rolled to avoid any excess looseness
of land,"
Soil specialists from the Oregon
experiment station who have seen
demonstrations with this spading
plow believe it to be a very promising
implement for various conditions
A large type of the machine is also
made to use with powered tractors,
It is now baing used extensively in
South America.
Ted Roy Second
In National Sing
Agnes Davis and Wilbur
Evans Score First
In Final Tese.
Arab Camel Driver
And Prospector to
- Get Arizona Honor
Oregon Granges
Are Prospering
There are 227 Granges in this
state, Clackamas county having the
largest number, 19, Lane coming next
with 17 and- others following Wash
ington county 13, Columbia, 12, Linn
and Union each 10, Baker, Mult'
nomah, Wallowa and Wasco each 9,
Marlon, Polk and Yamhill each 8,
Deschutes, Grant and Lincoln each 7,
Benton, Douglas and Umatilla each 6,
Jackson and Tillamook each 5, Crook,
Gilliam, Hood River, "Jefferson, Jose
phine, Morrow and Wheeler each 4,
Clatsop 3, Coos and Sherman 2 each,
Lake and Malheur 1 each. State
Master Palmiter reports the order in
prosperous condition throughout
Christmas Tree Exercises
The Baptist Sunday school is
giving their Sunday school program
for Christmas, on Friday evening
December 23rd at the church at 7;30
o'clock. There will be readings, play
lets, songs, drills and processionals,
and a real Santa Claus with his bells
and gifts, coming in a whirlwind of
Portland. Ted A. Roy, 22-year-old
tenor who won $2000 jn gold and
ona year's tuition in a leading musical
conservatory by taking second place
from a field of ten contenders in
the finals of the Atwater Kent radio
audition,is a junior at the Oregon
Agricultural college, at Corvallis, and
a resident of Pilot Rock, Or. The
contest in which he participated was
broadcast from WEAF, New York
city, last Sunday night through a
nation-wide chain of stations - in
cluding KGW, The Oregonian sta
tion, during the regular Atwater
Kent hour.
Agnes Davis of Denver and Wilber
W. Evans of West Philadelphia were
adjudged the first prize winners from
among the ten finalists in the At
water Kent national audition over
Roy's victory in the final contest
climaxed a persistent series of tri
umphs covering a period of three
months' efforts. His initial victory
was in the local contest conducted
in Corvallis in September. Then
when the Oregon -state audition was
broadcast from the Oregonian sta
tion three weeks later he bested the
field of nine contenders to win state
honors. In the district elimination
at San Francisco he also won first
place, thereby acquiring the right
to represent the west in the New
York city finals. He shares parallel
honors with Emilo da Prato, San
Francisco soprano, who won second
place in the girl's class.
Coming from pioneer Oregon
stock, Mr. Roy is a typical west
erner. The major portion of his
life has been spent at Pilot Rock
where his father, L. E. Roy, settled
37 years ago and established a
blacksmith shop. It was through
young Roy's labors in his father's
smithy that he acquired the title
of "the singing blacksmith."
From early childhood, young Roy
demonstrated unusual aptitude as
a singer. He inherited a fine tenor
voice from his father, a singer of
more than average ability, and
through the urging of his friends
he went to Pendleton while still in
his early 'teens for professional
coaching. While attending high
school there he continued his musi
cal study.
Quartzsite, Ariz. The resting place
of "Hi Jolly," picturesque Arabian,
who drove camels and hunted for
gold on the Arizona desert in the
early '50s, is about to be immortalized
by the Quartzsite Women's club.
"Hi Jolly," whose real cognomen
was beyond the linguistic abilities of
Arizona settlers of 1850, brought the
first herd of camels into the desert
here to be used by the army for trans
portation. . , - i
His camel driving days ended when
the rocky desert formation proved be
yond the endurence of the camels He
then turned to prospecting. ,.,
Although this ended the camel
freighting, it was not the end of the
camels. As they roamed wild over the
desert.they frightened Indians and
stampeded herds of cattle. Finally
they went the way of the buffalo na
they were hunted and killed. '
The Quartzsite Woman's club plans
to obtain title to the lonely graveyard
located in the desert wastes and have
the school children erect a monument
over the grave of Arizona's first Arib
ian resident.
Dean Siraub; "Grand Old Man of Oregon." Uonored
i 4. -
Mrs. Tompkins Entertains
Mrs John Tompkins entertained the
M. E. Home Missionary society at
her home Wednesday aftarnoon with
a large number of members present,
The home was elaborately decorated
with Christmas appropriateness. "Af
ter the business session an Xmas
playlet was given in which the follow
ing ladies took part: Mesdames H. H.
Hill, Ralph Singer, W. O. Read, W.
McPherson, Clarence Hand. Visitors
present were Mrs. Mable Coppock,
Mrs. Chance Rogers and Mrs. Edgar
Adair. The next meeting of the so
ciety will be at the home of Mrs. Mc-Pherxon.
wi f y
A life-size portait"of John Straub, dean croerltui of m'-n f the Uni
versity of Oregon, was unveiled at the Homcomiitg feri-muii'n-s of the
Trnivpiuity. The picture wai painted by Julian Lfiniac, noted urtint of
Kew York. Many words of prabc for IX-aii traul, ho lias wind the
University for 50 years, were heard at the ftrcui'my. Ia-.hi fci..julj whs
deseribed as "Students' friend and couueeilor for DO years." lit- i still
active on the campus, and holds a prouiiucnt positiu': in lli-- Greek ii pai t
meat. , ' . .
Umatilla County is
Second in Valuation
Salem, Multnomah county's v&l
uation has increased from $321,'
825,485 a year ago to $326,301,300,
according to the 1927 tax roll.
As usual, Umatilla county is first
in the list ofte: Multnomah, though
it has decreased as compared with a
year ago. The respective figures for
that county are $45,798,254 and $43,
Patient Slightly Injured
While enroute from Weston to Port
land for medical treatment, J. E
Lumsden was slightly injured when
the auto, driven by Mrs. Lumsden
went into the ditch at the Coppock
place on the highway east of town
on account ofsnow on the pavement
Mr. Lumsden who was on a bed in the
oar, received slight bruises about the
head. Help soon arrived and the car
pulled back on the road, after Mr
Lumsden had been brought to Athena
in a passing tar. Ralph McEwen
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lumsden
to Portland, the three taking the
train at Pendleton.
Athena Full Time
Students at O. A. C.
Oregon Agriculture College.--
Athena is represented by two of the
3433 full time students registered at
the college this term. The total en
rollment including summer session
and short term courses is nearly 5000
in addition to those registered for ex
tension courses.
Elsa Ringel is a senior in the
school of home economics. She is a
member of the Greater O. A. C. com
mittee which has for its aim the
promotion of the welfare of the state
and college by fostering a finer col
lege spirit and a keener interest in
higher education throughout the
state. Miss Ringel has also par
ticipated in co-ed sports.
Granville Cannon is a freshman in
the school of agriculture. lie is u
member of Tau Kappa EpHiion,
men's social fraternity, and also a
Beaver Knight member from that
organization. The Beaver Knight
chapter of the National Order of
Intercollegiate Knights fosters
student body traditions. '
Oklahoma Governor
Bars Legislature
Calls Out State droops to
Prevent Meeting to
Impeach Him
Oklahoma City. Throe conipunlca
of Oklahoma City units of the national
guard were called out by Adjutant
General Charles F. Barrett, under proa
lamation of Governor Johnston, to
prevent meetings of the state legisia-:
Governor Johnston in his official
statement to General Barrett asserted .
his belief that all matters connected '
with the meeting of the legislature
should be held status quo until the
various court actions had been de
cided. Calling of the militia followed the
voting of five charges of impeach
ment against the governor by the in
surgent house committee, ready to bo
passed on by the house scheduled to
reconvene Monday.
Members of the Oklahoma legisia-,
ture, who have been playing a game
of hide and seek from state militia in
an effort to meet and vote on impeach
ment charges against Governor Henry
S. Johnston, met at the breakfast hour
in a downtown hotel Tuesday and im
peached the executive.
O. P. Hill, speaker of the house of
representatives, announced he had
been Informed the senate would meet
and receive a comm4ttee from the
house with the charges. Members of
the senate met In caucus and pledged
full support to the house.
Chief Justice Fred T. Branson of
the state supreme court and Charles
B. Cordell, president of the state
board of agriculture, also were Im
peached. Justice Branson was charged
with "corruption in office" and Cordell
with alleged "payroll padding." ,
Two Mac Hi Men
Play in 35 Games
Milton Eugle: The Medford game
terminated the brilliant career of two
Mac-Hi's valiant Pioneers, Merle
Hufford, sensational halfback, and
"Stonewall" Max Carney. They have
both played on the Mac- Hi football
team for four years and have won
fame by their splendid playing. These
two men have played in a total of
thirty-five games, vanquishing twen
ty-seven opponents, tying two, and
bowing down to six. They have help
ed win the Eastern Oregon champion
ship for two successive years, and as
a final reward, they got to play for
the state championship. Merle won
his fame by his spectacular open
field running, while Max won his
by his ability to hold that line.
St. Johns Won Game .
The St. Johns, Wash, high school
basketball team took the first game
of the season from Athena, Thursday
evening of last week, on the home
floor, score 22 to 11. Athena potted
two baskets at the start of the game,
but the St. Johns lads soon closed up
the gap, and led throughout. The
Adams boys and girln' teams play
Athena in the home gym, Monday
Zero Weather
This part of Umatilla county has
been experiencing winter weather
since last Saturday night when the
thermometer registered 7 below zero.
Since then the weather has moder
ated. The ground Is covered with
about two inches of snow. In the
Helix district, the snow was drifted
considerably by a strong wind.
Cholera Breaks Out
Salem. A representative of the
state veterinarians' office will leave
for Tigh Valley, Wasco county, to
inoculate "hogs, where cholera has
. made its appearance. The disease
was reported to Dr. W. H. Lytic,
state veterinarian, by C W. Dj!gh,
Witdcd founty agent.
Will Hold Turkey Shoot
The Athena Gun Club will hold its
second turkey shoot of the season
on the home shooting grounds, Sun
day. Shooting will begin promptly
at 10 a. m. The traps will be in
readiness and the turkeya on hand at
that hour, and scatter gun devotees
from Pendleton and other nearby
towns are coming to participate in
the shoot.
Washington, D. C Sentences ag
gregating 4,477 years and fines total
ing $5,775,225.48 wore imposed this
year for violations of the dry law,
Dr. J. M. Doran, prohibition commis
sioner, declared in his annual report to
Secretary of the Treasury Mellon.
Doran prosented a matter of fact-
story of the bureau's accomplishments,
asked for no new legislation, delivered
no lectures on prohibition, and mude
no spectacular claims about enforce
ment work.
"Prohibition agents made 64,986 ar
rests during the year ended June 30,
1827, and seized 7,137 automobiles,
valued at $3,529,296.70, and 353 boats,
valued at $316,823," he reported. "As
a result of the work of such agents
51,945 prohibition cases against Indi
viduals were handled in federal courts
and 36,546 persons were convicted, of
which numbor 11,818 were given Jail
Poland and Lithuania Agree to Settle
Their Differences.
Geneva. Poland and Lithuania for
mally declared themselves at peace at
a special session of the council of the
leHgue of nations. They agreed to en
ter Into direct negotiations with each
other for the settlement of their dif
ferences. This probably means that
full diplomatic relations will be re
stored shortly. ..
Premier WuldemaraH of Lithuania
and M. Zaleskl, Polish forelgu minis
ter, announced before the council that
they accepted the Polish-Lithuanian
Premiers Pllsudskl and Waldemarad
have agned to enter negotiations as
soon as posalblo In order to establish
relations between their two status
which will "liMure a good understand
ing butweon the nations, upon't'.i
peace depends."
The Etude Club
The Etude Club met at the home
of Mrs. Loyd Michener Thursday
afternoon with Miss Evalyn Sellars
and Miss Mildred Bateman as host
esses. Mrs. C. M. Eager gave a
musical reading, "The night Before
Christmas. Mrs. O, IL Reeder rend
ered a vocal solo, Miss Zola Keen a
piano Kclecti'm. Refreshment:; were
k-rvd by the h..Ut.
Alleged Rum Ring Leaders Sentenced.
Tacoma, Wash. Klmer Gibson, ex
sheriff of days Harbor county, was
sentenced to serve 18 months in the
United States penitentiary at McNeil
Island and to. pay a fine of $5000 for
violation of the federal prohibition
law. Sentence wa.i pn.nounced by
Judge Cusihinan in C'nitu 1 States dis
trict court here. A. J. Curtid ond It.
O. Lane rtc;ivel similar sentences.
Gibson, On tie ana Lano the re
Pitted leaum ct the mm ling.