The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 09, 1927, Image 2

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    Ste'Afbtna Ites
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rate.
One copy, one year V J2,00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months . , "
Athena, Oregon, December 1927
The important question of school
money and the present school system
is being discussed at Pendleton,
where they have a Parent-Teacher's
Association of large membership.
In other districts of the county, Parent-Teacher
Associations are active
in bringing school adminstration in
close contact with school patrons
and through these organizations to
a great extent, the matter of school
taxes are being taken up. At the
present time Athena has no Parent
Teacher's association. If such an
organization functioned here, the
school tax, as well as other matters
concerning school welfare could be
brought forward for intelligent dis
cussion and eventual harmonious
pffnrt in sunnorting the school
might result. Of recent activities
at Pendleton, the East Oregonian
The subject of "School Finance"
was suggested to the Umatilla
rmintv rnuncil of the P. T. A. at
their meeting in the Library Satur
dav afternoon as a field of labor
worthy of comprehensive study by
J. A. Yeager, county school super
intendent, who urges that a study
of the sources of school funds and
items of expense would be bene
Mr. Yeager said in part, "For ;
new field of labor and along en
tirely different lines, I would, sug'
gest that you take up for this year
the study of the subject of 'School
Finance'. After all, money is the
deciding factor in the success of
most enterprises. Without funds
universal education would cease.
We now spend large sums for edu
cation and must spend yet larger
sums. To offset the tendency to
criticize those expenditures, I be
lieve that a study of the sources of
school funds and of the items of
expense, will be beneficial.
"A larger taxation unit, and an
equalization of the tax burden, are
subjects requiring much study.
Legislation will be forthcoming
along these lines, and you may help
to solve the problem and to direct
legislation, by a study of this sub
ject. "There is something wrong with
a system that supports a school in
one district without a tax and re
quires in another district a levy of
22 mills. There is also something
wrong when one teacher is paid
$!)00 for doing the same work for
which another teacher receives $1500.
"There are facts taken from
your own country to show that an
adjustment is needed, and I believe
that a frank discussion of the en
tire financial system of our schools,
after an honest effort has been made
to obtain the facts, will bring bene
ficial results."
A wonderful football player- is
llufford, and the tribute given him
families in Oregon totaled $105,100.
There is a steady flow of farm
families into the state through serv
ices of the Land Settlement Depart
While Mayor "Big" Bill toys with
his King George pipe dream, crime
runs rampant in Chicago, with a
greater death toll than ever. What
the windy city needs is organization
of decent citizenry into an old-time
vigilance committee of the whole and
a wipe out of the gangster element
in general.
A new mechanical epidemic seems
to have struck air plane craft. Fre
quence is noted where planes are
being forced down because of "tail
"Pussyfoot" Johnson says a damp
candidate has no chance. Further it
may be said the statement was not
originated by "Pussy."
by a writer in the Morning Oregonian
was earned and merited, eery ward
of it. The reason that Mac-lli did
not score in the Medford ganu) was
no fault of Hufford's. His team is
a good one as high school teams go,
and no aspersion is meant when we
wiy it was outclassed by the giants
from Southern Oregon. But not so
with llufford. This boy scintillated
in his plays against the Medford
avalanche to heights where he easily
stood above any player on the field.
While Mac-Hi did not win the state
championship she has contributed to
Oregon football a star player of first
(Oregon Journal Bureau)
The direct tax burden on the farms
of the United States increased from
a little less than $350,000,000 in 1914
to almost $900,000,000 in 1926, and
Secretary Jardine of the department
of agriculture in his annual report,
made public today, makes observa
tion that:
"If the assessment of the real es
tate bore some immediate relation
ship to the current income from
such property, the farmer's tax dif
ficulties would be decreased in those
sections where at , the same time
other industrial groups had increased
tax-paying ability."
Explaining that annual change of
assessment to conform to changes iit
income seems to be an "impossible
task," and that a "complete change"
to the income basis cannot be expect
ed, Secretary Jardine suggests that
progress can be made in tax reform
for the farmer by increasing the
sources or income other than tan
gible property, the spreading of the
tax base and improvement in the as
sessment system.
The general property tax was used
by the states and their subdivisions
to raise 78 per cent of their revenue
in 1922, the secretary continues, and
this ratio is probably the same
at the present time. As the farmer's
property is of the kind that lies in
plain sight, the assessor sees it, and
the farmer pays beyond his propor
tion. Some states, he adds, reach
other sources by the income tax,
commodity taxes and license, corpo
ration and business taxes, but these
are received in the local units in
relatively small amounts.
Taxation has increased about 150
per cent for the farmer since 1914
the secretary finds, while the gross
value of farm crops has increased
about CO per cent. Taxes take 30 per
cent of the net farm income in many
sections. The increase, it is stated,
has been due to normal growth in
population, to the rising price level
additional governmental, services
principally for schools and roads.
"To condemn the general increase
in governmental expenditures and to
continue to demand enlared serv
ices from the government is a com
mon inconsistency." adds Jardine.
Reiterating his view that the tariff
on farm products should be levied as
nearly as possible to insure the home
market to the American farmer, the
secretary says that trustworthy sta
tistics are not available to show tho
degree in which the farm tariff is off
set by its effect on commodities
that, farmers have to buy. He
stops a little short of recommending
tariff revision, but says:
Any discrimination which mav
exist should be ascertained and cor
rected. This, I am convinced, would
be welcomed by American farmers
Chroniclings from Mexico usually
contain details of destruction of
towns in bandit warfare, but a
white spot was written in newspaper
headlines this week in recounting
the heroic exploit of a Mexican loco
motive engineer, who coupled his
engine to a burning car of dynamite,
hauled it away from a town, and
unhitched from it a few seconds be
fore the explosion took place all
of which goes to prove that heroes
are born, not made; no matter where
their birth place may bo.
who, on the whole,want to be shown
what their position is in our tariff
structure. ... It should be our
aim to give agriculture protection
against foreign competition in our
markets equal to that enjoyed by
industry and labor."
Jardine repeats his opposition to
any direct government action for
farm relief, expressing the opinion
that what is necessary can be done
by the joint effort of organized
farmers, with the government giving
such aid "as it safely may."
Concrete assistance may be pro
vided for stabilizing corporations, he
says, and farther extension of credit
should be arranged for production
and marketing advances, particularly
operative marketing purposes.
(Morning Oregonian)
The New York Tribune, which
once greatly lamented the with
drawal of Mr. Coolidge, and first
promoted the draft idea, now sadly
languishing, and then viewed with
an admiring eye the distinguished
availablity of Mr Hughes, now re
cords, through its Washington cor
respondent, the expert opinion of in
formed republican observers that, if
there were a presidential primary in
New York, Herbert Hoover would
have more votes than all other re
publican candidates put together.
Yet the authorized political machine
in New York is looking in every di
rection but Hoover's.
We merely mention to wonder
about it. The Tribune hints that
the international bankers are the
source of Hoover opposition, and
their reason is that he is against
their pet idea for cancellation of
European war debts.
But the New York favor for Mr.
Hughes cannot on the contrary thus
be accounted for. Nor has Mr. Mel
lon, who has said he feels friendly to
Mr. Hughes, cancelled as secretary of
the treasury any large sums owed us
by Europe.
The notion has powerfully seized
the New York politicans that only
Mr. Hughes stands a chance to carry
New York against Al Smith. They
think that if New York is lost, all js
lost. Nonsense, of course; but his
local needs and fears, and not the
board national view.will control the
average New York mind every time.
Mr. Hughes was twice elected gover
nor of New York, in 1906 by about
58,000 plurality, and in 1908 by 68,
000 plurality. Yet in 1920 Mr.
Harding, of Ohio, for president de
feated Mr. Cox, of Ohio, for presi
dent, in New York, by about 1,100,
000 plurality ajid in 1924 Mr.
Coolidge, of Massachusetts, carried
New York over Mr. Davis, of West
Virginia and New York, by nearly
Does it require a New York can
didate to carry New York for .the
presidency on any ticket?
The Churches
Baptist Church
Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. De
votional at 11:00 A. M. Topic, the
fourth in series on Christ and the
Modern World, The Sinlessness of
Jesus. No evening services of any
kind. Everybody going to Pendleton
for the afternoon and evening ses
sion of Umatilla County B. Y. P. U.
at which the principle speaker will be
Dr. Milliken of Portland. Young Peo
ples Prayer and Praise every
Wednesday evening at 7:30 P. M,
Mid-Week devotional and evangel
istic Bible every Thursday evening a
7:30 P. M. Sunday School Conven
tion at first Baptist Church at
Pendleton Friday evening at 7:30
P. M. Dr. Milliken of Portland will
be in this service also.
There will be a Christmas tree at
the Baptist Sunday-school next Sun
day morning Dec. 11th, at the regular
Sunday-school hour for gifts from
our school to go to homes in Manague
Nicaragua, Central America where
there will be no tree on Christmas
morning. The following is a sug
gested list from which to select your
gift: Crochet cotton (fine) Emb,
pieces and hoops, white baby dresses
(low neck) mosquito bar, childrens
cotton clothing, for hot weather, all
sizes. For boys: mouth organs, balls,
handkerchiefs and combs. Girls
dolls, beads, purses and handkerchiefs
Women: towels, aprons, needles and
scissors. Men: handkerchiefs, sox,
note books, cufflinks and ties.
Have you made your Christmas list?
Yes, beyond a doubt!
It is Jesus' birthday, too,
Did you leave Him out?
Make his gift the first of all!
"Inasmuch as ye
Did it to the least of mine
Ye have given to me!"
Church of Christ
For Sunday, December 11, Bible
school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching and
worship at 11 o'clock a. m., and at
7:30 p. m. The two young people's
organizations' meet at 6:45 p. m,
All young people who are not affil
iated with any organization in town
are welcome.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of G. H,
Schubert. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: lhat A.
O. Schubert has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of O. H.
Schubert, deceased. All persons hav-
mer claims against said estate are
hereby required to present them,
with rjroDer vouchers to said admin
istrator at his home near Athena,
Oregon, or to Will M. Peterson and
George R. Lewis, his attorneys, at
their law offices in the Stangier
Buudme. Pendleton. Oregon, within
six months of the date of the first
publication of this notice which is
the 18th day of November. 1927.
A. O. SCHUBERT, Administrator.,
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis
Attorneys for Administrator.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of H.
McArthur, Deceased.
'Notice is hereby eiven that the un
dersigned has been appointed execut
rix of the last will and testament ot
H. McArthur, deceased, by an order
of the above entitled Court.
All persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased are here
by notified to present the same to
me at Athena, Oregon, or to my at
torneys, Watts & Prestbye, at their
office in Athena, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. All claims
must be verified as by law required.
JJated at Athena. Oregon, this letn
day of November, 1927.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of H. McArthur, Deceased.
Watts & Prestbye Athena. Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. N18D16.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the Estate of Will
iam P. Willaby, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed her final ac
count and report in the above entitled
matter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday, the 7th
day of January, 1928, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, as
the time, and the County Court room
in the County Court house at Pen
dleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, as
tne place, lor the hearing of said fi
nal account and report. Objections
to said final account and report
should be filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 9th
day of December, A. D. 1927.
Administratrix of the Estate of Will
iam P. Willaby, Deceased. Watts &
Prestbye.Athena, Oregon, Attor
neys for Estate. D9J6
Washing Machines, Gasoline Stoves, Lamps
and Lanterns, Silverware, Aluminum ware,
Graniteware, Cutlery, Boys' Sleds, Wagons
and Tools, 'Kiddiecars.
Rogers Goodman
( A Mercantile Trust)
yi We Handle Genuine H
A GoodsrNo Substitutes. g
Good, Clean
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
American Beauty Bread
Baked 'by the most modern and up-to-date process known to the
art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask
your grocer.
MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Rugs Cleaned and Sized
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
, F, E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 683.
The Women's Christian Tem
perance Union proposes to put presi
dential candidates on the carpet with
the view to finding where they
stand on the prohibition question.
Cul and Al and others have been in
vited to expound their views at a
big demons! ration meeting to be held
in Chicago !he laUor part of Jan
uary. And the invitations do not end
It. S. V. P. either.
In the opinion of the Press, the
most interesting report that comes to
the oditqr's desk, is that from the
Land Settlement Department of the
Portland and Oregon State Chambers
of Commerce. The current report
discloses the arrival of thirty-two
Adair's Cash Grocery
Phone 567 Free Delivery
vyith two packages of Mueller's Spag,
Mac or Noodles. Three Post Toasties
Mother's Oats with China
.25 Blu J Broom
FOR $1.00
Mountain Potatoes, $1; No.l Diamond
Walnuts, 30c lb.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Athena. Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Scalp Treatments
Shampoos, Henna Packs
Weston Beauty shoppe
Located in Barber Shop
Lilla B. Shelton.
to all points
in Oregon
Idaho and
Sale Dates
final return limit January 5
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Karris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
P A C l1 F
Athena. Ores
jjj f
0 faf
Foley's Honey and Tar
cores colds, prevents pneumonl
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena. Oregon
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITSWe will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semiannually.
Preston-Shalfer Milling Co.
is made in Athena, b" Athena labor, in one ol the very- best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant xMillers & Grain Buyers
Ythena, Oregon. -
Waitsburg, Wash