The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 25, 1927, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Fred Thompson and Silver King
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Charles Booher of Adams was in
Athena, Monday.
R. A. Thompson spent the week
end at Heppner, Oregon.
Dr. J. L. Geyer is spending the
Thanksgiving holiday in Portland.
Mrs. C. M. Eager and Mrs. Henry
Dell spent Tuesday in Walla Walla.
A. E. Shick is confined to his bed
in the west v&rt of town, with th
Mrs. Barney Foster and daughter
Arleen were Pendleton visitors Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross motored
to Prescott, Washington, on business,
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parris moved
to their new home near Walla Wal
la Tuesday.
Mrs. Theresa Berlin spent last
Thursday in Athena from her home
in Walla Walla.
Edear Schultz of Rosebud, Alberta
Canada is here visiting at the home
of Mrs. Dora Geissel.
Leonard Geissel and Brooks Ander
son motored to Portland Tuesday
evening. They will return Sunday
M. I. Miller accompanied by Eldon
Myrick went to Cheney, Washington
yesterday after a load of furniture.
Mrs. Edgar Adair and daughter
Reta and Mabel left Wednesday eve
ning for Idaho to spend the week
Mr. Claridge of Portland was in
Athena Saturday. He is connected
with the Peoria Life Insurance com
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen, re
turned from Portland and Bend, Sun
day, where they spent their honey
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Geissel of
Milton spent Thanksgiving day in
Athena at the home of Mrs. Dora
Miss Gladys Dickenson and Hen
ry Knight were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, Saturday
Mrs. Laura Froom left Wednes
day morning to spend the week end
with her daughter Mrs. Cooley of
S. N. Adkins of New Plymoth, Ida
ho, visited at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Lew McNair, the fore part
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Banister ofc
Walla Walla spent the week end in
Athena at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bern Banister.
Miss Lois Mclntyre who has been
ill in a hospital about ten days, suf
fering with bronchitis, is reported to
be improving.
It is reported that Mrs. Fred
Gross has purchased the old Henry
Schmitt farm west of Athena, from
George Gerking.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Purcell of Wes
ton are the parents of a baby girl,
weighing 5 pounds, born to them No
vember 18, 1927.
Mrs. Mamie Swan was in the city
the first of the week visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Nora Desper, and
calling on old friends.
Major Jim Dunning was a gunning
up this way the fore part of the
week for "E. ().," subscriptions. Jim
goes out and gets 'em.
Mrs. Delia Booher and daughtti
Marjorie of Walla Walla, spent Sun
day in Athena at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Zerba.
Harold Kirk arrived yesterday
morning from Portland where he
has been attending Hill's Military
academy, to visit over the week end
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Kirk. . :
Mrs. Charles Henry, Mrs. Lee John
son and Mrs. Ethel Montague spent
Saturday in Pendleton, guests -of
Mrs. H. J. Cunningham.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mclntyre and
Mrs. A. M. Johnson left Wednesday
morning by motor for Eugene, to
spend Thanksgiving day.
Mrs. Bert Ramsay left Wednes
day morning for Portland where she
will visit indefinitely at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Grace Kintzley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Huggins who
have spent several months in Park
dale, where they were employed, re
turned to Athena, Friday afternoon.
Monday night of this week was
the coldest and snappiest, so far
this fall. Ice and frost were very
much in evidence Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Minnie Willaby who spent
several days last week at the home
of her son and family, Virgil Will
aby, in Freewater has returned home,
Miss Arleen Myrick of Athena and
Mrs. Thomas Mosgrove of Milton
spent the week end in Helix at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ander
son. '
The Royal Gleaners class are earn
estly working on the play to be
presented in the near future, "Club
bing a Husband." Watch for the
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell and
daughter Miss Thena Russell left
Wednesday noon for Condon, where
they will spend the Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and
family spent Sunday in Walla Walla
visiting Mr. Eager's mother, who is
a patient at the General hospital in
that city.
John Pinkerton is replacing Bryco
Baker, during the latter's absence in
Spokane and Portland. If in need
of any Continetal Oil service remem
ber Johnny.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher and
Harvey Booher of Condon visited
last week in Athena with Mr. ' and
Mrs. W. C. Russell, returning to Con
don, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece of
Walla Walla and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cockburn of Milton spent Friday in
Athena, ot the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sims Dickenson.
Donald Haynie who formerly re
sided in Athena with his parenti',
was up from Pendleton, Sunday.
Donald is employed in the J. C Pen
ney store there.
Little Miss Peggy Hill, wee daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hill of
Walla Walla, spent the past week at
the home of her grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. H. H. Hill.
The annual dinner and bazaar, to
be held by the Ladies Aid society of
the Christian church, will be held in
the basement of the church on Sat
urday, December 10th.
On Thursday evening, December 1,
officers for the ensuing year will be
nominated by Phythian Lodge No.
29, K. of P. All lodge members are
requested to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerba and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Zerba
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest
Zerba and family attended a fam
ily dinner Thanksgiving day in
Pendleton, at the home of Mrs. E.
A. Mumford.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker en
tertained at dinner Thanksgiving
The following out of town guests
were, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker
of Warden, Washington; Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Richmond of Walla Wal
la; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Booher of
Pendleton and John Walker and
daughter Jennie,
J. H. BOOHER, Prop.
Quick Service and Good Work
We Call for Clothing on Monday Bnd Deliver on Thursday. Agency
at Whitehead's Shop.
and Grave Memorials
Beauty and Durability
Let us help you in making your selection. Our ser
vice and workmanship is the best to be had, and our
prices are very reasonable. We have a very com
plete stock to select from, of American and Foreign
Granite. See what is to be had in your home coun
ty before you buy.
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
P&5afc Under New Management
T. L. REEDY, Proprietor
"Spring Fever"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Mr." and Mrs. Arnold Wood, Mrs.
Jesse Myrick, Clifford Wood and Lee
Banister left for Portland Wednes
day, and tomorrow will attend the
Carnegie Tech-Oregon State football
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker left
Sunday morning for Spokane, return
ing Tuesday evening. Sunday they
will go td Portland where Mr. Baker
will receive medical attention for a
bone graft.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow entertained
the Bridge club ladies, Friday after
noon. Mrs. Henry Dell received
high score for the afternoon. A
two-course luncheon was served by
the hostess. ;
Miss Merle Best was up from Pen
dleton, and spent the wek end with
Miss Zola Keen. Miss Best was a
popular teacher in the Athena schools
for two terms, and is now teaching
in Pendleton.
Mrs. Emily Walker and daughter
Virginia of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
visited last wek in Athena and Pen
dleton. Mrs. Walker was looking af
ter farming interest. Jos. N. Scott
is, farming her land.
- Omer Stephens drove to Hot' Lake
Tuesday and brought his sister-in
law, Mrs. Thad Stephens, to her
home in Pendleton. .Mrs. Stephens
is convalescing after an operation at.
the Hot Lake sanitarium-
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking are
making extensive improvements on
their farm home west of town. The
living and dining rooms have been
thrown together and a Are place built
large windows added and several
rooms redecorated.
The dance given by the Bridge
club ladies, Saturday at Legion hall
was largely attended and enjoyed by
all present. The ladies served sand'
wiches, cake and coffee at a late
hour. The Jolly Joy-Makers orchestra
furnished the music.
The baby daughter born to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Beckner at St. An
thony hospital, Pendleton, November
23, died the following day. The re
mains were brought to Athena for
burial, interment taking place this
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Marion Hansell returned Monday
from Portland, where in company
with Henry Collins and Dr. Hanivan
of Pendleton, he spent a couple of
days with Portland friends on a
hunting preserve, shooting ducks, of
which they bagged a plenty.
Will Russell has returned from Al
berta, where he went after the har
vest season was over in Umatilla
county. He was at Nanton and Cal
gary, and when he departed from
there last week, he left behind him
plenty of snow and below zero
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley spent
Saturday with friends in Pendleton.
Thanksgiving day was " duly ob
served in Athena. Stores and busi
ness houses remained closed, family
gatherings were in order, and, as a
result, there are fewer turkeys in
the community.
A few Odd Fellowsand Rebekahs
met together Monday evening st
the I. 0. 0. F. and K. of P. hall,
when the evening was spent with cards
and radio. R. -A Thompson installed
a radio for the occasion. After a
few hours the party repaired to Kil-
gores Cafe for refreshments.
Twelve little friends of Betty Ven-
able were invited to a birthday par
ty given by her mother Friday af
ternoon. The little guests greatly
enjoyed games and much fun was
had by all. Mrs. Venable served re
freshments and centering the table
was a birthday cake containing eight
Eugene Kirk, seventeen year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kirk,
was a member of the Dayton high
school stock judging team which made
the highest average of any team in
the state of Washington. The team
went to Kansas City, last week,
where they came out second in the
National stock judging contest. The
pictures of the. team appeared in the
Sunday Oregonian.
Nominations for officers for the
coming year was held Tuesday eve
ning in Mignonette Rebekah lodge
and business was transacted after
which Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs.
Fred Pinkerton and Mrs. Lila Kirk
served delicious salad and cake.
The president of the Rebekah lodge
will meet with the local lodge next
meeting night which is Dec. nber 13,
and all members are as'ked to be
present. A committee of five was
appointed to serve for that night.
The J. T. club entertained at the
home of Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen Jr., in
Adams Friday evening in honor of
Mrs. Grant Prestbye, who left Sat
urday morning for Kalispell, Mon
tana, where she will make her home
in the future. Bridge was the di
version of the afternoon, Mrs. Max
Hopper winning high score. Mrs.
Arthur Douglas and Mrs. C. L. Mc
Fadden served a dainty two-course
luncheon. The next meeting of the
club will be at the home of Mrs. C.
L. McFadden December-Mb. Guests
of the club were, Mrs. Bryce Bak
er, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. Ellis
Brower of Pendleton and Mrs. Smith
of California. .
High School Notes
Junior News Staff.
Editor Alberta Charlton
Classes Pearl Green
Faculty Wilf ord Miller
Alumni Oral Michener
Athletics Weldon Bell
Student Body .... Emma Ringel
Society Mildred Street
Grades ...Areta Kirk
Personal Marjorie Wilson
Advisor Miss Bateman
The typing papers which proved to
be best for the week ending No
vember 18 were those of: Itol Schu
bert, Helen Hansell, Areta Kirk, and
Alberta Charlton.
yThe senior class decided at a class
meeting held recently that they
would send their rings back, as they
are not satisfactory.
Kathleen Radtke was hostess at
a tea 'at her home Saturday after
noon. Those present were Doris and
Lorena Schubert, Thena Russell,
Jessiedeane Dudley and the hostess
Pearl Greene was in Walla Walla
Emma Ringel was in Walla Wal
la Saturday and in Pendleton Sun-
Mildred Street spent the week end
in Pendleton.
Ethel Pittman and Alberta Charl
ton spent Saturday in. Walla Walla.
Wilf ord Miller, Walter Huffman,
Jim and Roland Wilson went to He
lix Sunday.
Areta Kirk, Marjorie Wilson and
Armand Bell went to Helix Friday
to attend the high school Lyceum.
.'The usual Friday assembly of the
four high school classes was held
November 18 for the purpose of sing
ing a few songs. After the singing,
veils were given in honor of the I en-
dleton-Athena football game.
The freshmen-sophomore party was
held Friday evening, November 18 at
the schoolhouse. Games were play
ed on the gym floor and in the par
ty room. At a late hour refresh
ments were served. Guests of the
classes were: Lois Smith, Reta Adair,
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, Miss Brodie,
Miss Bateman, . Mrs. Toole and the
class advisers, Mr. Toole and Mr.
A Thanksgiving program was pre
sented in the high school auditorium,
Wednesday at 2:00 o'clock. The pro-
gram was as follows: Address oi
Welcome, Marjorie Montague; Drills,
First and Second grades, (a) "Voices
from the Cellar," (b) "Rolling Pin
Drill"; Playlet, "What the Spirit of
Thankseivine Meant to Teddy,"
Third and Fourth Grades; Recitation,
"Tommy's Thankfulness," Aaron
Douglas; Piano duet, "Tales of Hoft-
man." Betty Eager and Marjorie
Douglas; Playlet, "For These, Thy
Mercies," Fifth and Sixth grades;
Selection, Girl's Glee club; Play,
"Thanksgiving at Swallow Lodge,"
Seventh and Eishth srrades; Read
ing, "When Father Carves the Duck-'
Carl Calvert; A Fond Farewell, Hel
en Barrett.
Faculty .
Miss Bateman went to Pendleton
Mr. M. I. Miller has rented Mrs.
Lula Prestbye's home for the re
minder of the year. During the
Thanksgiving vacation he will jour
ney to Endicott for his furniture.
Beryl Hodgen, captain of the
Oregon football team, has been
pledged to Friars, upper-class hon
orary. Pledging to Friars takes
place twice a year when the most
outstanding stude'nt leaders are tak
en into the organization. Member
ship Is one of the highest honors
that can come to an Oregon man.
Lois Mclntyre is ill with bronchitis
in Eugene.
Student Body
A discussion for a "pep" rally vas
the purpose of holding t a student
body meeting Friday, November 18,
at 1:00 o'clock. A motion was made
by Clifford Wood that a football ral
ly be held at 7:15 that evening. The
motion was carried and the rally
was held.
A fire drill was practiced on Wed
nesday mornihg. Every one was out
in sixteen seconds.
Watch vain that de&M caa
pwfaoal Thlf kmr wteh hat
a white fold filled engraved
ad a dcpeaaaoM m jbwm
Bulovm Movement.
FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler
Pendleton, Oregon
for Wind, Rain
or Bright Sunshine
Aero-Jacks are made for those who drive. For- those who hike or for those
who engage in any outdoor activity whatsover. Slip into an Aero-Jack and
feel the warm, soft cloth in the inside, the 'outside is an impenetratable
sheen which defies the onslaught of the elements with the unconcern of a
brick wall.
They are windproof, rainproof and will not crack.
Boy's and girl's, $3.50; Men's and women's. $5.00.
, Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday, November 26
Fred Thompson
Silver King
A Regular Scou
The powerful drama of a man's regeneration through the influence of the
Boy Scouts ! A man bent on vengeance his accidental association with the
Boys and the manner in which they win him from his mad scheme of ven
geance! Then his turn comes to help them and he risks his life for one of
the boys ! An amazing story of a man's salvation A thrilling tale of dangers
and hair-breadth escapes! Drama and thrills running neck and neck in a
picture that will literally take your breath away. Officially endorsed by
The Boy Scouts of America.
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, November 27
iliiam Haines
Joan Crawford and George K. Arthur
Remember William Haines in "Tell itto the Marines," and George K. Ar
thur in "Rookies," they are cast together in this splendid comedy-drama, ful
of fun, and what it takes to make a good picture.
Pathe Review
Admission Prices. 10c-25c-35c
December 3rd
"The Garden of Allah"