The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 28, 1927, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Miss Evelyn Sellars spent the week
end in Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke were
in Pendleton Monday.
Mrs. Earl Smith left Sunday eve
ning for Seattle on a short trip.
Elmo Russell a former Athena boy
is visiting at the Chamberlain home.
Miss Marie Foster was a week
end visitor at the Clarence Tubbs
Mrs. Bollinger spent Thursday in
Pendleton attending an Association
Marion O'Hara and Ernest Ross
were in the .city Wednesday, from
Mrs. M. M. Johns will entertain
the Study club at her home this af
Miss Mildred Bateman and Miss
Dorothy Brodie spent the week end
in Milton.
Miss Hilda Dickenson was a din
ner guest of Mrs. Minnie Willaby
Miss Edna Pinkerton was a Sunday
guest at the Francis Lieuallen home
in Adams.
Mrs, Michener and Miss Edna De
Freece were Walla Walla callers
Mrs. M. L. Watts left Sunday
morning for Portland, on a short
business trip.
Mrs. E. A. Bennett presented the
Press with a fine boquet of dahlias,
grown at her home on West Main
street. The blooms comprised gor
geous specimens of the dahlia at its
best, varied in glowing colors and
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper are
driving a new Buick sedan, one of
the latest models.
Mrs. Lew McNair spent Sunday at
her home here, returning to Pendle
ton Sunday evening.
Mrs. Fox of Waitsburg, Washing
ton was agu est at the Fred Ker
shaw home Sunday.
Miss Vena Marcus of Pendleton
was a dinner guest at the A. M
Johnson home Sundav.
Beginning November 1, the Duf
field barber shop will close at 7 p
m., except on Saturdays.
Dr. S. F. Sharp reports the loss
of his medicine case, stolen from his
office Tuesday evening.
Dick Winshin is here from Salem
where he spent the summer, with his
father, William Winship.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Guerney of
Baker, Oregon, spent the week end
at the W. P. Littlejohn home.
Mrs. Bryce Baker, Mrs. Jennie
Gross and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye were
Walla Walla visitors Monday.
Miss Edna Pinkerton, Miss Hilda
Dickenson and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton
were in Walla Walla Monday.
Mrs. Delia Booher and Mrs. Ther
esa Berlin of Walla Walla were in
Athena Sunday visiting friends.
Henry Dell and a party of hunters
returned Friday with a lanre buck
to their credit as real hunters.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harriman
of Portland have been week end vis
itors at the H. A. Barrett home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson. Mr.
and Mrs. Claud Dickenson and Mr.
and Grave Memorials
Beauty and Durability
Let us help you in making your selection. Our ser
vice and workmanship is the best to be had, and our
prices are very reasonable. We have a very com
plete stock to select from, of American and Foreign
Granite. See what is to be had in your home coun
ty before you buy.
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
V V Under New Management
T. L. REEDY, Proprietor
and Mrs. Fred Gross spent Sunday
in Waitsburg and surrounding coun
try. For Sale Weanling pigs and a
good, fresh milk cow. Lawrence
Pinkerton. Phone 26F12, Athena.
Dr. Geyer returned Tuesday eve
ning from Tacoma, where he was
called on aecount of his father's ill
Mrs. E. A. Bennett returned to her
home in Athena Sunday, ofter vis
iting relatives at Portland and Long-view.
. ...
J. H. BOOHER, Prop.
Quick Service and Good Work
We Call for Clothing on Monday and Deliver on Thursday. Agency
at Whitehead's Shop.
N. n.Mu i u 1, . ' "'"'"renowned Horse Show, Wi
.adTll P Show, Northwest Fox Show, Manufacturer.' Wl
tZt ,d 1 rodu,ct. Show, Boy.' and Girl.' Club Woric. W
Dairy Cattle Hn-. sk u 1 rlIe 1 ur area Beet.
iJ,e, ."0e"' Sheep, Hum, i.;ot. Fosn. I-.,., P, t ... .
.,, Oct. 2. Nov. 3. HedUc.d 1 .U SZST
KM offers PoWd.6r;.oXb. tf,
Milton Bread
Small Loaves 3 for 25c
Large Loaves 2 for 25c
Quality, Seyvice and Price-Profits Small, Business
Great, that's the way we operate
Adair's Cash Grocery
Phone 567 Free Delivery
Mrs. Lee Whitehead and son were
Athena visitors Tuesday from Pen
dleton, where they have recently removed.
The Jolly Joy Maker's Orchestra
furnished the music for the dances
given at Freewater, during the Ap
ple Show.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson and
daughter Gladys called at the T. P.
DeFreece home near Walla Walla,
Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Bollinger
spent last Saturday afternoon in
Pendleton, motoring down with Mrs.
M. L. Watts.
Mrs. H. A. Barrett was a guest of
Mrs. Dan Mclntyre of Helix, when
Mrs. Mclntyre was hostess to a .num
ber of ladies. ,
C M. Eager and 0. 0. Stephens
were among the foot ball fans who
attended the W .S. C.-U. of 0., game
in Pendleton Friday.
Arthur Taylor spent the week end
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Taylor. Arthur is attending business
college in Walla Walla.
The Circle lodge will meet Novem
ber 1st, and it is requested that all
members attend as business of im
portance is to be transacted. 4
Mrs. M. L. Watts and a party of
ladies, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. A. A.
Kimball, Rev. and Mrs. Bollinger
spent Saturday afternoon in Pendle
Henry Barrett is seriously in need
of his two-horse Fresno. , He loaned
it to somebody, and has forgotten
who, and he would appreciate its re
Weston Leader: Mr. and Mrs.
Flint Johns and children, Helen, Bil
ly and Maurice, of Athena, .were hin
ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Schrimpf.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are
down from their cottage at Bing
ham. Jinks brought down a 4-pound
rainbow as a fitting finale to the
fishing season.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Reeder enter
tained at dinner last Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Shelton and Mr. Alex McKay
of Walla Walla, and Mr. nnA Mrs
IW. J. Gholson.
A reception will be given the teach
ers of the Athena schools at high
school auditorium, Saturday evening
..w.wfv.. v. xhc piugiain win op
pear in next week's Press.
E. F. Stewart of Spokane called
on his niece and family, Mrs. 0. 0.
Stephens, Monday evening, thence
went to Pendleton to visit his sister
Mrs. A. A. Kimball of that city.
Mrs. James Twohy and two child
ren Kevin and Mary Ann, were up
from their home in Portland and
spent the week end in Athena at the"
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins en
tertained at dinner at their country
home Sunday. Guests were, Mr. and
Mrs. Dawn Woodruff and Mrs. Marv
Tompkins of Long Beach, California.
Joe Payant and Newt O'Harra are
breathing a sigh of relief, having at
last succeeded in threshing their 140
acres of beans on Eagle creek re
ports the Weston Leader. They were
interrupted several times by the
Weather conditions have not been
favorable for harvesting John Ben
son's bean crop, grown on the Will
Kirk farm, southeast of Athena.
However, if persistency will nut
beans in the sack, John will win out
in the end.
Mrs. Mary McKay and Mr. and
and Mrs. William Booher attended
the Home Coming of old pioneer set
tlers at Lexington, last Thursday.
Mrs. McKay formerly resided there
and it was her first visit in that city
for over 30 years. ,
East Oregonian: Sacajawea Camp
fire Girls met last night with Janet
Gerking as hostess. Plans were
made for the next meeting which
will be held at the high school with
Miss Genevieve Tillotson, assistant
guardian, as hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willabv an3
daughter Arleta, arrived in Athena
from California last Thursday eve
ning spending Friday with Mr. Wil
laby's mother, Mrs. Minnie Willabv.
They are now visitintr with Virgil
Willaby and family near Umapine.
ine J. 1. club is pi vino- a Hal.
low'en dance tnniArrnur AVomni efr
Legion hall. This is thpir annual
dance and husbands of members are
invited and each member of the club
is entitled to invite three
good time is in store for all who
attend. ,
Remember a nie sorinl will iu iv.
en by ladies of the Christian Mmi-oh
on Friday evening November 4 in
me cnurcn basement. Every body
welcome and your patronage will be
appreciated. A cut nf ; ,i .
of coffee 10 cent.. A
H " - fc .,V-
j gram has been arranged.
About twelve boys and girls en
joyed a taffy pull ot the home of
Miss Orvetta and Mildred Desper, in
the north Dart of town, one eveninsr
last week. Games were played and
enjoyed by all, . but taffy pulling
was the main diversion of the even
ing. All report a most pleasant eve
Cleve Stanton and mother return
ed Sunday from Prineville, where
they spent about nine months. Cleve
is much improved in health, and
while away was in a hospital at
Bend for some time. Dell and Will
Stanton of Prineville broueht Mrs,
Stanton and Cleve home Sunday,
they then went to Colfax
Miss La Vone Pittman wa3 the in
spiration for a bridal shower at the
home of Mrs. Charles Kirk last eve
ning. A number of friends of Miss
Pittman were invited and all enjoy.
ed a pleasant evening. The bride-
elect was the recepient of many
beautiful presents. Mrs. Messenger
and Mrs. Barlow, who gave the show
er, served delicious refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read had as
dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs,
Victor Hirsch of Freewater, Mrs
Hirsch's mother Mrs. Snyder and Mr
Hirsch's mother, Mrs. Meher and Mr
and Mrs. Justin Harwood of Athena.
Mrs. Snyder left Wednesday lor her
home in South Dakota, Mrs. Meher
will remain with her son and family
this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Woodruff of
Long Beach, California, who have
been visiting relatives and friends
near Athena and vicinity for the past
two weeks left Monday for Long
Beach. Mrs. Mary Tompkins .and
Miss Juanita Woodruff accompanied
them to San Francisco where they
will visit for a short time. The trio
was made enjoyable by a new Buick
Rebekah lodge met Tuesday eve
ning and business was transacted. A
social hour was then observed, dur
ing which seasonal refreshments were
served by Mrs. Stella Keen. Mrs. R.
Thompson and Miss Ethel Geissel. A
committee of three was appointed
for the social hour for next meeting
night which is November 8. comnris
ed of Mrs. Mary McKay. Mrs. W. R
Harden and Mrs. Bert Logsdon. All
members are urged to be present
and take part in the activities of the
A card received last week bv V,
T. Simth says the Leader, announced
that John Banister and Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. McFadden, who attended
the American Legion convention , in
Paris, were in Nice. France. Seotem
ber 27, and were leaving next day
for Genoa. Their next stop would
be Rome. The tourists say they
had a beautiful ride September, 27
along the banks of the Mediterran
ean. Mr. Banister is said to be de
riving much pleasure from his Eur
opean tour.
I Just Received
31 Years Ago
October 23, 1896
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Mansfield
have returned from Colfax, Washing
J. E. Lathrop will address the Bry
an club at Helix tomorrow nieht
J. E. Reeder was in Pendleton Sat
Milton has a McKinley flag pole
which is 110 feet in Ieneth.
A stove has been put up in the
club room at the school house. Com
fort is now insured to all who wish
to attend political meetiners.
Monday night the McKinley club
will be addressed by able speakers.
Tne club extends a cordial invitation
to all to attend the meeting.
R. J. Slater, a prominent attorney
of La Grande, son of ex-Senator J.
H. Slater, is in quest of a point of I
location, and may settle in Athena
and practice law.
Monday night the order of the
I Knights of Maccabees of Athena,
! held forth in right royal style. The
following officers were elected and
duly . installed; Sir Knight, Past
Com., W. J. Wilkinson; Sir Knight
Com., J. W. Maloney; Sir Knight
Lieut. Com., H. H. Curtis; Sir Knight
Record Keeper, J. M. Hays; Sir
Knight Chaplain, Alfred Cop pock;
Sir. Knight Serceant. A. 0.- Kirk:
Sir Knight Physician. F. S. Sharp;
Sir Knight M. at A., M. Kelley; Sir
Knight 1st M. of G., H. Luna; Sir
Knight 2nd M. of G., J. S. Myrick;
Sir Knight Picket, W. H. Booher;
Sir Knight Sent, S. A. Maloney.
Wfe4 .1... AJl
whit gold filled efved
Baton ,
FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler
Pendleton, Oregon
Our Fall Shipment of
Pendleton Robes
Blankets, Couch Covers, Etc.
All Beautiful Patterns
We invite your inspection
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday, October 29
Aileen Pringle and Norman Kerry
Body and Soul
Based on the novel "The Branding Iron'!
Branded at midnierht This is nne nf flif
t mi i' '. . . h1 utwiti! CVCI WILIieSStJU UI1
tne screen ! The climax to the tnlo nf n o-ivi ciri
it t ,,. , . ft" u ".y a oiicmiiiy lamer, ner
escaDe in a bhndinp- b irnrH W fv0ri w,..;o ' .
j : , wavu .amnagc, me ux anumK-iron epi-
v.x,, v,ovuc me muat ureauuess narrative you ve seen in many a day!
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
International News
Sunday, October 30
Gene Stratton-Porter's
The Magic Garden
' With
Margaret Morris and Raymond Keane
The Dicture demanded hv 9.0 000 nnn
Girl of the Limberlost," "The Keeper of the Bees' "Laddie"and now the
supreme effort of her career!
Pathe Review
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Wednesday, November 2
Charlie Murray and Chester Conklin
en s
Lively as a Highland Fling-Romantic as
an Irish Ballad
Hoot, mon! You'll have the time of your life when these two irreat com
edians cret together. An onen-hnnnVH
man. He was so rfnse he fa T' t"?,JL v?". B?n-
Admission Prices 10c-25c-35c