The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 07, 1927, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell '
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Hindenburg Honored
By German People
President of Republic Gets
Ovation on His 80th
Berlin. Von Hindenburg was first
in the hearts of his countrymen Sun
day as never before. Not since Will
.tea i Jed the German armies through
the Brandenburger gate In 1871 on
their return from the Franco-Prussian
war has Berlin witnessed an ovation
like that showered on Paul von Hin
denburg on the occasion of his 80th
It was primarily a tribute to Von
Hindenburg, the man, that found an
outlet in the veritable drumfire of
cheering which echoed and re-echoed
along the route which he traversed,
but its political significance is set
down as a tangible asset to the Ger
man republic, for the president's natal
day was the signal for a political truce
in which his services to the new Ger
many found free acknowledgement
from friend and foe alike. The colors
of the republic predominated in the
display of bunting throughout the city.
A warm autumn sun beamed benign
ly on the octogenarian president as
he leisurely motored through a 12-mlle
lane, flanked with guards of honor,
back of whom men, women and chil
dren were massed until the house
fronts formed unyielding barriers.
Veteran police officials were in
clined to estimate the turnout which
applauded the president on the drive
to the stadium at not less than 1,000,-000.
Washington, D. C Before 300 in
terested guests, Including his entire
cabinet, President Coolldge exchanged
greetings with President Calles of
Mexico by long-distance telephone and
thus opened a new chapter in the for
. ward march of international commun
ication of this continent.
Telephoning from the Pan-American
building here, the president expressed
the hope that the "new facilities thus
provided will promote a better under
standing between the peoples of the
two countries." The president spoke
in English and when be concluded
President Calles responded from the
national palace in Mexico City with a
brief speech in Spanish, ardently ex
pressing the same hope. The speeches
were translated by official interpret
ers at either end of the line.
Four Bullets Fired Into Federal
Jurist's Bpdy.
Salt Lake City, Utah. -Screaming
"I'll show you how to get justice,"
Mrs. Eliza Simmons, 46, a widow,
fired four shots into the body of Judge
Tillman D. Johnson of the United
States district court here as he step
ped to the rostrum in his courtroom.
Mrs. Simmons was overpowered and
taken to the county jail, where she
was held without charge pending the
outcome of Judge Johnson's injuries.
She steadfastly refused to talk, but a
statement found at her home by de
partment of justice agents disclosed
that she believed she had been grave
ly wronged when Judge Johnson dis
missed a suit for $25,000 in 1924, 14
years after her husband was killed in
a mining, accident.
Seven Senators View Basin Projeot.
Spokane, Wash. Seven members of
the United States senate committee
on reclamation and irrigation began a
three days' survey of the Columbia
basin irrigation project Monday. A
similar tour over the project was made
last August by members of the recla
mation and irrigation committee of
the national house of representatives.
Babe Ruth Breaks 1921 Record.
New York, N. Y.-Babe Rath cracked
his own season record for home runs
when he belted his sixtieth high UP
into the right field bleachers in the
eighth inning of the game with Wash
ington. Ruth's record of 69 homers
was made In 1921.
Pittsburg Plratee Win League Pennant
Cincinnati. The Pittsburg Pirates
clinched the National league pennant
Saturday by defeating the Cincinnati
Rods by 9 to I,
One of the Hardest
Rain and Electric
Storms of Season
One of the most severe electric
storms of the season occured Thurs
day afternoon of last week. A radio
set at Ilarden's billiard hall . was
knocked out of commission when a
bolt of lightning trawled into the
cabinet and sizzled the fixtures up
generally. ..
The shock was felt across the
street in the lobby of the Athena
Hotel, where W. J. Gholson and oth
ers were sitting. Mr., Gholson, more
than the others, felt the effects of
the shock. .
A torrent of rain fell here for a
half hour, followed by hail. There
was no high wind during the storm.
Northwest of town in the Sand Hal
low district, a miniature cloudburst
struck the farming section.
At Milton, Main street was flood
ed and boulders tumbled into the
street. Stores and business houses
had their floors covered with water
and mud. At Freewater rain and
hail ran gutters and ditches full.
The path of the hailstorm was con
fined to a small area around Free
water. East Side and Sunnyside dis
tricts were unhurt.
Jonathans, Delicious and Rome
Beauty apples are mostly in the
packing sheds, but Winesaps are still
on the trees. The extent of the dam
age is not considered great by ship
pers. Hailstones were as large as
Eight-tenth of an inch of rain
which fell at Walla Walla, brought
the total for the month to 4.50 Inches
leaving all September records far be
hind. The heaviest fall in any pre
vious September was 2.60.
Public Health Report
for September 1927
, .
There were thirty two cases on
active file this month. Six cases
were dismissed, one died, two left
the county and three dismissed to
home care. Total ' number of calls
one hundred eighty three.
Twenty schools were visited and
the : examination made in seventeen
schools. Of the 204 children weighed
and measured, twenty three were 7
per cent or more under weight and
eight were 20 per cent or more over
weight. Ninety three had defective
teeth. Among these 204 children,
one hundred corrections have been
made since last year's examination.
Some of these corrections were found
on children entering school for the
first time this year.
Dr. McNary will address the stu
dents of Mac-Hi of Milton and Free
water on Friday, October 14th at
one P. M. Dr. McNary will talk on
Mental Hygiene and the relation of
mental health to physical health.
A goiter survey was made of sev
eral of the schools around Milton
Freewater, Monday. This survey
was made by a physician with the
idea, if conditions warrant it, to
put some preventative measure for
the chidren not affected in the
schools. Typhoid trouble seems to
be more pronounced in the Milton
Freewater district than in the other
parts of the county. In the west
ern part of the state, many of the
larger schools are using preventative
measures against goiters.
Milton and Freewater are planning
a baby clinic on October 26th and
27th in connection with their annual
apple show.
Attend Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
Mrs. H. H. Hill of this city, attend
ed a beautiful wedding at Yakima,
Washington Saturday when Miss lone
Darby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Darby became the bride of
Morris - Rider son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Rider. It was a beautiful
home wedding with the ring cere
mony. The bride wore a lovely white
satin gown and a Parisian veil. A
wedding breakfast was served to
thirty-five guests, after which the
happy couple departed on a short
honeymoon to Seattle. The couple
will make their home in Yakima. The
groom is a grandson of Mrs. Hill
and a nephew of Mrs. Richards.
To Resume Weekly
Returning to the town where hi
started a newspaper 20 years ago, R.
C. Julian is assembling a plant and
soon will begin publication of the
Walla Walla County Enterprise at
Touehet. Julian sold his former
publication after operating several
years and the paper has been dis
continued for a number of years.
There is no other newspaper in Tou-chet.
Oregon Hunters Bag
Bear With Yew Bow
Four Arrows Bring Bruin
Off 80-Foot Perch
in Fir Tree.
A recent contributor to "Wild Life
gives the following account of archery
Lines" in the Portland Oregonian
hunting in the coast' range:
A , full-grown black bear hung to
the limb of a tall fir tree, suddenly
relaxed his hold and fell end over end
to the ground. No shot disturbed the
air. A thin whine and a gentle thong
of a released linen string was the
only evidence in the quietness of the
forests 44 miles southwest of Rose
berg. But the fallina bear gave evidence
of the deadliness of a hunting arrow
and the accuracy of Professor B. G.
Thompson, head of the department of
the , department of entomology at
Oregon Agricultural college, who,
with a party of expert archers, spent
the past week in the forests of south
ern Oregon. The party, composed of
Dr. George Ctithey of Portland, Dick
Lyndon of Waldport, Captain Casstus
Styles of Los Angeles and Earl Ull
rich of Roseburg, went into the wild,
erness for deer but a continual rain
kept them from hunting with their
arrows. On the seventh day of tha
trip the bear was killed.
Dr. George Cathey, who holds the
world's record for the long bow, hav
ing propelled an arrow 300 yavda 1
foot and 2 inches in a recent north
west meet, is president of the
Portland Archers' association: Cup
tain Cassius Styles of Los Angelas
is one of the finest archers in the
countrv. while Professor Thompson
has brought down bears, deer and
numerous wildcats with arrows.
The hunters were equipped with
heavy Oregon ' yew" bowsyweighing
from 65 to 80 pounds and strung
with heavy linen thread. The arrows
were made of Oregon cedar and
weighed less than an ounce. ' These
were tipped with flat steel heads
filed to razor sharpness. At 50 yards
range all the archers are unusually
accurate, despite the great amount
of strength necessary to pull the
heavy bow.
Just over the divide the dogs took
up a fresh track and within a very
few moments had a three-year-old
bear treed about 80 feet high in a
fir. Both Thompson and Ullrich com
menced shooting and in less than 20
seconds from the of the first shot,
four arrows had penetrated the
bear's body, two of them going
through the bear and into the tree
so far that when the bear fell back?
ward out of the tree, two of the ar.
rows pulled through the bear and
still remained in the tree. The bear
was dead before striking the ground.
- August Mishaps
Fifteen persons were killed and 348
injured in 2506 traffic accidents on
Oregon highways during August, ac.
cording to a report prepared by T.
A. Raffety, chief of the state traffic
squad. The report shows that 13C4
of the accidents reported for the
month were the result of carelessness
on the part of the driver, 289 were
caused by failure on the part of the
driver to give right of way and 144
resulted through improper signaling.
A total of 235 arrests for violations
of traffic rules were made during the
W fa
After an interval of nearly a quar
ter of a century, Rev. R, A, Terrey,
D. D., evangelist and Bible teacher
of world renown, has resumed con
nection with the teaching staff of the
Moody Bible Institute in Chicago,
where he will be a special lecturer on
Bible doctrine and evangelism. Doc
tor Torrey'a identification with the
Moody institute dates practically
from Its beginning,
Seven-Inch Snow
Fall at the Toll Gate
Seven inches of snow fell in the
Blue mountains at Toll Gate, accord
ing to Umatilla forest officials, and
four or five inches of snow still re
main. Rain and snow this week
have proved a handicap to the forest
road crews.
Only four other months in the his
tory of the Walla Walla weather
bureau, which goes back to 1873,
have had heavier rainfalls than the
month just ended, U. A. Rathbone,
meteorologist temporarily in charge,
stated. September this year had
4.76 inches; May, 1877, had 4.97; De
cember, 1884, had 5:02; January, 1894
had 4.49 and November, 1897, had
5.15. The rain in September leaves
a "seasonal excess since" September 1
of 3.83 inches over normal.
With snow showing up on the hills
fringing the Grand Ronde valley, the
mercury fell to 34 above one night
recently, and rain added to the farm
ers discomfort. A small part of the
grain in Union county probably nev
er will be harvested because of ex
cessive rain, it is said. Fotatoes,
however, have been benefitted and
some record yields are expected;
Bridge Luncheon
A delightful Bridge luncheon was
held Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
M. W. Hansell. Six tables of Bridge
were in play. Mrs. C. M. Eager re?
ceiving high score, Mrs. H. I. Watts
second score and Mrs. G. S. Prest
bye the consolation. Guests were!
Mesdames Kimball, Burroughs, of
Pendleton; Fredericks, of Weston;
Prestbye, Ames, Barrett, Johns, Fer
guson, Watts, Prestbye, Stephens,
Watts, Pinkerton, Dudley, Eager,
Dell, Dudley, Littlejohn, Douglas,
Hopper, Michener, Kershaw, and
Misses Dickenson, Ramsey and Pink
erton. '
Teacher Climbs Fujiyama
Miss Maxine Schannep, Pendleton
girl teaching school in Japan, climb
ed Mt. Fujiyama, 12,367 feet, Sep
tember 4. Miss Schannep, with an
other teacher friend started the climb
at 6 p. m. and reached the summit
about 4 o'clock next morning after a
three hour rest at the eighth station.
The regular season for climbing the
peak is in July and August. Miss
Schannep is teaching at Kioto.
Japanese Gkh in Shike Parade
McNary and Dill
Urge Federal Action
Northwest Interests Repre
sented on Tours, Also
Colorado Irrigation.
Seven members of the United
States senate committee on reclam
ation and irrigation began a three
days' survey of the Columbia basin
irrigation project Tuesday, says the
Portland Morn'ng Oregonian, by mak
ing a trip c-j f. ir-ocial train to Sand
Point and Clarke j.k, Idaho, on Lake
Pen. Oreille, a proposed storage re
servoir. Residents of .Idaho communities on
the shore of the lake were given an
opportunity to present their protests
against flooding of their lands, and
were questioned as to the valuation
they placed upon them.
Senator Lawrence C. Phipps of Col
orado, chairman of the committee, ad
journed the hearing for lunch with
the suggestion that matters of this
nature "ought to be threshed out by
you and your neighbors." Recalling
that there is only about ?8,000,000
annually available for congressional
appropriation from the reclamation
fund, Chairman Phipps asked how
congress "is- expected to look at a
project of this magnitude."
Senator C. C. Dill of Washington
replied that "it must be taken up as
a separate project."
When Chairman Phipps objected
that "there is no precedent," Senator
Charles L. McNary of Oregon retort
ed that "we have no precedent for
Boulder dam, Muscle Shoals and such
other developments; yet we must go
Senator Dill urged that the Colum
bia basin project must be considered
not in the light of an ordinary recla
mation project but should be classed
with such developments as the Missis
sippi valley flood control,
The project would irrigate 1,883,
000 acres of arid land in south-central
The senatorial party traveled by
special train and automobile to Wil
son creek, through lands like those
included in the project, and to the
site of a proposed power dam on the
Columbia river, where an alternative
proposal to the gravity system con
templates a pumping plant.
Near Death as Result
of Back Yard Battle
fi i ' i 'J 7 SV 17 ' S ' "" , 1 -"V-7 f
Houston, Texas Physicians were
fighting a losing battle Monday to
save the Ufa of Patrick Golden, 8-year-old
school lad near death with
spinal meningitis, a result of the
Texas special "Tunney-Dempsey"
Loretta McDonald, 12, became en
thusiastic over accounts of the Rick
ard classic, in Chicago and decided to
promote a match of her own. Her
best available materlul for the "cham
pionship" consisted of two playmates.
Vat, she designated as her "Demp-
sey" to oppose William Lewis, anoth
er 8-year-old, as "Tunnsy" for a
purse of the entire contents of her
savings bank 4 cents.
The bout, staged in Loretta's back
yard, wa3 referred and witnessed by
the girl and had not progressed long
until "Tunney" let go with a wild
right. "Dempsey" ducked, but the
blow caught him behind the left tar,
breaking an abscess. Spinal nieriin
gitis set in.
Mrs. W. A. Clark Passes
Mrs. W. A. Clark, wife of W. A.
Clark of Milton, died Saturday after
neon at Baker, Oregon, where she
had been visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Josephine Boyer. Be
sides her husband and daughter, Mrs.
Boyer, she is survived by three other
daughters, Mrs. Eva Rogers of Lew
iston, Idaho; Mrs. Myrtle WiLson of
Jerome, Idaho and Mrs. Florence Zer
ba of Milton, Mrs. Zerba formerly liv
ed in Athena, her husband being Ev
erett Zerba; two sons, Will Clark of
Baker, and Louis Clark of Lewiston,
and three brothers Dan, George and
James Kinney, all residents of Wal
la Walla.
(.ill tir(,crs '( Xiitii Spinning C(iiii;imiij-. on? of Hit :ir'.v:;t
twiiie mil.s i:i .!.-)!:!ii, piinu!;!) ihuiiift a rlrilu; v. hii li piovc-ij vm of l!i
iwort teiVjs Jiidu-:s'Siil CI. jiuH- Ju;au lias kuor.o.
Mrs. Clarence Hand entertained the
M. E. Missionary society last Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. Will Read
presided as president. Mrs. Hand was
elected Secretary to fill a vacancy.
After a short program and discus
sions for next year's work the host
ess served delicious refreshments a
sibtwl by Mrs. Frank Coppock.
U. S. Inspected .
Planes are Said to
be Safest Travel
Before leaving Portland Monday for
Seattle, E. E. Mouton, aernautics in
spector of the United States depart
ment of commerce, sounded a warn
ing to those who wish to travel safe
ly by air.
"Ride only in planes bearing, fed
eral licenses and with pilots who have
passed the government examination,?
Mounton's statement read. .
While all planes which operate in
interstate commerce are required to
have federal licenses, Mouton said,
those being employed in the bounda
ries of one state do not come undor
the jurisdiction of the federal gov
ernment. Yet the government will
exai.Mne these latter planes and issue
licenses if requested. The inspector
is urging the public to demand that
this be done.
"Although the government cannot
force local pilots to take examina
tions,'- Mouton explained, "the public
can compel them to do so bv refus
ing to hire them unless they have
passed the federal tests.
"All pilots with federal licenses
must carry their cards with them
and be willing to show them when
requested. Planes which have passed
the government tests may be recog
nized by the letter "C" in front of
their license numbers. There also is
a license card inside the cockDits of
such ships. Prospective passengers
should require pilots to show their
cards before' going into the air.
"The department of commerce has
a definite obligation to protect the
public and if the public wishes to
travel by air with the utmost cer
tainty, it should take advantage of
the department's work in making
aviation safe."
Portland Man Finds No
Petitions Circulated
Out-state Oregon motorists are
moro interested in the improvement of
their roads than they are in the pro
posed $3 license fee, reports James
II. Cassell, editor of Automotive
News and chairman of the legislative
committee of the Oregon automotive
conference, upon his return from a
two week's tour of the state.
Cassell was chairman at a series
of ten automotive trade meetings,
commencing at Eugene and ending at
The Dalles, held undor the auspices
of the Oregon mombors of th Auto
motive Equipment association.
"While I discovered a growing
sentiment in favor of shifting the
motor vehicle tax burden away from
the license fee and to the gasoline
tax, I found but one isolated instance
where a $3 fee was championed,"
Cassell said. "In this instance I was
informed that the people were dis
satisfied with the co-operation they
were getting from the highway de
partment, and some of the people
would like to retaliate and put the
commission in a jackpot. But this is
purely a local situation personal,
peevish talkand entirely out of line
with the general sentiment. True,
more and more people favor more of
a pay-as-you-ride tax policy, but they
want no reduction in highway re
venue, at least no reduction that
would jeopardize any of their pet
highway expansion plans.
"We discovered no evidence of the
circulation of any of these $3 li
cense fee petitions."
"Resurrection," "Laddie"
"The Son of the Sheik"
Opening tomorrow night with Tol
stoy's "Resurrection," the Standard
Theatre begins on its fall and win
ter schedule of new and better pic
tures. Rod LaRocque and Dolores
Del Rio have the leading parts in
Sunday night, Gene Stratton-Por-
ter's epic of the American family,
"Laddie," will be presented with John
Bowers, Bess Flowers and David Tor
rence heading a brilliant supporting
The Standard's mid-week offering
for next Wednesday night will be
"The Son of the Sheik," starring
Rudolph Valentino and Vilma Banky.
Legion Party Received
King Albert and Queen Elizabeth
Tuesday received at the palace in
I!ru;iR'ls, the entire party of Ameri
can Legionnaires visiting there. King
Albert scanned every legionnaire
through his thick glasKCs. He shook
hands with Retiring Commander Sav
age and pinned the cross of the Or
der of Leopold on his lapel.
Many Lives Lost in
St. Louis Tornado
Hundreds Injured by Tor
nado and Property Dam
age Runs High.
J. Louis, rio. Kignty persons were
known to have been killed, 1200 in
jured and property worth $50,000,000
damaged by a tornado which devas
tated an area of six square miles in
the residential district of this city.
House to house canvasses gave 5500
III the approximate number of build
ings destroyed or damaged.
More than a million dollars worth
of automobiles were destroyed.
Survey of the entire storm area
showed that the bulk of serious storm
damage was done to residence houses,
apartment buildings, small stores,
mall factories and churches.
The stricken area, irregular in
(shape and of varying width, showed
plainly that the tornado, in cutting a
orescent-shaped swath which em
braced the exclusive residential sec
tion, humbler homes and business
streets, had hopped, skipped and
Jumped. From Llndell boulevard, a
street of tall apartment houses and
fine homes, it hopped some eight
blocks to Vandeventer place, formerly
the most exclusive residence center
Of St. LouIb, and thence three block
to Cook, the center of a large district
devoted to homes lor negroes.
The twister reached a velocity of 90
miles an hour in a few seconds, and
subsided as many minutes later to be
followed shortly by a brilliant sun
shining through wind-torn clouds.
Mexico City. Mexico's latest revolt
assumed new significance with admis
sion by President Calles that troops
not only mutinied In the capital but
also at Torreon, in the state of Coa
huila, with an attempted outbreak at
Vera Cruz.
The revolutionary movement is de
clared by the president to bo headed
by General Francisco Serrano and
General Arnulfo Gomez, presidential
candidates and opponents of the re
election program of former President
Obregon, whom they accuse of domin
ating the present government and de
siring to perpetuate bis rule of Mexlno.
President Calles claims that tha
Torreon revolt, allegedly ordered by
Genoral Sorrano, was put down after
a three-hour battle.
The attempted rising of- two regi
ments at Vera Cruz v.v.s said to bo
under order from General Gomez.
The 800 soldiers of tl.e Mexico City
garrison who left the city lute Sunday
night were last reported by airi iau )
scouts to be near Texcoco, 30 miles
east of tho capital, headed for I'miblit.
Indications Are That He Will Rcta n
Office For a Time.
Washington, D. C. Although prohi
bition enforcement officials here pry
dieted some time ago that Roy (!.
Lyle would be supplanted by Oetobu'
1 as administrator for Oregon, Wash
ington and Alaska, he continued o:i
the job with Indications that his sta
tus would not be changed for another
month at least, If then.
Inability of tho civil service com
mission to certify results of examina
tions for tho post of administrator
was given at the treasury as the rea
son no action hud been taken with re
gard to Lyle.
At the treasury it was Haid still to
be the intention of prohibition choifs
to supplant Lyle in the Washington
Oregon district, probably (luring a gen
eral shukeup in tho field when tho
prohibition bureau is placed on a civil
service basis.
Bread In Third Placs Among Food.
Chicago. White bread ranks third
In Importance among foods In thtt
United States, with meat first an-1
Vegetables second, the American Mak
ers' association announced at Its an
nual convention.
Tornado Hitj In Kansas.
Colutiibiis, Kan. -A tornado, struelc
six miles easit of lime, leaving u path
of wrecked farm bui'-dlngs in ita wake
but Injuring no onu, according to lat
est reports. Over a score of poultry
houses ami farm building wee na.;.