The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 30, 1927, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Lee Whitehead is driving a Star
Mrs. Ora Smith was a Freewater
visitor Sunday.
Norman Mclntyre has returned
home from Eugene.
Charles Keen was in the city Sat
urday from Pendleton.
Mrs. M. M. Johns is visiting in
Vancouver, Washington.
Mrs. A. A. Kimball is visiting at
the home of 0. O.Stephens.
Frank Jackson of Weston was a
business caller during the week.
Mrs. Charles Downing was in Athe
na from her home at Ferndale, Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hill and
daughter of Walla Walla were visit
ors in Athena.
Mrs. Carl Christian and father,
Charles Booher, were in Athena from
Adams, Monday.
Born, Sunday, September 25, 1927,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutler of
Athena, a daughter.
Mrs. Ida Banister is convalescing
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ross
Tayne west of town.
Mrs. Dora Geissel spent the week
end in Milton at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Geissel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ace Wagner who live
near Umapine, were in Athena Wed
day visiting relatives.
Miss Lela Schubert came over from
Freewater and spent Sunday at the
home of her parents.
Mrs. Isham Severson of Walla Wal
la spent Monday- in Athena at the
home of Martha Shick.
Mrs. Henry Dell and daughter Mrs.
DeMerritt, returned from Portland
the fore part of the week.
Mrs. W. W. Slaughter, teacher at
McKay school, was a week-end guest
of Mrs. Frank Chamberlain.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow is spending the
week in Walla Walla with her moth
er Mrs. Bowles at Clinton Court.
Marion O'Harra was over front
Weston Monday having dental work
done at the office of Dr. Geyer.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson left Tues
day for Nampa, Idaho, for a visit
her daughter, Mrs.' Horace Belknap.
The M. E. Missionary club will
meet with Mrs. Clarence -Hand at her
country home, Wednesday afternoon.
II. L. Walther, manager of the Ore
gon Public Utility Information Bur
euu of Portland, was in Athena Tues
day. . .
Mrs. Sarah E. Ralston, of Los An
geles, was a guest this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Rich-
Miss Edna DeFreeee, Mrs. Ora
Smith and Mrs. Lloyd Michencr were
business callers in Walla Walla last
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton are
remodeling their country home "west
of town making it a modern farm
home. '
Mrs. Mollie Danner left Monday
for Portland after a visit with "friends
here, and will spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. Ridgely Powell,
who with her husband and little son,
is recovering from injuries received
in a recent automobile wreck in
which one little son was killed.
The Bridge club was entertained by
Mrs. Lloyd Michener Thursday af
ternoon at her home on Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking left
Monday to attend the State Fair at
Salem, and will also visit friends in
Lloyd Michener and Arthur Cop
pock returned from Ukiah Thursday
evening after a fortnight spent in
Herman Geissel returned from his
John Day hunting trip, Wednesday
night. He was met at Ukiah by Omer
Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Cannon and
children were guests over Sunday of
Mrs. Cannon's mother, Mrs. Zeltha
Mr. and Mrs. Butler of Chicago
visited friends in Athena last week.
Mrs. Butler was formerly Loretta
The October meeting of the Christ
ian Missionary "society will be held
next Wednesday at the home of Mrs
Stella Keen.
Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. A. A. Kim
ball, Mrs. C. M. Eager and Mrs.
Lloyd Michener were Pendleton visit
ors Wednesday.
Mrs. Will Caviness of Cresswel!,
Oregon and Mrs. Jesse Saling of
Pendleton were callers on old friends
in Athena Friday.
Mrs. Adah Losh Rose of Pendleton
was in Athena Monday to organize a
dancinc school among students of
the Athena school.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Radtke have
returned home after a week spent in
Portland and Eugene, Fred Jr. hav.
ing entered U. of 0.
Charles Williams and daughter,
Miss Ruth Williams have taken vup
their residence at 816 North Main
street, Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Guerney o:
Haines, Oregon, visited Mrs. Guen-
ey's parents Mr. and Mrs..W. P. Lit
tlejohn, over Sunday. ''
The B. Y. P. U., society of the
Baptist church will hold a cooked
food sale tomorrow at Steve's gro
eery on Main street.
J. F. Herr and Louis Stewart and
fumily have returned after a trip to
Portland and vicinity, Mrs. Herr re
maining in Portland ill.
Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. Henry
Koepke were guests this week, at a
luncheon at the home of Mrs. Dr.
Robinson of Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Sigmon have lo
cated at Walla Walla, where they
are conducting an apartment house
at 519 South Second street.
Mrs. Mary McKay, Mrs. Henry Mil
ler and Mrs. W. R. Harden motored
to Freewater Friday and spent the
day with Mrs. French Crigler.
Miss Lenore McNair, who is visit
ing relatives at Corbin, Kentucky,
writes home that she is having a very
pleasant time in the Southland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson enter
tained at dinner Sunday. Out of
town guests included, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Nagel and grandson Navl,
and Mrs. II. J. Cunningham and
Leather Goods
Bill Folds
Coin Purses
Pocket Books
McFadden's Pharmacy
A Thrilling
Auto Race
Christian Sunday School
The Automobile Race begins at 10 a. m. October
2nd. Everybody welcome.
daughters Patricia and Margaret of
Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Donald and daughter Annabel of Milton.
Mrs.' Frank Yenney and Mrs. Coe
of Walla Walla were guests of Mrs.
Penn Harris last Thursday. Mrs.
Yenney is a sister of Mrs. Harris.
Omer Stephens left this morning
for Portland. He will also go to
Eugene to visit his son Dale, who
has entered University of Oregon.
Mr.. Josephine Stone called on
Mrs. Minnie Willaby Tuesday. Mrs.
Stone is now visiting at the home of
her son David Stone, west of town.
The first meeting of the Etude club
for fall term will meet October 6th
at the - home of Mrs. Max Hopper.
All members are urged to be present
The barbecue held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking for
the Christian Sunday school was well
attended and all report an enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davidson are
leaving today for Pueblo, Colorado,
to make their home. Mrs. Davidson
is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Bol
linger. Mrs. George Sheard has arrived
home from Hot Lake, where she un
derwent a major surgical operation.
Mrs. Sheard is slowly improving in
Mr. and Mrs. James Creswell re
turned to Athena Sunday from For
est Grove, where they spent two
weeks at the home of Mrs. CreswelF;
Miss Phyllis Dickenson left Sun
day for Monmouth, where she will
enter Normal school. This is Miss
Dickenson's second year at Monmouth
The Sunday school of the Christian
church will hold a food sale Satur
day October 8 at Adair's grocery.
Come buy your Sunday cakes and
Mrs. Reynolds of Colfax, spent last
week in Athena at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Reynolds. Mrs. Rey
nolds is the grandmother of Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haworth have
returned from Pendleton to Athena,
and have taken up their residence at
the Stanton place in the north pait
of the city.
- J. H. P)Ooher, proprietor of the
Model Cleaners establishment in Pen
dleton has moved into his new uart
ers, a fine new building he has re
cently erected.
Mrs. Raymond Geissel of Milton
and daughter Beverley and. Mrs.
George Iianister of Walla Walla,
spent Sunday afternoon in Athena
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk and
John Kirk son of Mrs. Lila Kirk left
Tuesday for Spokane, where they at
tended the funeral of the late Charles
Bone Wednesday.
Miss Edna DeFreeee is a substitute
at the local telephone exchange tak
ing the place vacated by Miss Phyl
lis Dickenson, who is attending Mon
mouth Normal school.
Lee Hiteman is expected to arrive
from Oakland, California, in a few
days. He will be a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell,
during his stay in Athena.
Miss Billie Baker came up from
Portland and spent the week-end
with Athena friends. Miss Baker
was accompanied to Athena by Miss
Ella Chapland, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris have
taken up their residence in the Claud
Dickenson home, occupying the low
er floor," while Mr. and Mrs. Dicken
son will use the upper rooms.
Oral Michener, had a painful ac
cident last week when he severed
the end of his thumb with an axe.
Dr. Cowan found it necessary to take
two stitches in the injured digit.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a conven
tion at the Baptist church in Athena,'
Tuesday, October 11. There will be
an all-day session, and the program
will appear in next week's Press.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Burden have
come down from Dayton, Washing'
ton, to reside on Mrs. Lila Kirk's
farm south of Athena. Mr. Burden
will be foreman on Mrs. Kirk's farm
The W. C. T. U. met at the Bap
tist church Tuesday with a good
number in attendance and plans were
laid to entertain the W. C. T. U,
convention to be held in Athena next
Mrs. Duffield has arrived in Athe
na from Portland and joined her
husband here. Mr. Duffield recently
purchased the Whitehead barber shop.
They have a son who will come to
Athena later to attend school.
Weston Leader: Mrs. Anna Fuson,
her sister, Mrs. Isabella Doman, and
son Walter Melton, were called Tues
day to the Pambrun ranch by the
serious illness of Mrs. Alfred Tarn
brun, daughter of Mrs. Funon.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Hadley have
taken up residence at Gilroy, Calif
ornia, 6 town of 4000 population, lo
cated SO miles south of San Jose.
Mr. Hadley has the history depart
ment in the Gilroy high school.
Mrs. Stella Keen and Miss Zola
Keen are entertaining the Study club
this afternoon at their home on
Washington street. A number of
ladies have been invited as guests,
and refreshments will be served.
Mrs. Tureman, mother of Fred
Kershaw, :who has been visiting her
son and wife here, left yesterday for
a short visit in W'aiia waiia, ana
will go from 'there to Portland, and
later to the home of her daughter in
Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
Mrs. H. H. Hlil will motor to Yakima
today and tomorrow at high noon,
will attend the wedding of Mr. Mau
rice Ryder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Ryder, and grandson of Mrs. Hill.
Mrs. C. M. Eaerer and daughter Vir
ginia were Saturday visitors in Wal
la Walla meeting Mr. and Mrs. Eager
of Dayton, Washington. .Mr. and
Mrs. Eairer drove to the C. M. Eager
home spending Sunday with their Eon
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross and
children were Weston visitors Sun
day while on their way to Walla Wal
la savs the Leader. They are now re
siding in Athena, where Mr. Ross has
a position with the Farmers7 Elevat
or company. ,
Miss Lois Johnson has been pledged
to Gamma Phi Beta at the L of 0.,
where she is enrolled as a freshman.
Granville Cannon who is a freshman
at Oregon Agricultural college at
Corvallis has been pledged to Tau
Kappa Epsilon.
Accompanied by Miss Bateman, the
Junior class of Athena high school
called at the Press office Tuesday to
see the Linotype machine in opera
tion. Other details of the mechanical
department, including the presses
were explained to the class.
Mrs. Orel McPherrin and baby who
have been visiting her parents at
Heppner for a month, returned the
first of the week. Duirng her ab
sence Orel repapered and painted
their cottage on the West side, as a
pleasing surprise to Mrs. McPherrin.
It would seem that falconry is by
no means a lost art, if we are to be
lieve a story going the rounds re
garding the success of John Tompkins-
as a pheasant hunter. Rumor
has it that John follows . a certain
hawk around in his neighborhood,
and when the bird kills a pheasant,
he is "johnny-on-the-spot" to grab
the prey.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorain Shick of Pen
dleton are visiting at the home of
Mr. Shick's parents in Athena. Mr.
Shick last Friday fell down a flight
of stairs at the Pendleton Trading
company store where he is employed
and suffered one broken and two
bruised ribs, also the ligaments in
one leg were torn.
Visitors in Athena for a short time
Wednesday were Mrs. W. P. Ridenour
of Chelan, Washington and her two
daughters, Mrs. Frank Renn and Mrs.
Ray Dexter, and Mr. Dexter all of
Chelan. The party were motoring
home from a yisit to another daugh
ter at Weiser, Idaho, having taken
the North - and South highway
through Idaho, and back via La
The Churches
Baptist Church
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. fol
lowed at 11:00 A. M., with a Rally
Day program. A time to rally to the
program of Christ. Young Peoples
meeting at 6:30 P. M. Here is where
the young and old are taught in the
Game of Life. Evening Song and
Praise at 7:30 P. M. Come and help
us to worship in song and praise
Young Peoples Prayer evening has
been changed from Tuesday evening
to Wednesday evening, meeting at
7:30 P. M. Mid-week meeting and
Bible study every Thursday evening
at 7:30 P. M. The book of time and
the plan on its pages too complex to
understand at one revelation. Man
is still in his youth in the expression
of thankfulness. God holds him re
sponsible to the extent of his oppor
tunity and knowledge. Can you get
away from God?
E. M. BOLLINGER, Pastor.
I Fall Rains Are
Keep Dry
The Baptist Sunday school will ob
serve Rally Day next Sunday morn
ing at 11:00 o'clock. There will be
songs, marches, class prophecies,
church historian elc. Everybody wel
come. Let us make this a happy day.
Church of Christ
Bible school 10 A. M. Our big
Auto Contest begins this week. Good
classes, competent teachers and a
hearty welcome. Worship at 11 A.
M. Interesting and practical mes
sages morning and evening.
D. L. HACKETT, Tastor.
liiKMumni jffj
Watch value that defic com
parlsoal Thii lovelv watch h
a white fold filled engraved
and a dependable 13 jewel
Bui ova Movement. j
In Our Waterproof Clothing
For Men-Long Black Slickers, Rainproof Stag Shirts,
Rainproof Blazers, Heavy Red and Black Hip Boots,
Rubbers and Overshoes.
For Ladies-Slickers, Pirate Boots, Galoshes, Rubbers,
Umbrellas, Etc.
Phone Your Order To 152
thesia Department Store
Tendleton, Oregon
Saturday, October 1
PatsT Ruth Miller, Vera Gordon, Nat Carr and
George Jessel
A Comedy-Drama
of Izzy's Irish woes as he climbed from Ghetto to Glory in a fighting Irish
Regiment; a story to make yowside shake and your heart ache. , v
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, October 2
Hen Maynard
Rides to New Screen Heights
the Devil s
If you have the blood of America in your veins and the love of adventure
in your heart if you admire the brave and applaud daring, then you'll stand
up 'and cheer at the breath-taking stunts of Ken Maynard in this epic of the
early West! - 1
Pathe Review
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Wednesday, October 5--Mid-Week Special
en BurbridgeV
Revelations of the African Jungles
"An amazing picture of darkest Africa, with its wild beasts, its fearsome ser
pents, its cannibals and its pygmies ! The lost land of the Gorilla the mys
terious land where man never trod ! A land that has given its last secret to a
mighty hunter to whom its greatest perils had no terror! The greatest ef
fort of the age! A pyramid of thrills action and knowledge!
Harold Llovd Comedy Admission Prices 10-25-35