Scientist Says Crusoe More to be Envied Settlement of 287 Found to be Flourishing, Says Dr. Schmitt. Robinson Crusoe was more to be envied than pitied, according to Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt of the Smithsonian Institution. In a recent survey of South America's vast resources in shrimps and crabs, Dr. Schmitt in cluded Juan Fernandez Island, on which the reputed original of Robin ton, Alexander Selkirk, lived four years and four months. He found the island the most picturesque and also . one of the most fruitful spots in South America. ,. "The island is part of the crater edge of an extinct volcano, 370 miles from Valparaiso," said Dr. Schmitt. "Every imaginable plant seems to grow on the island, including such widely divergent kinds as the cork oak of Spain, and apple, cherry and olive trees. It is the base of the spiny lobster fisheries, 80,000 a year being shipped as far as Buenos Ayres where they command a very high price. ' The population of 287 souls is mixed French, Italian, German and Spanish. One Frenchman was ship wrecked on the island 40 years ago. He liked it so much that he has refused to leave. "One curiou3 feature of the is land is that it depends for medi cal treatment on the wireless. The fishermen have built a little hospi tal completely equipped with medi cines supplied by the Chilean Red Cross, and an operating room, buc without a doctor. When anyone is ill the symptoms are wirelessed to Valparaiso, whence treatment is wire lessed back. For operations, of course a surgeon has to be sent over." Dr. Schmitt covered 10,000 miles along the coasts of South America in his survey of crab, shrimp and other marine invertebrate faunas. He worked from Ecuador, on the west, to Rio de Janeiro, on the east, reaching his farthest south at De ception island, with in one-half day's run of the Antarctic continent. The trip from Funta Arenas to the Falk land islands was made in a iniull schooner which shipped such heay seas as to flood the galley and break in the engine-room door. As the result of his expedition Dr. Schmitt shipped back to the Nation al museum for study ?ome 12,000 specimens of all kinds of marine life, probably the largest and certainly the most varied marine . collection which has ever come out of South America. The many new species included shrimps and crabs new to the west coast of South America. Among the more curious creatures gathered are a crab which haunts the beaches at night and hides in the daytime, and a tiny shrimp able to bore holes in stones. "The fisheries of South America ere capable of extensive develop ment' says Dr. Schmitt. "And the scientists and business men of the continent are far more active than is generally realized up here, in for warding that development. The Chil ean bureau of fisheries has arranged , to make extensive marine collections to be sent to the Smithsonian for etudy." Pr. Schmitt will publish some of the - results of his expedition in a monograph on the shrimps of South America, while his crab collections will be studied by Miss Mary Rath bun, also of the National museum, for publication in a monograph on crabs. The Walter Rathbone Bacon trav eling scholarship established at the Smithsonian by Mrs. Virginia Pury Bacon, financed Dr. Schmitt's expe dition, as also the one he made to the coast of Brazil a year earlier. The Umatilla County Baptist Association , The Umatilla County Baptist As sociation will meet at Helix in a B ennial session Saturday September 24; first session at 10:00 A. M second at 1:30 P. M. third at 7:30 P. M. The program follows: Saturday Morning 10:00 Opening, by Moderator, E A. Benscl, Hermiston. 10:05 Devotional, Rev. A. E. Hall, Helix. 10:30 Evangilism, Rev. W. H. Rob ins, Pendleton. 11:00 Vocal solo, Mrs. Roy Pen land, Helix. 11:05 Sunday School Evangelism b' Mrs. E. M. Bollinger, Athena, follow ed by discussion. 11:35 Youth and Evangelism, by rars. urace Mason, Pendleton, follow ed by discussion. ' , 12:00 Dinner. Saturday Afternoon 1:30 Devotional, Rev. E. M. Bol linger, Athena. 1:45 Business Session. 2:00 Women and Evangelism, Mrs W. H. Albee, Pendleton. 2:30 Special music. 2:40 Men and Evangelism, Guy W. Brace, Milton. 3:10 Pastoral Evangelism, Rev. A, J. Ware, Hermiston. 3:30 Vocational Evangelism, Rev, M. G. Bentley, Milton. 3:50 Congregational Sing. 4:00 Returned Missionary from China, Rev. G. W. Lewis. Saturday Evening 7:30 Song service. 8:00 Missionary address, Rev. G, W. Lewis of China. Marmalade Makes Big , Demand for Oranges Not only does John Bull consume enormous quantities of marmalade and jam fit home, but he sends a lot of it abroad. The marmalade of Britain Is pro duced from sour oranges and sugar. The best known firms use almost ex clusively the Seville bitter orange, which has comparatively little pulp and consists for the most part of rind, the substance most desirable for the manufacture of good marmalade. Inasmuch as oranges are perishable, the brokers accept the highest bids made on the day of sale and never reserve the fruit for future offerings. These sales are held regularly on what are known as "market days." The character, quantities, qualities and nativity of the fruit are catalogued several days In advance, bo the auc tions are always well attended and the bidding Is lively. The London Fruit exchange, where these auctions are held, stands In the heart of the city In a large structure known as the Monument building. It is said that a sum in excess of $20, 000,000 Is annually required to pay for the oranges sold in this exchange, the great bulk of the sale being at public auction. , . tana r tying I tir. .iiv Plainfield, N. J. Seven persons were killed and five injured when a Fokker airplane crashed in an apple orchard near New Market. The ma chine was owned by the Reynolds air ways and it set out from Hadley field with its load of passengers seeking their first thrill in the air. Brain Works Rapidly Assuming you began to think con sciously at the age of five, Ihen at thirty, If you have done an average amount of thinking, your "Impressions" would number about 1,920,000,000. Those whose work Is eatirely mental would double those figures. A woman's brain Is about five ounces lighter then a man's, but It Is of superior quality of a higher specific gravity. It lasls longer, too. "On an average a woman of sixty has a 20 per cent better brain than a man Mrs. Mary Tompkins of Walla Wal la who has been visiting in Athera has gone to Pendleton to spend a few days at the H. 0. Worthington home, v 7 8 Saturday Specials One package of Citrus and one package of Soap Chips , 20c Broom special, "All Gold" $1.25 Bulk Cocoa, per lb 20c Adair's Cash Grocery Phone 567 Free Delivery mam (, 19S7, WeUrn Newpaper Union.) The worid la so framed that when two or three persona join against another to form a bad reputation, the crowd, without knowing why, followa the lead as though for tha simple pleasure of crushing what Is defenseless. George Sand. INVALID COOKERY We must not full to take into ac count the invalid and convalescent In the home for there are few who do not need nt times to know how to serve food for those who are ill. Egg Nog. Beat a fresh ecs yolk ieiy ugnr, ntkl one tnhlesponnful of sugar, a few grains of salt, nutmeg or vnnina lor flavoring, two-thirds of a cupful of milk and add the benten egg white; stir well before serving. Oatmeal Gruel. Stir one-half cun ful of oatmeal in one quart of boiling water, aner salting it slightly. Cook two hours In a double boiler, put inrougn a strainer, dilute with milk or cream ana reiient and serve. A benten egg mny be added either whole of while or yolk, which adds to the nutriment of the gruel. Koumiss. Heat one quart of milk until warm, add one and one-half tnblespoonfuls of sugar, one-fourth of a yeast cake dissolved in ' lukewarm water. Fill sterilized bottles with the milk, .allowing two inches at the top. Cork and shake. Invert the bottles and keep them warm for ten hours, then put In a cool place. Let stand forty-eight hours, shaking occasional ly, when it is ready to use. It is not good after three days. Chicken Soup. Take one quart of good chicken broth, stir in two table spoonfuls of quick cooking tapioca, cook until the tnnlot is clear, remove from the fire and add the beaten volks of two eggs with one-half cupful of cream; cook until thick, add salt and pepper and turn into the tureen. Cover with the stiffly beaten whites which have been poached on hot wa ter. If preferred the egg white may bo added Just after the yolks anil stirred In lightly. t Plain Junket. Crush one-fourth of a Junket tablet ond let it dissolve In a tablespoonful of water. Heat one cupful of rich milk, ndd two table spoonfuls of sugar and add the Junket tablet. A few grains of suit mav be added. Tour Into molds or cups and let stand In a warm room until thick. Serve with cream and sugar. The Churches Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Ral ly Day only one week off. The 11:00 'clock hour will witness the presence of Brother Lewi3, a missionary who has been in China for about 22 years, who will bring greetings from the Chinese and a message of conditions there now. Brother Lewis and family are the only white people ministering to a population of nearly two million Chinese. Young Peoples meetine at 30 P. M. The inroad made on our society by so many young people going away to college is gradually being overcome by renewed determin ation on the part of old members and the addition of new ones. Miss Woodruff is President, Miss Cannon Secretary, Miss Smith Treasurer. Help us boost for the Young People. Song and Praise Service at 7:30 P. M. Topic, Christ and the New Birth. Young Peoples Prayer and Praise Service every Tuesdav evenins- nt :30 P. M. Mid-week .meetine everv Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M. All are cordially invited to service. 31 Years Ago 1 September 18, 1896 Tomorrow night the republicans of Athena and vicinity will organize a McKinley club, at the school house in this city. Everybody irrespective of party belief is cordially invited to be present, E. L. Barnett, tne repumi can committeeman, ha3 a roll of about 70 names, and there are two other lists out, which is thought will swell the membership of the club to about 100. Bruno Weber, employed by B, McElroy. made a miscalculation while oiline the horse-power of a thresh' ine machine one day last week, which caused his right arm to be caught in the gear and be very badly lacerated, Wood sells m Athena, for ?J.&0 per cord, and is scarce at that T. J. Kirk has his wheat under cover and feels secured against loss from rain. Lou Montague has added a carriage to his vehicle line at the Commercial stable. Now that harvest is practically ov . - i er, many oi our iarmer lrienua ic engaged in hauling their winter sup ply of wood. ' Frosts have now become common, Most any morning this week, if you were up early enough, you could have seen the sparkling guest. The Athena mill started in on an other large order from the China trade, Wednesday. We understand two shifts of workmen have been put on. The mill, which has just com pleted a large order, shut down Tues dayi in order to put grates in the furnaces, in order to burn coal. This was necessitated on account of scar city of wood. "Jinks" Dudley's big black team passed through town Wednesday with load of wood, and a stranger in hearing of the reporter remarked that it was the finest looking team he had seen in his travels. "Jinks" nev er has any other kind. He knows good horse, and also knows how to take care of them. Mrs. Irene Freeman arrived in the city Saturday to take her position in our public schools. She is stopping with Mrs. DePeatt. Senator John H. Mitchell will speak in Athena on October 6.; His address will be made under the auspices of the McKinley club, which will be organized tomorrow night. 8 p. m. Saturday night a crowd of enthusiastic Bryan men gathered at the school house for the purpose of organizing a Bryan club. Sunday School Rally Sunday School Rally Day at the Baptist church, Sunday October 1st, at 11 o'clock A. M. The little white church on the corn er, , It stands on High and Fifth streets In the good little town of Athena, Where the Baptist Sunday school meets. It's windows are plain as can be, But we're proud of the building, For it's God own house, you see. It's doors swing open to welcome you We'll greet you one and all, To Sunday school, B. Y. P. U., And church service for large and small. Well surely be glad to meet you, Men, women, and children, too. At this home-coming Rally Day meeting, ...', And hope it may profit you. Our Rally Day Motto: Rally At tendance Loyalty Liberal Offering Youthful Enthusiasm Devotion Application Yearning Zeal Church of Christ Sunday September 25. All services at the regular time. Our crowds are continuing to grow from Sunday to Sunday. Worship and Communion at 11: a. m. Morning message "Dere licts in the Church." Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Walla Walla Invites Sunday Representatives of nearly all the protestant churches, at a mass meet voted to call Rev. W; A. "Billy" Sunday to Walla Walla for a cam paign starting about November 1, 1928. The campaign will continue six weeks, and will be held in a specially constructed tabernacle, the site of which will be chosen later. Sunday recently was waited on by a delega tion from the Ministerial Union and agreed to come next year if the church people wanted him. Coming PENDLETON Dr. Mellentbin SPECIALiST in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at DORION HOTEL THURSDAY, OCT. 13 Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. One Day Onlyj No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu ate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendi citis, gall stones, ulcers of . stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Ore gon who have been treated for one of the above named causes: Elmer Booher, Condon. Chas. Desch, Portland. Fred Shields, Klamath Falls. , - Daniel Steinon, Allegany. R. E. Neal. Central Point. Joe Sheoships, Gibbon. Remember the date, that consulta tion on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different Married women must be accompan ied by their husbands. Address: ?ll ' Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, California. School Supplies Among the fine varied stock will be found' supply" of "Steve's Big Value" Tabids a big Recently Arrived Best of al! new, fresh Candies Shirts Blazers Slipovers STEVE'S GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Good Meals Beds Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon 5 Continental Oil Company Prompt Service 'S Alwav - V Bryce Baker, Agent Phones -761 and 31F11, Athena "He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted." Insurance of every kind and description. Farm Loans at rates and terms that satisfy. B. B RICHARDS, Athena 0 THE KILGORE CAFE GERALD KILGORE, Proprietor FRIGIDAIRE COLD DRINKS Malted Milk, Sodas, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Sun daes, Ice Cream, Bricks, Dixies, Eskimo Pies, etc. Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon THE ATHENA MARKET J.L. Harman BlacksmithiDg We Carry th Pendleton Machine Works Hinged Weeder Main Street Athena, Oregon Bell & Venable Phones 125 and 24 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service - . City and Country HAULING and Horse Team Work We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. a Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys Bad bladder rlsbi he Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad -ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tura-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Atlicna