The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 23, 1927, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost. ,
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
The American Legion
Convention in Paris
General Pershing and His
Doughboys are Warmly
Paris. General Pershing and Mi
doughboys are back In France again,
and the air of Paris Is filled with lilt
ing wartime tunes. "Madelon" and
"Over There," and thoughts of French
people have turned back to remem
brances of those days of 1917 when
Europe made the acquaintance of the
Yank in uriform.
This time Yank 30,000 of him, they
say is in "cits" and there isn't a
man in all Europe to prevent, him as
he goes about the job of seeing France
as a civilian.
All Paris has caught the carnival
spirit that this second American ex
peditionary force has brought and the
whole country took a holiday Monday
when American legionnaires paraded
through the capital before opening
their convention on soil tbey helped
save ten short years ago.
Twenty thousand men of the Ameri
can Legion who fought for France,
and many of their womenfolk, march
ed in a great parade under the Arc de
Trlomphe, and in homage to the un
known soldier, placed red, white and
blue flowers around his grave.
The procession of Americans, re
turning in peace to the streets where
they had once marched in the grim
day 8 of war, started from the Place
d'lena, moved through the Arce de
Trlomphe and then down the Champs
Elysees to the Palace de la Concorde,
where the marchers were reviewed
by France' two greatest soldiers.
Marshals Foch and Joffre, and Ameri
ca's war leader, General John J.
Against the colorful background
provided by the French government,
the ninth annual convention of 'the
American Legion got off to a whop
ping start Monday morning.
Grand Rapids, Mich. Despite their
rapidly thinning ranks and the weight
of advancing years, members of the
Grand Army of the' Republic voted in
their annual encampment that the
time has not come for the relinquish
ment of their duties in-the yearly ob.
servance of Memorial day.
A proposal to delegate the leading
role in annual Memorial day services
to the members of the American Le
gion and the veterans of more recent
wars was defeated after several of
the gray-haired veterans had favored
turning over their honored place,
Elridge R. Hawk of Sacramento,
Cal., was elected commander in chief
pf the Grand Army of the Republic at
the annual encampment here Thurs
day. His election was made unani
mous when all of the candidates with
drew in his favor when he led in the
balloting but did not have a majority.
The mortality rate among the vet
erans is about 12,000 a year, Commander-in-Chief
Frank A, Walsh said,
and the G. A. R. will have disappeared
almost entirely within three years. He
reiterated his statement of a few days
ego that "while two of us are left we
will stick together." v
The pension committee was instruct
ed to make efforts for the raising of
the pensions of widows of veterans
more than 65 years of age to $50 a
Cabinet Members Favor Long Flights.
Washington, D. C Air secretaries
of the army, navy and commerce de
partment decided against all measures
to curb pioneer long-distance flying
through legislation. While recognis
ing the hazards of such flights, the
committee is satisfied public senti
ment will discourage all enterprises
undertaken by incompetent personnel
or In unworthy equipment.
Leaders Oppose Special Session.
Washington, D. C. Summoned to
the White House for their views on
the necessity for a special session of
congress, both Senator Curtis of Kan
sas and Representative Tilson of Con
necticut, republican leaders of the
senate and house, emphatically inform
ed President Coolidse, Just back from
bis vacation In the Black hills, that
they saw no need of one.
Production Costs
are Investigated by
Experiment Station
Detailed information on the cost
of production of all types of hay in
practically every section of Oregon
has been compiled through two years
study on 366 farms made by H. E.
Selby of the department of farm
management of the experiment sta
tion. This investigation carried out
under the provisions of the federal
Purnell fund is recognized as the
most extensive study of forage crop
costs ver made. . ; s , y - ?!
A summary of the results of the
first two years work show the aver
age cost of alfalfa hay production to
be $7.99 a ton for the state, varying
between $6.56 for the Baker-Union
region to $9.11 for the Willamette
valley. In the Willamette valley
clover hay cost $7.38 a ton to pro
duce when seeded with grain, and
$10.32 when seeded alone. Vetch
and oats cost $10.29, cheat hay $8.77,
corn silage $7.72, vetch silage $4.40,
and kale $3.75 a ton. In all cases
cash expenses, labor , and overhead
were considered.
The study covered farms. in Mal
heur, Baker, Union, Deschutes, Crook,
Klamath, Josephine, Jackson and
eight Willamette valley counties. A
progress report has been prepared
and will be mailed free on request
Youthful Convict Now
Learns to be Printer
Walla Walla Union: Warren Stark,
14 year old convict from Everett, is
learning to be a printer in the peni
tentiary print shop. And he is mak
ing good at it too, according to the
veteran printer, who is at the head
of the plant. The youth was sen to
the institution to serve seven years
for arson.
Stark has been in the prlntery
about six weeks. Recently the man
in charge of the plant proudly exhib
ited to a Union representative a gal
ley of "hand-set matter - which this
youth had picked one piece of type at
a time from -the cases. The proof
showed but two errors which the old
printer considered remarkable, and
it is. '
Stark also set up the type for use
on the license plate envelopes, and
ran the press.
The youth recently was examined
by doctors and a psychologist and
pronounced at. least ten per cent
ahead of his age mentally.
He works in the print shop in the
day, and is kept in a separate cell at
night, in order not to come in con
tact with the general run of prison
ers. The others in the print shop
sleep in the quarters, which first were
used as a hospital building and later
as a woman's ward. The doors of this
building, which is inside the prison
encloseure are never locked as the
building is considered a fire trap.
Grain Pries Lower
on Canadian Reports
The outlook for a large grain har
vest in Canada together with favor
able weather for corn in the United
States caused grain markets to go
lower generally last week, although
oats were independently firm.
Private reports, however, generally
indicate lower total production than
government forecasts and there is
considerable low quality grain due to
unfavorable harvesting weather. Cash
grain prices followed futures some
what but premiums for high protein
and good quality milling wheat were
The demand for Pacific Coast wheat
for export continues of large volume,
particularly ior October-November
shipment with movement to date in
September totaling over 11,000,000
bushels, the largest on record.
Control Board Inpects
Members of the state board of con
trol have gone to The Dalles where
they inspected the plans and specifi
cations for the new state tuberculos
is hospital. An architect accompan
ied the board from Portland. Gover
nor Patterson has made it plain that
he favors construction of the first
unit of the hospital in case the ex
penditure is limited to $100,000. This
was the' amount of money authorized
by the voters at the time the law
creating the institution was approved.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Sr.,
who recently returned from a tour
of Europe, will leave Athena, next
week, for their home at Clendale,
Calif onuju , . - , - - .
Former University
of Oregon Students
Are Now Instructors in the
Athena High School '
University of Oregon (Special)
Two former students of the Univer
sity of Oregon have been selected as
instructors ;in Athena high school, it
is announced" today by officials of the
appointment bureau. The bureau,
which is part of the school of edu
cation, has placed 218 graduates in
high schools and in administrative
positionsthis year. Not enough tea
chers were available to fill all places,
however, since, the bureau received
a total of 443 requests.
The instructors who will teach in
Athena are Dorothy Brodie and Clar
ence Toole, both of Eugene.
Miss Brodie who will teach Latin
and typing in the Athena high school
has had four years of experience in
typing having worked that long in
the registrar's office at the Univer
sity. She did practice teaching at
the University high school. Miss
Brodie who was prominent in camp
us activities was especially interested!
in women's athletics having played
three years on the baseball teams
and one year on the basket ball team.
Mr. Toole who will teach science
and be athletic coach at Athena dis
played marked ability while at the
University. He was a member of the
basketball and baseball squads and
one year was assistant freshmen
coach in football. He taught physic
al education one year in the Univer
sity high school while he was doing
practice training.
Cattleman in Clover
Gives Novel Dinner
An airplane laden with rich foods
in electric heaters, hopped off Satur
day from San Francisco, and arrived
in Reno a few hours later to supply
an elaborate banquet for W. H. Mof
fatt,. millionaire cattleman.
There was service for 50 guests
at $200 each, including favors and
certain other Incidentialg. One novel
ty at the dinner cost the host $5000.
Gifts to the women guests cost $23
The dinner brought by plane had
been prepared in San Francisco by
Marius La Faille, chef of the St.
Francis hotel. Electric containers
were packed carefully into a charter
ed airplane and transported across
the high Sierras to Moffat's lodge,
where the dinner was given.
Moffatt is reported to have "pan
ned" more than a million in livestock
during the past year. It is partly in
celebration of this and partly as an
anniversary for his hunting lodge
that the dinner was given.
Miss Frederica Kershaw spent the
week end with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kershaw, from Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw accompanied
their daughter as far as Emigrant
fcpnngs, where a picnic lunch was en
joyed by the party.
- . i.
1 : - A n 1
Lady Dutisford, tho fsrnsr Mrs.
Guinevere Sinclair Gsuld, T.aa had her
income raised by a decision St Mew
a: is, U. J., cf Vies Chancellor Dackss.
Permission was granted her to convert
securities coniprl.-l;-.g.. a $1,500,000
trust fund front- her hus'jand'o estate
into escutitl;3 paying n:rs than Zy2
per cent ir.'.crisl. '
Section of Wing is
Washed Ashore
A section of the wing of a wreck
ed airplane, perhaps the missing
Dole plane "Golden Eagle," waj
washed ashore Sunday near Kailu, on
the windward side of the Island oi!
Oahu, according to word telephoned
to the United Press by Arthur Ri:e,
prominent Honolulu broker.
The wing section is about 10 feet
long, Rice said, and while it is veiy
faded it appears to be of an olive
green color.
The "Golden Eagle" wa.s orginally
a golden orange color, which might
have faded to appear olive green.
The wings of the "Miss Doran" were
scarlet. .. . i;-.
Army and navy officers said no
military or navy planes had been
wrecked in the vicinity of Oahu or
any of the Hawaiian islands.
The scene of the finding qf the
wing is not far distant to the spot
where United Press correspondents
found parts of a navy kapok life sav
ing jacket last week,
The Picture Program
At Standard Theatre
The next mid-week special program
at the Standard Theatre will be giv
en Wednesday evening, October 5,
when "The Gorilla Hunt" will bs
Tomorrow night one of the greatest
sea pictures ever screened, "The Sea
Tiger," starring Milton Sills and
Mary Astor, will feature the pro
gram. Sunday night Ken Maynard comes
to the Standard in the fine Western
picture, "Somewhere in Sonora." In
this' picture, Maynard's horse, Tar.
zan, has one of the important roles. "
The B. Y. P. U., society of the
Baptist church will give a cooked
food sale, Saturday October 1st, at
Steve's Grocery, beginning at 1
Wales Plays Seme Gclf in Canada
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Air Travel is Bound
To Come in Future
Lindbergh's Talk Is Along
This Line During His
When Henry Barrett was in Port
land he had a good look at Lindbergh,
being close up in the crowd that wel
comed the flyer on his arrival there.
He found that Colonel Lindbergh is
making his A "erican tour to stimu
late interest in sur.nautics.
He will visit every state in the
Union has already hopped in and
out of most of them.
His trip is being financed by the
Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the
Promotion of Aeronautics, and the
tour was arranged for that Founda
tion. .
. As it would be impossible for the
world's most famous flier to prepare
a different speech for each city visit
ed he follows a general outline in
each address.
Here is the address in the main as
Colonel Lindbergh is presenting it,
the text followed being furnished by
the Guggenheim Fund:
"Regular transatlantic airplane tra
vel is certain to come, but before this
is accomplished the United States will
be criss-crossed with a vast network
of commercial airways over which
aircraft will fly on regular schedules
carrying passengers, freight, express
and the mails.
"Airplanes of today are reliable,
fairly economical and high in per
formance. The .entire industry is
working toward the production of saf
er apd better aircraft under the im
petus of popular demand and such
awards as the recently announced
Guggenheim Safe Aircraft competi
tion for prizes totaling $150,000.
, . "Just what the next 10 or 15 years
will mean in the aeronautical fields
is hinted at in the evolution of the
airplane during the last 10 years.
There were then few commercial
plapes. They were merely converted
war-time craft, many of which were
not always in 'the best of condition.
"Today we have huge passenger
planes and mall planes, especially de
signed for .a maximum of safety and
comfort with inclosed cabins, uphol
stered seats, heating apparatus, ven
tilation systems, lights, wheel brake
and other improvements. Some air
lines provide aerial dining service.
"The United States is not far be
hind other countries In the develop
ment of aviation. Rather we aro be
hind them in the application of aero
nautics to every-day life. There are
today in this country several com
panies operating air lines on regular
schedule. Most of these carry the
United States mail and can carry
passengers and freight if they so de
sire, "The air mall service has hung up
a remarkable record of achievement.
During 1926 the mail planes traveled
more than 4,000,000 miles with a
high percentage of performance and
a low fatality and injury record."
While Prime SlinWer Baldwin was talking buslnwi to the CanadlJns, the
pi luce of Wales enjoyed several games of AL lie and members of bis party
re here seen at the Laval sur la Lac club near Montreal.
Weston Deer Hunters
Weston deer hunters are all back
at the home fireside, having been
driven out of the mountains by the
rain and snow, says the Leader. The
sport was pursued under difficulties
but six of them Ernest Gelette, Will
Cable, Cecil Greer, Otis Adams, Em
ery Staggs and Vern Smith each
got a deer. Emery supposed he mis
sed his leaping target, which disap
peared in a ticket He did not know
until after he came home that he
had made a kill. He then learned that
another hunter had found the carcass
of the slain animal.
Europe Stablized Avers Allen
Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism, who returned recently
from a trip abroad, declared that
money condition in Europe are stable
and that no longer will an American
dollar purchase a great deal of goods.
Dean Allen attributes the growing
stability of Europe finance to the
Dawes plan, and said more interna
tional legislation of this type would
greatly benefitthe world.- The dean
was a member of a party of Ameri
can writers and newspaper men which
toured every section of Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Lockwood and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders return
ed last week from a motor trip,
through Salt Lake City and Yellow
stone Park.
A Severe Winter
Predicted by
Indian Woman
The Indians have been looking for
ward to a hard winter, more huckle
berries having been gathered and
more salmon dried for winter use this
year than has been the tribal custom
for many years, according to Sallie
Wa-kia-cus, aged Indian woman, own
er of the Wah-kia-cus mineral springs
in the canyon of the Big Klickitat riv
er, near Wak-kia-cus station on the
Goldendale branch of the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle railway. .
Sallie is one of the oldest Indians
in the mid-Columbia river district and
a familiar character among old-timers.
While on a visit to Goldendale,
she advised her friends among the
whites to obtain a bountiful supply
of muck-a-muck (food) and have well
filled fuel bins.
The old Indian woman bases her
weather forecast on the intuition of
the aborigines, handed down from
generation of outdoor life, in the ob
servance of tHb habits and actions of
wild animal life as well as birds and
fater fowl. The winter coating of
fur-bearing animals and plumage of
birds and feathered protection of wa
ter fowl is taken into consideration.
As additional reason for predicting
a hard winter this year, Sallie calls
attention to the fact that there is
no crop of acorns from the oak shrub
bery in the Big Klickitat canyon, and
that the summer, recently, ended so
quickly, was short and the heat in
tense. Sallie is known as the "Queen of
the Klickitats," and is one of the
few surviving members of a once
powerful Indian tribe. She suffered
severe injuries when struck by a
passenger train about two years ago
and it is difficult for her to- hobble
around now, with the aid of a crutch
and a cane.
Portlander Mistaken for
Deer Fatally Wounded
- K j - i II . I.I II
Mistaken for a deer, Myron Car
ver, No. 719 East Pine street, of
Portland was killed Saturday while
on a hunting trip in the Evans creek
region, near Medford. The shot was
reported to h?ve been fired by Paul
Madison of Oakland, who joined a
party consisting ot the dead man,
Charles Mulvey, Robert Ellison, R.
Cole, Sidley Ross, and E. W. Kelner
all of Portland.
In reporting the accident. Ellison
said he stayed at camp Saturday
morning while the others left to seek
deer. About two hours later he heard
a shot, he said, and nearly an hour
thereafter Madison came running in
to camp with the statement that he
had shot Carver after flushing two
bucks, one of which he thought took
refuge behind a tree.
The buck proved to be Carver, who
was standing in such nosition that
his arm and shoulder protruded so as
to appear much the shape of a deer's
head. The bullet penetrated through
one arm, a lung and pierced the
heart, Lllison said.
While Madison went 12 miles for
E. W. Williams, a packer, Ellison,
Cole, Ross and Kelner carried the
body on an improvised stretcher for
about four miles, until they reached
a clearing. Here they awaited the
arrival of Williams and his horse. Tho
body was then taken , to Medford.
Carver is survived by a widow and
two sons.
Prisoner Prefer Work
Automobile license plates are turn
ed out at the penitentiary at the rate
of about 5000 pairs daily and 100,000
of the 400,000 pair ordered have been
completed. The shoe plant is turn
ing out 100 pairs a day and last
year's record of nearly 12,000 pairs
will be exceeded, Warden C. E. Long
stated. Of 1031 persons all but 300
were working, 50 extras having been
laid off because of rain which affect
farm work. Normally tho number
not working is 250. Work in found
for all who want to work, though in
many instances two men arc assignej
to a one-man job.
Lost Part of Finger
Weston Leader: Frank Snider part
ed with the end of a finger Saturday
while cutting angle iron on the big
Buffalo iron worker at the Snide'
Weeder Works. It is a powerful
machine, and the digit which Frank
fed to it in an absent-minded mom
ent didn't have a chance. He went
on working for awhile after having
the wounded finger dressed, but cf
toward decided it to be the purt of
wisdom to take a vacation for a
McAdoo Hot To Be
a Candidate in 1928
Responds to Request That
He Anonunce His Stand
on Candidacy.
Washington, D. C William Gibbs
McAdoo, whose presidential campaiga J
was wrecked In the titanic struggle
with .the forces of Alfred E. Smith at !- -Madison
Square - garden three years
ago, announced that he would not en
ter the race for the democratic nomin
ation in 1928.
There was Immediate speculation
among party 'leaders as to the prob- s
able effect of his announcement on
the fortunes of Governor Smith and
others. Many of them read In the
statement an Invitation to the New
York governor to withdraw, also, but
few of them thought he would do so.
Governor Smith himself declined to,
make any comment, as did his friends
here. ,
Mr. McAdoo's decision was com
municated to George F. Milton, pub
lisher of the Chattanooga, Tenn.,
News, in a letter sent In response to
a request from Mr. Milton he an
nounce his candidacy.
Declaring this his "chief concern"
was the "supremacy of democratic
principles and progressive policies,"
Mr. McAdoo said that "perhaps I can
do more to advance these objects as
a private citizen than as a candidate
for ,the presidency."
"I prefer to stand aside," he added,
"In order that the field may be left
clear, so far as I can clear It, for the
development of a leadership that can
more effectively gain these ends.
"I shall not, therefore, be a candi
date for the democratic presidential
nomination In 1928."
Washington, D. C. August merchan
dise exports of the United States were
valued by the commerce department
at $375,000,000, while ' imports were
set at 1371,000,000, leaving a favorabla
balance ot $4,000,000,
For the same month last year ex
ports amounted to $384,449,000 and im
ports 1336,477,000. Both exports and
Imports last month gained over July,
the former Increasing $33,000,000 and
the latter, $52,000,000.
Cold exports in August reachod $1,
524,000 as against $3,803,000 In July.
Income shipments, however, exceeded
the outgoing by $6,353,000, totaling
$7,877,000 last month, as against $10,
738,000 In July.
Silver exports topped Imports In
August by $1,101,000, amounting to $5,
590,000 os against $0,650,000 in July.
Imports totaled $4,489,000 and com
pared with $4,288,000 In July.
Winner Presented With Roosevelt
Trophy at Pendleton Round-Up.
Pendleton, Or. Bob Crosby was
proclaimed the world's champion cow
hoy for the second time at the Pen
dleton Round-Up grounds as one of tho
final events of the 18th annual Wild
West classic.
Hy winning highest honors at the
Omyenno Frontier Days he outdid his
nearest competitor, Dick Shelton, for
the honor at Pendleton by only a few
Jesse Lawrence won the northwest
bucking championship. Joe Bryant
was second and Fred Hugglns third.
Bob Askings was declared world's
champion bucker, with Phil Yodor sec
ond and Walter Heacock third, In
the Hound-Up Derby event, first hon
ors went to Dusty Dick, ridden by
Jesse Farrow.
Llndy bets y5,000 Royalties on "We"
New York, N. Y. The New York
Evening Post says that Colonel
Charles A. Lindbergh's book "We'' has
already neited him $95,000 in royalties.
The publishers said that sales of "We"
would pass the 190,000 mark over the
week end.
Dry Officers Must be Above Suspicion.
Washington, D. C With oral tests
virtually completed, the civil service
commission has announced that the
next step In the examination of appli
cants fi-r th lu'iul.ilHfrativ positions
In the prohibition service would be a
character Investigation. , .- ,