Press Paragraphs Angus Gillis was here Tuesday, transacting business. Roll Morrison was in Athena from Adams Tuesday evening. B. B. Richards transacted business in Pendleton Wednesday. Frank Benefield from Starbuck is at the Harden home this week. Lloyd Michener and Jens Jensen left Sunday morning on a hunting trip. Miss Dorothy and Margaret Lee left for Cheney Normal the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mrs. M L. Watts were visitors in Walla Wal la Monday. Mrs. James Potts had as her guests last week, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Poley of Portland. Miss La Vone Pittman has accepted the position of saleslady at the Athe na Department Store. Mrs. E. A. Bennett left.Wednes for Portland and Longview, where she will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dudley of Dayton, Washington are visiting here until after the Round-Up. 0. H. Reeder and H. A. Barrett and W. J. Gholson motored to Port land on a business trip, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shenen of Port land, old friends of Mrs. Froome stopped for a short visit this week. Miss Hilda Dickenson who spent the past two weeks at Payette Lake and Baker arrived home Wednesday. Miss Blanche Johnson left yester day morning for Eugene, where she will enter the U. of 0., as a sopho more. Mrs. Alva Blalock and two child ren of Spokane are visiting Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton. The ladies are sisters. Athena stores will close at noon Saturday for the remainder of the day, on account of the Pendleton Round-Up. Charley Payne, Bob Cutler and Ovie Desper have purchased timber land on Weston Mountain, and are cutting cord wood. Miss Francis Davis of Weston has entered St Mary's hospital at Walla Walla, where she will take a course in nursing. D. C. Baker has received word of the marriage of his daughter, Miss Mary Baker to James Jensen at Oma ha, Nebraska. James R. Adkins father of Marvin Adkins, passed away September 6 at the home of his son in Weston, at the age of 75 years. Charles Dickey, Sanford Stone, Mil lard Kelly and J. L. Harman are in the John Day country, where they are deer hunting. The ladies of the Baptist church will hold a cooked food sale at the Pure Food Grocery, Saturday after noon, September 24th. Miss Lois Johnson, Miss Lois Mc Intyre and Norman Mclntyre will leave Saturday to attend the Univer sity of Oregon at Eugene. Miss Ellen Henry is teaching in the schools ' at Boardman, Oregon, Miss Henry has the third and fourth grades, and is instructor in music for the schools. " She attended Wil lamette University and Monmouth Normal school prior to accepting the Boardman engagement. Charles Williams and daughter, Miss Ruth Williams, in a couple of weeks will take up their residence in Walla Walla for the winter. Miss Edna Hanna of the Malen Burnett School of Music of Walla Walla met her pupils for their first lesson period on Wednesday. Lawrence and Wayne Pinkerton hunted for grouse Saturday around Toll Gate. They saw several deer and brought home some birds. Miss Evelyn Sellers, primary teacher in the Athena schools has been a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barrett. Herman Geissel will spend a couple of weeks with Glen Arbogast on the John Day river, on a hunting trip, leaving on the hunt next week. Roy DeFreece has been assisting as salesman at the Pure Food Groc ery this week, during the absence of Omer Stephens on a hunting trip. Athena students who will attend University of Oregon this year will leave for Eugene tomorrow night from Pendleton over the Union Paci fic. Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton and Mrs. Nel son were in Athena for a short time Monday from Milton. Mrs. Nelson is a sister of J. W. Pinkerton of Athe na. . F. B. Radtke accompanied his son Fred to Eugene leaving Athena this morning by automobile. Fred will en ter University of Oregon as a freshman. Miss Hazel McFarland who is em ployed in Portland, returned there Sunday after spending a couple of weeks in Athena at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson who have spent the past month at Portland, Seaside and other coast cities return ed to Athena Sunday and will spend the winter here. Mr. and Mrs. Elder, who have been residing in Athena for the past year, left Monday with their family for Hartline, Washington, where they will reside on their farm. Mrs. C. 0. Henry, Mrs. Ethel Mon tague and daughter Marjorie and Al- vin Johnson motored to Walla Walla Saturday, and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Johnson. Everett Rothrock has reported to the Pendleton police station that a car he was driving was involved in an accident in that city. No details of the accident were given. Mrs. Lilian Fredericks of Weston, met with her Athena piano pupils at the home of Mrs. Lila Kirk, Satur day. High school students desiring to study music for a credit, can learn particulars by calling on Mrs. Fred ericks. Mr. and Mrs. George Roller (Flor ence Gagnon) are here from their home at Los Angeles, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Gan non, south of Athena. Mrs. Roller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gagnon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fisk and child ren will soon move to the Prite Brothers farm on Dry creek which they operate under lease, report3 the Leather Goods Special Bill Folds Coin Purses Pocket Books McFadden's Pharmacy TM i ""f 1HI IHM IBM ma 1mm IW 1M at W "M Iff lfl ima MP "ML."" Care of Cemetery Lots We are equipped to furnish either perpetual or annual care of lots in the Athena Cemetery, at reason able rates. ATHENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION See: E. C Prestbye, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sextoa Weston Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Banister will occupy the ranch home where the Fisks have been domiciled since their marriage. Ralph James, son of Mrs. Lydia James of Pendleton, was recently married in Walla Walla. He is a grandson of Mrs. Henry Wood of this city. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, who recent ly submitted to an operation for tum or at St Mary's hospital in Walla Walla, is reported slowly recovenng, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Bowles are here from Phillipsburg, Montana, They are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. F..S. LeGrow, and will re main until after the Round-Up. Weston Leader: Mrs. Mary 0 Nelson of Milton, Mrs. Belle Ed wards of Portland and Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Thompson of Athena were guests Sunday of Mrs. Alice Kirkpat- rick. . Mrs. Finis Cooper of Williams, California, (Dorothy Gibson) writes friends here that with her husband, she may make a visit to Athena soon, They will come to Portland to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba contem plate going to Grants Pass Tuesday morning, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Stockstill, parents of Mrs Zerba. They expect to be away a couple of weeks. Mrs. John Edwards, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. A Thompson, left Monday for Boise, Idaho, to visit relatives for a week, and will then return to Athena to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Adams, who have been spending the past six weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs M. L. Watts, Mrs. Adams' parents, left Wednesday for their home at Palo Alto, California. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirk and son Harold, and Mrs. I. L. Michener left for Portland Sunday, Harold will en ter Hill's Academy. The trip was made in a new Studebaker recently purchased- by Mr. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Piper stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba last Wednesday. They were on their way to Baker, where Mrs. Pi per will teach school. Mrs. Piper is a cousin of Mrs. Zerba. Miss Elsa Ringel will leave Mon day for Portland where she con templates spending a couple of days before continuing on to Corvallis where she will enroll as a senior in the Agricultural college there. News is received here of the death recently at his home at Sweet, Idaho, of Lafayette Knowlton, a former well known resident of this county, and a brother of Frank Knowlton, now of Spokane. Mr. Knowlton leaves a wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Si Ashpaugh and son of Sellwood, a suburb of Portland, were guests at the D. N. Sanders home over the week end. Mr. Ash paugh, formerly a well known resi dent of this county is a brother of Mrs. Sanders. They were returning from a visit in Idaho. High School Notes Junior News Staff. Editor.. Alberta Charlton Classes '. ....Pearl Green Faculty Wilford Miller Alumni Oral Michener Athletics Weldon Bell Student Body Emma Ringel Society Mildred Street Grades Areta Kirk Personal Marjorie Wilson Classes Wednesday, September 7th, at 3:15 a meeting of all the classes was call ed to elect class officers for this year. The Freshmen met with their class advisor, Mr. Toole, and elected the following officers: President, Marguerite Moore; Vice President, James Wilson; Secretary and Treasurer, Jack Moore; Sergeant at-Arms, Myrtle Campbell. The Sophomores met with Mr. Frederick, their class advisor and elected their officers as follows: President, Thelma Schrimph; Vice President, John Kirk; Secretary and Treasurer, Virgie Moore; Sergeant-at Arms, Eldon Myrick. The Juniors met with Miss Bate man, their advisor, and elected offic ers as follows: President, Weldon Bell; Vice-President, Oral Michener; Secretary and Treasurer, Marjorie Wilson. The Seniors met with Mr. Meyer, and elected as their officers for the year: President, Jessiedeane Dudley; Vice-President, Dorothy Geissel; Sec retary and Treasurer, Kathleen Rad tke; Sergeant-at-Arms, Ethel Pitt man. The manual training supplies have not yet arrived so no classes have yet been held. The 1st year sewing class is prac ticing making the different kinds of stitches and buttonholes. The second year sewing class a'so is reviewing the same kind of work. The Seniors met with the rcpresen tativt of Dank and Company and placed their' orders for class rings last Thursday. Athletics The order of the "A" held a meet ing Wednesday, September 7th, and elected the" following officers: Presi dent, Dorothy Geissel; Vice-President, George Gross, and Secretary-TreaS' urer, Alberta Charlton. The football squad started train ing the second day of school and have been at it ever since. Not ali of the boys are out yet, as some are not back in school, but they will be here in a few days. The boys who are out now are: Wilford Miller, Jack Moore, Eldon Myrick, Oral Michener, Clifford Woods, Arthur Crowley, Walter Huffman, Mike Wilson, Her bert Reeder, John Kirk and Wayne Pittman. Negotiations are underway to sched ule games with Hermiston, Stanfield, Weston, Umatilla, Pilot Rock, Dixie and Umapine, though no games are definitely settled. Gymnasium is compulsory this year by state law requiring two forty-live minute periods a week. The boys meet on Monday and Thursday with Mr. Toole and the girls meet on Wed nesday and Friday with Mrs. Toole. Grades Miss Sellar's first and second grade room has an attendance of twenty, Miss Porter's third and fourth grade, room has an ' attendance of eighteen. The children have brought many beautiful plants and they are planning to make a sand table. Mrs. Rominger's fifth and sixth grade room has an attendance of thirteen. Mr. Miller's room has an attend ance of twenty-eight. Student Body A student body meeting was held on Thursday, September 8th, to re mind the members of Athena high school to pay their semester fees of $1.00. Because President Ray John ston has not returned to school, Vice President Helen Hansell took charge of the meeting. Faculty Miss Sellars and Mrs. H. A. Bar ret spent Saturday in Pendleton. Pike Miller spent Saturday in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers are occupy ing Miss Sherman's house on the north side of town. Mr. and Mrs. Toole have rented . Ralph McEwen's residence. Mr. Frederick is stay ing at Mrs. Dick Thompson's. Miss Brodie and Miss Bateman are living at the Clarence Zerba home. Mr. Miller still occupies his usual place at the Winship house. Miss Sellars is staying at present with Mrs. H. A. Barrett. Mrs. Rominger and Mis3 Porter room with Mrs. Lula Prest bye. : Society An assembly of the four high school classes was held in the high school auditorium, Friday, Septem ber 9, at 9" a. m., for the purpose of singing, a few songs, under the leadership of Mr. Hackett. The freshmen proved their singing abil ity when they sang "Old Black Joe." The event, however, caused much laughter and many smile;. Much fun was had Friday after noon, September 9, when the fresh men dressed in gay costumes by the sophomores were made to parade Main street. Short, but interesting speeches were made and a song was sung by the class. Then, being very bashful, they made quick paces back to the school house. Personal Frances Cannon spent the week end in La Grande. Dorothy Geissel was absent from school Friday on account of illness. Jennamae Read spent Tuesday in Walla Walla. Jessiedeane Dudley, Alberta Charl ton, Roy DeFreece and Harold Kirk spent Friday evening in Pendleton. Lois Smith was in Pendleton Sat urday. Areta Kirk spent Saturday in Col fax. Jessiedeane Dudley, Alberta Charl ton and Roy DeFreece spent Satur day in Walla Walla. Emma Ringel spent Saturday in Walla Walla. Roma Charlton will spend a couple of days in Portland, on her way to school at Monmouth. Wilford Miller, James' Wilson and Walter Huffman went to Pendleton to the Round-Up tryouts Saturday. parUool TUa lovely wacefaha; a whica gold filled eagrarwl and m (Ufwaitw a jww Bulora ltonmmf a FRED H. BROWN. Jeweler Pendleton, Oregon Ladies Pirate Boots................. .......4.50 Ladies Galoshes ..... ...............2.50 and 3.85 Girls Galoshes ...:.......:................ .....2.25 Ladies Ski Coats....,:..:."......:.: .... :............11.50 Mens and Boys Blazers, Mens Water Proof Stag Shirts, Mens and Boys Heavy" Wool Socks, Mens and Boys Heavy Wool Shirts , Steamer Trunks Bags and Suitcases Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store THE STANDARD THEATRE Wednesday September 21 peck Douglas Fairbanks In rrn rv lire v roe n DUSK mm A wonderful play with a wonderful cast of players Admission Prices 10c 55c- 50c Saturday, September 24 MiltonSills ' " . - ' in A throbbing tale of two brothers' love, as deep as the seas they sailed, and how a heartless siren turned that love to hate. , He had faced the fiercest storms at sea but the tempest of this woman's wrath tortured his simple so ul. " ' ' - " ' - - International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Sunday, September 25 Hen Maynard In Somewhere In Sonora See the thrills that only a Ken Maynard picture can give you! Incomparable Broncho Busting by the world's champion riders ! Thrilling Stage-Coach race that rivals any chariot race ever screened! And undescribable stunt riding, daring rescues, furiosu fights by the King of all Western stars! Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c