The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 09, 1927, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Colleen Moore in "Twinkletoes"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Dr. and Mrs. McKinney of Weston,
were in Athena Tuesday.
Fred Beckner was up from his
home south of Nolin, Tuesday.
Charles Murray of Milton spent
Sunday in Athena visiting friends.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn spent Wed
nesday in Pendleton with relatives.
Howard Drew of Pendleton was a
business caller in Athena Tuesday.
Ray Dudley of La Crosse, Wash
ington is visiting at the E. A. Dud
ley home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kilgore ara
the proud possessors of a new Es
sex coach.
Dr. Sharp became ill this week, and
spent a couple of days at the hospital
in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Delia Booher of Walla Walla
spent the week end in Athena with
relatives and friends.
James Phillips of Pendleton was
in Athena Tuesday visiting his
father, I. B. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross and Mr.
and Mrs. Claud Dickenson motored
to Heppner Labor Day.
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton spent a por
tion of last week at the Hansell
ranch home north of town.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Heinen are here
from California, visiting at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. S. F. Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking are
spending the week at Tumalo, at the
home of Mr. Gerking's parents.
The deer and grouse Season opens
tomorrow, and Athena hunters are
preparing for trips to the hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson
spent the week end at the home of
T. P. DeFreece, in Walla Walla.
Jack Whiteman has returned home
to Walla Walla, after a fortnight
spent at the B. B. Richards home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Eager of Dayton,
spent a few days this week with
their son C. M. Eager and family.
Com to your atata Unlvaraltjr for cultural
education and professional training.
Opportunity it offered in
22 departments of the College of
Literature, Science and the Art
Ani in tht Schooll of
Architecture and Allied Arts
Business Administration Educa
tion Journalism Graduate Study
Law Medicine Music Physi
cal Education Sociology Social
Work Extension Division.
College Year Opens September 26, 1927
For information or catalogue iDrttt
The Ri jutrar, Univtrnto of
Oregon, Eugene, Or.
Johnnie Hines "Stepping Along"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Mrs. Flo Harrington of Milton,
spent a couple of days in Athena this
week a guest of Mrs. Rose Miller.
Clark Walter will attend Gonzaga
college at Spokane, this year. His
three sisters will go to school at Wal
la Walla.
"Tuck" Hodgen, brother of Beryl
Hodgen, who is a graduate of Adams
high school, will enter University of
Mrs. Keen and daughter Miss Zola
Keen returned to Athena Monday
from a motor trip to Longview and
Mrs. George Winn, well known
singer and instructor in voice, who
resides near Weston, was an Athena
visitor Tuesday.
George Sheard has returned from
Hot Lake, where Mrs. Sheard under
went a major operation and reports
her recovering nicely.
Mrs. Horace Belknap and children
Of Nampa, Idaho, returned home Fri
day, after a visit at the W. S. Fer
guson home.
Armand Bell, Weldon Bell, Roy De
Freece and Oral Michener returned
Saturday after a week spent at Bing
ham Springs.
John Johnson, nephew of Alvin
Johnson is here from Los Angeles,
visiting his uncle. He will stay un
til after the Raund-Up.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Burden were
Sunday guests of Mr. andfl Mrs.
James Huggins. Mr. Burden is a
brother of Mrs. Huggins.
I. R. Snook of Baker, Oregon,
made a business call in Athena this
week, in the interests of the Pacific
Life Insurance company.
Glenn Arbogast who has been work
ing xn Butter Creek, came up from
there Sunday and is visiting friends
in Athena and Pendleton.
Mrs. Hedrick of Los Angeles, is
visiting at the Fred Gross home
west of town, she will remain here
until after the Round-Up.
Mrs. Louis Keen is visiting on the
Sound this week, accompanying her
sister, Mrs. J. F. Haynes to her nome
at Enumclaw, Washington.
E. 0. Venable has purchased the
truck business from Claude Dicken
son and with his family has again
taken up residence in Athena.
Mrs. Dora Sanchez who has been
visiting her son and daughter in
Portland, and relatives in Eugene and
Springfield, returned home Sunday.
Ernest Koepke returned to his
home in Seattle Tuesday morning,
after spending a few weeks in Athe
na looking after his farming inter
ests. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and
daughters returned home from Sea
side Thursday, thence to Dayton,
Washington, to visit the E. Eager
The young married ladies' class of
the Christian church will entertain
this evening in honor of the teachers
of Athena schools, at the Christian
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon O'Harra made a
motor trip to Wallowa Lake for an
over Sunday visit. They went over
via the Weston-Elgin road and came
School Books
School Supplies
Fountain Pens, Pencils, etc.
McFadden's Pharmacy
Care of
Cemetery Lots
We , are equipped to furnish either
perpetual or annual care of lots in
the Athena Cemetery, at reason
able rates.
Sec E. C Prestbve, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sexton.
back through La Grande and Pendle
ton. Their speedometers registered
103 miles over the Weston-Elgm road
and 163 miles over the Old Oregon
Trail route.
A locust shade tree was blown
down by the wind Wednesday even
ing, near the Athena Hotel, on Third
street, necessitating repairs to tele
phone lines.
A. R. Coppock, Omer Stephens and
Dale Stephens will hunt deer for a
few days in the Ukiah country.
Jens Jensen and Lloyd Michener will
also hunt there.
Miss Belle Anderson will leave for
McMinnville tomorrow, where she
will register at Linnfield college. Her
address will be care of Mrs. G. G.
Shirley, McMinnville.
Ray Dudley, former Athena high
school student, who graduated from
the Colfax high schol this year, will
enter University of Oregon for a
four-year course of study.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk, Tom
Kirk, Areta Kirk and LaVone Pitt
man returned the fore part of the
week from a motor trip to Portland,
Bellingham and Vancouver, B. C.
Athena stores and many of the
business houses remained closed Mon
day in observation of Labor Day. La
Grande and Walla Walla observed
the day with appropriate exercises.
Phillip Murtha, who farms 800
acres of Umatilla county's fertile soil
north of Weston, was here Monday
and renewed his subscription to the
best newspaper published in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Sr.,
are expected to arrive home Satur
day , after sojourning in Europe
thru the summer months. Miss Dor
othy will remain in Italy to continue
Mr. and Mrs. Toole have arrived in
Athena and are at home in the R.
B. McEwen residence. Mr. Toole is
the coach who this year will have
charge of athletics at Athena high
Mrs. Hazel Raymond and daughter
Betty of Portland spent Sunday and
Monday in Athena, returning home
Monday evening. Mrs. Bessie Beck
ham went with them to spend the
Herman Geissel spent Labor Day
with Art Coppock in the country, and
incidentally we learn that Herman
had his knowledge of loading cord
wood on a farm wagon brushed up
quite a bit.
The Pambrun family are still en
joying strawberries at their farm
home south of Athena. The ever
bearing variety is still ripening in
large quantities, requiring picking
twice a week.
Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton who spent a
couple of weeks in company with Mr.
and Mrs. Frazier of Milton on a mo
tor trip to Seaside, Portland and
other coast points, arrived home
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris have re
turned home from an outing on the
Lostine river in Wallowa county.
They were accompanied on the trip
by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yenny of
Walla Walla.
Mrs. William Glenn and daughter
Rowena, who were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Sims Dickenson, left Friday for
their home at Nyssa, after spending
a week in Athena. Mrs. Glenn is a
sister of Mrs. Dickenson.
Joe Clemons of Athena, and Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Vasser of Pendleton,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. McClure at Albion, Washington.
Mrs. McClure is the mother of Mr.
Clemons and Mrs. Vasser.
Mrs. Marion Hansell and daughter
Helen spent the week end at Port
land. Mr. Hansell, accompanied by
Brooks Anderson, drove to Portland
Saturday, Mrs. Hansell and Helen re
turning with them, Monday.
Mrs. Olin McPheron has been in
Athena from Portland, visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Crabill. She was ac
companied on her visit here by Mrs.
Wallace McPheron of Portland.
Dr. Geyer, Jim Hodgen and Alton
Hodgen motored to Portland Friday.
Dr. Geyer and Jim came home Tues
day night and Alton joined his sis
ter Miss Helen Hodgen and tney con
tinued on to California by steamer.
Miss Broddy, Miss Bateman and
Miss Sellers, teachers in the Athena
school, are domiciled at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerba on High
street and Mrs. Rominger and Miss
Porter are with Mrs. Grant Prest-bye.
George Wall has taken the place
vacated at Thompson's Garage by
Arthur Taylor, who will attend school
at Cheney Normal. George had late
ly been employed as driver of Claud
Dickenson's truck in the dray business.
Miss Alcy Foss of Spokane, was
a guest this week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss. Miss Foss
has sold her store in Spokane, and
with her father, L. J. Loss will visit
relatives at Moro and Terrabonne,
Sherman county.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk and son
Harold, and Mrs. Lloyd Michener
will motor to Portland tomorrow,
where they will remain for several
days. Harold, who has been attend
ing Athena high school, will register
at Hill's Academy.
McFadden's Pharmacy was a very
busy placi Tuesday afternoon, when
school children congregated there in
clusters to select text books and
school supplies. School opened in
Athena Tuesday, Labor Day having
been observed Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell, accom
panied by their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Armond DeMerritt
of Walla Walla, motored to Lewiston
and spent the week end there. This
was their first visit to the little
Idaho city and they were favorably
Mrs. Lloyd Michener has taken the
position of society editor and reporter
for the Athena Press, recently made
vacant by the removal of Mrs. Ralph
McEwen to Portland. Courtesies
and news information given Mrs.
Michener will be appreciated by her
and the paper.
The September meeting of the
Christian Missionary society was held
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. D.
L. Hackett, Miss Zola Keen led the
program with the subject: Missions
in South Africa. Mrs. Hackett was
assisted in serving by Mrs. J. W.
Mr. and Mrs. George Forrest were
in Athena from Los Angeles, Wed
nesday. They made the trip to Ore
gon by motor, . They report meeting
Harry Alexander and his son, form
er Athena residents, recently. Alex
ander is operating a garage at Pine
Valley, California.
Edgar Forrest was in town Wed
nesday, returning from Rosalia,
Washington, where he' has been" op
erating a threshing outfit. Harvest
work has been greatly hampered by
rain in that district. Forrest will go
to Lethbridge, Alberta, to complete
the harvest season. '
On account of the Pendleton Round
Up next week there will be no pic
tures shown at the Standard Theatre
on Saturday or Sunday nights. On
Wednesday night following, Septem
ber 21, the Standard will present
Douglas Fairbanks' master-picture,
"The Three Musketeers."
Lee Whitehead has sold his barber
shop to R. A. Duffied, late of Port
land. Mr. Whitehead has not decid
ed what he will do in the future. Mr.
Duffield is an experienced barber,
having conducted a shop for three
years before coming here. His fam
ily will come to Athena later.
At a meeting of the Athena Study
club Friday, Mrs. R. A. Thompson
was elected president for the ensu
ing year, and Mrs. Fred Radtke vice
president. Miss Zola Keen as secre
tary and treasurer, and Miss Myrtle
Thompson as custodian, were retain
ed in their present positions. The
next meeting will be at Mrs. Thomp
son's home.
The Baptist Missionary society will
hold a meeting at the home of Mrs.
Zeltha Mclntyre, Thursday, Septem
ber 22. Miss Lena Porter, graduate
of Moody Institute, and who has re
ceived the appointment of foreign
missionary worker in Nicaragua, will
address the meeting. Members are
expected to bring all money collected
on Calender Fund.
Monday Fred Hodgen of Adams,
made his first visit to Athena m sev
eral months. Mr. Hodgen is serious
ly afflicted with asthma, contracted
last fall when he inhaled copper car
bide while treating wheat for seed
ing purposes. For a number cf
months he has been taking treatment
at Portland, prior to his returning
home several weeks ago.
Mrs. M. .L Watts entertained the
Bridge club Friday evening. Extra
guests were Mrs. Roseberry, Mrs.
Foster and Mrs. Kershaw of Athena,
Mrs! Clason Adams of Palo Alto,
California. First guest prize was
won by Mrs. Roseberry, club, prize
Mrs. Littlejohn, consolation Mrs.
Kershaw. Delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess.
A number of young people attend
ed the "Big Parade" at the Ameri
can Theatre in Walla Walla Sunday
and Monday. Among them, Lois
Johnson, Jennamae Read, Blanche
Johnson, Reta and Mabel Adair, Lois
Mclntyre, Ray Dudley, Orel Michen
er, Dorothy Geissel, Thena Russell,
Elsa and Emma Ringel and Ethel
Geissel. v
Rev. and Mrs. Bollinger entertained
the young people of the Baptist
church at their home on Jefferson
street Monday evening, in honor of
those leaving to their various col
leges. The honored guests were the
Misses Dorothy and Margaret Lee
and Belle Anderson"; Messrs Reeve
Betts, William Mumford and Gran
ville Cannon. About 35 young people
enjoyed the evening, after which the
hostess was assisted in serving ices
by Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Lee.
Watch value that defiet com
paritoat Thla kwreiV watch hM
a white fold Uea engraved
cat and a dependable 15 Jewel
Bulova Movement. j
FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler
Pendleton. Oreion
may not make the man, but what they seem to
say about him, carry a lot of weight, Order your
M. Born & Company made-to-measure suit
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday, September 10
Colleen Moore
has Golden Curls and the greatest role of her career
A colorful, compelling drama of Limehouse, where the sloe-eyed Malay
mingles with the oily Hindoo and Furitive Chinamen rub elbows with , the
Backwash of London's human undertow.
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, September 11
Johnny H
Stepping -Along
Johnny steps into a ton of trouble when he steps out as an East Side poli
tican. He grafts enough laughs toswing a dozen popularity contests!
You'll vote it the jazziest comedy of the year!
Pathe Review
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Wednesday September 21
ouglas Fairbanks
Hree Musketeers
A wonderful play with a wonderful cast of players
Admission Prices 10c 35c 50c