The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 26, 1927, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Ken Maynard and "Tarzan"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Mrs. C. L. McFadden has been a
visitor in Portland, this week.
R. A. Duffield of Portland, is a
guest at the Lee Whitehead home.
Mrs. L. Sherman and Miss Maude
Sherman visited Friday in Walla
E. A. Dudley was down from his
summer home at Bingham Springs,
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke and son
Fred, spent the week end at Wallowa
Lake resort.
Mrs. Barbara Willaby is visiting
at the home of her daughter Mrs.
Fred Kershaw.
Mrs. Carrie Rogers and Miss Ed
na Zerba were in Athena Monday
from Pendleton.
Mrs. Iledrick of Los Angeles, Cal
ifornia spent the past week with
Mrs. Fred Gross.
Mrs. Marion Hansell, sons and
daughters are enjoying an outing at
Bingham Springs.
Miss Lizzie McKenzie of Portland
is visiting friends and relatives in
Adams and Athena.
Mrs. Anna Cartano spent Wednes
day in Pendleton, with her daughter,
Mrs. Enid Rothrock.
Billy Pinkerton and Herman Geis
sel fished in the Umatilla river Tues
day with fair success.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read and Mr.
and Mrs. McCammon of Hood River
are camped at Wallowa Lake.
The Misses Ethel and LaVone Pitt
man are employed at packing prunes
in a Freewater packing house.
Newt Stone, who was formerly
well known in Athena, was in the
city Saturday from Walla Walla.
Miss Emma Hanson of Ferdinand
Idaho was a guest of her aunt Mrs.
Charles Dickey over the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ames left the
first of the week on a vacation trip
to Portland and other coast cities.
Come to your state Unlveraity Cor culture!
education end profeuionel mining.
OpportuntiS it offered in
22 departments of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts
An3 m the Schooli of
Architecture and Allied Arts
Dusiness Administration Educa
tion Journalism Graduate Study
Law Medicine MusicPhysi
cal Education Sociology Social
Work Extension Division.
College Year Opens September 26, 1927
For information or catalogue writ
The ReQittrar, UniVertU) of
Oregon, Eu$ene, Ore.
"Ranger," the wonder Police Dog.
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Mr. Scott McArthur of San Fran
cisco, attended the funeral of his
late uncle, Hugh McArthur last Fri
Mrs. Fred Kershaw and daughter
Miss Frederica have returned from
Payette lake where they spent a
Mrs. Lvdia James ' of Pendleton,
was in Athena Sunday from Pendle
ton, visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry
E. C. Rogers and son Kenneth will
spend a few days at Bingham
Springs prior to the opening of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton
and daughter Jewel went to Seaside
last week, where they will enjoy an
Mrs. Edra Harder and daughter
Marcene were dinner guests Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodwin on
Dry Creek.
Miss Louise Waffle of Walla Wal
la has charge of Miss Pearl Ramsey's
Beauty Shoppe, during her absence
at Spokane.
Miss Helen Hpdgen and Cy Hod
gen spent the past week at Duncan,
where they visited their sister, Mrs.
Earl Lee of Los Angeles has taken
the place of Charlie Wood at Lee
Whitehead's barber shop. Wood has
gone to Portland.
Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre and Mrs.
Ralph Cannon and children have re
turned from Tacoma after an ab
sence of several weeks.
Miss Velma Schubert and mother
Mrs. Ameil Schubert arrived home
Friday of last week from Portland
and other valley points.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow is at the home
of her mother Mrs. S. J. Bowles in
Walla Walla where she is convales
cing from a recent illnes..
Miss Zina Chapman who has been
spending the summer with her sis
ter Mrs. Flint Johns left Thursday
for her home in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts will leave
the first of the week for Seattle,
sailing Wednesday for Alaska. They
will be away several weeks.
Miss Mildred Stanton who is in
training at St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton, is taking her two weeks
vacation at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Randall, of
Anaheim, California, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Harwood. J The
lady is a neice of Mrs. Harwood.
Mrs. George Thompson and Miss
Maxine Thompson have returned to
their home in Eugene after spend
ing a couple of weeks with friends
Mrs. Horace Belknap and children
Kenneth and Deborah arrived from
Nampa, Idaho Wednesday evening to
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard of
Waitsburg and Mrs. Fred Stine of
San Diego, left for Waitsburg after
attending the funeral of the late
Hugh McArthur.
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Stewart had his arm seriously in
jured in a washing machine wringer,
Monday of this week. The little fel-
We're Off to
In a few days and I need some
Kale. Come in.
Remember the old dump whiie I am away.
McFadden's Pharmacy
Care of
Cemetery Lots
We are equipped to furnish either
perpetual or annual care of lots in
the Athena Cemetery, at reason
able rates.
See: E. C. Prestbye, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sexton.
low was brought to Dr. Sharp's of
fice for examination, when it was
found that no bones had been fract
ured. Mrs.. Julia Hodgen and daughter
Phyllis left Tuesday for California,
where they will reside. Miss Helen
Hodgen and her brother Alton will
join them shortly.
Dr. and Mrs. McCune, Dr. Harry
Cowan of Walla Walla, Miss Pearl
Ramsey and Dr. Cowan of Athena
left Tuesday for Spokane where they
spent several days.
The household effects of Mr. and
Mrs., E. A. Zerba were transported
from Athena to Waitsburg Friday
last by the Penland Transfer com
pany of Pendleton,
The Dempsey-Sharkey fight pict
ures will be shown at the Rivoli
Theatre in Pendleton today and to
morrow. The last reel of the picture
is taken by the slow motion camera.
Mr. and Mrs. Cass Cannon, Mrs.
James Ross and daughters Velma
and Laura left Tuesday for Prine
ville, where they will visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Raymond.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Ridenour of
Seattle, were in Athena for a short
time Saturday, stopping at the Boya
home en route from Spokane to Port
land. Mr. Ridenour is a nephew of
Mrs. Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carter who
formerly resided here on the Swag
gart place spent Monday evening at
the Forrest Zerba home. They were
en route to their home in Lebanon
from a trip east.
The Fisk Flag and Decoratin,
company of Portland has been
awarded the contract to decorate the
city of Pendleton and - Round-Up
Park for the Round-Up, September
14, 15, 16 and 17.
Omer Stephens is delighted with a
new Studebaker "Commander" sedan
which he purchased last week. Mr.
Stephens, who had been driving an
Erskine, exchanged the lighter car
in the trade for the "Commander."
C. M. Eager, Union Pacific agent
at Athena, left Sunday evening for
Seaside where he will join his fam
ily. Mr. Eager is taking his annual
vacation, and has been relieved at
the local station by R. H. Helsby,
Lee A. Meyer, superintendent of
Athena schools, accompanied by his
family, is expected to arrive in
Athena this evening from Marshfield.
The family will occupy the residence
of Mrs. Sherman, on the West Side.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell, Miss
Thena Russell and Mrs. Al Nordeane
and son Russell of Spokane return
ed Monday evening from Condon
where they have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Emmel and
son Kenneth, former residents of
Athena, where Mr. Emmel was man
ager of the J. C. Penney company
store, are visiting relatives at Salem.
Their present home is at Newton,
Walter Edger, the boy who was in
jured a couple of weeks ago, when
the wheel of a truck ran over him,
has been taken back to the hospital
at Walla Walla for treatment, after
being at his home south of town,
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn who
motored to Haines to spend the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Gurney have
not yet returned to Athena. Mr. Lit
tlejohn had the misfortune of sprain
incr his ankle and will not return
here for several days.
Sunday guests at the home of Mrs.
M. M. Johns were: Mrs. J. W. Shaw
and sons Dick and Roger of Vancou
ver, and Mr. and Mrs. George Ayers
of Wallula. Mrs. Shaw, who is a
sister-in-law of . Mrs. Johns was en
route to Baker for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs
Bertha Proebstel and son, McArth
ur, were in the city last week from
Portland. The ladies are daughters
of Mrs. W. S. Perry, who is still here
with her sister, Mrs. McArthur at
the George Banister home.
Mrs. Bertha Castleman of Ontario
and Mrs. Golda Bacon of Portland
spent Tuesday night at the home of
their sister Mrs. Fred Kershaw. The
visitors were en route to Portland by
motor from Payette Lake, Idaho,
where they spent the summer.
Dolph Thompson, manager of
Bingham Springs came down from
the resort Tuesday. He traded with
Athena merchants, and returned with
a load of supplies for the Springs
hotel.- He reports that a large num
ber of families are at the Springs
at present.
At the conclusion of harvesting
the Watts Brothers wheat crop, tho
crew enjoyed a sumptuous feed in
celebration of the occasion. A splen
did dinner was prepared for the boys
at the ranch house by Mrs. Rose
berry, and the whole bunch voted it
the best ever.
Mrs. E. C. Rogers and daughter
Helen leave this evening for Port
land, where they will visit at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts.
Miss Genevieve Rogers daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers lives at the
Watts home, so a most pleasant via
it is anticipated by Mrs. Rogers.
Mrs. Cowan gave a dinner party
at her home in the west part of
town, Sunday. Guests included the
Misses Peart Ramsey, Hilda' Dickeii
son, Edna Pinkerton, Lois Mclntyre,
Fredericks Kershaw and the Messrs
Paul Lieuallen, Mose Banister, Roll
Morrison, Cy Hodgen and Dr. Cow
The first meeting for the coming
year of the Athena Study club will
be held on Friday September second
at the home of Mrs. F. B. Boyd. The
club has chosen the subject of Con
temporary American Literature for
study. Election of officers will be
held and all members are requested
to be present.
Mrs. Lew McNair and daughter
Lenore have left Athena for a visit
with relatives and friends at Chicago.
They went by way of Salt Lake City
and Yellowstone Park. Miss Lenore
will go on to Kentucky to visit re
latives indefinitely. Mrs. McNair
returning home at the conclusion of
her Chicago visit.
Miss Ethel Geissel Athena Press
Linotype operator, returned Sunday
from a two weeks visit witn re
latives in Canada. Miss Geissel en
joyed her visit immensely. She tour
ed Alberta and a portion of British
Columbia by motor, and greatly en
joyed the scenic beauty of Lake
Louise, Banff and other points of in
During C. L. McFadden's trip to
Paris, the prescription department of
his pharmacy will be in charge of
W. P. Thompson of Portland. Mr.
Thompson pioneered in the drug
business at Athena 'way back in tha
80's when the town was known as
Centerville. He was employed by
the drug firm of Cook & Irvin, who
had a store in the building now oc
cupied by Logsdon's Meat market.
Miss Kathren Froom was compli
mented Monday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Ferguson when
Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Henry Bar
rett entertained with a bridge tea.
The rooms were attractively decor
ated with graceful sprays of colorful
cosmos and the score cards used
carried the same colors. Five tables
were in play and first honors were
awarded to Mrs. James Lieuallen.
Mrs. M. L. Watts receiving the con
solation. A feature of the afternoon
was a miscellaneous shower for Miss
Froom whose wedding occurred Wed
nesday. The shower was a complete
surprise to the honoree and she was
the recipient of many beautiful and
appropriate gifts. At the tea hour the
hostesses served delicious refreshments.
Tuesday morning at her home in
Pendleton, Mrs. Joseph Scott was
hostess at a daintily appointed break
fast to a group of Athena ladies, the
hours until three o'clock being pnssod
with bridge and needlework, when a
light lunch was served. Mrs. Scott's
pleasant 'rooms were attractive in
many colored flowers, delicate pink
petunias centering the small tables
at which the guests were seated.
They were: Mrs. Melville Johns of
Wilmar, California, Mrs. F. C. Ad-
is of Palo Alto and Miss Zina
Chapman of Vancouver; Mrs. M. M.
Johns, Mrs. H. H. Hill, Mrs. M. L.
Watts, Mrs. E. DePeatt, Mrs. B. B.
Richards, Mrs. D. T. Stone, Mrs. H.
I. Watts, Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens, Mrs.
F. N. Johns, Mrs. F. B. Boyd and
the hostess, who was assisted in
serving by her daughters, Misses
Margaret and Pauline Scott.
Advance Information
Every trade liiis its stock of well"
kuown yarns, but occasionally a new
one does occur only, ulus, in time to
become n classic. A certain well
known newspaper man was holding
forth to a group of writers among
whom was a rather famous novelist.
The Journalist was saying that he bad
recently Iven engaged In revising the
obituaries held In readiness by his pa
per. Turning to the novelist, he add
ed Jocosely: "I've just been writing
you up."
But the novelist, apparently, hnd
not boon following very closely. Wak
ing up with a start, be asked eagerly:
"When is it going to be published?"
To End Church Debt
Amos Skinner bad never done any
real work; insteml, be had tried to In
vent something that would bring hlin
a fortune.
Meeting an old friend, he rushed up
to It I in, greatly excited.
"I've got It nt last!" he shrieked.
Made my fortune, sure as eggs!"
"What Is it this time?" asked his
".lut u llltle device,'' said Skinner,
"but It will bring nie millions. Kvery
church in th nmntry'll buy one. You
see, it's a collecting box with differ
ent slots fur different coins. All sil
ver money falls on velvet, while cop
wi s rtron on W "'
Watch value that defie com.
pariionl This lovely watch h
white gold filled engraved
cam and a dependable 15 Jewel
Pendleton. Oregon
leadquarters for
; Harvesters
Men's Work Sox.... ,: 12y2c, 15c and 25c pair
Men's Heavy Canvass Gloves...........' 10c pair
Men's Union Suits. 90c to 2.65
Men's Work Shirts, blue and gray 79c, 98c, 1.25
Men's Red and Blue Bandanas, large size 15c
Men's Straw Hats... .35c to 1.00
Men's Khaki Hats... 75c
Men's .Waist Overalls.................: : 1.50 and 2.00
Men's Bib Overalls 1.29, 1.50, 2.00
Men's Leather Gloves.. 50c, 85c, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50
Men's Jumpers .. ;......95c, 1.50
Men's Khaki Pants : :...............:..2.00, 2.50
5 per cent Discount for Cash
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday, August 27
ECen Maynard
and his Wonder Horse Tarzan
mm mm .
e Lan
When the Standard picks its pictures it selects those everybody will enjoy.
"The Land Beyond the Law" is more than a Western drama. It is an au
thentic and historical story of New Mexico of the conflict between the law
less cattle barons and the daring "nesters" and of the brave men who risk
ed their lives to establish and uphold the law.
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, August 28
The World's Greatest Dog
fwTT?1 1 e ' Tf? 9
t lashing Irans
The story of a man who saved the life of a dog and that same dog saved
his life ! Redemption, rescue, love, and human interest A marvel dog who
senses danger, thinks like a human being, acts with the quickness of lightn
ing, and does more thrilling stunts than a dog ever did before! The romance
and thrill of the mountain country with the rejuvenation of a human dere
lict through the mighty power of a dog's love a blazing drama of rebirth
amid the whispering pines of the high Sierras!
Pathe Review
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Wednesday September 7th.