The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 26, 1927, Image 3

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    II ' - ......... M
Open Until 10 o'Clock
Saturday Night
Now, Don't Miss This
Great Big Event
Starts Thursday
Two pair of Shoes for the price of
" ' ONE
You buy a pair and get
Bring a friend and each get a pair, divide the cost.
Sale starts Thursday
Don't miss the greatest shoe sale Pendleton ever had.
Buster Brown Shos Store
Pendleton, Oregon
31 Years Ago
He Started With
Nothing But Nerve
Story of George Thompson
Invalided Soldier, Who
Made Good.
As told by f&cxn and Fireside,
here is an example of yrhtf peorge
Thompson, an invalided soldier, has
by his own efforts accomplished 'on
the Tumolo project near Bend, in
Central Oregon:
George F. Thompson was born
forty years ago on a Nebraska farm
and was raised in western Kansas.
At an early age he was cast upon the
merey of a more or less indifferent
world and lorced to sniit 10 nimseit
if g lie punched cattle in Colorado and
then tried his hand at wheat-farming,
only to be cleaned out complete
ly in one bad season. Then he went
to the coal fields of Utah, where he
worked on the coke ovens until the
war broke out. He was married in
" 1914. -.,
Thompson was assigned to an ar
tillery regiment. But it was not, in
the cards for him to see the battle
fields of France. An attack of soin
al meningitis kept him in the camp
hospital for a year. When the war
ended he was trying to recuperate
from this- disease and from the effects
of a mastoid operation. He was
partially paralyzed on one side and
had a weak heart. Physical work
was out of the question.
But gameness and a naturally rag
ged constitution pulled him through.
As a disabled veteran he took the vo-
cational training offered by the Vet
erans Bureau, graduated from the
poultry course at Corvallis and set
tled at Tumulo in 1922, ; :
The first thing was to build a four
room house and one poultry house. A
fiirl baby, May, had been born in
1919. Having established his fam
ily, Thompson settled down to the
business of making poultry pay. But
l.e kept his weather eye to raising
vegetables and alfalfa hay. They
bought a Jersey cow and Mrs.
Thompson put out a strawberry
"Our first poultry house cost $119,"
lie told me. "It has more than paid
for itself. The first year our eggs
sold for an average of 38 cents a doz
en and Co&t 12 cents to produce. i
"The second year our 452 adult
birds averaged 224 eggs each. The
eggs sold for 35 cents a dozen and,
allowing for the lqss of J.7 hens, gave
us a Drofit of $4.17 ner hen. or a
tota.1 profit for the farm gf f 2,Q0.
"The third year, 1924, the records
on house No. 1 showed a net profit
per hen of $4.10. Our farm gross re
ceipts that year were $4,700. ' !
"The fourth year. 1925. the flock
was renewed by culling out some of
the old hens and replacing them with
Dullets. The records on 220 hens
that year showed an average of 215
eggs and a net profit per hen of
$5.07. We sold 10,000 eggs for hatch
ing purposes in Portland at a prem
ium of 15 cents a dozen, making the
average price 42 cents a dozen. Our
1925 gross income was $6,000. We
have three poultry houses now and
keep about 1,000 hens."
Thompson is a great hand for fig
ures. He loves them and keeps them
stored away in his mind, where he
mulls them over and is ready to
snap them out for anyone who asks
without referring to his account
books. For several years he has co
operated with the .Oregon Agricultur
al College as one of their forty dem
onstration poultry farms, keeping
yearly cost accounts. But it isn't
just a demonstration stunt with him.
He keeps records primarily to know
where he stands and which way he is
I found him putting ud a big stack
of alfalfa hay. He gets about 60
tons in two cuttings from 12 acres,
of which 40 tons is sold and the bal
ance fed out He grows the Grimm
variety. - ,
Mrs. Thompson has proved herself
a worthy helpmate to a man of
George Thompson's mettle. She was
ill the day of my visit, so I could
not talk to her, but it requires little
imagination to picture the dark davs
she lived through while her husband
was fighting gallantly for his life !
ana neaitn, or the labor and uneer.
tainity of getting a foothold as pion
eers iri a new section of the country.
A baby boy, Lloyd, was born to the
Thompsons in 1925. r
Her little strawberry natch has
produced an almost incredible amount
of fruit and plants and has helped
materially in the farm program. In
1924 berries worth $125 were mark.
eted and $75 worth of plants; this
from a quarter of an acre. The
patch has grown to a half-acre.
From it were sold in 1925 about
20,000 plants at $10 a thousand and
100 crates of berries at an imm
of about $2.50 a crate.
The Thompsons' house is small but
cozy and the lawn is decorated with
tlower beds and some fine native
junipers. They both take an active
part in affairs of the communitv. Mr
ihompson is president of the local
poultry club and is always ready to
give a beginner the benefit of his
experience and knowledge of the
poultry business. His health ha
been completely recovered and tn ceo
him today you would not suppose
mat ne had ever had a day's illness
in his life.
First Round-Up Ticket
A day and night vigil is being
kept at Pendleton by proxies who
will get tickets for the 1927, Round
Up, September 14, 15, 16 and 17.
when the box office opens September
1. J. J. Hamley. Pendleton' for mnnu
years the first in line for tickets, put
a proxy m line on August 22, and
thus continued the tradition of be
ing first The ticket office h nt
yet been placed but the proxy is
there and will remain day and night
until after September 1 when he will
get the pick of the pasteboards.
August 21, 1896
No able-bodied man should bo beg
ging for bread now. Harvest hands
are scarce and the farmers are pay
ing them from $1.25 to $2.00 per day
to work in the harvest field.
How about these dusty streets? To
straw them would be a capital idea.
J. S. Post is in the mountains hunt
ing grouse and huckleberries.
Vic Shick was rewarded with 1582
sacks of wheat from 140 acres.
Mr. Davis, father of Mrs. L. D.
Lively, has been very ill at his home
in Malvern, Iowa.
Sam Purdy's 28-inch separator one
day this week threshed out 1021
sacks of wheat. i
W. D. Parker and family and York i
Dell and mother returned from the
mountains Saturday.
Warren Raymond's threshiner out
fit had a narrow escape from burning
up at the Mclntyre place, the first of
the week. The engine and machine
had just been moved to a new setting
and the roustabout returned from the
trap 'wagon, when the straw stack
was destroyed, and fortunately only
five sacks of wheat were damaged
James Froome has purchased the
livery business of George Froome
in Pendleton, and Wednesday moved
his family to the county seat. George
and family will locate in Rossland
B. C.
The board of directors have con
eluded to take city water. An inch
pipe will be laid in the school house
Louie Bergevin renorts that his
wheat is turning out about 35 bush
els to the acre. There is lots of s-ond
wheat m Umatilla county.
A party went to the Black mmm
tain on a pleasure trip recently, and
secured the services of George Mulkey
as guide. Ueorge reports a pleasant
time, twenty-one gallons of huckle
perries and inch of lee.
The track of the threshinp nmnhino
is plainly distinguishable on the
farms in this section. Huge straw
piles mark where a short time n
large fields of golden grain nodded
playfully in the wind.
Tom Page recently threshed
wheat which went 40 bushels to the
William Willahv and family Are t
vvfloaward'g toll gate th is week.
J. Bloch has been engaged as book-
Keeper at the Mosgrove store.
End of Wheat HauliW
Hauling of one of the largest
of wheat ever raised in the Athena
district is drawing to a close. The
present harvest Deriod Wfla favnrart
with ideal weather conditions, but
one light shower interfered with nn.
erations, and delivery of frrn in in
elevator and warehouse has not been
once interrupted,
The Prune Harvest
The prune harvest is in full
in the Walla Walla valley. There is
a good crop of the fruit In th urn.
ton-Freewater district A number
of Athena workers are employed
the orchards
and in the packing
Marble and Granite
A Hometown Business for
Local People
Special Prices for July
All Work Guaranteed
Successor to TV A. Wyle
As in everything else we can satisfy
your wants in
;' . .; V''': , ' "''Y V'v: ' !'.,f . VV'
Fruits and Vegetables
We carry- only the very- best the
market affords
Good health is the greatest possession you and your family can have. Be sure
and keep it. The best safeguard you can have is to eat good foods. When
your foods come from our store you can depend upon them being fresh
and pure. The quality will be high but the price will be right down as low as
our good quality can be sold for. Give us your grocery order today.
Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beda
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patroni
Corner Main "and Third
Athena, Oregon
Continental Oil Company
Prompt Service
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
You Always Have a
Good Time at
tingham Springs
We Always Treat You
Dolph Thompson, Manager
Gibbon, Oregon
"He that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loans
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
GERALD KILG0RE, Proprietor
Malted Milk, Sodas, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Sun
daes, Ice Cream, Bricks, Dixies, Eskimo Pies, etc.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
J. L. Harman
We Carry the
Machine Works
Hinged Weeder
Main Street Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Bell & Dickenson
Phones 452 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street AthenaOregon.
Foley's Kidney Cure
make kldoeya end bUdJer right
he Lumber
ou Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. .You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lura Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena