The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 26, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year ' " f '"nn
One copy, six months "
One copy, three months
Athena, Oregon, August 26 ..1927
From the Oregon Public Utility
Information Bureau, we learn of the
probability of elaboration of the or
iginal intent of a resolution adopted
at the last session of the legislature
is indicated by Speaker Carkin of
the house of representatives. H. K.
No 21 authorized the appointment
of a Property Tax Relief commission,
"with power and authority to make
such investigation as the members
thereof may deem necessary for the
relief of the burdensome tax im
posed upon real property in the hope
that some plan may be formulated
whereby through suggested legisla
tion all financial requirements of
our state government may be here
after met by indirect methods of tax
ation, and direct levy on .property
for state purposes may be done away
with as is done in a number of other
Speaker Carkin now proposes to
go beyond the appointment of a
committee of five originally contem
plated, and include in the personnel
of the committee as many as twenty
citizens of the state . for the pur
pose of probing into the whole
scheme of state taxation, and giving
representation to such major inter
ests as agriculture, industry, banks,
public utilities, lumbering, livestock,
horticulture and mercantile pursuits.
The enlarged committee would be
requested to survey the needs of the
Btate and to study possible economies
with the object of reducing expendi
tures where practicable.
While the people have rejected the
tax proposals submitted by the last
legislature, the problem that con
fronts the state has not been solved,
and it is anticipated that a represen
tative group may agree upon plans
that will be satisfactory to a major
ity of the people aiid that will at
tract support from the next legisla
v ture. It has been pointed out that in
v California no direct property tax is
levied for state purposes, and it is
admitted that in Oregon some classes
of intangibles still escapes taxation.
Emphasizing the fact that there is
now no adequate program of health
education in high school and no
great manifestation of interest in
the subject, Mrs. Edna Watson Bail
ey, Ph. D., associate director of prac
tice teaching in the University of
California, urges health associations
to give their attention to helping to
build into the community a demand
for a high schol program which will
concern itself with the welfare of
boys and girls from the standpoint
of health and happiness. It is the
school's responsibility, Dr. Bailey
stated, to develop this program. The
health worker's part of the job lies
in creating the sentiment which will
force the school to recognize and ac
cept the responsibility. It is in the
high school that the greatest op
portunity for health education exists,
in the opinion of Dr. Bailey. It is
a three-fold opportunity; first, the
personal health development of the
high school student; second, the long
range influence on those who are to
be the teachers and parents a few
years from now; and third, the citi
zenship aspect and the creating of a
community health consciousness.
The "Dole disaster" was partici
pated in by aviators who, perhaps
lured by the adventure of the Paci
fic flight and the $35,000 prize mon
ey, nevertheless took the chance of
disaster at sea, which has seized
three of the planes, and doubtless
the lives of six men and one woman.
Four planes have reached the Is
lands in safety in flights from the
mainland, and a fifth crumpled up on
an Island without an ounce of gaso
line left. Isn't the experience enough
to satisfy those in charge of flight
tests that land planes as now con
structed, are deficient to lift and
carry with safety the enormous gaso
line weight necessary for long dis
tance cross-ocean flights?
The latest crop estimate places the
wheat yield of Oregon at about 23,
000,000 bushels and of the three
states of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho at 100,000,000 bushels The
estimate for all of North America
is 1,190,000,000, which is 68,000,000
bushels less than the yield of 1296.
For Europe, except Russia, 1,277,
000,000 bushels, against 1,211,000,
000 last year; in North Africa 88,
000,000 against 90,000,000 in 1926,
and in Asia 368,000,000, against
369,000,000 last year.
An Oregon editor says that in
making their own wheels go round,
the railroads influence the wheels of
all other industry.
An industrial item says, "Last sec
tion of Klamath Falls highway oiled
to Keno." Well, back in the early
90's we used to play keno with
"Doc" O'Harra at Weston, and we
never used oil in the game over
there; "Kees' Best" was the lubricant
at that time.
One reason why only the rich may
enjoy cherry pie is found in the fact
that one. Lambert cherry tree at
Hood River, paid its owner $157.60
this year; and the tree had never
been branded with the Washington
hatchet, either.
: o '
The announcement from Oregon
City that Portland Electric car lines
are laying new track, naturally leads
up to the question as to what is the
matter with the auto stage service
down there?
It's all over between Chaplin and
Lita Grey Chaplin. The comedian
traded $825,000 and permanent cus
tody of his two sons to his wife for
an interlocutory decree of divorce, in
a' California court.
British buyers chased over to the
Chase hop yards near Eugene and
bought 20,000 pounds of hops at 19
cents. Canada will use the hops and
American tourists will drink the
Wallowa county doubtless feels
kindly toward old Umatilla. Our
game farm sent 'em 300 young Mon
golian pheasants the other day.
Southern Oregon may have the tin,
but Eastern Oregon has the wheat,
take your choice.
Moslem Pilgrim Riie$
Pious Moslems who niiiUe the pil
grimage to Mecca go seven times
round the Knahn, or tomb of the
prophet, reciting prayers ami rever
ently kissing the I'.lacU Stone. They
then proceed to the sacred spring of
Zem-Zem, which Is said to be the foun
tain Jehovah opened in the desert for
llugiir and Ishmael. There eacli pil
grim dips into the water two white
shirts held together by strings (no
(tins are permitted for that purpose).
These garments must be dried In the
court of the mosque, and afterward
are laid aside as the burial clothes of
their owners. According to tradition
a shroud that has been snaked In the
water of Zem-Zem will protect Its
wearer against the llery heat of the
Last Judgment.
Ships and Tonnage
Tonnage of a ship refers not to Its
weight, as Is often supposed, but to Its
carrying capacity. The term origi
nated In the time of King Henry VII
of England, who Introduced one of the
flrst navigation nets of Its kind in
which the Importation of Bordeaux
wine In any' vessels except those
owned by the lieges was forbidden.
The liquor was carried in huge bar
rels culled tuns, and, since then, the
cargo capacity of a ship lias been
measured by tunnnge or tonnage, the
modern term. In connection with war
vessels, however, the word refers to
the weight of water they displace, or
their displacement tonnnge, the com
mon way of describing the weight of
other sbfps.
Piano must be sold Will sacri
fice fine piano in storage near here.
Will give easy terms to a responsible
person. For full particulars and
where piano can be seen address
Portland Music Company 227-6th
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Anyone wanting to buy any of the
George Shevar horses in the Barrett
pasture Vt mile north of Athena, can
call me by phone No. 65 Union, Ore
gon. This stock will be sold cheap
Lto clean up the bunch. George Shev
ar, Union, Oregon.
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes.!
Try Our
nncuA unArt
! 11 "!'." 'wp'F ".' mm J wim jMWMMMimiiifclf-.
Good, Clean
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore.
Wonderful Alpha Hays
The Alpha rays from radioactive
matter, It appears, consist of writable
atoms of matter projected at a speed
averaging 6,000 miles a second. It Is
the great energy of. motion of these
swiftly expelled masses that gives rise
to the heating effect of radium. Yet
they da not go far. The swiftest
alpha particle travels seven centi
meters in nlr, under ordinary con
ditions, before It is stopped. But on
Its way It plunges straight through
every molecule In Its path, producing
positively and negatively charged Ions
in the process. On an average, an
alpha particle, before Its career of vio
lence Is stopped, breaks up about 100,
000 niolecules. Washington Star.
His Own Religion
I often wonder nt religious men,
they have such varying Ideas oa the
subject. I was talking lately with
a prominent man one whose name Is
really n household word and he said:
"I was brought up In a religious fam
ily. I have chosen to accept religion
in my own way, but never bother
others with It. I have no desire to
convert the world. I wouldn't give a
d n to convert anybody tomorrow."
Jingo is supposed ,to be derived
from the mountain soldiers of Basque,
who were employed by Edward I In
Wales. The common oath of these
Basque soldiers was "by Jainko." The
modern use of Jingo really dates
from McDerinott's music hall song
of 1878, when war with Russia was
threatening Great Britain. The first
line of the song ran: "We don't
want to tight, hut by jingo, if we do."
Oxygen in Air
Normal air contains about 21 per
cent of oxygen, says the United States
bureau of mines. Man works best at
this proportion of oxygen. A candle
or oil flame will not burn In atmos
phere containing less than approxi
mately 16 per cent oxygen, yet man
Is sufficiently adaptable to get along
fairly well in 17 per cent of oxygen.
He will breathe a little faster and a
little deeper. But most men cannot
work In air with oxygen below 13 per
cenc, the point .where an acetylene
flame Is extinguished by oxygen de
ficiency. In an atmosphere containing
between 10 and 13 per cent oxygen,
men become dizzy, pant, have a rapid
heart beat, and often suffer from
headache; 8 to 10 per cent usually
produces unconsciousness and ulti
mately death.
Trollopc's Cigars
Lord Birkenhead recently boasted a
lifelong devotion to cigar smoking, but
Ije can hardly claim to have given
more thought and time to his bobby
than did Anthony Trollope, remarks
the Manchester Guardian. Trollope,
as soon as his Income was large
enough to stand the expense, bad one
entire wall of his library equipped with
air-tight little bins fitted with slid
ing doors and numbered. These be
kept filled with choice cigars, laid
across and across like planks of tim
ber, to get thoroughly seasoned. True
to the Trollope tradition, lie worked
through the bins In .methodical fash
ion, refilling each as it wa'i emptied
with special Imports from Havana
Thus, he declared, lie attained the
most perfect smokes iu the world,
Rivoli Theatre, Pendleton
Aug 26 Aug 27
1 t"
Fight Picture
Showing the Entire Fight. The last
Reel is in Slow Motion
Children 10c-Adults 50c
True education not only opens up stores of knowledge but
develops the alert mind. The chief glory of modern science is
Higher education in the field of applied science combines
technical study with the fundamental training essential to
citizenship. Its degrees open the way not only to leadership
in ''the several pursuits and professions in life" but also to a
larger community service.
Maintains schools of Engineering (civil, electrical, mechani
cal, chemical), Mines, Forestry, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Home
Economics, Vocational Education, Commerce, and Military
Science, all offering accredited college work. The School of
Basic Arts and Sciences, Industrial Journalism, Library Prac
tice, Physical Education, and Music afford sound basic and
specialized training. y,
For catalogue and other information address the Registrar
Oregon State
Agricultural College
lice Lream
in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies,
Sundaes and Sodas
Cold Drinks
Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River,
Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roaches
Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc.
Short Order Lunches
W. R. Harden
The International Harvester Company's
ebber Wagon
With . . , .
Oscillating Reach
Long Steel Skein, built especially tor heavy wheat
hauling in the West-full circle bolster plate, that
takes the hard bumps off heavy loads-the one wag
on now made with parts and extras; available for
- Rogers C& Goodman
( A Mercantile Trust)
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Granite Company
H. J. BLAESING, Manager
Eastern Oregon Representative
Odd . Fellows Bld'g, Pendleton.
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
The healthy boy is full of play every
minute of his spare time. If he fails
to join with others in their sports he
is a sick boy indeeif.' To be healthy
the spine and nervous system must
function normally. Bring your ail
ing child to us for an examination
and adjustment of any disorder.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte "
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
"Scrip t Porm "
Butter Wrappers
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Gleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921
J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
It Pays io Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours. -
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, instfred by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
annually. -
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, b Athena labor, in one ol the very" best
equipped mill in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your
grocer sells the Cunouc American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
thena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash