I Press Paragraphs "The Callahans & Murphys" Standard Theatre, tomorrow night. Mrs. Laura Froome spent Tuesday in Pendleton. Mrs. Clayton Rogers was in Athena Tuesday from Adams. s Otho Reeder and family spent Monday in Walla Walla. Cass Cannon is suffering with a severe case of tarweed poisoning. Mrs. Delia Booher was here from Walla Walla over the week-end. Mrs. Theresa Berlin was in Athena recently from her home at Walla Wal la. Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead and two little sons were at Pendleton Sun day. Justin Harwood has repapered and decorated the Penn Harris barber shop. , ' Miss Hilda Dickenson and Miss Pearl Ramsey spent Monday in Walla Walla. York Dell was taken to a hospital at Walla Walla Monday, for medical treatment. Miss Cathern Froome and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson were Walla Walla vis tors, Monday. The John Banister threshing outfit went into the shed Tuesday, after a successful season'; run. The Hansell-Williams harvest crew finished the (season's run Monday eve ning, after operating 22 days. Emma Jane Kilgore is convalescing from an operation performed Tues day in Walla Walla. The little girl had tonsils and adenoids removed. George Pittman is perambulating on crutches as the result of an ac cident while at play. He was run ning through tall grass when he stumbled, breaking the great toe on his left foot. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pittman have returned from a visit to Lewiston and other points in Idaho. They were accompanied home by their daughter La Vonne, who has been attending summer normal at Lewiston. Comt to your tute Univenity for cultural (duration nd professional training. Opportunity i o(f r3 in 22 departments of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts Ani in tht Schoolt of Architecture and Allied Arts Business Administration Educa tion Journalism Graduate Study Inw Medicine Music Physi cal Educntion Sociology Social Work Extension Division. College Year Opens September 26, 1927 for information or ealolou u'nt Th? Ri$utrjr, tnrtVriity of Or, on. Eu(tn, On. Colleen in Orchids and Ermine" Standard Theatre, Sunday night. Walter Adams spent Wednesday in Walla Walla. Richard Thompson was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Brooks Anderson spent Wednesday in Walla Walla. Dennis Groom of Milton, was in Athena Wednesday. Jim Sturgis of Pendleton, was an Athena visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke were visitors in Walla Walla, Tuesday. Nesmith Ankeny of Walla Walla, called on Athena friends Monday. C. H. Green of Weston, was a bus iness visitor in Athena, Wednesday. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow is a patient at St. Mary's hospital, in Walla Walla. Harold Kirk will not attend Athena high school this year. He will regis ter at Hills, in Portland. Athena, along with other Northwest cities and towns, sweltered in the grip of a hot wave this week. Jtfrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. H. L Watts Mrs. F. C. Adams and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson spent Friday in Walla Wal la. Harvest is practically over with in the Athena district, and much of the grain is now on its way to the ware houses. An average of thirty-two trucks have been using the new market road between Adams and Thorn Hollow. Mrs. Lilla Kirk and son John ex pect to leave the last of the week for Long Beach, where they will enjoy a short vacation. Danny Reeder is riding a new Haw thorne De Luxe bicycle, a present given him by his parents on his tenth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Jennie Proebstel, who now makes her home in Portland, is vis iting Athena friends. She expects to return home tomorrow. !Mrs. S. J. Bowles and granddaugh ter Sarah Jane, have returned to their home in Walla Walla, after a visit at the LeGrow home here. Mrs. Ida Banister, who underwent an operation for appendicitis last week is improving. She is at St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla. ,Mr. ,and Mrs. Ernest Zerba were en gaged this week in packing their household effects for shipment to Waitsburg, where they will reside in future. John Robinson and his Varsity Vagabonds from the University of Oregon, will be here tonight to play for another of their popular dances at Legion Hall. Mrs. Hodgen, son and two daugh ters contemplate leaving for Portland Monday, on tlreir way to Red land, California, where they will make their home. Mrs. B. B. Richards and son Rol and and Mrs. Omer Stephens, have returned from a fortnight's outing at the Forrest summer camp on the Umatilla, near Thorn Hollow. Tomorrow night the Standard The atre will present "The Callahans & Murphys," a high speed comedy of the better sort. Sunday night, win some Colleen Moore comes in the gay tale of a, telephone girl, "Orchids and Ermine," a current First National production. SPECIALS Bath Powder and Salts 98c Shaving Brush and Razor $1.00 Palmolive Shaving Cream 35c and can Talcum free McFadden's Pharmacy Care of Cemetery Lots We are equipped to furnish either perpetual or anriual care of lots in the Athena Cemetery", at reason able rates. ATHENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION See: E. C. Prestbve, Secretary, -or Ike Phillips, Sextoa Ralph Wallan, well known Adams farmer, transacted business in Athe na Tuesday. Mrs. Mildred Froome is visiting Mrs. Laura Froome, at the Athena Hotel. Otis Lieuallen, a prominent farm er of Adams, was a business visitor in Athena Wednesday. Glenn Dudley had the misfortune Tuesday of losing one of his valuable mules, after it had been sick a short while. Mr. and Mrs. John Nusbaum of California, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Myrick, Monday of this week. Elmer Stockstilf who is assisting in the Douglas harvest near lone, Morrow county, spent Sunday at his home in Athena. Mrs. E. M. Bollinger, twho has been at the home of her 'daughter at Free water for several weeks, is expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ames will leave shortly for a vacation trip to coast resorts. They expect to be away about two weeks. Mrs. R. B. McEwen visited in Wal la Walla the first of the week, where she was the guest of Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles, at Clinton Court. , Emery Rogers will accompany Mrs. Lilla Kirk and John Kirk when they motor to the Willamette valley and coast resorts next week. Mrs. H. A. Barrett, Mrs. Flint Johns, Miss Zina Chapman and Mrs. H. I. Watts motored to Walla Walla Tuesday, where they spent the day. Walter Edger, who last week sus tained serious injuries when he fell under a truck, has been brought to his home from a Walla Walla hospital and is much improved. Miss Pauline Mitchell, formerly a teacher in Athena schools, has re cently returned to her home in Port land, after three weeks spent at Yellowstone Park. u. Pete Abercrombie, a former sales man at Athena Department Store, and who has for the past three or four years made his home in Canada is an Athena visitor. Mrs. Jennie Gross, Mrs. Grant Prestbye and MissJennamae Read ar ived home Sunday morning from Mon tana, where they had been visiting for the past three weeks. Mrs. Penn Harris and Mrs. Bert Logsdon motored to Walla Walla Monday to call on Mrs. Phillip Yen- ney. The new son and heir has been named Allen Taylor Yenney. S. P. Cooley of Portland, Neil Cam eron of Yakima, and Wade Goodman of Walla Walla, all representatives of the International Harvester Co. made business calls in Athena, Tues day. I Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith, Ernest and Ruth, are in California for a vacation. Dr. Smith is taking post graduate work at the University of California medical school in San Francisco, during his stay in the South. Mrs. F. C. Adams will leave for Portland today o spend the week-end where she will meet Mr. Adams, who will arrive there from Palo Alto, and they will come to Athena the first of the week. Maurice McFadden,1 who is visiting at his home in Corvallis from Cali fornia, accompanied by his mother and sister, visited at the home of his brother, C. L. McFadden in Athena last week, returning .to Corvallis Saturday. Mrs. Alta McSherry is spending the month of .August in Athena, with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. F. Sharp. Mr. McSherry at present is at Rose burg, but expects to spend the winter in Salem, where he will be joined by Mrs. McSherry. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts Saturday eve ning included Mrs. M. M. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns and daughter Nellie May, who are visiting here from California, and Mrs. 'A. A. Kim ball, of Pendleton. Ralph Caplinger, who operates a diversified farm near Salem, was an Athena visitor Tuesday, en route to Lacrosse, Wash., by motor. Mr. Cap linger's boyhood home was in the He lix vicinity, where his father owned large wheat holdings. Miss Ruth Proebstel will have charge of music in grade schcols at Walla Walla again this year. At the present time she is in Portland, after several weeks spent at the beach. Miss Proebstel will visit in Athena before (taking. up her work in Septem ber. Mrs. Ora Smith is convalscent, fol lowing a major operation at a Wal la Walla hospital. Her condition is reported favorable. . Mrs. Lloyd Michener has returned to her home in Athena after a week's absence spent at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Ora Smith, at Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden are looking forward with much pleasure to their approaching trip to Paris, where Mr. McFadden will be one of the delegates to the American Legion convention. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden accompanied by John Banister of Wes ton, will leave Pendleton September 3, on a' special Legion train for Que bec, where the ship will be boarded for Paris. Jim Jones' rural mail delivery car met a horse in the road while making the rounds Tuesday. Result: horse in ditch, headlights and fenders on the blink. The Reverend James J. Gibbons of St. James Rectory, Philadelphia, was a recent visitor in Athena. As a boy, Rev. Gibbons resided here with his parents when the town was known 'as Centerville. He is a neph ew of the late Patrick Maxwell, and Rev. Gibbons' mother is buried in Athena cemetery. An automobile plunging into a cloud of dust struck one of Hugh Lieu alien's wheat wagons, at a point near Myrick Station Wednesday. The Ma chine was wrecked and a wagon wheel smashed. Dean Moore was on the wagon at the time of the collision. JUROR'S HOME WRECKED Family of Man Who Helped Convict Sacco and Vanzittl Bombed. Boston, Mass. The East Milton home ot Lewis McHardy, one of the jurors who found Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzeltl guilty of the Braintree payroll murders in 1920, was wrecked by a powerful bomb. Five members of the McHardy fam ily were thrown from their beds and were shaken up badly, but aside from a cut on the head, suffered by Mrs. McHardy, none was injured. 1 The explosion took place just a few hours before the' Massachusetts supreme judicial court assembled to hear final arguments from Sacco and Vanzetti's counsel, who are fighting for a new trial. As a result of the bomb outrage, additional guards have been placed about the courthouse, the statehouse and the state prison, where ths two anarchists are held. Recall Voters Win In Rariler Election Rainier. Or. A. E.. Veatch. mayor. Van Knauf and E. P. Haugeberg, councilmen, were recalled in the special election after a heated cam paign. F.nal returns on Veatch show 263 voting for the recall and 179 against it. The vote on Knauf was yes 230, no 1S2; on Haugeberg it was yes 237, no 176. Herculean Viewpoint A colored man who owned u large wngon and a small horse was hired to lmul nwny some trash from 'a home. The trash contained many brickbats and made an nwkwurd load; As lie "was ready to drive away, the owner of the house said to him: "If you Intend t lmul such large lomls you need n larger horse." The colored man replied: "If you had to lift him up every niornlnc like I do you would think he Is heavy pnoiisrli." Watch value that defies com pari on I This lovely watch has a white gold filled engraved caie and a dependable 15 jewel FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler Pendleton, Oregon tow FARES n SUMMER EXCURSION PARES IN EFFECT MAY 21 TO SEPT. 30 RETURN LIMIT OCTOBSR31.1927 round tm TO DENVER S67.M OMAHA 70.M KANSAS CITY..., 70.1 DES MOINES........ 76.SO ST- LOUIS 80-SS CHICAGO S. DETROIT 104.S7 CINCINNATI JOS.M CLEVELAND....... 107.1 TORONTO 111.80 ATLANTA MS. PITTSBURGH 118.81 WASHINGTON .140.61 PHILADELPHIA 14S.S7 NEW YORK......... BOSTON .M3-M Low fares also to other points In Middle West, South and East. Liberal $ to paver permit vititing Zioa National Park Crand Canyon National Park Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountain Wart Park For Illustrated Booklets; Reservations and Information, address Agent named below. , UNION PACIFIC SUM OVGRIANO ROUTI C. M. EAGER, Agent Athena, . Oreg . Men's Work Sox..... :..........................; 12' 15c and 25c pair Men's Heavy Canvass Gloves..........:............ :.10c pair Men's Union Suits :. . 90c to 2.65 Men's Work Shirts, blue and gray........! 79c, 98c, 1.25 Men's Red and Blue Bandanas, large size ..'...- ...........15c Men's Straw Hats......... 35c to 1.00 Men's Khaki Hats......................... ...:...75c Men's Waist Overalls.... ...............:...:...........T- 1.50 and 2.00 , " Men's Bib .(freralk''.J 1.50, 2.00 V J Men's leather Gloves ..........:..;.... ...50c, 85c, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 VIen s Jumpers............ .95c, 1.50 Men's Khaki Pants ; 2.00, 2.50 5 per cent Discount for Cash Phone Your Order To 152 At h en a O e p a rt m e n t Store THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, August 19 Oh! What a Cast! Marie Dressier, Polly Moran, Sally O'Neil and Lawrence Gray, .' . ' .. .. r In TheCallahans - and the -, ' Murphys George' Hill's great Comedy Hit Meet a great new comedy teamMarie Dressier and Polly Moran in a film you'll always remember, from the best -seller by Kathleen Norris. Laughs, of course hundreds of them! But the gorgeous humor is only a part of a stir ring, human story a drama of sunshine and shadows, heart-throbs and thrills, that will truly move you. International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Sunday, August 20 Colleen Moore and a big cast ' :- " In : ; Orchids and Ermine a Gay Tale of a Telephone Girl , Jack Mulhall Plays a fine part in the Picture Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Coming: "Rookies,,, Wednesday September 7th.