The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 19, 1927, Image 3

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A Remarkable Numder of the
Blazes Are Caused by
Portland, Or. Fires in the 22 na
tional forests of Oregon and Wash
ington this year have not been as de
structive as the news of the last two
weeks seemed to indicate, the United
States forest service concluded when
summary reports were compiled.
Of 995 reported fires, 783 of them
burned over less than one-quarter
Fires burning" areas ranging from
ft quarter acre to ten acres numbered
175. There were 37 fires which burned
over more than ten acres. Of the 37,
some were very large, bringing the
total acreage burned over to date to
75,205. , . ,y ,
A remarkable number of the fires
was caused by lightning; 731 of the
95. Man is held accountable for the
remaining 264 fires. The distribution
among human agencies follows: Camp
ers, 93; smokers, 82; railroads, 29;
miscellaneous, 60. The" number of
fires caused by smokers has been in
creasing from year to year, and last
year there were more such fires than
there were of blazes left by campers;
the figures for this year to August 10
show campers' fires leading. Sixty
one convictions for carelessness with
fire or for criminal intent have been
obtained, '"' -.:
, Rainier ; national forest has had
more fires (105) this year than any
of the other 21 national forests. The
Columbia is second with 84. The Des
chutes and the Mount Hood forests
each have had 83 fires.
Spokane, Wash. Members of the Ir
rigation and reclamation committee of
the house of representatives, united
States congress, gathered in Spokane'
Sunday to bagjn a fpurrday personal
investigation of the watgr resourpes
and land areas connected with ths
Columbia basin Jrrigatipn project.
AH Who were seen sad they were
In sympathy wJth continued reclama-
tlon and that the ordinary time checks
on projects of great magnitude, which
are naturally slow-moving, would elim
inate the danger of overproduction,
one representative stated It.
Eighteen United States representa
tives, some accompanied by their
wives and families, gathered here. It
was the largest group of congressmen
ever entertained at one time in this
state. ' " ; ,;
The Columbia basin plan is to put
6M9M9-CT(S feet of water into stor
age, to dejiyer as needed to 1,883,000
acres of rich land, according to ex
perts. This reclamation wiJJ mean
the creation of assets that will equal
the importance of adding another
state to the union, it is confidently
'Mailer of History
Confirmed by Coin
Coins do more tlmn throw corrobora
tive light on historical events. In
some cases thev uttuullv sunulv data
missing In the records which would
otnerwise remuin in the limbo of for
gotten things.
There is an old tradition of the
Christian church, for Instance, that
the Apostle Thomas, familiarly known
as Doubting Thomas, went to India
as a missionary. The Apocrypha con
tains a book known as the "Acts of St.
Thomas," in which Is revealed how
the disciple converted one Gonda
pharnes, king of India, to Christianity.
As far as history can tell us. no such
king of India ever lived. Dut in 1838
coins were found In northwestern
India bearing the name Gondanharnes.
Thus the tradition was corroborated
and the apocryphal book found to con
tain the truth. "
Shortly afterward other coins of the
same period were discovered, lucking
the name, but bearing a new Inscrip
tion. This time it was "Great Saviour,
King or kings." No numismatist will
go so far us to declare that this in
scription refers to the king's conver
sion, but It may very likely be so.
Crawford Wyinan In the Saturday
Evening Post
Head of United States Steel gorpora
tlon Dies.
New York. Elbert H. Gary, one of
America's industrial giants, -died in
his home here Monday at the age of
udge Gary, who was chairman of
the board gf fhe United States Steel
corporation, had been away from his
desk for about three weeks because
of a decline in his health, but his
death was a surprise and shock to his
many friends in the financial district.
He was one of the world's leading
financiers, having organized the Unit
ed ;gtate Steel corporation in. .1901,
.with the backing of J. Pierpont Mor
gan. He had been head of the pig
company ever since. Because gf tht
effect of Jurge Gary's death on th
stock market, jaews ttiat he had died
was withheld for hours ajjd iid not
become known until some time afte!
the etock market opened at 10 o'clock
Tfjere wa3 an imnisdiate- decline iu
the prtea Qt United States Steel stock.
Two California farmers are Arrested.
Bishop, Cal. W. W. Watterson and
M, Q. Watterson, 'guiding spirits of
fiys Inyo county banks, which recent
ly closed thsir doors, were arrested
on warrants charging theft and em
bezzlement on 43 countl.
Anaoortes Man Heads State Elks.
Aberdeen, Wash. Lee Carroll, Ana
cortes, Friday was elected and install
ed as president of the Washington
Btate Elks' association at the final
business session of the annual conven
tion here.
Otaga River Flood Damage f 1,000,000.
Tuscurabia, Mo. A million dollars
damage has been done in 10 counties
of the Osage river valley, it was esti
mated as high water continue! to
sweep through the counU.
Pumice Deposits Due
to Volcanic Activity
Nebraska possesses extraordinary
deposits of pumice. Virtually the
whole statS is overlaid by natural de
posits of this substance, in ail stages
of consolidation, from fairly solid rock
to the. finest dust.
Pumice Is a volcanic product, and
Its presence la such large quantities
la Nebraska and some adjoining states
Is taken to be evidence of former vol
canic activity In that region, it is
produced by the rapid expansion of
gases In lava, due to sudden release of
pressure, which either forms a very
light, porous rock or may completely
shatter the lava Into dust, In which
state it may be transported great dis
tances by wind nnd deposited In drifts.
In the western portion of Nebraska
there are Imnure masses of it. nrnh.
ably deposited In this way, 100 feet or
more in depth. Nearly all the pumice
or the volcanic ash used In the United
States is made into polishing powder
or Incorporated In abrasive soap.
Other uses are the manufacture nt
semi-fused filling brick or mineral
wooi or cement and of a cheap kind
pf glass.
Literary Anecdote
There was nothlnc that James Whit-
ponib Blley Uked better than a cup of
euK tea. unce wnen toe and Edgar
Wilson (Bill) Nye were eating choc
olate soldiers after an arduous siege
of lecturing, the talk turned to fame.
"The keystone of every famous au
thor's glory ig one character," said
Nye. "Shakespeare achieved fame
through inventing the character of
Falstaff. Dickens is deservedly well
known for his Samuel Weller. Thack
eray created Becky Sharp. Now then,
Mr. Riley, from what character of
your invention did you obtain your
"I got It Orphan Annie," answered
Riley, who had not had more than
three cups of diluted tea since dinner
time. Akron Beacon-Journal.
Important in Commerce.
"Ramie" is the name of a fiber
producing plant and of the fiber pro
duced thereby. The fiber is one of the
strongest and finest known. The plant
s widely grown In China, more or less
in India and lias been grown in Call
jfprnia pn a small scale. From China
aqd India It is exported to various
countries of Europe apd to the United
States. The fiber Is employed in the
manufacture of nets, cordage, gas
mantles, underwear, canvas, dress
goods, etc., nnd for embroideries.
Some of the woven fabrics composed
of It closely resemble those made of
flax linen in various jcharacterlstics,
Including appearance.
Elephants That Burn
Mixed metaphors are not by any
means uncommon. Sometimes they
are merely Inept; occasionally they
are ludicrous. In England the other
day the Salford city council emitted
a gem. , ,
The question under municipal de
bate was wlKther Salford wanted fo
have on exhibition hall. There seems
to lave been a considerable difference
of opinion. Said one speaker ; '
"I do not want the council to get
their fingers bunt with a white ele
phant V
Presidents for a Day
In March, 1S49, the United States
had three successive President on as
many successive days. James A. Polk
ended his term March 3. President
elect Zaclmry Taylor refused to be
inaugurated on Sunday, and he did
not take office until March 5. As
neither administration was In office,
David Rice Atchison of Kentucky,
president pro tern, of the senate,
served In the Interim.
Appropriated Motto
"leu dien" is a German phrase, mean
ing literally "1 servp." It was orig
inally the motto of John, the blind
king of Bohemia, who served in the
army of the king of France and was
slain in the battle of Crecy, l.'IIO. The
victorious Kuylisli army was h-d by
Edward the Uluck Prince, who ap
propriated the iiMilto, which since that
time haebotn tlie motto of the prince
of Wales.
Increases Required to Meet
Expenses of Army and
Navy Program.
Rapid City, S. D. A Jar to .the tax
reduction plan by the next congress
was given in the increased budget
approved by President Coolidge, but
the blow is not expected to be fatal
to the hopes of taxpayers.
Recalling the surplus of 1600,000,000
piled up by the treasury. during the
fiscal year ending last June 30, ad
ministration leaders who have called
here this summer have announced
plans for a tax slash of at least $300,
000,000. However, Director Lord of the bud
get seemed rather dubious about the
tax reduction plan after relating that
after the tentative budget just sub
mitted to the president called for a
material increase over last year and
slightly more than the government ex
penses. The increases were required,
he said, to meet expenses of the army
and navy building program and for
public building construction.
The new budget provides for the
building of all ships authorized by
congress, including sufficient funds
to carry out the first year's work in
ajl instances. Pending the Geneva
naval disarmament ' congress which
ended in failure, the president and the
budget director had been reluctant to
commend money for further construc
tion. .-:
So far as tax reduction is concerned
there is no indication that the presi
dent will attempt to stop the move
ment for a slash which he believed
heretofore was possible.
The present favorable outlook for
a good grain crop and fair prices, es
pecially for livestock, "will permit
many borrowers to put their loans in
good order," Eugene Mayer of the fed
eral farm loan board reported to Pres
ident Coolidge.
"I was happy to tell Mr. Coolidee."
be said, "after a trip through the
northwest from the Twin Cities to the
Pacific coast, that reports of this
year's crop outlook have not been exaggerated.
31 Years Ago
Find Poor Pupil? Eager
as Rich to Study Music
That the school children of the ppor
are Just as eager to learn music as
their more wealthy schoolmates Is
shown in a survey of school music iu
the high schools of Springfield, Mo., by
the Conn Music Center. Three per
cent more pupils were found to be
studying music in ,the Reed Junior
high school, located in the poorer sec
tion of Springfield, than in the Jarrett
Junior high, in the more wealthy sec
tion of the city.
The survey also brought out that iu
Springfield high schools, pupils study
ing music are twenty-five per cent
more efficient in their school work
than children who have never taken
music lessons.
Baptist Church
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preach
ing at 11 a. m.. tonic: "A Life Am
bition." Young Peoples Meeting at
7 p. m., followed by song and praise
service at 8 p. m., topic: !A Revival"
Young People's Prayer Meeting every
Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Mid-week
service every Thursday evening at 8.
Church of Christ
Bible school at 10 a. m. We are
having some very interesting studies
on the life of David.
Morning worship and the Lord's
Supper at 11 a. m. The sermon will
be "The Need of Union." I)om th
church in Athena need a new version
or her task! Everyone welcome.
August 14, 1896
Judge Lowell yesterday granted
Mary Hoit Soit a decree of divorce
from Jack Hoit Soit upon the grounds
of habitual drunkenness. The court
also ordered that the defendant be
ordered to pay hereafter to the In
dian agent in trust for the mainten
ance of the plaintiff, one half his in
come from the lands allotted to him
upon the Umatilla reservation.
Grandpa Froome drove over to
Weston yesterday
Those who are spending these
warm days in cool mountain breezes
at Cold Springs, have christened the
resort "Camp Bryan." Everyone up
there believes in Bryan and silver,
Recently they had a ratification
meeting and Professor F. J. Van
Winkle delivered the address. Mr,
VanWinkle is fast gaining an envl
able reputation as an orator
Lee Mitchell has been very ill with
fever at his Walla Walla home.
George Lieuallen's harvest crew
laid off yesterday to go to PenUkton
to take in the circus.
Dave and Bill Russell and B. T,
Bailey, the gambler, engaged in a
fistic bout Tuesday. It furnished
some excitement for the onlookers
Scraps never Come singly in Athena
so shortly after "Cutty" Carden and
r Austin Foss is one of Athena's
rustling young men. Austin never
allows his work to drive him, but
always drives his work. This season
he purchased a binder, and with his
four-horse "team, assisted by a small
boy, has cut and bound an immense
quantity of grain.
Mrg. Barnett and children were
among the Athena people who attend
ed the circus in Pendleton yesterday
"The cat came back" so did a band
of horses which Deputy Marshal
Gholson drove out of town several
times this week.
The Rosenzweig family returned
from Saling's camp Monday. They
brought with them 58 quarts of lus
cious huckleberries.
T. J. Kirk's steam threshing outiit
averages from 800 to 1000 sacks per
Misses Hattie Luna and Ruby Cal-
lender drove to Helix today.
A party of little folks consisting of
Winnie Fischer, Kiltie, Alta and Car
rie Sharp, Edna, and Eva Hill, spent
Wednesday at the pleasant Rigby
heme, in the country.
Louie Bergevin Is threshing on his
farm south of town, and his wheat is
turning out well. . Wednesday some
part of his big engine , broke, neces
sitating a trip to town for repairs.
The Pacific Coast Elevator in th
north part of town is undergoing re
pairs. Angus Gillis and R. A. Car
den are doing the carpenter work.
Patrick Dowling and John Rorke,
brothers-in-law, residing near Walla
walla, undertook to settle an old feud
with shot-guns Saturday last. The
result is that Dowling is laid up with
a seriously wounded arm.
William Bernard, of Weston, was in
town Sunday. He brought his phono
graph over and captured a quantity
of small change. He left Monday by
team, for Wallowa county.
and Granite
A Hometown Business for
Local People
Special Prices for July
All Work Guaranteed
Successor to T. !a. Wyle
You Always Have a
Good Time at
Bingham Springs
We Always Treat Yo
Dolph Thompson, Manager
Gibbon, Oregon
Hey I You Harvesters!
We Can Fit You Out
In Work Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, Sox
and Gloves
The Kind You Want
at the Right Price
Good healvh is the greatest possession you and your family can have. Be sure
and keep it. The best safeguard you can have is to eat good foods. When
your foods come from" our store you can depend upon them being fresh
and pure. The quality will be high but the price will be right down as low as
our good quality can be sold for. Give us your grocery order today.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
insurance, real estate
farm loans at lowest
Continental Oil Company
Prompt Service
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
J. L Harman
We Carry the
Machine Works
. Hinged Weeder
Main Street Athena, Oregon
Malted Milk, Sodas, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Sun
daes,, Ice Cream, Bricks, Dixies, Eskimo Pies, etc.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Bell & Dickenson
Phones 452 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Tearn Work
Kippered Salmon, all 'Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and lUdJer rlMht
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised ,
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posls
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena