The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 19, 1927, Image 2

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    i--.i.M J Sri
Wat MmWttM
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.
One copy, six months
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, August 19 1927
From the Oregon Voter.)
An opportunity to rehabilitate it
self is offered to the republican party
of Multnomah county in the ruling
of AttorneyGeneral Van Winkle that
no direct primary may be called for
nominating party candidates for con
gressman, but that each party may
hold a nominating convention with
assurance that it3 nominee will bear
the party designation on the election
We confess to sharing the suspic
ion that the republican party in
Multnomah county is not worth the
powder to blow it up, so far fas integ
rity as a party organization is con
cerned. We also confess that we do
not know anything about the per
sonnel of the party committee, and
being ignorant, we naturally are big
oted and contemptuous. So's your
old' man and so's the public.
But unless the party committee is
composed of heelers, down-at-the-heel
and would-be-heelers, it may be able
to organize and hold a convention
that is truly representative of the
responsible elements of republican
citizenship. If it does succeed in so
doing, and makes a choice that com
mands respect, it not only has a
chance of electing its nominee but
also lays the foundation for holding
future conventions.
Th? public counts and we doubt
whether there is decency enough in
any of the party organizations to hold
a decent convention. The only way
to dispel this doubt is by perform
ance. If no convention is to be held, and
the Oregonian continues its beaten
attitude of refusing to dictate after
the success of its dictation in the U.
S. Senatorship, the congressman sit
ution will run wild.
With 'a multitude of republican can
dates in the field and only a few
democrats, the probabilities strong
ly favor the election of a democrat.
That is, unless the republican party
nominates its one man, ,or the Ore
gonian revives sufficiently to show
some leadership.
As this is written, only two men
of outstanding qualification are in
the field Frank L. Shull, republican,
and Elton Watkins, democrat. Shull
has an established reputation for ex
traordinary efficiency in unpaid pub
lic service, and his experience has in
volved close connection with national
affairs as they are related to the
economic welfare of Portland. Wat
kins has established reputation for
brazen effrontery, aggressiveness in
destructive criticism, and a magnet
ic personality. With the help of a
lot of vote-getters to split the re
publicans, Watkins today has the
best chance for election.
A forest service bulletin informs us
that two hundred thousand acres of
Douglas fir forest are logged off an
nually in Oregon and Washington.
As most of this acreage is unsuited
to agriculture, naturally its highest
use would be growing trees where
now it is left barren of all useful
growth, when if a few simple meas
ures had been taken at the timo of
logging, much of the present land
idleness would have been prevented.
These simple measures spell the dif
ference between "timber cropping"
and "timber mining." Simple meas
ures of forest conservation in logging
camps is referred to inthe bulletin as
meaning prevention of fires during
logging operations, by making pro
vision for, a natural seed supply, and
by "fire-proofing" the cut-overs
against uncontrolled fires while the
new crop is becoming established.
o i ii
An Oregon exchange has found that
the lumber mills and planing mills
within the corporate limits of New
York City have an annual produc
tion in that line slightly exceeding
in value the aggregate value of the
products of all the lumber mills,
planing mills and door factories of
Portland. New York's pay rolls in
this line are less than Portland's and
less value is added by manufacture,
due to the higher cost of the raw
materials on the Atlantic Coast, so
Portland is entitled to clam the dis
tinction of being the largest lumber
manufacturing city of the world.
We will say that Miss Doran, the
Michigan school ma'am, had a high
time during her airplane trip from
Oakland to Hawaii.
0 '
Sure the Prince of Wales can pitch
hay. And he can pitch off a horse,
Prospects for a big spud crop In
Oregon hold no terror for Weston
Mountain growers.
roiirtD' 13 iiETBilH
Dessau, Germany. Germany's first
attempt to conquer the Atlantic ocean
wfth hea. ier-than-air machines failed
completely at 4:24 o'clock, German
time, when the Junkers trans-Atlantic
plane Bremen and its crew of three
returned to Us starting point at the
flying field here after attempting for
22 hours to fight Its way clear of the
wind, rain and fog which held all Eu
rope storm-bound.'
The Bremen's sister ship, the Eu
ropa, which attempted the flight with
the Bremen, was forced to earth at
Bremen last night, two hours after
the start.
The Bremen flew as far as Ireland
before abandoning further attempt to
get across the Atlantic.
"We turned back because we struck
to much fog and heavy weather that
we could see no chance of succeeding
In the flight," said Frledrich Loose
and Herman Koehl, pilots of the Bre
men, after their landing here.
Porpohe's Fish Appetite
The porpoise has a great appetite,
Is feeding constantly as opportunity
offers and lives principally on fish,
and scientists were able recently to
get a clew to the number of fish a
lively porpoise may eat when a giant
porpoise was caught and 13,193 oto
liths were found In Its stomach.
The otolith Is the earbone of a fish,
Is very hard, supposed to be the last
remnant of a fish that is reduced by
the chemical process In the mammal's
stomach, and the large number found
may be far less than the number of
fish served live and wiggling for the
satisfaction of the porpoise. At any
rate, It bids fuir to hold first place
as a fish eater.
The Arabian Nights
The author of the original Arabic
work, and the period In which It was
composed, Is unknown. But the Ara
bian Nights, as it stands at present,
is the work of many hands, and nu
merous references in the stories show
that they were added at different
times. The work was Introduced Into
Europe from Syria, where it was-obtained
in the latter part of the Seven
teenth century, by Antoine Galland,
a French traveler. It was first trans
lated and published by him between
1704 and 1717.
Kansas City Babe Weight V Pounds.
Kansas City, Mo. Oliver Dewltt
Welcher Jr., weight 1V4 pounds,
clothed In a dress borrowed from bit
titter's doll, wag doing nicely.
w.. . ...... - -,- ,v-,-..--.-v--
Mutton Lambs Two lambs suit
able for mutton for sale. Phone 542
Piano must be sold Will sacri
fice fine niano in storage near here.
Will give easy terms to a responsible
person. For full particulars and
where piano can be seen address
Portland Music Company 227-6th
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Anyone wanting to buy any of the
George Shevar horses in the Barrett
pasture k mile north of Athena, can
call me by phone No. 65 Union, Ore
gon. This stock will be sold cheap
to clean up the bunch. George Shev
ar, Union, Oregon.
Harvest Potatoes Henry Koepke
has fine Irish Cobblers at right
Mules and Horses A good bunch
of mules and horse3 at Pendleton,
south of Round-Up grounds. Frank
Watkins, Pendleton, Oregon.
Wagon Racks Wagon racks for
hauling sacked wheat, for sale cheap.
Jos. N. Scott, Phone 23F4.
We Handle Genuine
jGoods-No Substitutes
Try Our
Good, Clean
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore.
Copyright, lilt.
Witrn Newpper Union.
Potatoes are the common food and
are popular because of the ease of
preparation a a
well as for their
wholesom e n e t s
and adaptability.
Any one Is sup
posed to know
how to boll po
tatoes if she
knows how to
boil water, but
the fact Is a good potato Is not pro
duced by all cooks. Potatoes should
be of uniform size If cooked together,
or the small ones will be ruined by
the time the larger ones are cooked.
This Is true of both boiled and baked
The sweet potato should not be for
gotten for it Is a most valuable food.
The yams are especially fine flavored
and one never tires of them, while the
too sweet potato cloys the appetite.
Potato Muffins. Take one cupful of
cold mashed potato, soften with three
fourths of a cupful of milk, sift one
and one-half cupfuls of flour, one-half
teaspoonful of salt, four teaspoonfuls
of baking powder, add the potato, then
two well-beaten eggs and two table
spoonfuls of melted fat. Bake thirty
minutes. If the potato Is very dry
add n little more milk.
Potate Pudding. Take two and one
fourth cupfuls of grated sweet po
tato, orle cupful of milk, one-half cup
ful of sugar, two eggs, one teaspoon
ful of cinnamon and one-fourth tea
spoonful of ginger. Mix well and bake
In a moderate oven until firm. Serve
with milk or cream.
Potato Soup. Boil four medium
sized potatoes in snlted wnter; when
soft mash through a rlcer. Add a slice
of onion to one quart of milk; when
scalded remove the onion. Add the
milk to the potato. Melt three table
tpoonfuls of frit, add two tablespoon
fuls of flour, stir into the boiling soup,
boll one minute. Sprinkle with pars
ley and serve hot.
Potato Cakes. Form mashed and
easoned potato into small cakes and
roll In seasoned flour. Melt some fat
In a frying pan and brown the eakes
on both sides, taming them carefully
with a spatula.
World's Most Tragic Man
Chance plays a smaller part in life
than some people think. The least
beginning may lead to the greatest
end. Every day, hour and minute
men are building or neglecting to
build. Events that they attribute to
luck are nearly always due to some
act, thought or purpose long since for
gotten. Frequently worthy beginnings
of the least promising kind hove led
to consequences beyond the wildest
hopes or dreams. There is only one
really tragic figure in life, and that
Is the man who never makes a start.
California Pool of Prune Crop Fails.
San Jose, Cal. California prune
growers, preparing to harvest the
largest crop on record, estimated at
400,000,000 pounds, are confronted
with low prices and possible financial
chaos as a result of the failure of the
campaign to enroll 80 per cent of the
independent acreage into a co-operative
grower-packer merger. That the
situation is serious for the prune
growers is evidenced by the fact that
60,000,000 pounds of the 1926 crop re
mains as a holdover. This has been
held In a pool of the packers' associ
ation, and when released upon the
market will . compete with the 1927
Punishment by Ostracism
Ostracism was a method employed
by the ancient Athenians of banishing
citizens whose Influence whs consider
ing prejudicial to the stiite. A d:iy
for voting was fixed, when the people'
wrote on small earthen tablets or
shells the names of those whom they
wished biinlslied. Six thousand votes
were necessary to drive a man Into
exile. To ostracize today means to
ignore, to exclude from a certain so
cial circle.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the school
board of District No. 11, Umatilla
county, Oregon, up to and including
the 25th day of August, 1927, for
transporting pupils by motor vehicle
to and from the high school "building
in District No. 7, at Athena, Umatilla
county, Oregon, a distance of eight
miles, or 16 miles round trip, during
the 1927-1928, school year. Bidder to
furnish acceptable motor conveyance
and bear expense of operation. All
necessary information will be furn
ished by the school clerk of District
No.ll. Bids must be filed with the
district clerk on or before the 25th
day of August, 1927. . The right is
reserved to reject any or all bids.
Dated, at Athena, Oregon, August
12, 1927. JAMES S. BELL,
Clerk School District No. 11
Postoffice address, Athena, Or).
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Cath
erine L. Stover, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Joseph B. Stover, administrator of
the Estate of Catherine L. Stover,
deceased, has filed his final account
and report in the administration of
the estate; that the County Judga by
order duly made and entered, has ap
pointed Tuesday the 28rd day of Aug
ust, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon, asHhe time and the
County Court House at Pendleton as
the place where all objections and ex
ceptions to said final account and re
port will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made.
Dated this the 22nd day of July,
JOSEPH B. STOVER, Administrator.
George R. Lewis, Will M. Peterson
Attorneys for Administrator. :
J22A19. .
True education not only opens up stores of knowledge but
develops the alert mind. The chief glory of modern science is
Higher education in the field of applied science combines
technical study with the fundamental training essential to
citizenship. Its degrees' open the way not only to leadership'
'in ''the several pursuits and professions in life" but also to a
larger community service.
Maintains schools of Engineering (civil, electrical, mechani
cal, chemical), Mines, Forestry, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Home
Economies', Vocational Education, Commerce, and Military
Science, all offering accredited college work. The School of
Basic Arts and Sciences, Industrial Journalism, Library Prac
tice, Physical Education, and Music afford sound basic and
specialized training.
For catalogue and other information address the Registrar
Oregon State
Agricultural College v v
The International Harvester Company's
: . .. . with' . . ; : . r
.r t ;
Oscillating Reach
Long Steel Skein, built especially for heavy wheat
hauling in the West-full circle bolster plate; that
takes the hard bumps off heavy loads-the one wag
on now made with parts and extras ; available for
Rogers C&. Goodman
( A Mercantile Trust) ' .
' Dentist
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Attorneys-At-Law -Main
Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Granite Company
H. J. BLAESING, Manager
Eastern Oregon Representative .
Odd Fellows Bld'g, Pendleton.
"Script Porm"
B utter Wrappers
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921
J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater R L. Snively
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 683.
Ice Cream
in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies,
Sundaes and Sodas
Cold Drinks
Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River,
Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roache's
Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc .
Short Order Lunches
W. R. Harden .
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
'. Bond Building, Pendleton.
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Ii Pays io Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
; Phone 583.
if you take advantage of our chiro
practic adjustments. Head pains
usuallv come from a derangement of
the nerves and nerve centers in the
region, and our manipulation of the
spine corrects that condition. Con
sultation free.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phono 706
- Pendleton, -Oregon-- SS7 J
gMOiaaaaMailM I'AlJgiarggra i raiani wia r r- MiMinsnR
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during:
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits. ' . ' r
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company' of America. "These bond3
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
annually. y '
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, t Athena labor, in one oi the very best
equipped mill in the Northwest, of the best selected Blueitem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry-, Your
grocer tells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. . . Waitsburg, Wash