The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 12, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2-jJ
One copy, six months 2
One copy, three months "
'Athena, Oregon, August 12, 1927
Grange organizations of Oregon
Washington and Idaho are working
to a common end according to re
ports received of a conference held
this summer between prominent
representatives of the . granges of
the three states, according to the Ore
gon Public Utility Information Bur
eau. There . has been considerable
speculation over the attitude of the
grange toward economic questions,
but it now appears that a definite
program has been agreed upon, and
that the granges of the Northwest
states will bend their energies to ob
tain the adoption of this program:
Severence tax, debenture plan of
farm relief, graduated state income
tax with uniform provisions for the
three states, and water power. While
the farm relief program is one of
federal procedure, the others could
be undertaken by any state, and it
may be expected that measures will
be presented to the people dealing
with water power, income tax and
severence tax. The first two have
been decisively defeated in Oregon, a
hvdro-electric measure
having been rejected last November
by a vote of more than four to one.
The Northwest granges affirm
their opposition to further develop
ment of reclamation projects, until
agriculture has been restored to a
position of parity with other indus
tries, this position being counter to
that prevailing in Central Oregon and
in many other sections of Eastern
Oregon., :"
The name harvest moon is popular
ly given in the temperate latitudes of
the north to that full moon whkn
occurs in the latter part, of September
or the first few weeks of October, th9
Pathfinder says. For astronoma-iil
reasons the full and nearly full moons
at this time rise a little before and
just after sunset for three or four
nights in succssion. Their flood of
light prolongs the natural twilight
and permits the completion of urgent
lWod Wvpst operations before
11IU M-.MV
the advent of frosts and the onset of
winter. At least, that was the theory
among the country people of Eng
land centuries ago.
Major General Leonard Wood who
was laid to rest in Arlington ceme
tery in the plot of ground reserved
for the Rough Riders of the Spanish
American war, lived a strenuous ca
reer in governing the Phillipines. Be
fore becoming chief executive of the
islands, General Wood investigated
conditions there for President Hard
ing and reported against the grant
ing of independence. This report,
made public after he became governor-general,
added fuel to the contro
versy that marked his administration.
It led to ceaslcss criticism from the
public and opposition press..
, o
We are told that an ordinary adult
male laborer in the great cotton mills
of Shanghai earns a maximum of $12
(Mex.) and a minimum of $6 (Mex.)
a month. The average is $0 (Mex.)
or about' four American dollars a
month. And not a cent more, even
for an occasional shine.
That the use of intoxicating liquors
is on the wane in Germany is refer
red to in the statement that the use
of milk as a beverage by members of
the Reichstag has inereasd 60 to- 70
per cent. Now we know why so many
dairymen are growing rich in this
Great Roman Ruler
in Advance of Age
Applus Claudius Caecus, who ap
peared in history in 312 B. C, was
called by one German historian the
boldest innovator in Roman history.
By law the tenure of office of a censor
was limited to eighteen months, but
Applus Claudius seemed so much the
superior of all other men of his age
that he was censor for five years end
he carried through, despite frantic op
position from the conservatives, a law
to bring new blood Into the governing
The aristocracy was jealous of Its
prerogatives and made birth the essen
tial to a senatorial career, but Applus
Claudius broke down the admission
requirements. He put into the senate
the names of many plebeians who had
recently attained wealth and even free
men of distinction who were not espe
cially prosperous.
rrobnbly the greatest contribution
to Roman progress was his building of
two great public works on a scale that
Rome had never known. They were
the famous Applan way, the great
road that led from Rome to Capua,
and the vast aqueduct to bring water
to the city. Few tourists who visit
Rome have failed to drive out upon
the historic Appian way or have failed
to catch sight of the tremendous ruins
of the once mighty aqueduct that
strikes across the Campagna. Kansas
City Star.
Painted Rocks Record
Where Indians Played
"Painted Rocks," in the Rio Grande
national forest, record the recreation
activities of Indians.
Many moons before the white man
invaded that part of Colorado the for
est was the favorite play and hunting
grounds of the Indians. Here they
held their annual games in connection
with their hunts.
The forest Is rich In Colorado his
tory. Spaniards traversed the moun
tains more than 200 years ago; Fre
mont forced his way through, and
ruins of his fortifications still are vis
ible at Wagon Wheel gap. Adventur
ers, trappers and prospectors thronged
the country, and old-timers will relate
scores of thrilling stories to the auto
The forest itself contains more than
1,000,000 acres and the granite back
of the continental divide has Jagged
peaks and vast canyons as it bends
and twists for 123 miles.
Juniper mountain, 30 miles west of
Craig, Colo., Is a geological wonder,
The United States survey says that it
Is the deepest mountain on the west
ern hemisphere. This means that the
bottom of Juniper Is burled In the
earth deeper than any other on this
continent. It Is walled with rock,
and Is one of the outstanding sights
Id the region reached from Craig.
Mutton Lambs Two lambs suit
able for mutton for sale. Phone 542
Up in Canada the women dress pret
ty much the same as women do in
the States. With this exception: it
is about 'steen miles nearer Fam
say from Calgary, for instance, than
it lis from :here jto Paris.
, o '
1 A reason advanced for satisfactory
traffic control in London is thatthe
taxi drivers over there are often 50
or 60 years old. Different here; their
gravestones read around "23" and
Longvicw is pleased that her auto
park is "cosmopolitan." Seemingly
the pleasure is not all hers in this re
spect; all auto parks smack more or
less of "melting pot" material.
o -
"Bye, Bye Blackbird" has been bar
red in the republic of Haiti, and it
wouldn't hurt anybody if a ban was
put on it here, for a while at least.
O '
A characteristic of George of Eng
land is that he is fond of beer; and
so are the rest of us, whether we can
get it or not.
o -It
beats the band what a little frost
can do to the wheat market.
A few more days and it will all
be In the Sack.
Piano must be sold Will sacri
fice fine piano in storage near here.
Will give easy terms to a responsible
person. For full particulars and
where piano can be seen address
Portland Music Company 227-Gth
Street, Portland,- Oregon.
Anyone wanting to buy any of the
George Shevar horses in the Barrett
pasture i mile north of Athena, can
call me' by phone No. 65 Union, Ore
gon. This stock will be sold cheap
to clean up the bunch. George Shev
ar, Union, Oregon.
Harvest Potatoes Henry Koepke
has fine Irish Cobblers at right
Mules and Horses A good bunch
of mules and horses at Pendleton,
south of Round-Up grounds. Frank
Watkins, Pendleton, Oregon.
Wagon Racks Wagon racks for
hauling sacked wheat, for sale cheap.
Job. N. Scott, Phone 23F4.
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes,
Try Our
Good, Clean
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore.
(, 1927, Western Newspaper Union.)
Some find It "a man-killing Job,"
but it seems to me to be the great
est workaday task that an ambl-
tious person with Ideals can And
helping- a community and at the
same time making a worldly suc
cess for oneself. It Is a vocation
for optimists. Charles H. Grasty.
The school lunch is a problem that
dally bothers thousands of mothers, so
that a few Ideas
and suggestions
will be helpful.
One 1 i k e s the
lunch to be tempt
ing as well as
nourishing, which
means thought
and planning.
The 'Country child who trudges to
school over long roads in the pure
country air will need heartier and
more satisfying foods than the child
who leaves a heated house and is
sheltered from wind and air.
In one neighborhood five mothers
agreed to pack the lunch for five one
day a week. This gave the mothers a
relief from the task and the children
a change of food. '
Baked apples, jellies and fruits of
various kinds are always most satis
factory lunch basket foods.
Custards, when well baked, make
most desirable food. With a sandwich
and a few nuts and an apple, this
will prove a most satisfying meal.
Peanut butter is enjoyed occasional
ly as a sandwich filling. There are
so ma'ny kinds of sandwich fillings
that there need never be one used too
often to tire of it.
Brown bread spread with butter and
well-seasoned cottage cheese In which
a bit of onion juice and a few chopped
nuts are added, is another good filling.
Cheese, fish or eggs in various forms
or combinations may be used, or a
bit of chicken, lamb or beef.
Baked Apples. Wash and core tart
apples, plunge into a kettle of boiling
water, drain and let cold water run
over them. Place in a pan in a hot
oven and bake until tender. Remove
the skin If desired and serve with
sugar and cream.
Deviled Ham. Chop very fine one
pint of boiled ham (more fat than
lean), six hard cooked eggs,' one ten
spoonful of mustard (the made mus
tard), season and press Into a mold.
This will keep for months In cold
weather and makes fine filling for
Oregon's Oldest Lawmaker Dies.
Salem, Or. Alex M. Lafollett, un
til th3 last general election the oldest
member of the Oregon legislature both
with relation to age and length of
service, died at his home here Mon
day. Ho was 33 years of age and
had been in ill health for several
Child Training That
Has Harmful Effects
Too much or too little affection of
parents is equally harmful and both
spoil characterr .The training that
produces docile obedience spoils the
child's native aggressiveness and
leaves him to be easily beaten In the
later competitions of life by minds
superior only In their inner prepara
tion. The authority of a parent is a
responsibility rather than a privilege.
Another risk assumed by parents,
which is not so commonly understood,
is that of hurting their children by af
fection. With human beings the love
attitude may persist in such a way
that the child never actually matures
and comes to have a fully developed
self-life, or indulgence heaped upon
the child by the parent may spoil the
zest of life and keep the child emo
tionally Infantile. He may become
fixed upon the parent so that he Is es
sentially parasitic in his inner emo
tional cravings and cannot maintain
normal relationships In business, so
cial contacts or later family life if
he ever attempts to establish a home
of his own. From "Social Problems
of the Family" by Prof. Ernest R.
Graves. .
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the school
board of District No. 11, Umatilla
county, Oregon, up to and including
the 25th 'day of August, 1927, for
transporting pupils by motor vehicle
to and from the high school building
in District No. 7, at Athena, Umatilla
county, Oregon, a distance of eight
miles, or 16 miles round trip, during
the 1927-1928, school year. Bidder to
furnish acceptable motor conveyance
and bear expense of operation. All
necessary information will be furn
ished by the school clerk of District
No.ll. Bids must be filed with the
district clerk on or before the 25th
day of August, 1927. . The right is
reserved to reject any or all bids.
Dated, at Athena, Oregon, August
12, 1,927. JAMES S. BELL,
Clerk School District No. 11
Postoffice address, Athena, Ore.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Cath
erine L. Stover, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Joseph B. Stover, administrator of
the Estate of Catherine L. Stover,
deceased, has filed his final account
and report in the administration of
the estate; that the County Judga by
order duly made and entered, has ap
pointed Tuesday the 2Jrd day of Aug
ust, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon, as the time and the
County Court House at Pendleton as
the place where all objections and ex
ceptions to said final account and re
port will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made.
Dated this the 22nd day of July,
JOSEPH B. STOVER, Administrator.
George R. Lewis, Will M. Peterson
Attorneys for Administrator. '
True education not only opens up stores of knowledge but
develops the alert mind. The chief glory of modern science is
Higher education in the field of applied science combines
technical study with the fundamental training essential to
citizenship. Its degrees open the way not only to leadership
in "the several pursuits and professions in life" but also to a
larger community service.
Maintains schools of Engineering (civil, electrical, mechani
cal, chemical), Mines, Forestry, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Home
Economics, Vocational Education, Commerce, and Military
Science, all offering accredited college work. The School of
Basic Arts and Sciences, Industrial Journalism, Library Prac
tice, Physical Education, and Music afford sound basic and
specialized training.
For catalogue and other information address the Registrar
Oregon State
Agricultural College
The International Harvester Company's
Webber Wagon .
. ' ' ., With
Oscillating Reach
Long Steel Skein, built especially lor heavy wheat
hauling in the West-full circle bolster plate, that
takes the hard bumps off heavy loads-the one wag
on now made with parts and extras available for
Rogers C& Goodman
( A Mercantile Trust),
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Granite Company
II. J. BLAESING, Manager
Eastern Oregon Representative
Odd Fellows Bld'g, Pendleton.
in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies,
Sundaes and Sodas
Cold Drinks
Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River,
Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roache's
Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc.
Short Order Lunches
W.R. Harden
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Blacksmith ShoR
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
wrTiiiWl,,a,-riroiwr--ilrM1I fc lift-, mA
if you take advantage of our chiro
practic adjustments. Head pains
usually come from a derangement of
the nerves and nerve centers in the
region, and our manipulation of the
spine corrects that condition. Con
sultation free.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. - 957 J
"Script Porm"
Butter Wrappers
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921 '
J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively
Our Agency is atr Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583;:
It Pays to Look Well!
To look, well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
; Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits. .
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500yand $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
, annually. . . .
Preston-Shaffer Milling ...'Co.
It made in Athena, t Athena labor, in one ol the verv ben
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home Industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Floor ' ' ,
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
4thena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash