The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 12, 1927, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost
in the week but that you do not need stationery of'
some sort or other. We furnish neat clean printing
mJuL .l0West rates Fast Presses modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery. . v '
General Wood is
Claimed By Death
Governor General of Philli
pines Succumbs Follow
ing an Operation.
Entered at tne Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Claa Mail Matter
Boston, Mass. Major-General Leon
ard wood, governor-general of the
Philippines, ...died , at the Peter . Bent
Brigham hospital here Sunday, fol
lowing an operation.
General Wood was admitted to the
hospital Saturday for observation and
underwent a "serious operation" ac
cording to a bulletin issued by Dr.
Alexander Lambert of New York.
Dr. Lambert's bulletin, . although
failing to state the exact nature of
the operation, indicated it was for a
recurrence of a tumor which was re
moved by Dr. 'Harvey Cushing 17
years ago.
General Wood was born in Winches
ter, N. H., in 1860. He was graduated
from Harvard as a doctor of medicine,
and two years later became an army
surgeon. He served -through Indian
wars in the Bouthwest and topk an
active part in the fighting, despite his
medical rank.
In 1891 he was promoted from Ilea
tenant to captain. When the Maine
was sunk, he organized the first regi
ment of United States volunteer cav
alry and went into action ag colonel
In May, 1898. In June he was made
brigadier general' and in December
was promoted to major general, tem
porary rank, for gallantry in action.
When the Spanish surrendered at
Santiago he was made military gover
nor of the city and later civil gover
nor ef the province. He was military
governor of Cuba frpm 1899 until May,
1902, when the Republic ef. Cuba was
General Wood returned from his
post as governor-general of the Phil
ippines several weeks ago and visited
Boy Falls Under a
Truck and Receives
' Serious Injuries
Quite a serious accident occurred
Monday when Walter Edger, 15, in
jumping from a moving wheat truck
slipped and fell. The rear wheel of
the truck passed over his abdomen.
The driver was slowing down to
stop for the boy to get off, but he
did not wait. 'The lad was. rushed to
Walla Walla by Dr. Cowan, where he
was operated upon and was found to
be in a very serious condition. He
is improving, however, and hopes nre
entertained for his recovery:
The boy is a member of the Edger
family, employed at the Koepke farm
south of town. Last winter Walter
and his. small sister were! slightly In
jured when a Ford in which they
were riding to school, skidded from
the highway and went into a ditch,
His Last Ride in
' a Colorado Rodeo
Injures Strickland
Mrs. A. L. McEwen has received a
letter from . Mrs. Mabel Strickland,
well known lady Round-Up perform'
er, who was visiting fct Cheyene, Wy
oming, after a strenuous contest at
Monta. Vista, Colorado.
Her letter state, that her husband.
Hugh Strickland, had suffered a se
vere Injury to hig leg, compound, f rac
ture between the knee ftnd ankle. He
had ridden his last horse in the Mon
ta Vista Rodeo when he wag crowded
into the fence, and the (accident re
suited. He was awarded iseeond place
in the bucking contest,
Mrs. Strickland is now in Chicago,
where she will Tide in the relay race,
In about two weeks, Mr. and Mrs,
Stnckland expect, to start west
when they will attend the Round-Up.
Mrs. Strickland has been selected bv
he directors to be " queen of the
Western Classic Huglj does not ex.
peet to compete, owing, to his acci:
dent. '
president -cooiidge at Rapt cy,fPendletdii Prisoners In
where be reported .on conditions in
the islands. Then he came to Boston
and was admitted to the hospital,
Dessau, Germany. Smashing the
world record for endurance flights,
previously held by Clarence Chamber
lln and Bert Acosta, the two German
fliers, Johann Riaticz and Cornelius
Everard, came to earth here at the
end of 52 hours and 22 minutes of
continuous flight. ,
mL i i .
mo two aviators covered approxi
mateiy 6788 kilometres or some 500
kilometres farther than the distance
between Dessau and New York. Had
the men been flying in a ' straight
line they might have flown from Des
sau to Pittsburgh.
me mgnc was nailed with great
glee all over Germany as it was
preliminary lest ror a nignt across
the Atlantic in the same Junkers
plane, Europa, which the two fliers
Used to break the record.
Many Considered Eligible for
Republican Nomination.
Washington, p. C Political discus
ion in the national capita has turned
largely from President Coplidge's an
nouncement that he does npt "choose"
to run in 1928 to the prospects of the
various men whose names have been
put forward as eligibles for the re
publican presidential nomination.
While none of them has made any
declaration, Secretary Hoover, Vice.
President Dawes, Frank 0. Lowden
or Illinois, Senator Borah of Idaho
and Speaker Long worth were among
those around whom much of the spec
ulation centered.
From Detroit came a statement of
Henry Ford that he believed Secre
tary Hoover was the logical man to
be picked by the republican party as
their candidate In 1928.
Chinese Legend
The legend of the Chinese willow
plate design Is the love story of Li
Chi, the only daughter of a mandarin,
and Chang, her father's secretary,
who lived In an Island cottage at the
top of the plate. When the mandarin
forbade the match the lovers eloped
and lay concealed for a time In the
gardener! cottage, from there escap
ing to the lover's home. The father,
pursuing them , with a whip, would
have beaten them to death had not
the goda changed them Into turtle
doves. At the time of the elopement,
th willow ibti its leaves.
Attempted Jail Break
The East Oregonian reports that
what officers, believe would have been
a. wholesale jail delivery at the Uma
tilla county jail, was frustrated Mon
day morning when theicell block and
jail house was searched by Deputy
Kessler and a large hole almost
through the wall was located behind
a curtain of fresh laundered clothes.
The search of the cell house was
made after Jack Wilson, being held
for the grand jury on a charge of
rape, escaped from the 'custody of a
guard Sn the court house yard and the
suspicion of the deputy was aroused
Following a close questioning of the
prisoners after the attempted jail
break the officers say that John Bar
nes, being held for the grand jury
on a' charge of assault and robbery,
admitted having . used a window
weight to force the hole in the wall.
Approximately two dozen bricks had
been removed and the debris had
been secreted behind fixtures in the
bath room.
Wide Difference Hot
, ed in Average Yield
From 34 to 62 Bushels Per
Acre Reported Average
In This District.
First Fire Here
The first grain fire of the season
m the vicinity, of Athena occurred
Tuesday, afternoon, when a weed fire
got away from Henry Barrett, blaz
ed into Sheldon Taylor's stubble field
and fanned by a slight breeze burn
ed rapidly. -About half of the wheat
had been hauled from the field, the
loss reported is 77 sacks of grain.
It was covered by insurance.
Death of Mr. Ferguson's Daughter.
W. S. Ferguson was called te Se
attle Saturday by the death at fcia
daughter, Mrs. Geneva Urick. Mra.
Urick had been ill for several month
having had influenza in January. She
did not recover and the malady de
velopd into luberulosis. The funeral
ws held Monday.
Tolmprove Water Supply : .
Weston Leader: An expert. Mr.
Larkin, representing the Wallace
Tiernan Co. Inc., of Newark, N; J.
was a recent visitor in Weston. He
came to inspect the sterilizing plant
at the water works impounding dam
on Pine Creek above town, and to
make certain readjustments with a
view to better service.
Liberia. U. 8. War Debt Paid.
Washington, D. C- Liberia became
the second nation to pay its entire war
debt to the. United States when it
turned over to the treasury a check
for $35,610. Cuba is the other nation
which has wiped its war debt Elate
40... ... ...
A wide difference in the, average
yields of grain1 on farms of the Athe
na district is sefen fronT.the reports
made by , local .wheatraisers. The
range of production runs all the way
from' 34 bushels per acre to the high
est yield, yet reported, 62 bushels.
The difference in the yields is main
ly attributed to the damage caused
by, the late spring frost, which cut
down the yield of the early sown Fed
eration, but did not materially, injure
the later sown grain ofthe same var
iety. The higher yields (of Federation
in this section are from fields that
were sown in October, and the hard
est hit is found In the fields that;were
seeded in September. It is claimed
that a matter of a days', time in
sowing last fall is now noticable in
the yield.
. It is contended that the early sown
grain had reached the proper stage
of maturity to be susceptible to frcst
damage, whereas the laten sowngrani
was not far enough along to be sev
erely damaged.
Notwithstanding the damage sus
tained by fro$$, v11 c9unty is
producing a bumper corp. Bg
yields, are reported in the Athena.
Weston wheat belt, and the light soi
lands pre yielding the best crop in
many years., . I
In the main the market has been
satisfactory and considerable wheat
has been sold at prevailing prices
Canadian reports are to the effect
that grain in parts of the Dominion
has been seriously damaged by early
frost during the fore pa.rt of the weejj
and the market is expected to stiffen
as a result.
"' 'Harvest Notes."
The, best yield reported to the Press
comes from the Charles Betts farm
south of j town, where 65 acres is said
to averaged 62 bushels. ; ,
From 300 acres at his place north
of Athena,. Marion Hansell croppad
17,764 bushels of cleaned and weigh
ed wheat, or a little over 69 bushels
per acre. Mr. Hansell is also farm
ing inthei Nplin district, southwest of
Pendleton, with Fred Beckner, and
they are harvesting 1000 acres of
grain there which is averaging around
30 bushels.
At his home place near Weston,
John Banister took 50 bushels per
acre from a field of 160 acres.
The John Walker farm south of
town, cropped, an average of 66 bush
els to the acre.
W. O. Read, who last year raised a
good crop, this, season cut a fiplij
of 68 acres that averaged 56 bushels,
and another fiejd of 78 acres that
made a little over 61 bushels to the
acre. r
Watts Brothers, north of Athena,
are harvesting a big crop. The ma
chine is now . being operated on a
block of 400 acres which is estimated
to be averaging between 55 and 60
bushels per acre.
The J. N. York place north of
Weston, averaged a little better than
A new and eip;clslly-poscd portrait
of Mine. Tcunco Matsudaira, charming
wife of the Japanese tmbnssador; She
is frequent hosteso to the diplomatic
set In the national capital.
40 bushels per acre. .
An 80 ftcre figld. orithe. L,ila Jk
farm south of Athena, averaged. 6Q
bushels, per acre.;
Part of Louie Ringel'i place aver
aged around 69 bushels,. The hftl
storm during the Weston cloudburst
cut a portion of his! acreage, down to
30 bushels per acre. ,
G. M. Morrison says wheat in the
Adams neighborhood is turning out
from 55 to 55 bushels per acre.
James Bell is harvesting a 35 to40
bushel crop. ,
California Reports Rich
Find of Gold Quartz
A vein of gold ore estimated to
run not less than $3000 per ton has
been uncovered on; Red Gap creek, '?
miles southeast of Orleans, in north
eastern Humboldt county, California
A tunnel driven 40 feet into the
mountain pierced the vein.. At least
$20,000 of gold-bearing ore is in fiight
it was reported.. Nuggets the si is
of peas dropped from the decomposed
ore. The strike was made in Virgin
mountain country, ten miles from the
nearest mountain road. Efforts are
now being made to determine the ex
tent of the vein.
Three Eureka business men, inter
ested by a' prospector, took an option
on the claim at a figure reported to
be $50,000, and for the past month
had been boring the tunne).
Motor Association
Plans Caravan Trip
" . ' '''
Personally Conducted Trips
Will Start At Portland
August 20.
In inovating personally conducted
trips to interesting places, the Ore
gon State Motor. Association seems
to have struck a popular chord. The
first of these trips, which was the
Mount Hood eVrob on July 23 and 24,
was attended" by approximately fifty
been uncovered pn Red Gap creek7 '5
the ascent of the mountain.
Encouraged by the success of this
trip, the association is announcing a
more ambitious trip for the month of
August, leaving Portalnd on the 20th.
This trip will be in- the nature of a
six-day caravan, and will take 'in as
fine a variety of scenery as America
A has to offer. Included in the trio
will be visits to Crater Lake and the
Oregon Caves, In addition to a trip
across'; MeKenfcla Pass.
The innovation on this caravan trip
will be the "personally conducted"
feature, and the arrangements have
been concluded whereby the various
interesting points will be described
by persons intimately acquainted
with the region and its history.
Stops will be made en route and
opportunity given for authorities
speak to the members of the caravan
on the many interesting and scenic
wonders which will be encountered
Overnight stops will be made at Eu
gene, Bend, Crater1 Lake, Oregon
Caves and vorvallis. Members can
either stay at hotels or camp out as
they prefer, as arrangements have
been made with the idea of provid
mg both types of accommodations
for those who make the tripi
New Study Course
In English , Being
Sent Out to Schools
A Salem special says that printed
in a separate volume from the other
subjects, the new course of study in
English for Oregon high schools i3
being mailed to city and' county sup
erintendents, according to C. A. How
ard, state superintendent of public
instruction. The new course was writ
ten by a committee of teachers head
ed by Mrs. Margaret Goodall, head
of the English department of univer
sity high school at Eugene. I
members oi the committee were Miss
Winnifred Graham, Marshfield; Miss
Ada V. Ross, Salem; Miss Maude M.
Mochel, Woodburn and Dr. M. Elwood
Smith, Oregon Agricultural college.
The other high school courses,
bound in one volume, will be ready
for distribution within ten days. :
In most subjects the new high
school course of study is very little
different from the one in use during
the last four years.
Dawes Discusses
Naval Conference
Premier Baldwin and Secre
tary Kellogg Also Speak
of Geneva Failure.
Weston Potato Show,
Weston Leader: A check for $300
the annual appropriation for the
Umatilla county potato show held
every year at Weston, has been re
ceived from the county treasurer and
is on deposit a the local, hank;." The
suggestion is made that it is not too
early for growers and others inter
ested in the show to begin prepara
tions for the event, in order to insure
creditable display and program.
Standard Theatre Offers
Good Picture Program
The Standard Theatre offers two
fine jshovs for its week-end programs
Tomorrow night Milton Sills and Dor
is Kenyon will be seen in First Na
tional's masterpiece production of
"Men of Steel." Here Is a photo
play having story, plot, photography
and action all welded into one of the
greatest screen productions of the
year, and it will be shown at regular
admission prices,,
Sujltifty night Marlon Davis will be
presented by Metro-Goldwyn in one
of the few superlative comedies of
season, "Tillie the Toiler," the pie
ture that set audiences howling with
laughter all over the country. Com and review numbers, as us
ual, on both programs.
Mining Girl Sought.
Police and sheriff's offices at Wnl
la Walla Saturday night started t
Northwest, wide hunt for Diva Kllborn
A 13-year-old girl, whose parents ro
ported that she had disappeared. Ac
cording to the family the young girl
was left at her home while her pur
ents were on a shopping tour, When
they returned she was not to be
Pacific Flyers Are Cited for Decorations
lfmmimiimtmimiiiM tu( ' tmimmmamdjiiiiiiumaai-m mmnnm,mi I ii'in I mini .ii.i... i r,.
LIeul8, Lester J. Jjaiiland nd Albert I', llogtubory-r. wl
Hawaii, were warmly received ou arrival i"i iUt ii;ii:-irJ -j ':.'.l. Ai'ler receiving the cn ;ri.u!;;tJns of V.,u uuil.m
from Secretary of State Kellogg, they were presented wi;h citations I he 1 isiifixii: iicd Vl.ivj ron by
acting secretary of war, F. Trubee Davison, .; sliowii iu this pliotograpli, f;I t;It to-left: lirlr';. On. Janiej K.
Fechet, assistant chief of army air netvlm; SJaJ. Gu. Masco M. Patrick, thief of army air iervi.e; Maj. u-u
Charlet E. Euaaerall. cbisr of staff; Actios Scc?cta?j t,l ; YJ-yr, pvfeea ; Licutcnsetj HisiML Z'-ii ZUL
Reports of Frost Send
Wheat Prices UPward
Reports of frost damage in tho' Ca
nadian west and an official weather
forecast predicting frost danger to
Manitoba and Saskatchewan within
24 hours sent wheat prices rocket
ing Monday at Winnipeg upward from
8 to 8V.c.
Excitement ran high for a time, but
liberal offerings forced the market
back two cents. Trading was normal
thereafter and wheat closed with
gains of 7 to 6 for the day, Oc
tober at $1.51, December $1.47.
All other inews was forgotten in the
fact of the frost reports which were
mostly of a private nature, and had
not been confirmed at the market's
close. Coarse grains followed the
trend of wheat.
Egyptian Leaders in '
Manufacture of Linen
That the mmiufaeture nf linen was
known thousands ef years ngo to the
Egyptians is proved by the cerecloths
or wax-covered winding sheets of the
most ancient mummies that have been
found, since these were made of linen.
Pharaoh arrayed Jnwph in vestures
of flue linen In 1770 II. C, nrul that
was nearly 4,000 yours ngo. The gar
ments of the priests of the Egyptians,
as well as those of ancient Hebrew:,
were of the same fabric. Many varie
ties of flax ore known uui' jnore than
25 have been cuUlvod, but the plant
la said to ra-j'.uiy exhaiict the soil,
nnd fq ifj cultivation suffered severe
ly except In Kgypt. There the libera
of tills product were manufactured In
very early times and the secret was
carried to Tyre In 033 11. O. from
Tyre tho phenlclans carried the se.
cret of working (lax to Karope and
tradition Is that the Irish were among
the to get It. As one of the
products of Ugj-pt llax Is referred to
In the .Hook of lixodns. To this day
Egypt cultivates largo quantities ot
tbis product, Detroit News.
Buffalo, N. Y. Diplomatic restraint
was cast aside .by Vice-President
Daw6s Sunday, speaking at the dedi
cation ' of the international
bridge, to bring the naval conference
failure at Geneva boldly into open dis
cussion of its effect on British-Ameri-
can relations.
Both Secretary Kellogg and Premier
Baldwin, touching on the subject,
voiced confidence that the stream of
British-American friendship flowed on
unchecked by recent difference in
Tho vice-presdient, however, went
directly into the subject to declare it
"unthinkable that dreab Britain and
the United States, solemnly pledged .
to the principle of equality, will again
place upon tholr peoples the burden
of competitive naval building because
temporarily their experts disagree in
their practical interpretation of that
Secretary Kellogg's speech dealt
only by inference with the Geneva
failure Welcoming the British royal
and distinguished guests to the United
States in the name of President Cooi
idge, he spoke of differences that will
arise to test American Canadian
friendship, but added:
"They are such as have been set
tled and can be settled by the exer
cise of tolerance and patience, and
the application of good common
Premier Baldwin was more direct.
Speaking of the years of British
American peace, he said:
"Problems have arisen and will
arise. Opinions will vary how they
shall be solved.
"Only recently we ' have had to
'differ for a moment; but we know lu
our hearts it does not affect our
friendship. Statesmen of the past, as
this bridge testifies, have well and
truly laid the foundations of friend
ship and. good will in the hearts of
our pecules." - '
Sesquipedalian Words
Mark Twain was not the only per
son to llnd amusement In the German
language. A foreigner thus accounts
for the deliberation with which tho
negotiations held nt Locarno were
curried on.
"Our luterlocutors cannot end their
explanations," said this foreigner..
"With the best will In the. world they
cannot pronounce rapidly such words
as this: AntlalUohoIconKressmltclert
e r v e r i e I cbnlssesdruckkostenvoran-sclilagprufungscotnmlsslonsversamm-Itmgelnladungskarten,"
This little word meuns "Invitation
cards for the meeting of the commit
alou for verifying the accounts of the
expenses of printing the list of mem
bers of the nntl-alcoholic congress,"
Birds' Fovd Important
Choice of food by a bird usually is
the most Important factor In Its re
lation to man. One of the reasons
fir Importing the sparrow was to have
It eat dropworm, a shade-tree pest
Wblf ll snun. down Its kI11;p
itnong pedestrians. The dronworm Is
no longer a pest In cities, nnd ento
mologlstg give sparrows the credit
Not only (bis pest but almost everv
Injurious Insect wo have Is eaten at
lines by. this ubiquitous alien.
Washington, D. C The United
States government believes in and
will insist on actual naval parity with
Groat Britain, state department offi
cials . made, .clear in discussing tho
speech of Chancellor of tho Exchequer
Winston Churchill' in England Satur
day. Churi-hlll approved naval equality of
tho two nations in principle but not
In actual mathematical application
bocnuso of Britain's empiro trado
Department officials approve Vho
President Dawes' statement at Buffalo
advocating' naval equality and deplor
ing suggestions of naval building com
petition between the two nations In
the wake of the defunct Geneva arms
Dawes' ' suggestion that lack of
preparation for the Geneva conference
was responsible for Its deadlock was
refuted, however, in authoritative cir.
Displaying the Flag
The Sheuaudoali method of dlnii!y-
lug the American flag is as follows:
bole Is placed In the curb ana
plugged when not In ue. A flagstaff
Is erected 14 feet 6 iuclies and th?
diameter at (lie base I i indie. A
weatherproof American flag, size 4
by 6 feet, Is put tiy. These (lainf
are always placed near the curb lit,
near the pavement auj the gutter
and ara 12 SM apait.
Each Step In Prosecution of Vanzettl
and Sacco Held Just,
Boston. Count by count, Judge
WobBler Thayer was Justified In re
fusing a new trial to Nicola Sacco and
Bailoiomeo Vanzetti, In the report of
the governor's advisory committee,
IsKued from the office of Governor
Alvln T. Fuller.
As if in reply to attacks upon hlni
on the score that he upheld Judga
Thayer' decision without discussing
tho detailed Issues of the famous
cane, Governor Fuller had the full re.
port 10,000 words long prepared
and isHued to the press. . '
The effect appeared to bo that of
shutting off all hope of a stay of ex
ecution. It was also, In effect, a tacit
reply to world-wide agitation and to
the demonstrations of radicals which
had spread terror In many cities.
Tha Hum who with a microscope
tries I ) dhcovcr lu his fellows blcm
Ishes end Imperfections Is engaged In
Very dapmrHnblo' businesK. Ho would
to fr better employed If he used a
tc'iWvc-i.e to (iud in them beauty 'an J
ubitUn'.labHIty of character.--Uric '