The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 05, 1927, Image 4

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Press Paragra
"Tio TTnHprstandine Heart"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night
John Hoey is busy repairing pumps
in , Adams.
John Banister of Weston was in
Athena Monday.
Alec McRae 0$ Portland was a
visitor here last week.
Dorscy Kretzer spent Sunday vis
iting friends in Milton.
Dr. Geyer spent the week-end with
Mrs. Geyer, at Portland.
Mrs. Frank Berlin was in the city
Wednesday from Walla Walla.
J. A. Murray, telephone official
was an Athena visitor Monday.
Charles Norris, harness dealer will
discontinue business in Athena.
Mrs. Martin Crimmins was in the
city from Freewater, Wednesday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell are
now making their home in Milton.
Miss Belle Anderson was a business
visitor in Pendleton Tuesday morn
ing. Lloyd Henderson of Bend is here
with a bunch of horses for sale or
The home of Alex Mclntyre on
Third street has recently been re
painted. W. A. Barnes, well known farmer
of Weston, was an Athena visitor
A number of Athena farmers are
hauling their grain to -warehouses in
new trucks.
Mrs. Edgar Forrest was in the
city Wednesday from her home near
Thorn Hollow,
Mrs. Ollie Dusenberry of Yakima,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. William
Booher, Tuesday.
Mr3. Larabee, wife of the agent of
the Union Pacific at Adams, was in
Athena, Monday. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hyatt who make
their home on the Umatilla visited in
Athena Wednesday.
Mrs. Orrel McPherrin visited last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Oswald, at Helix.
Mrs. Armond DeMerritt attended
to the wants of the reading public at
the library, Wednesday.
Mrs. Lee Whitehead returned Tues
day from Pendleton, where she was
a guest of Mrs. Lewis.
B. B. Richards has purchased a
Chevrolet coupe which he will use
in his insurance business.
Mrs. J. Shaffer of Seattle has ac
cepted a position in the culinary de
partment of Kilgore's Cafe.
Dan Mclntyre, who is engaged in
farming near Helix, transacted busi
ness in Athena, Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary McKay underwent an
operation for the removal of her ton
sils in WaUa Walla, Wednesday.
Miss Ethel Geissel will leave this
evening for Rosebud, Alberta, where
she will visit a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Hutt and daughter Miss Ruth
Hutt of Walla Walla spent Monday
in Athena visiting Mrs, L?o Johnson.
F. S. LeGrow spent the fore part
of the week at his cattle ranch near
Phillipsburg, Montana. Range is
good in Montana this year and stock
is in prime condition.
"Captain Salvation"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night,
Lawrence Pinkerton's thieshing
outfit moved into the Sims Dicl.en-
son field north of town Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunner were
here from Freewater Wednesday. Mr.
Brunner farms the Froome property
W. S. Ferguson spent the week
end with ' his daughter Geneva
who is seriously ill in a Seattle sani
Mrs. Mollie Danner was a recent
visitor in Athena, accompanying Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dudley here from
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper and son
Bobbie who spent a couple of weeks
at Bingham Springs, have returned
to Athena.
W. S. Raker, district agent of the
Northwestern Mutual Life company
called on business friends in Athena
Reed Hill and Mr. McArthur left
Tuesday morning for Lostine Lake,
where they will camp and fish in
that vicinity. '
Mrs. Verne Dudley was the guest
of Athena relatives and friends,
coming down from Dayton, Washing
ton, yesterday.
Mrs. Dean Dudley, Miss Hilda Dick
enson and Miss Jaunita Smithpeters
visited with friends in Walla Walla
last Thursday.
Ted Gravell of Seattle is here in
the employ of the Standard Oil com
pany. Mr. Gravell expects to be here
about two weeks.
George and Carl Sheard have fin
ished threshing. Federation yielded
50 bushels per acre, and Hybrid
around 40 bushels. -
Charles Smith and Donald McFad
yen are making repairs to the cot
tage recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Hirsch.
Mrs. ,Frank Snyder and Mrs. James
King came over from Weston Friday
and visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Rogers.
Henry Hutchison former well
known Athena resident who now
makes his home at Centralia was a
visitor here this week.
Oliver Dickenson is making regular
trips from Freewater to Athena with
choice vegetables which he delivers
to his local customers.
Jimmie Hayward of Walla Walla
was in Athena Tuesday visiting his
many friends. He was accompanied
here by Armond DeMcrntt.
Miss Vivian Kidwell of Pomeroy,
who has been a guest of Miss Lois
Mclntyre left for her home Sunday
after spending a week here.
A. L. Swaggart, who is here look
ing after the harvesting of his wheat
crop, on his farm north of Athena, is
driving a new Studebaker car.
Miss Lela Schubert who is em
ployed in the Peacock mill at Free
water is spending two weeks in Athe
na at the home of her parents.
Harry Folsom, formerly a resident
of Umatilla county, died Monday
evening at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Guy Wade, in Los Angeles.
Mrs. John Stacklie and children
who spent the past month in Atheni
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bern
Banister left Sunday morning for
m mi mi mi am am mi am mi nm mx mx m mi mi mx mx mx nm ml mx ml m m
Bath Powder and Salts
Shaving Brush and Razor
Palmolive Shaving Cream
aad a can Talcum free
McFadden'S Pharmacy
Care of
Cemetery Lots
We are equipped to furnish either
perpetual or annual care of lots in
the Athena Cemetery", . at reason
able rates.
See: E. C Prestbve, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sexton.
their home in Longview. Little Boh
Stacklie who accompanied his mother
here, remained at the .home of his
Mr. and Mrs. Lew McNair and Miss
Lenore McNair spent the week end
in Walla Walla, visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Graham.
Mrs. Homer Watts is assisting
Postmaster Barrett in the postoffice
during the assistant postmistress
Mrs. Barrett's, absence in Portland.
E. C. Prestbye has harvested his
summer potato crop. The spuds are
of excellent quality, as a number of
"Slim's" friends are eager to attest.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hirsch and
little daughter Patricia, are pleasant
ly domociled at Freewater, where Mr.
Hirsch is employed at the Peacock
Miss Jaunita Smithpeters who has
been visiting with Mrs. Dean Dud
ley and Miss Hilda Dickenson the
past week, has left for her home in
Mrs. Arnold Woods' mother who
is residing at the Woods' farm home
west of Athena, has greatly improv
ed in health during ' the past few
G. M. Morrison, Adams farmer,
who is threshing a good crop of
wheat, on his farm near that place,
was in Athena Tuesday, purchasing
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bussell and
Miss Thena Russell returned this
week from a motor trip to the coast.
They returned to Athena by way of
Miss Anna Rush died Wednesday
at her home in Prescott, Washington.
Goiter caused the death of Miss
Rush, who with her mother, formerly
resided near Helix.
Mrs. W. A. Graham, who has been
at the home of her sister, Mrs! F. B.
Boyd, for several weeks, is spending
a few days at McDougal's Camp in
the Blue mountains.
Mose Banister paid a fine of $10
and John Farrell, employed in a
threshing crew, posted a like amount
for his appearance in Judga Rich
ards' court for fighting.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Mrs.
Verne Dudley and her father, Mr.
Eubanks of Walla Walla, were, week
end guests at the E. A. Dudley cab
in at Bingham Springs.
Mr. Frank Toole, new Athena high
school coach, contemplates coming
here prior to opening of school, in
order that he may get a line on the
school's athletic material.
Mrs. Ameil Schubert and daughter
Miss Velma Schubert will leave to
morrow evening - for Portland and
other coast points where they will
visit for a couple of weeks.
E. C. Rogers of Rogers &. Good
man, has been out in fields where
International Harvesters are running.
The work of these machines looks
good to Chance; he sells 'em.
Mrs. Julia Hodgen, accompanied
by her daughters Helen and Phyllis
and son Alton will leave during the
month for . Redlands, California,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Lydia James came up frcm
Pendleton Sunday and visited her
mother Mrs. Henry Wood, who is
seriously ill at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Charles McFarland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Standage and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Geissel and
daughter, of Milton motored to Athe
na Sunday and joined a party of
Athena folks who spent the day on
the river. ,
Mrs. Dora Sanchez and Miss Dor
othy Geissel left for Portland Sun
day morning in company with Wil
liam Dixson of Freewater and Mr.
Dixson's father and brother Kenneth,
of Umapine.
Henry Barrett and W. 0. Read's
threshing outfit have moved from
the Read place to the Louie Ringel
field. After threshing there, the
outfit will move to harvest the Bar
ret spring crop.
F. alpa Hayxs left for Burns, Mon
day, driving a new Whippet coach,
a present from Mr. and Mrs. George
Banister to Mrs. Haynie, who with
their little daughter, Margaret Helen,
is still in Athena.
Mrs. Ralph Cannon and little
daughters were here from Walla
Walla, and in company with Mrs.
Zeltha Mclntyre, left yesterday . to
visit at the home of Mrs. Glen Shee
ley, at Hoquiam, Washington.
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Stewart ore
contemplating a vacation at Seaview,
Washington, after harvest. The Stew
art wheat crop is averaging around
50 bushels per acre on the flat and
the hill land is making around 45
Clarence Zerba and family will oc
cupy Mrs. George Thompson's cot
tage on High street. Mr. Zerba is
employed in the Preston-Shaffer mill
as bookkeeper. Mrs. Zerba and two
children of school age, will join Mr.
Zerba soon.
Miss Zina Chapman of Vancouver,
Washington, is a guest of her sister,
Mrs. F. N. Johns near town. Misa
Chapman is a teacher in the Taconm
schools, and has been in attendance
at the N. E. A. convention, recently
closed at Seattle.
The hot days have necessitated an
increase of water for lawn irrtga
tion. However there has been no
restrictions placed on the amount of
water for the consumers use, it being
understood that one day's operation
of the pumping plant is sufficient to
furnish the supply at present need
ed. .
Miss Dorothy Brodie of Eugene
has been secured by the board of di
rectors to teach in Athena high
school in place of Miss Cornelison,
resigned. Miss Cornelison resigned
her position here to attend Columbia
college, New York.
Tucker Brothers finished harvest
ing the Henry Keen crop west of
Athena, and have mo.ved their ma
chine to the Weston neighborhood.
They are operating a new Interna
tional Harvester, and are more than
pleased with its work.
Miss Mable Davidson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson of
Helix, and Mr. C. P. Crane of Port
land, were recently married in Wal
la Walla, at the parsonage of the M.
E. church, Rev. Carl McConnell per
forming the ceremony.
Mrs. Froome of the Athena Hotel
has notified officers to apprehend
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Westover who
left a board bill of considerable
amount here. The Westovers have
been employed with harvest work for
several weeks in this vicinity.
Mrs. Sarah Walden of Milton and
Mrs. Robert Jamison . and Mrs.
Thompson of Walla Walla, sister3 of
Mr. John Walker were in Athena
Wednesday attending the funeral of
the late Mrs. Walker. Also five broth
ers of the deceased were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman will
leave Wednesday by motor for Lew
iston and Cottonwood, Idaho, where
they will visit at the home of Mrs.
Pittman's brother. They will be ac
companied home , by Miss LaVone
Pittman who has been attending
summer school at Lewiston. They
will return Sunday.
Mrs. Agnes Hamilton and son of
Joseph spent the week, end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logs
don. Wednesday morning Mr. and
Mrs. Logsdon, Mrs. Hamilton and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Loney
of Walla Walla motored to Wallowa
Lake, where they will spend a few
days. Mrs. Hamilton will remain at
her home in Joseph.
Roland Richards tells the Press
man that he is having a grand time
camping on the Umatilla river. He
and his pal dog "Pat" go swimming
every day. Roland was in town Wed
nesday after fishing tackle, which he
will use to catch several big trout
which disport themselves in 4he riv
er near his camp. And here's hoping
Roland catches all of 'em.
Mrs. Don Wilks was hostess to the
Christian Missionary society at her
home Tuesday afternoon and was as
sisted in serving by her mother, Mrs.
C. T. Smith. Seventeen ladies were
present, and Mrs. Melville Johns of
Wilmar, California, was a visiting
member. Mrs. Johns is an active
member of a missionary society in
Wilmar, which comprises a member
ship of 165 ladies.
Miss Jessiedtane Dudley and Miss
Alberta Charlton entertained the
Misses Phyllis and Helen Hodgen
who are leaving soon fo. California
to make their home, Wednesday even
ing with a dinner and a slumber
party. Covers were laid for nine at
the home of Miss Jessiedeane where
the d,inner was served. They then re
paired to Miss Alberta's home where
they greatly enjoyed the slumber
party. Those present were, the Misses
Roma Chariton, Edna DeFreece, Lois
Johnson, Kathleen Radtke, . Ethel
Pittman, Jessiedeane Dudley, Alberta
Charlton and the honorees. ,
The attractive home of Mrs. II. I.
Watts was the scene of a bridge tea
yesterday afternoon when Mrs, Watts
and Mrs. Ralph McEwen entertained
in honor of Mrs. F. C. Adams of Palo
Alto, California, who is visiting here.
Clusters of brilliant summer flowers
were placed about the rooms where
six tables were in play. Following
bridge the hostesses served a dainty
collation of salads and ices in which
a yellow color scheme was accentu
ated. Those present were, Mrs. S. J.
Bowles, Mrs. James Lieuallen of Ad
ams, Mrs. DeMerritt, Mrs. Shuham
and Mrs. Otis Whiteman" of Walla
Walla, Mrs. Verne Dudley of Dayton,
Mrs. Melville Johns of Wilmar, Cal
ifornia, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs,
Frank Ames, Mrs. Henry Dell, Mrs.
C. L. McFadden, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye,
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn, Mrs. Lloyd
Michener, Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Mrs.
W. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Henry Koepk'e
Jr., Miss Katherine Frome, Mrs,. Max
Hopper, Mrs. Fred Kershaw, Mrs. M.
L. Watts, Mrs. May Johns and Mrs.
D. Tv Stone: :'':
Watch value that defica com
parison 1 This lovely wmtch hat
white gold filled engraved
caea and a dependable 15 Jewel
' FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler
. Pendleton. Oregon . ..
'Headquarters for
Men's Work Sox.... : 12y2c, 15c and 25c pair
Men's Heavy Canvass Gloves : 10c pair
Men's Union Suits ; :...90c to 2.65
Men's Work Shirts, blue and gray......:. ...................79c, 98c, 1.25
Men's Red and Blue Bandanas, large size ..........15c
Men's Straw Hats....l............. ....I............ 35c to 1.00
Men's Khaki Hats : 75c
Men's Waist Overalls . ....1.50 and 2.00
Men's Bib Overalls .. .1.29, 1.50, 2.00
Men's Leather Gloves.............................. .50c, 85c, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50
Men's Jumpers lM.95c, 1.50
Men's Khaki Pans.::....
5 per cent Discount for Cash
' Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday, August 6
Peter B, Kyne's
i tie
Understaiiclin Heart
;.: ' With .
Joan Crawford, Rockcliffe Fellowes, Carmel Myers
and Francis X: Bushman Jr.
Peter B. Kyne's great story of the girl who shielded a convict from pursuit in
a lonely forest outpost, is here at last in pictures! Telling for the first time
the fascinating tale of the Forest Rangers the perils and adventures they
meet from day to day!
Lindbergh's Flight given by a one-reel feature and
International News beginning at 8:15.
International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday. August 7
Lars Hanson, Pauline Starke and Ernest Torrence
v, Captain Salvation f
A fascinating story of the sea
A sea-thriller you won't forget! a romance you'll adore! Spectacular fights,
shipwreck, mutiny in the year's dramatic sensation! Here is a truly grip
ping epic of the sea! A powerful and colorful production of the widely fam
ous novel, read by millions of people as a serial! It is now brought to the
screen with an all-star cast. A vivid story of high places and low, of love
finding a safe haven at last through storm, shipwreck, mutiny.
Pathe Review
Admission Prices, lQc-25c-35c
Wednesday September 7th.