CROOKED PROMOTERS v TmrnimtiwiiiiMir mnin"--iiin By W. R. MOREHOUSE i Public Relations Commission, American Bankers Association -.Jln" on ?' "' etpo(np the of tharpert who art after your money.) . MANY reliable corporations, firms and individuals are engaged in developing mining properties, drilling for possible new oil wens ana promoting new inventions and enterprises. On the other , nana many unreliable persons are ostensibly engaged in the same pursuits, but in reality are only promoting frauds. Therefore, every investor should first divide the sheep from the goats before he hazards his savings. Because 1 there are many dishonest manipulators usine mining, oil, invention and promotion terms to deceive does not mean that all promoters in these fields are crooked. The truth is, there are many trustworthy men engaged in pro- moung enterprises that are honest invest ments. The problem is to know the difference between promoters of the reliable type and the nign-pressure variety, me lormer are en gaged in legitimate business. The other group is engagea in neecmg the public. 1 he number of those who deliberately T X -1 i" l . scneme w ueiraua is large ana they are shrewd and deceitful. For this reason those who cannot afford to lose their savinzs should not. trust entirely to their own judgment in making investments. In order to divide the sheep from the goats to distinguish between reliable and unreliable promoters, to tell the good invest- uicuia Hum ma wuriiiHjss i.ue inexpe-'v rlenced investor should consult his banker or let the National Better Busl nees Bureau, whose headquarters are. In New York City, advise him. It costs nothing to get such advice from either source. It is safe to say that if those who have lost their savings through fraudulent schemes had fol lowed this simple course they would still be In possession of their money. Get the Facts Invariably, get the facts and take no substitute. There is nothing better and nothing just as good as the facts when it comes to withdrawing your savings from the bank and investing them. The facts about an investment either strengthen its position or show it up to be risky oftentimes too risky for the person who cannot afford to lose W R.. MOREHOUSE others you know nothing about. Some time you may be approached to make a trade by a plausible person claiming to have better Investments to offer than those you have. Recently a wom an owning a block of gilt-edge public utility stock was approached by two smooth sharpers and urged to ex change It for stock in a fruit company which, she was told, was not only very valuable then but would lncrase rap idly in value and soon make her inde pendently wealthy. Fortunately she told Her neighbor about her offer. It happened that the neighbor had re cently been defrauded in a similar way. She advised the eecond woman to report her offer to the local ' better business bureau. Having handled many similar situations the bureau Instructed the woman to make an appointment for the traders to meet her In her home. iJ4;9T ,W.V- k J ';-T 'or--- wji- I I Good Advice ' that Prevented Disaster New schemes to defraud are being hatched daily. The unscrupulous promoter never sleeps but is continuously plotting new methods of attack on the savers' hard-won accumulations. The liberties be takes with the law and the schemes he designs for belittling the sound advice of responsible persons makes it even more essential for Investors to get the facts. Remember that anything that is worth investing in is worth knowing about as to its safety, its income, and its marketability. Any investment which is enshrouded by a screen of glowing promises or is so complicated hat neither you nor your banker can fathom Jt and get the hard facts Isn't an investment you can afford to put your money into. Make it an unbreakable rule to get all the facts whether the Investment be large or small, and you will save yourself the heartaches and bitter dis appointment of losing your savings. Millions of dollars which have unfor tunately been lost through poor invest. ment might have been saved If the investors had taken time to Investi gate before Investing. There is always need for capital in safe, honest busi ness and so great is the legitimate de mand for Investors' funds that not one cent need be wasted by them on fraud ulent schemes. Don't Trade Good for Bad Don't exchange your investments for They were on hand at the appointed hour. With the cunning of expert swindlers they proceeded to Inveigle her stock away from her, assuring her that if She exchanged her public utility stock for that of the fruit company there was no doubt she would become rery rich. But just as they were spreading out before her a beautifully embossed stock certificate the bu reau's detective stepped out from his place of concealment and told the swindlers he had come prepared to take them for a ride In his car. They protested loudly and even struck at him, but experienced as he was In handling persons who resist arrest he soon had them handcuffed together. Investigation revealed that the cer tificate of stock of the fruit company was fictitious. No such company had ever been organized. The evidence also disclosed that some certificates had already been issued and ex changed and there were a large num ber more ready for future use when ever a trade could be arranged. Literally thousands of inexperienced investors are being swindled out of their good investments in such trades. It behooves all persons who have good investments not to exchange them without first getting all the facts from their banker or other person fully qualified to advise and protect them. theJ AJnor?.)artiCl' tB" m0r cheme' h wh,ch V""1 or defrauded of Deep Slash Made In State Outlay Governor's Policy Appears to Have Backing of the People. Retrenchment to the amount of $1,170,000 in the state's building pro gram; is in sight, writes John W. Kelly in the Morning Oregonian. Failure of the people to approve of the proposed state income tax, and new 6 per cent limit base, has not helped cure the state'3 deficit, so there must be cutting and trimming here and there, and the building pro gram is on the skids. It looks now as though the new state normal school will not be con structed at La Grande until 1929, In stead of, bids being called for next month. The same fate may be meted to the new state tuberculosis hospital at The Dalles'. The proposed new home for nurses at the state hospital at Salem has been sunk. The state office building has been razed by the decision of the supreme court. "Make do" is to be the policy, rath er than "make new." In declaring the state office build ing law unconstitutional the supreme court disposed of that $600,000 pro ject. The nurses' home at Salem was turned down by the board of control during the past week, and that saved $130,000. For . the La Grande normal there was an appro priation of $175,000 for construction and $40,000 for maintenance, or $215,000. The appropriation for the tuberculosis hospital to be built at The Dalles is $169,850 for building and $55,400 for general expense a total of $225,250. All these items represent the very comfortable grand total of $1,170,000. The suit is being cut according to the cloth. It is going to be a bob tailed, rather than a long-tailed suit. The Oregon supreme court gets the credit for saving the state office building item of $600,000 in deciding that this violates the constitutional inhibition that the state cannot incur debt in excess , of $50,000. The board of control wins the credit for deciding not to build the nurses' home. The board of regents of the state normals will eventually, it is be lieved conclude -"not to start con struction on the new enterprise at La Grande, and if this is the deci sion then the state board of control expected to make similar action with respect to the tuberculosis hospi tal at The Dalles. Governor Patterson realizes that he must exercise once more the same nerve that was necessary for his vetoing of appropriations for the University of Oregon library, the armories, the new buildings forAsh land and Monmouth normals, county fairs and other costly items. With Secretary of State Kozer and State Treasurer Kay he shelved the nurses' home and prevented the spending of $130,000. The La Grande normal is now in the balance. 31 Years Ago 111 Vll Foretells Weather In eastern Oregon is nu iiitert'siiri;: well Hint not only gives supplies of good water liut nets us a sort of lm riiiiieter to tell the approach, of storms or rlumges In the weather. From 12 to 24 iu-urs before a storm, it Hex l.akV a current of iilr. The draft In creases as the storm approaches, sometimes reaching the Intensity of a whistling, roaring M and shooting up a mist of water with it IVpular Me cuanics Magazine. The Kiss in History Kisses between men were common ID Eugland until the Seventeenth cen tury. Medieval knights used to kiss each other before they begun Jousting, as modern heavyweights shake hands. I'ages in France used to kiss articles they were given to deliver, boiu when tLey received them from the bawls of senders and just before they delivered them to recipients, as a bi-u of honor. Geological Wonder Juniper mountain, 30 miles west of Craig, Colo., Is a geological wonder. The United States survey says that It l the deepest mountain on the west em hemisphere. Tills means that the bottom of Juniper Is buried In the earth deeper than any other on this continent. It Is walled with rock, and is one of the outstanding sights In the region reached from Craig. First Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson was chosen by President Washington to be secretary of state or secretary of forojgn affairs In th firjt cabinet. Dut Jefferson was Etiil in France when tho new gov ernment began to function. John Jay was secretary of foreign affairs under the articles of confederation and act ed as secretary of state, at Washing ton's request, iiutil Jefferson's arrival la Marcn, 1730. Helpful Suggestion Peter, three and a half, was caught red-handed throwing the morning's letters into the grate fire and gleeful ly watching the flames. It was his third offense. Seriously, his father took him in hand. "I don't want to punish yon, Peter, but what shall I do to make you remember?" The young delinquent looked thoughtful; then, brightening, advised: "I'll tell you what to do, daddy you just put It down In wrifio?" July 24, 1896 Isaac Ruddock, who has been lm prisoned in the Multnomah county jail for nearly two months awaiting trial on the serious charge of having rnhhed the Pendleton postomce, and in committing this crime, of having shot Postmaster Johnson through the hand, is now at liberty, but without having been cleared of the aspersion cast unon his character. unite states Attorney Murphy, not having sufficient evidence to secure Rud dock's conviction, moved the dismis nf the case. The motion was granted and Ruddock set at liberty. Some fields of wheat near Thorn Hollow are said to be very rank and have commenced falling to the ground. T. P. Pace had business at the county seat Tuesday. Charles Fischer has one of the neatest appointed grocery stores in town. Charlie knows how, to display goods to advantage. Fortv boarders took supper last Thursday evening at the hotel at Sal mrs Camp, which yearly grows in popularity as a summer resort. Al ready the population of the camp numbers over seventy, and it is con stantly increasing. . Marion O'Harra has gratified his desire for peculiar pets by" obtaining possession by purchase from a moun taineer, of a young black bear, to re place the coyote which recently met with a violent death. It is playful and frisky, and by no means shy "Doc" will raise it properly, and hopes that maturity will find it in telligent and peaceable, with no yearning desire to scratch and tear its benefactor. The government is hard to satisfy when buying horses for cavalry use, Out of 180 submitted for inspection at Pendleton, the other day, only 13 were purchased. G. S. Martin has opened a law of fice in the Morris building. Will practice in justice court and do all kinds of legal work. Also solicits cases to be tried in the cjreuit court, In the matter of the assignment of Andrew Schnaeble, an insolvent debt or, the court ordered that the report of the assignee, Lake France, be con firmed in all things and that his bondsmen be released. T. F. Rourke, of the firm of the Hamilton Rourke company, will leave Pendleton about August 1, for the purpose of opening the offices' in Portland of the' Hamilton Rourke warehouse system. Mrs. Rourke and daughter will join him in a week or so later and in .all probabilty the family will make Portland their home. John E. Staver, the bicyclist, has been matched against the well-known pacer Chehalis (2:07) for $500 r. side, flying start. The race will take place tomorrow on the Irvington track, Portland. Staver holds the Northwest record for a mile in 2:06. The race will be run two in three heats and Staver will be paced , by H. F. Terrell and H. B. Freeman. ' Pendleton Marble and Granite Works A Hometown Business, for Local People Special Prices for July All Work Guaranteed T. L. REEDY, Successor to T. A. Wyle ' You Always Have a Good Time at ingham Springs We Always Treat You Right Dolph Thompson, Manager Gibbon; Oregon ley! Yo u Harvesters! We Can Fit You Out In Work Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, Sox - and Gloves The Kind You Wan at the Right Price Good health is the greatest possession you and your family can have. Be sure and keep it. The best safeguard you can have is to eat good foods. When your foods come from our store you can depend upon them being fresh and pure. The quality will be high but the price will be right down as low as our good quality can be sold for. Give us your grocery order today. STEVE'S GROCERY Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Gean Good Meals Beds Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon 5v Continental Oil Company Prompt Service Always Bryce Baker, Agent Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena ' Department Store insurance, real estate farm loans at lowest rates B.B RICHARDS, v Athena KILGORE CAFE GERALD KILGORE, Proprietor FRIGID AIRE COLD DRINKS Malted Milk, Sodas, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Sun daes, Ice Cream, Bricks, Dixies, Eskimo Pies, etc. Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon J. L. Harman Blacksmithing We Carry the Pendleton ; Machine Works Hinged Weeder Main Street Athena, Oregon Bell & Dickenson I'hones 452 and 21 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country HAULING and Horse Team Work n THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best TT FJ1 eat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. Foley's Kidney Cure make kldaey end blidJcr rlzbt , The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations cr ad ditions to your building, let us ive -you an estimate cn the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasontle total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena