.mrrnn irr'iMTrff.i ...'in.-jMniE"'".!!!!!! r 'Mmm miiimiHii.n imn ... r rri.nr'fi'r- lMiiiii7-gnTmiii,iMWiirtiiirTiiVTYi,wrt'iirinrMiiiiii.iMriiiMrtliiMwiiiiii uillm.u nrr-r " 11 " -v - m Mm Ito AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year.. One copy, six months is One copy, three months 13 Athena, Oregon, July 29 1927 THE $3 AUTO LICENSE t The inner workings of the proposed universal .$3 automobile license for Oregon cars is exposed by the Ore gonian, as follows: 'There is a measure of appeal in the proposed $3 auto license law in the assumption that automobiles would be restored to the property tax roll with the result that what the owner paid in license and taxes of his car would be automatically adjusted to the age and condition of the car. That is to say, the automobile for tax purposes would be given a valua tion in proportion to its actual worth on the market. Decrepit cars, in ad dition to the $3 license fee, would pay a small tax in comparison to the tax on a new car. "While the assumption is sound so far as it goes, the result to the road building program and to mainten ance of existing roads would be dis astrous. It is pointed out correctly by the Oregon Voter that the morey raised by taxing automobiles as pro perty would not under present laws be available for road building or road maintenance as an addition to tax money now raised for those purposes. "Proceeds from the taxation of au tomobiles would be divided among the general functions of government part to schools, part to cities, part to counties, etc. But they would not increase the total of tax revenues. The various municipalities would have no more money to spend for the purposes for which taxes are col. lected than at present. "Virtually all, if not all, tax-levying units are now levying taxes up to the maximum of the 6 pr cent limitation. This limitation is not af fected by the addition of new prop erty to the tax rolls. If through some great development discovery of an oil field, for example--tax values of a county were quadrupled, or increased a hundred' fold, and the obligations of local government in creased accordingly by growth of population, it would not be possible for the county to increase its tax revenues more than 6 per cent in any one year. "... One of two things would be necessary if the $3 fee were adopt ed: Abandonment of uncompleted and proposed road projects and of proper maintenance of completed roads or an increase of the state tax levy to pay road bond interest and maturities. The latter would mean a state tax increase much greater than the increase proposed in the state tax limitation amendment recently defeated by an overwhelming majority." o A romantic sylvan wedding in the Canadian north woods united in mar riage Bud Stillman, wealthy scion of the New York family of that name, and Lena Wilson, 'child of the for est." All of which for the time be ing is well enough. But how about the aftermath? Will the maid of the woods be satisfied with the flossy tinsel of I'ark Avenue atmosphere, and will the glossy clubman cottm to eating broiled snowshoe rabbit from birch-bark plaques? Here's hoping that both do, do. o Latest government reports esti mate 1927 farm crops as follows: Corn, the shortest crop in 26 years; fruits a very short crop; tobacco, a material reduction in amount produc ed; potatoes, wheat, sugsr beetci, flax seed and feed grains other than corn, about an average; large crop of beans, peanuts and sweet potatoes, and a record crop of hay. o Portland announces that hailstones as big as gooseberries and hissing electricity attacked Mount Hood climbers Sunday. The size of the hailstones is well within prescribed limits, but crackling electricity would have sounded better than ."hissing" electricity. '0 The next event of national impor tance will be the Pendleton Round- Up, September 17-20, inclusive. The Kound-Up is where they ride 'em straight up, and where country edi tors, kings, literary nuts, and presi dents of republics can sit back in the best scats in the grand stand and watch 'em do it. Experiment Station fii Ontario which is thomless and spineless and bears fruit of commercial size. Which sounds to us more like applesauce than gooseberries. , . 0- The St. Helen's Mist says the old fashioned booze used to cause ths drinker to sing a few songs before he went to sleep, but with bootleg liquor he doesn't have time to get in any singing. o With the prospects of a strike on New York's elevated and subway lines, affecting the transportation of some 2,500,000 persons, it would bo little short of a crime at this time, to suggest that they walk. o 01' Sol smiling around 100 in the shade, makes it tough on man and beast in Umatilla harvest fields, but he's "jake" in tuning up ideal har vest conditions. . o The new card index system is sup planting the old register at hotels, and soon you'll not be able to trace on the open page who's who, in broad day light, so to speak. o Always a warm number, Pendleton was the hottest place in the state Saturday, at 106. No wonder they stay at home nights in Iowa. They have 1,750,000 radio sets to keep them there. o At last Montana humps over the hump with a real wheat crop. 0 Just now it's a race between the frigidaire and the ice man. BANK CASE DEFERRED Wheeler and Olmstscd Granted Ex tension of Time to Plead. Portland, Or.-J. E. Wliseler, tim bernian and ex-publisher of the Port land Tekgram, and Kmery OlmsteaU,. ex-president ol the Northwestern Na tional bank, who were jointly indicted on charges of conspiracy and violation of the national banking act by the federal grand jury appeared in Fed eral Judge McNary's court and asked for extension of time until September 5 to enter a plea. The request was granted by the court. Mr. Olmstead and Mr. Wheeler face charges of having "kited" cheeks to the sum of $11,000,000, of having mis used t70ti,514 of the Northwestern Na tional bunk's funds. Each defendant is at liberty under 115000 bond. Cantonese Army KCuieu .. fhr.nghs.l. Disastrous defeat lias been administered to 'the Nationalist (Cantonese) armies, according to con finned dispatches received here from the north. Th? combined armies of General Chang Tsung-chang, and Sun Chuanfar.g attacked and drove the Na tionalists from Shantung. CLASSIFIED Harvest Cook If you want a cook for harvesters, phone 32F13 Athena. Dead at 41 with a useful life stop ped at the dawn of success, is n harsh blow not only to the family and immediate friends of the lat Congressman Crumpacker, but to the whole state of Oregon, as well. o Since the lurk has been named Oregon's state bird, the little fellow seems to be gayer than ever, his notes more thrilling and his presence more plentiful. The Farmer's Sun of Toronto tells of a gooseberry brought out by the Anyone wanting to buy any of the George Shevar horses in the Barrett pasture k mile north of Athena, can call me by phone No. 65 Union, Ore gon. This stock will be sold cheap to clean up the bunch. George Shev ar, Union, Oregon. Harvest Potatoes Henry Koepke has fine Irish Cobblers at right prices. Mules and Horses A good bunch of mules and horses at Pendleton, south of Round-Up grounds. Frank Watkins, Pendleton, Oregon. Rhode Island Frys Joe Clemoni has Rhode Island Red frys for sale. Wagon Racks Wagon racks for hauling sacked wheat, for sale cheap. Jos. N. Scott, Phone 23F4. m J m m mm yuamtec We Handle Genuine Goods-No Substitutes. Try Our D.R.SHAMP00 We use standard toilet preparations made in scientific laboratories under the superoision of graduate chemists. Onb the best is good enough for our trade. Our sertlce is of the same hi$h standard as our supplies. We guard your health and enhance your personal appear ance. If you appreciate cleanliness and sanitation, supersereice and high frade supplies, drop into our shop at the first opportunity. This is the shop you have "X ttth looking for. Whitehead's Barber Shop Athena, Ore, "" . TUI- CABINETHifl (, 1927, Wvattrn Newapaper Union.) If the power of evil has never been go manlfcit in the world be fore as It Is today, the power of God haa never been so apparent John J. Chapman. FOR THE LUNCH BASKET a pretty sanawicn tor ennaren is made from white and brown bread, called the kinder garten sandwich. Use a doughnut cutter for cutting the slices. Slip a dark cir cle into the white slice and a white one into the dark, then spread with butter and cheese, filling if desired. Never teach a child to like coffee by warming the milk with it, or with tea. When a child refuses to drink its milk give it a straw to drink through, serving the milk in a pretty cup or mug. The natural craving every child has for sweets should be satisfied with pure sugar in some form. Bread and butter spread with sugar is good; a little scraped maple sugar or a bit of homemade candy given after a meal is not harmful. Dates, nuts, finely chopped, mixed with a little cream, makes a most dainty sandwich filling. Fruit should never be omitted from the lunch basket, as it Is one of the most Indispensable foods In a well-balanced diet. The dainty, careful pack ing of a .lunch is a most Important means of keeping children well ami huppy. Paper napkins are so inex pensive that one should keep a supply on hand, to use in lining the basket and for napkins. A little surprise to vary the usual, is always pleasing to a child. A piece of candy, a date or fig hidden away in a corner will ulways delight them. Fruit Sandwiches. Bake bananas In their skins, peel iind sprinkle with lemon juice and sugar and mash, then spread on thinly buttered bread, add a little grated pineapple and put two slices together. Rye Ham Sandwiches. Chop fine some cold boiled ham and crisp pickles, using one-fourth as much pickle as ham. Mix with mayonnaise dressing and spread on rye bread. Raisin Sandwiches. Chop enua' amounts of seeded nilsins and walnut meats and add tnrt jelly to mix. Spread on buttered bread and serv with fent mi H fTi m m mm 1 TARES H SUMMER EXCURSION FARES IN EFFECT MAY 22 TO SEPT. 30 RETURN LIMIT OCTOBER31,!927 ROUND TRIP TO DENVER $67.10 OMAHA 70.S9 KANSAS CITY.... 70.35 DES MOINES 76.SO ST. LOUIS 80.35 CHICAGO 85.05 DETROIT 104.87 CINCINNATI 105.15 CLEVELAND 107.61 TORONTO 112.80 . ATLANTA 116.40 PITTSBURGH 118.81 WASHINGTON ...140.61 PHILADELPHIA 143.87 NEW YORK 146.4S BOSTON..., 182.61 Low fares also to other points in Middle West, South and East. Liberal $topovr$ permit visiting Zlen National Park Craad Canyon National Park Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountain Natl Park For Illustrated Booklets, Reservations and Information, address Agent named below. UNION PACIFIC HUM VVSRIAND ROITB C. M. EAGER, Agent Athena, Orcg Trace Wedding Cake to Old Roman Custom The wedding cake is believed to be the survival of an old Roman practice when the bride and groom not only ate together us a sign of their kinship and mutual love, but feasted the guests as well. At this time It was good etiquette to break the cake over the bride's head as a sign of plentl fulness. In the marriage ceremonies of the early Anglo-Saxons huge bas kets of dry crackers were employed. After the , feast each guest took a cracker home with him and the re mainder was distributed to the poor. "Later It became the custom for the guests themselves to bring to the wed ding small, richly spiced buns, which were piled In one huge mound on the table. It was a common occurrence for the bride and groom to attempt to kiss each other over this mound, and If they succeeded they were assured lifelong prosperity." It Is said the wedding cake of today is due to the genius of a French cook, who, while traveling In England, observed the In convenience of stacking hundreds ol these small cakes In a mound and con ceived the Idea of cementing the mound Into a single huge cake with Icing. At the. wedding feast It was the duty of the newly married man to wait on his bride at the table, whence came the name bridegroom signifying one who serves the bride. More Worth While The man who with a. microscope tries to discover In his fellows blem ishes mid Imperfections Is engaged in very unprofitable business. lie would bevf;ir better employed If he used a telescope to find In them beauty and ubstantlahllity of character. Grit. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Cath erine L. Stover, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per nio 4inm .it. mav concern: That Joseph B. Stover, administrator of the Estate of catnerine u. azovec, deceased, has filed his final account and report in the administration of the estate; that the County Judge by order duly made and entered, has ap pointed Tuesday the 23rd day of Aug ust, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time and the County Court House at Pendleton as the place where all objections and ex ceptions to said final account and re port will be heard and a settlement of the estate made.. Dated this the 22nd day of July, 1927. JOSEPH B. STOVER, Administrator. George R. Lewis, Will M. Peterson Attorneys for Administrator. J22A19. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Orpcrm for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of John Dand. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That Janet Dand, executrix of the last will and testament of John Dand, deceas ed, until about the 8th day of Janu ary, 1927, from the date of her ap pointment, and qualification, has filed her final account and report in the administration of the estate; that the County Judge by order duly made and entered, has appointed Tuesday the 9th day ef August, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as the time and the County Court House at Pendleton as the place where ali objections and exceptions to said fin al account will be heard and a set tlement of the estate as far as said Janet Dand, is concerned will be made. Dated this th day of July, 1927. JANET DAND, Formerly Executrix. Will M. Peterson, Day Karr Attor neys for Janet Dand. J8A5. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ira Durrill, also known as I. W. Dur- rill, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to ail par sons whom it may concern: That Henry Craig, administrator of the estate of Ira Durrill, also known as I. W. Durrill, Deceased, has filed his final account and report in the ad ministration of the estate; that the County Judge, by order duly made and entered, has appointed Monday the 1st day of August, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as the time and the County Court House in Pendleton, Oregon, as the place where all objections and ex ceptions to said final account will be heard and a settlement of the estate made. Dated the 1st day of July 1927. HENRY CRAIG, Administrator. Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis, Attorneys for the administrator. J1J29. To Cure t'oiiatipmion Toreet fake Ciuiciirets Cumly Cutliartio. lOoorSfc ' C C J. Ml to cure. drunuiMts refund monex Ice C ream in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies, Sundaes and Sodas . Cold Drinks Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River, Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roache's Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc, Short Order Lunches W.'R.TIarden The International Harvester Company's W With r- Oscillating Reach Long Steel Skein, built especially for heavy wheat hauling in the West-full circle bolster plate, that takes the hard bumps off heavy loads-the one wag on now made with parts and extras available for replacements. Rogers C& Goodman ( A Mercantile Trust) 3E DR. J.L.GEYER Dentist Post Building," Athena, Phone 82 DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon DR. W. G. COWAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon WATTS & PRESTBYK Attorneys-At-Law Main Street. Athens, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Blaesing Granite Company H. J. BLAESING, Manager MONUMENTS S. F. BOWMAN Eastern Oregon Representative Odd Fellows Bld'g, Pendleton. "Script Form" Butter Wrappers WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Monday, Thursday, Saturday Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing Twin City Sanitary Cleaners Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921 J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively Our Agency is at' Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good Haircuts and Shaves.' Phone 683. . , The Best Dentistry Done . Without Pain Dr. Leach Bond Building, Pendleton. Jensens Blacksmith Shop Horseshoeing Prices Reasonable Athena, Oregon iftiiROPRACTopj PRIVATE OFFICE WHEN YOU'RE FEELING ILL and no medicine and ordinary prac titioners will help you, you some times turn as a last resort to a chiro practor. Why not come to us in the first place and save pain and ex pense? We can surely help you as we have helped many, many others. , Dr. W. Boyd Whyte . Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton;-Oref on. ' - -857 J It Pays io Look Well! To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and I. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Phone 583. Ul PWI WBI BHt MM, WIT BIM, MM. mm. u. . SOME OF THE FACILITIES OFFERED BY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up. These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during banking hours. " INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest on deposits. - ' , ' WE OFFER FOR SALE -Insured mortgage bonds, insured by the National Surety Company of America. These bonds are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi annually. , - ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR It nude in Athena, t' Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronise borne industry". Your grocer Mile the famous American Beauty Floor Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash