The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 22, 1927, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon aa Second-Claaa Mall Matter
American Marine
W in Battle
Nicaraguan Bandits Suffer
Over 300 Casualties in
v Spirited Fight.
Managua. A scant two score ot
American marines, supported by a few
more than that number of marlne
tralned and led TMrttm.j-eonstaiulary,
hold the bloody field of Ocotal, scene
of the first decisive engagement In the
country since the occupation.
One marine is dead, another seri
ously Injured and one member ot the
constabulary has been treated for
severe hurts. Of the attacking force
of 500 under the recalcitrant liberal
General Sandino, which tried during
17 hours to enter the town of Ocotal,
300 lie dead outside the town' and 100
are wounded.
The battle might have terminated
In different fashion had it not been for
two scouting planes from Managua.
Swinging across the country on a
routine "look-see" the machines tra
versed the lines after the fighting had
progressed several hours and brought
word here.
A squadron of five bombers was
ordered out at once by Brigadier-Gen
eral Logan Feland. Driving full speed
the 110 miles intervening, despite a
tropical storm, they swung low across
the attacking lines, raking riflemen
and machine gunners with point-blank
Ore. - .
! - ,
.Vienna.' . Contrary to all expecta
tions Sunday found the seipei gov
ernment stronger than ever, without
the least Intention of resigning, but
concentrating all its efforts on. restor
ing order as quickly as possible and,
If necessary, with the severest meas
ures. . '
For many hours Friday and Satur
day the notice and mobs had struggled
In various parts of the capital. There
were some desperate encounters, and
although the authorities made public
casualties numbering 12 dead and 100
wounded, the general belief is that
they exceeded 120 dead,, with more
than 1000 wounded.
The government, with the support
of the police and troops, is absolute
master of the situation. Everywhere
it is, emphasized that the riot was in
no way directed against foreigners,
who have not been molested in
single instance.
The central section of Vienna is
quiet, though presenting the picture of
a state of seige, with all public build
ings guarded by troops and police and
machine guns at points of vantage.
Dr. Stanton W. Stryker, Portalnd Den'
tlst, Killed in Tragedy Near Summit
Cloud Cap Inn. Dr. Stanton W,
Stryker, prominent Portland dentist
and Mazama, was fatally injured Sun
day morning, about 11. o'clock, when
one ot a party of 10 climbing Mount
Hood slipped and all 10 were carried
away down the mountain side,
An alpenstock, on which. he fell,
went completely through his chest. He
died while being transported down the
aide of the mountain to the American
Legion camp at the 000-foot level.
All the other nine members ot the
group probably will live, though sev?
eral were severely injured.
Cause of the accident was the slip
ping ot one of the Yen climbers about
the center of the party, the members
of which were roped together.
The mass of humanity swept down
the soft snow between 500 and 600
feet to a snow cliff that overhung
crevasse and shot across this great
crack in Coe glacier, dropping about
SO feet into the soft snow the other
fide ot 'the crevasse.
Navy to Get Back Oil Land Control,
Washington. D. C Virtually cora-
- plete control ot naval oil reserves and
... ... ..... . i.
... . -
navy department. August -1. under -an
agreement reached between Secretary
. of the Navy Wilfcur and Secretary of
latericf Work.
This agreement provides that local
control of the reserves shall be vested
la navy inspectors, thus restoring the
status that existed prior to the execo-
tive-order of President Hanlins. wtli;
- transferred caatrsl U tls Uurl-r t
r farthest.- -
Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen
Laid to Rest Saturday
In Athena Cemetery
Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen of Adams was
laid to rest in Athena cemetery, Sat
urday, followed to the grave by one
of the largest funeral processions ev
er seen here.
The pallbearers were all relatives
including four sons of George W.
Lieuallen of Athena, Earl Lieuallen
of Walla Walla and Raymond Banis
ter of Weston.
Mrs. Lieuallen was born ,n June
14. 1862 at Hillsboro, Oregon. Her
father the late : WB Adcookr came
west around Cape Horn In early days
while her mother who was Harriet
Schofield, had crossed the plains by
ox team from Illinois in 1851. The
family moved to Oenterville (now
Athena) when Mrs. Lieuallen was a
girl but eight or nine years of age.
Her - mother died when she was 12
and she assumed the duties of man
aging the household.- 1 .. "
Mr. and Mrs. Lieuallen were mar
ried on October 26, 1879. They had
resided . since 1890 in the - home at
Adams where Mrs. Lieuallen .died.
All nine children are living and
with the father were in attendance at
the funeral, They are Lawrence L.
Lieuallen, Adams; Dr. Fred A. Lieu
allen, Bend; Mrs. Stella Uwu, Wal
la Walla; Mrs. Ethel Baynn, Walla
Walla; Mrs. Lucy I. Woodward, Wal
la Walla; J. T. Lieuallen, Or., Adams;
Revella L. Lieuallen, Adams; Paul W.
Lieuallen. Adams and Francis C.
Lieuallen, Adams.
.angdon Brings His
Airplane on Trip
While New York is still acclaim
ing Lindbergh, Byrd, Chamberlain
and others of trans-Atlantic fame,
and the west honoring Maitland and
his companion Hegenberger, many
Walla Wallans are interesting them
selves In the plane of John Langdon,
Jr., who made the trip there from
Goldendale in one and one half-hours,
says the Union.
Mr. Langdon stated that he planned
to remain in Walla Walla and do
commercial flying. if a field , were
available. The landing field on the
reservation Is not open to commercial
flights of local nature.
Langdon hag been associated with
Tex Rankin who formerly had a fly-
ing school at WftHa Walla- Of late
he has been in Portland and has b:en
doing considerable flying there as
well as instruction WQrk in aviation,
Indications Point To a Suc
cessful Run In a Good
- Crop.
- Bend Division Point-
Recommendation that the Oregon
Trunk's division point at Metolius
be moved to Bend has been made to
the joint owners of the Great North
ern and Northern Pacific, W. F. Tur
ner, president of the Spokane, Port
land Seattle rauwayf of which the
Oregon Trunk is a subsidiary, advis
ed the Portland Telegram.
Harvest Weather
The warm weather of the past few
days has been Ideal for ripening
grain. The few machines operating
in this vicinity are encountering
tough straw, and the warm weather is
brittling it pp. , Next week, will see
harvest operations well on the way
in the Athena district.
larvest Operations
In Athena District
With almost perfect weather con
ditions, harvest operations have com
menced in this vicinity. Yesterday
and : today a number , of machines
have pulled into the fields, and while
some of the straw is quite tough,
the machines are as a rule equipped
with gasoline engines and have plen
ty of power to overcome this slight
Indications point to a satisfactory
grain yield. Operations in this sec
tion have not advanced far enough
to get an accurate estimate as to
what the average yield will be but
growers are expecting the crop to
range from 35 to 45 bushels per
acre, with some fields promising as
high as 50 bushels per acre.
Quality tests so , far have been
satisfactory. In the Adams district
where threshing has been under way
all week, the grain is testing from
58 to 59 V4 for soft Federation,
Hybrid tested at Pendleton, showed
Harvest Notes
The Barrett-Read outfit is thresh
ing the Frank Coppock field south
east of town. The grain is being
bulked, Barrett's new International
harvester is being pulled by W. G.
Read's "30" Best tractor, with Vel
ton Read at the throttle.
Rich Thompson's outfit started the
season's jrun yesterday morning.
Marion Hansel! commenced thresh
ing his crop yesterday morning, and
is expecting a normal yield,
Sam Pambrun took out a supply
of grain acks yesterday morning,
and commenced to harvest a good
crop of wheat
. E. A. Dudley's big outfit has been
tuned ip for the season's run, and
the Watts Brothers crew, are tack?
ling a big crop,
Jesse Myrick, "Arthur Douglas and
many others have their outfits at
workahfnext week every available
machine will be in operation. The
harvest, counting on good weather,
Will be over in a shqrt time, dye i
the large number of machines oper
ating throughout this district,
The Helix neighborhood had the
first grain fire of -the seasqn. Uw
day, when approximately J4,r acres
of Hybrid wheat on the Irvin King
ranch, burned, The crop was insured
at 40 bushels.
A fire on a ranch near Touchot,
farmed by Clifford Stone, destroyed
severs! acres, of wheat and barley,
music Helps him
Supplies of Wheat
Reach High Figure
The Present Outlook Shows
That a Big Surplus is -Expected.
An accident that years. bbo left him
a cripple has not prevented Melville J.
Webster of Elkhart, Ind., from mount
ing to the position of one of the na
tion's most eminent clarinet soloists.
Webster started the study of his In
strument at the age of fourteen, ac
cording to the Conn Music Center. For
eleven yenrs he was soloist with the
famous John C. AVphpr prlne bnnd of
America. For years he was the sen
sntlon of the Cincinnati Symphony or
chestra, "There Is nothing unusual about my
musical career," says Webster. "Al
most any boy, at some time or another,
cherishes a secret ambition to piny a
band instrument. It Just hnppened
that I was given an opportunity to
carry out that ambition. I was the
happiest youngster in the world when
my father bought me an instrument
and secured for me a competent In
structor, Music became my one inter
est. I plunged into it with all of the
enthusiasm a boy can command, greed
ily absorbing as many as four lessons
a week,
"When my unfortunate accident
came I blessed those hours of study.
I was able to 'enrry on' In the game of
life, and on my own,
"I would advise the boy who is con
templatlng a musical career to con
sider the clarinet. In our modern mu
sic It is becoming more and more on
outstanding member of the band fan
Hy," :
La Grande Greeting
Many Delegates to
Legion Convention
Deer at Springs
A two point buck deer appeared at
Bingham Springs the other day. It
ran past the cottages up to the pool,
then back again, and ap on the hi?l?
side where it lay down in plain 8iKnt-
It was one of several, which have
been in the vipinitjr of the Springs
for some time.
Lark Made State Bird
Governor Patterson issued a pro
clamation proclaiming the "western
meadowlark" the state bird of Ore
gon. The meadowlark was selected
as the state bird by a vote of the
school children of Oregon. The next
legislature will be asked to ratify
the proclamation, the governor said.
Pioneer Walla Walla Woman
Early Sunday morning, death
claimed Mrs. Catherine Ritz, for 64
years a resident of Walla Walla. Sh i
is survived by two daughters, Mrs.
C. E. Recht of Portland, and Mrs. W.
A. Ritz of Walla Walla. Her bus
band,. Phillip Ritz died at Walla Wal
la ia 1883.
. , ,. Eagle Hollow. Exten&ioa .
Work has commenced on the Eagle
Hollow extension of the Wild Horse
market road, which will intersect the
Thorn Hollow higSiwpy. A portion
of ilia right of way has teen fenced
Books at Library
New books now on the rental
shelves of the Athena branch library
comprise: Overtaken, by Lawrence
Rising; "The. Hqly Lover, by Marie
Oemler; The Deadfall, by Edison
Marshall; The Immortal Marriage,
by Gertrude Atherton; Black April,
by Julia Peterkin; The Delectable
Mountains, by Struthers Burt; An
American Tragedy, by Theodore Drcl.
ser; Elmer Gantry, by Sinclair Lew
is, ...-.
La Grande is taking the part of
enthusiastic host to between 2M0
and 3000 Leglqnnaives, y?hq have as
sembled there for their annual state
convention, which opened yesterday
and will continue over tomorrow.
Commander MeFadden and Victor
Hirsch are the delegate represent
ing AthenaWeston Post ?fc lii'l eon
vention, and other members of the
local Post will probably attend the
Carl .Moser, state adjutant is. en
thusiastic as to the succesy of the
convention, He declares that Indica
tions are that the convention this
year will be the greatest Oregon ses
sion in point of attendance, lie says
three special trains carrying legion
naires are coming from Eugene, Sa.
lem and Portland.
Word was received that 31 Bend,
Oregon Legionnaires, members of the
drum and bugle corps, had started
from Bend afoot for La Grande. It
is said that failure of the BenJ bank
resulted in loss of convention funds
and the musicians, rather than miss
the state meeting, decided to walk
and accept any rides that would be
With harvesting of the light soil
crops of Umatilla cotinty under way,
enough grain has been threshed to
confirm earlier claims that these
districts will produce one of the larg
est crops in years. -
On the hriv-ler lands, harvesting
is juBt boginnlnjr to start, and not
until next week can fairly accurate
estimates be made of the yi-jld. How
ever, the universal claim for a norm
al crop is forecast.
Chicago reports that - wheat sup
plies in the United States are to be
the largest in recent years. Basod on
the present government crop report
and carry-over there is practically
940,000,000 bushels, or about 60,000,
000 bushels more than last year.
Should nothing happen to the spring
wheat crop, which ia making good
progress, and so far has not been
seriously hurt by black rust, 25,000,-
000 bushels or 35,000,000 bushels
might be added to the spring wheat
estimate. In the August crop re
turns as the basis for estimating the
crop is advanced about two bushels
for the month. ,
In 1015 when the United States
raised 1,028,000,000 bushels of wheat
there was 352,000,000 bushels spring
and 674,000,000 bushels winter. The
largest spring wheat crop ever raised
was 356,000,000 bushels ' in 1918,
when the winter wheat here was 553,
000,000 bushels and the total crop
was 911,000,000 bushels. The govern-
men report is a total of 854,000,000
bushels, or 22,000,000 bushels in ex
cess of the previous harvest, with a
carry-over of 85,000,000 bushels, or
25,000,000 bushels in excess of last
year. ' .:".:. ' ' '..- y
Canadian supplies might be raised
over the present ' estimate, and Eur
ope Is estimated to have. about 80,
000,000 bushels over last year. Est!
mates on Argentina and Australia are
too uncertain at ' present. It would
be a good thing, however, for other
exporting countries were the south
ern hemisphere to have a short crop.
What wheat prices are - to be in
the future is a. problem confronting
the trade. In Chicago there is a be
lief that prices around $1.35 &
1.40 will be about right under exist
ing conditions.
Movement of wheat has been delay
ed, and while it is a fair size in
the southwest and only starting in
the middle west, Chicago receivers
are not expecting liberal receipts un
til the last part of July or the fir&t
half of August. The market has
been fairly liquidated.
Mrs. Alvin Johnson
Pioneer Athena Woman
.Passed Away Tuesday
After a long period of illness,
which she bore with patience and
fortitude, Mrs. Alvin Johnson passed
away at her home west of Athena,
Tuesday, in the presence of her fam
ily. For the past few weeks the
strength of this estimable pioneer
woman ebbed fast, and the end was
expected. "' ,
Born at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
July 4, 1848, Ellen Thompson Johnson
was 75 years and 15 days old at her
death. She was married to- Alvin
Johnson, who with eight children sur
vive her, on November 14, 1867.
Coming to Umatilla in an early
day with her husband, she settled on
the homestead just west of town,
where she. has since resided. She
experienced the trials and hardships
of pioneer motherhood, bore her bur
den bravely and happily, reared a
family of nine children, one of whom,
Mrs. Minnie Booher, preceded her to
the grave but a few weeks ago.
Besides her aered husband, she
leaves to mourn her loss the follow
ing: A. M. Johnson of Athena; Tom
Johnson of Nevada; Elmer Johnson
of Marshfield; Alf Johnson of Walla
Walla; Lee Johnson of bend; Mrs. C.
O. Henry, Mrs. Grace Catron and
Mrs. Ethel Montague of Athena.
Funeral services were held yester
day afternoon at the Methodist Epis
copal church, with a large concourse
of friends in attendance.
Coolidge Listens
To Tariff Battle
South Dakota Governor and
Senator in Old-Fashioned
Two Fine Pictures
At Standard Theatre
The Standard offers its patrons
two fine pictures on tomoirow and
Sunday's programs. Tomorrow night
Ken Msynard, late with Ringling
Brother's Circus, but now witli Metro
will be seen in some ot hia most
thrilling horsemanship feats, when he
will appear in "The Unknown Cavul
Sunday night another of Metro's
stellar attractions will be presented.
when a galaxy of stars including Wil
nam names, any u inch, narry
Carey, Karl Dane and Junior Coghlan
will be seen in "Slide, Kelly, Slide!'
The background of the story is based
on the world series, with Mike Don-
lin, Irish Meuscl, Bob Meusel, Tony
Laszeri appearing in the supporting
Pendleton Girl Missing
A Portland dispatch says that
Charlotte Walker, 18 year old Pen
dleton girl, who was to have come to
Portland to visit her half sister, Mrs.
R. Reynolds, 1742 Montana avenue,
has been missing since July 13, police
have been notified. The girl, who
was to have arrived in Portland that
day by train, did not come and since
that time all traces to locate her,
either in Portland or Pendleton have
proved futile.
American Memorials to Be Erected in France
Repairing Flood Damage
Weston Leader: Chris Thoeny is
still busy with flood repairs at his
truck farm on Pine creek a mile and
a-half above Weston, where he suf
fered much damage. He has had two
men employed to help him and is not
yet half finished with the work. His
barn was washed away together with
15 tons of hay by a wall of water
seven feet in height which came
down the Lieuallen draw. The barn's
concrete foundation, averaging a foot
thiak and nine feet in height, was
wrecked. Mr. Thoeny also lost a
lot of chickens, but his garden was
not materially damaged. Pine creek
itself jdid not cause much trouble,
the principal mischief being wrought
by water coming down the draws.
Ardmore, S. D. President Coolidge
bumped into a flurry ot old-fashioned
oratorical, political fireworks when he
camq here to- participate In a farm
ers' picnic and heard Governor Bulow
of South Dakota, a democrat, demand
tariff revision as an aid to agriculture
and listened to Senator Norbeck, re
publican ot this state, reply "there ia
only one thing worse than a republican
tariff and that is a democratic tariff."
Caught unawares in the political
row, the president sat silent amid the
throngs of farmers as he witnessed at
Close range a heart-to-heart battle on
the tariff. It was the first time in
years that a president had been a spec
tator at a two-sided discussion of do
mestic Issues. The dirt farmers ot
una Dime, neumuna uuu v yuming,
warmed up to the situation in matter
of fact style and the-plain hereabouts
rang with cheers as each speaker hit
Coolidge looked on without apparent
ly taking notice of the political battle
at his side. He and Mrs. Coolidge had .
traveled here to join in the farmers'
picnic and they had eaten at luncheon
time a picnic dinner prepared by thq
offlcluls ot the experiment station.
Old Time Music Enjoyed
The old time music on the program
at the . Standard Theatre, Saturday
evening was greatly enjoyed by the
audience. The orchestra rendered
old time dance music, to the delight
of everybody, and the concert was the
event of the evening. The orchestra
personnel Includes J. S.Huffman and
Charles Miller, violins; Frank Cham
berlain, banjo, and Cleve Myers,
Geneva.- The British and Japanese
delegates to the tri-partite naval con
ference handed the American dole
gates copies of a provisional agree
ment arrived at Sunday, The agree
ment, it is reported, ia based on a com
promise which appears to isolate the
United States delegation, and again
turns the attention to the position ot
the United States.
In general, the agreement is said to
be based on a compact for a cruiser
tonnage of 500,000 tons for tho United
States and Great Britain and the lim
itation of 8-inch guns on cruisers un
der 7500 tons.
The Americans indicated their will
ingness to accept the first point and
Intimated that arrangements might be
made for the acceptance ot the second
point, but deflntlo opposition was
voiced to three other proposals. One
on these proposals is reported to be
an agreement for a parity in under
surface craft.
Observers here declare the Anglo
Jupunesn compromise has placed tlm
United Slates delegatus In an embar
rassing position, since Hugh Gibson
in the plenary session lust week hud
asserted the United States probably
could adjust Itself to any compromise
Great Britain and Japan could mako.
Fair Plans Shaping Up
Plans for Walla Walla county ag
ricultural and stock fair, which will
be held the first week in September,
are rapidly taking definite shape.
The premium list offering the best
prizes yet announced, will be issued
later this week. The Walla Walla
Chamber of Commerce is to have
charge of the night programs at the
Th0 Ajwriwn buttle monuments commission, uf.u!"d . (Senenil iVrsbliiB. bus ii'"""umI im ileslyiif .'nr ti
number vt thv tueioorluif to be erected In France. Three of tbens designs we bhown iilxne. No. 1. micmnmtliig
t!;a ri' ot tba Et. J' V.'l rMcut. will be on Mont See. Ko. 2 is the dniiwl for the American cemetery wstr
rer-ea-?s:3?arls. ya. S, i bs ca a bill at Moutfaucon, comaiemoratef the Meuse-Arj;' operations.
Adair's Cash lirorecy
Edgar Adair, recently of Prince
ton, Idaho, has purchased the East
ern Merchantile company ttorc from
Mann Brothers. Mr. Adair is now in
po&seiseion of the business and will
operate under the name of Adair's
Cash Grocery. He has a family of
five children, two of high school ope,
and i seeking a suiUb'.a residence.
Mr. Adair U a cousin of Mrs. Law
rence Pinkerton.
Little More Sunshine Needed for Best
of Quality.
Moscow, Idaho. Prospects for
wheat here this yeur urc good, and
with a little more hot weather the
grain should ripeu und mature well.
There is little trouble expected from
smut or blight.
Speculation places yields in tha
upper regions at from 15 to 39 busheln
an acre, and those in the valleys esti
mate from 20 to as high as SO bushels.
These figures are better than those of
lust year, when the harvest ran from
10 to 15 bu.shels an acre in many
There U an abundance of molstura
In northern counties. Farmers gener
ally ure hoping for sunshine that will
pinch the grain and make it ot high
milling quulity.
Old Testament Put In Modern Words.
Chicago. The story of the serpent
that enticed Kve Into committing the
first siu In cast in modern lunguuge
in tho first American translation of
the old tt'Btament, completed after
three ycart,' work by four noted Amer
ican aod Canadian students ot ancient
Hebrew The work Is to bo published
by th University of Chicago.
Sawyer Gtts Cregen HlQhway Job.
Salom, Or. Robert W, Sawyer, edi
tor of the Bend Bulletin and Deschutca
county jm'gf. was appointed by Gov
ernor I'.ilterioti as a nwuibir Ot tin
mate highway eimmlbaioa '.o uaeve . 1
William Huby of E.uctr, rcsljned.