The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 15, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year
One copy, six months
One copy, three months 73
Athena, Oregon July 15 1927
The movement set under way by
the livestock raisers for freight rate
reduction brings to mind a new law
affecting shippers and railroads, en
acted at the last session of Congress
Congress enacted a law authorizing
reduction of freight rates in cases of
emergency. The purpose of this bill
is to grant emergency relief and the
power to reduce freight rates to and
from any part of the country in case
of earthquake, flood, fire, drought,
pestilence or other disaster. Existing
laws did not meet such conditions.
Several instances were on record
where such emergencies arose, but
the carriers were unable to grant low
er rates because of the legal prohibi
tions. The law, as passed, author
izes such relief to be granted by ord
er of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission, with or without a hearing.
In view of the use to which it was
put within a few weeks after the ad
journment of Congress, in the Miss
issippi Valley flood district the en
actment of this law seems almost
In the first session of the Sixty
ninth Congress a law was passed ex
tending the liability of initial com
mon carriers for loss, damage, or in
jury to property transported on a
through bill of lading, by two or
more common carriers, where the in
itial destination has been changed
while the property is en route. As
the Interstate Commerce Act stood,
the shipper had the right to hold the
initial carrier on a through bill of
lading responsible for loss or damage
occurring to the shipment. Under
modern commercial practices it is a
common custom after a car of pro
duce has started on its way to trans
fer it to a market other than its or
iginal destination. In such cases the
shipper no longer had recourse to
the initial carrier and was put to
great expense and inconvenience in
event he found it necessary to adjust
damages at a place very remote from
his place of shipment and with com
mon carriers that had no point of
contact with him.
Industrial News Bureau says the
fact that the United States annually
builds with more than half a million
dollars' worth of property a funeral
pyre on which are sacrificed 12,000
of its citizens, should force us to re
cognize that prevention of such ter
rible waste of life and property is
one of the major problems of the
After unlocking vast stores of
wealth by our methods of efficiency
in industry and business, it is worse
than mockery to permit carelessness
to turn in and destroy not only a
substantial part of this wealth, hut
also thousands of priceless lives along
with it.
Irving T. Rush, of New York, de
clares that the country should put
fires in the cluss of preventable din
eases; as for instance, yellow fever.
Medical research and skill finally lo
cated the cause of that plague and
stamped it out. Skilled lira prcen
tion engineers could take the place
of the medical scientists who blocked
yellow fever. Certainly anything
that takes the lives of 12,000 persons
and more than half a billion dollars'
worth of property a year in one coun
try, must be treated as u serious
John Drew, dean of actors has
passed away, but the impress he
left upon the stage will l'm-rer
through the years to come. His act
ing teamed with that of Ada Rehan,
Fanny Davenport, Frederick Ward
and other stage folk of the old school
remains a source ef pleasure in the
memory of all who were theatre pa
trons when the stage was in the
zenith of its glory, and the movie
was an unknown amusement factor.
We find that the federal govern
ment is employing bug hunters. Yes
siree, and one editorial writer says:
"To cut funds from the suppor; of
the bug-hunters who are on the trail
of the deadly sugar fly and other
like pests, is to cripple American
farming and to invite the foreign
sugar grower to work his will in
every American home."
Senator McNary, in speaking; be
fore the Oregon City chamber ef
commerce recently, declared that ag
riculture is the biggest business in
the world, in which the United States
has $75,000,000,000 invested, mnru
facturing coming second, with $15,
000,000,000, railroads with $20,000,
000,000 and mines with $7,000,000,000
and the Senator voiced a plea for
needed agricultural relief.
for the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion relative to railroad rates for the
transportatin of livestock in the
northwest, ihe growers of Idaho
and Montana are the chief complain
ants, with those of Oregon and Wash
ington watching the issue closely. A
great amount of testimony was sub
mitted by the shippers on one side
and the railroads on the other.
A car load of Milton cherries re
cently sold in New York, netting
growers 25 cents a pound a "cherry
pie is good enough for you or I,"
Forty-seven Jersey bossies were
sold in Marion county the other day
for $19,455. A very live live-stock
item, we will say.
An exchange asks this pertinent
question, "Can a farmer be prosper
ous and not know it?" Not if he
knows it.
Aztecs No Relatives
of American Indiana
In the early eighties, two Aztecs, a
girl and a boy, were shown In Scot
land by a niuu and woman who ex
ploited them.
As the story- of their discovery and
klduuplng goes, rumors of the exist
ence of two Aztec children reached
the Gulf coast, says a writer In Ad
venture Magazine. Some adventurers
penetrated the hinterland and discov
ered the two Aztec children, who were
posed on the altur of the temple by
the priest of the cult us subjects for
veneration, possibly if the traditions
of the Aztecs be rightly handed down
to us held until the time for sacri
fice to the god came due. The chil
dren were kidnaped mid. after a bit
ter struggle with their pursuers, were
brought to the const and smuggled
aboard ship, and eventually came into
the hands of the couple.
After careful analysis of the physi
cal characteristics 'of the Aztecs, it
may be said they differed from the
Amerindian In many ways and were
on entirely different race of people
from the red man any nation or peo
ple of the Amerindians. The head,
the features, eyes, mouth, nose, jaw
and chin had no resemblance to any
Indian nation or people, or even to the
mixed races of the red man, which
range from the Slave lake of north
ern Canada to I'atagonia In South
America. The outstanding difference
was in the hair. The hair of the
Aztecs was a long, frizzy shock that
stood upright from the forehead.
Ancients Made War
on Tooth Troubles
lieutul therapeutics dates from a
very remote epoch. It is not known
when this art commenced, but It is
well known that the Kgyptluus prac
ticed it to a considerable extent. Ou
a papyrus scroll estimated to date
back 8,700 years before Christ, which
was found burled at the feet of the
god Anubls, there were found written
remedies against painful niolnrs and
a way to alleviate other troubles of
the teeth by means of pulverized
drugs. The art of "filling" Is very
old. Egyptian mummies have been
found with molar cavities very care
fully closed. Others have artilicial
teeth which show that In very an
cient times this dental process was
known. The Chinese cured tooth
ache 2,700 years before oitr era. One
of their methods was to put iron rust
In the cavities.
Mules and Horses A good bunch
of mules and horses at Pendleton,
south of Round-Up grounds. Frank
Watkins, Pendleton, Oregon.
Wanted Girl or woman to wait on
tables at Athena Hotel.
Rhode Island Frys Joe demons
has Rhode Island Red frys for sale.
Wagon Racks Wagon racks for
hauling sacked wheat, for sale cheap.
Jos. N. Scott, Phone 23F4.
An important hearing wa hud in
Portland last week before examiners
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes
Try Our
We use standard toilet preparations
made in scientific laboratories under
the supervision of graduate chemists.
Only the best is good enough for our
Oursereiceisofthe Same high standard
as our supplies. We guard your health
and enhance your personal appear
ance. If you appreciate cleanliness
and sanitation, superservke and high
grade supplies, drop into our shop at
the first opportunity.
This is the shop you hoot
been looking for
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore,
it Knots
(, 1927, Western Newapaper Union.)
Tou ought-to be fine for the sake
of the folks
Who think you are fine.
If others have faith in you doubly
you're bound
To stick to the line.
It's not only on you that dishonor
Tou can't hurt yourself without
hurting your friends.
Edgar Guest
The following pudding Is one which
will keep for some time and may be
resteamed :
Graham Pudding. Sift
two cupfula of graham
flour with one teaspoon
ful of soda, add one cup
ful each of sour milk and
molasses, one and one
half teaspoonfuls of salt,
one tenspoonful each of
cinnamon and cloves and
one cupful of mixed raisins and nuts
chopped. Pour into a mold and steam
three hours. Serve with egg sauce.
Egg Sauce. Beat two eggs until
light, add one cupful of sugar and stir
until well dissolved, then add one-half
cupful of hot milk with a teaspoonful
of flavoring.
Hamburg Cream. Mix together the
rind and Juice of two large lemons
and one cupful of sugar, add the well
beaten yolks of eight eggs. Place In
a double boiler and cook three min
utes,' stirring until It thickens. Beat
the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth,
add the egg mixture while hot, stirring
until thoroughly mixed. Serve cold
banana sponge. boaij a third or a
package of gelatin in one-third of a
enpful of cold water. Add boiling
water (one-third cupful), one cupful
of sugar, the Juice of one lemon and
one cupful of banana pulp. Heat to
the boiling point, cool a little, and
beat, then beat in the stiffly beaten
whites of three eggs. Turn into a
mold, lined with sliced bananas. Serve
with whipped cream.
Meringue Pudding. Beat the whites
of six eggs very stiff, then add six
rounded tablespoonfuls of sugar and
one scant tablespoonful of vinegar.
Put Into two layer enke pans lined
with oiled paper and bake until a tight
brown. When cold remove from the
pans and place on a chop plate or
fancy plate. Have ready three
fourths of a pint of cream whipped
and mixed with chopped pecans,
spread over one layer, cover with the
other and dot with minced maraschino
" VrfA
ff TTi
I 'I f;
DENVER $87.20
DETROIT 104.67
TORONTO 112.80
ATLANTA 116.40 t
WASHINGTON ...140.61
NEW YORK 146.45
Low fares also to other points in
Middle West, South and East.
Liberal itopovn permit vititing
Zlon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountain Nafl Park
For Illustrated Booklets,
Reservations and Information,
address Agent named below.
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oreg
Liberia's U. 8. War Debt Paid.
' Washington, D. C Liberia became
the second nation to pay its entire war
debt to the United States when it
turned over to the treasury a checl.
for $35,610. Cuba is the other natio:
which has wiped Its war debt slati
Franklin a Good Swimmer
Franklin was a great swimmer. On
one occasion he swam for four mile
In the Thames, "performing on the
way many feats of activity, both upon
and under the water." He obtained
such a reputation as a water dog thai
he thought seriously of becoming 8
teacher of swimming. Even at fortj
he still swam for two hours at s
stretch. He astonished his fellow
printers by carrying two forms of typ
to their one, and, In his old age, h(
was fond of displaying his strength
by lifting heavy books. Scientifli
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for. Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Dand, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Janet Dand, executrix of the last will
and testament of John Dand, deceas
ed, until about the 8th day of Janu
ary, 1927, from the date of her ap
pointment, and qualification, has filed
her final account and report in the
administration of the estate; that the
County Judge by order duly made
and entered, has appointed Tuesday
the 9th day of August, 1927, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as
the time and the County Court House
at Pendleton as the place where all
objections and exceptions to said fin
al account will be heard and a set
tlement of the estate as far as said
Janet Dand, is concerned will be
TWerl this Rth Aav of .Tnlv. 1927.
JANET DAND, Formerly Executrix.
Will M. .Peterson, Day ii.arr Attor
neys for Janet Dand. J8A5.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ira
Durrill, also known as I. W. Dur
rill, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to ail per
sons whom it may concern: That
Henry Craig, administrator of the
estate of Ira Durrill, also known as
I. W. Durrill, Deceased, has filed his
final account and report in the ad
ministration of the estate; that the
County Judge, by order duly made
and entered, has appointed Monday
the 1st day of August, 1927, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
as the time and the County Court
House in Pendleton, Oregon, as the
place where all objections and ex
ceptions to said final account will be
heard and a settlement of the estate
Dated the 1st day of July 1927.
HENRY CRAIG, Administrator.
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis,
Attorneys for the administrator.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Minnie
D. Booher, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern; That A.
M. Johnson has been appointed ex
ecutor of the last will and testament
of Minnie D. Booher, deceased, and
has qualified as such. All persons
having claims against her estate are
required to present them to said
executor at his office at Athena, Ore
gon, or to his attorneys, Will M.
Peterson and George R. Lewis, in the
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon,
verified as by law required within
six months of the date of the first
publication of this notice which is
the 24th day of June, 1927.
A. M. JOHNSON, Executor.
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lew
is Attorneys for Executor.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of W.
H. Booher, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Lee Johnson, heretofore appointed
and qualified as administrator de
bonis non with the will annexed of
the estate of W. H. Booher, deceased,
has filed his final account and report
in the administration of the estate;
that the County Judge, by order duly
made and entered, has appointed
Monday the 25th day of July, 1927,
at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon as the time and the County
Court House"1 at" Pendleton, Oregon,
as the place where all objections and
exceptions to said final account and
report will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made.
Dated this 24th day of June, 1927.
Administrator D. B. N, C. T. A.
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lew
is Attorneys for Administrator.
The International Harvester Company's
We '
Oscillating Reach
Long Steel Skein, built especially for heavy wheat
hauling in the West-full circle bolster plate, that
takes the hard bumps off heavy loads-the one wag
on now made with parts and extras available for
Rogers C& Goodman
('A Mercantile Trust)
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Granite Company
H. J. BLAESING, Manager
Eastern Oregon Representative
Odd Fellows Bld'g, Pendleton.
ce Crea
in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies,
Sundaes and Sodas
Cold Drinks
Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River,
Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roache's
Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc
Short Order Lunches
W.R. Harden
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
by taking advantage of the latest
methods of chiropractic adjustment
This office offers you the very new
est ideas adopted by this latest and
greatest of the healing arte. " For
young, middle-aged and old chiro
practic is indeed helpful.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, - Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. , 957 J
"Script Porm"
Butter Wrappers
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921
J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
H Pays to Look Well!
To look well, you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
ur mmw mmw muw urn mw mm .
u win mi in mi mi mi mi r n m
, ...... "waffifMMimrrr'i
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
annually. ' - '
Preston-Shaffer 'Milling Co.
la made in Athena, b- Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mill, in the Northwest, of the beet (elected Blueetem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer telle the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena. Oregon. - - Waitsbur. Wash