The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 10, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
. Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year . Ia-W
One copy, sis months tl-00
One copy, three months ''
Athena, Oregon, June 10, 1927
There lurks no room for envy or
jealousy bo far as concerns Lind
bergh and Chamberlain. The boy
flier achieved the plaudits of the
world by his wonderful feat of en
durance and bravery. On the other
hand Chamberlain, already holding
the world's endurance flight record
wins the admiration of the world for
his daring flight, which ended a few
miles from Berlin his objective point.
Both airmen achieved the laurels they
went after and both are satisfied
with them. Both are more vitally in
terested in what their world renow
ed non-stop flights revealed to science
in the progress airplane building ha3
made in the last few years, than they
will be in boasts of admiring friends
Just now Europe is bowing to the
superiority of American aeronautics.
If there were any doubts after Linrt
bergh landed in Paris, 3600 miles
from New York in 31 hours m a
Ryan monoplane, those doubts floated
away entirely when . Chamberlain
landed near Berlin, 3800 from New
York in the Bellanca monoplane in
42 hours.
O !
"Greater Oregon " Association," a
Portland Organization, terming itself
to be "The State Taxpayers Associa
tion of Oregon," is, as is other Port
land organizations, against the in
come tax measure. These organiza
tions can see no justice in any save a
property tax a tax system which
carries practically all the tax burden,
and allows what is termed "industry"
but which in reality is intangible and
secreted wealth accumulations, to al
most utterly escape taxation. Chap
man's Oregon Voter, a biased period
ical, is the organ of a league of such
"Associations," and is knifing the
Governor's modest tax reform meas
ure, as it did the repealed income
tax law. The Oregon Voter is satis
fied with the tax system as is, for
the reason that the interests it repre
sents escapes equal tax payment, as
compared with the property-owning
Farmers of Braynon mountain dist
rict have complained to Cowlitz
county commissioners that bears are
making swimming holes out of wa
ter puddles in the county roads there.
Seeing that the commissioners are
up against a hard proposition in
saying the county roads, the Press
suggests that they immediately ne
gotiate for the services of Athena's
renowned bear slayer, Jim Jones. If
Jim were down there, Cowlitz county
would have no further bear raids on
her mud holes.
Alfred P. Slonn., presdent of the
General Motors Corporation, recently
gave a strong indorsement of the
vulue of the country weekly news
pnper. In discussing this year's ad
vertising campaign for General Mo
tors Corporation, Mr. Sloan, among
other things, said: "I believe in the
country weekly newspaper. I believe
that no printed matter in the Uaited
States is more thoroughly rend, or
has more influence than the pages of
these homo town newspapers."
Potatoes continue to bring good
prices, the eastern markets being
very strong. Indicating the condi
tion, the New Humpshire Market re
port of recent date says: "Rapidly di
minishing stocks of old potatoes,
flood damage to early potatoes in
the Mississippi valley and lighter
shipments from Texas are reported
causes for recent sharp advance in
the potato market."
If, at an altitude of 6,000 feet you
should fall from an air plain, just
jump to one side so that the plane
will not collide with you. Then don't
lose your head, take your time in
examining your parachute. If she
opens all right you may safely pro
teed to descend; if she doesn't you
will descend anyway, and your
friends will pick you up later, in
The fashion for long trousers for
little boys is one that is affecting
ihc health of the children, and moth
ers have been warned to change
their sons into short pants, by Dr.
Gary of Portland. She declared that
.sunshine and ventilation, possiblo
with the short pants make for
health and the youngster who doesn't
get those things suffers from the
lack of them.
sembled at Salem Monday in a get-to-gether
meeting, called by Gover
nor Patterson. When the meeting
was over everybody was good friends,
promising that one school is to help
the other and tabooing all rivalry
hereafter, except in athletics.
A versatile mathematician of the
Iowa state college determines the
cost of operating the average motor
car at 10.27 cents. His findings
will doubtless be received with joy
by the joy-riders, who heretofore
have been wondering where their
earnings were going to.
o .
Out of 112 tests, a perfect woman's
radio voice has been found, and we'll
wager that any of the other 111
could be distinctly heard in a whisp
er from Kalamoozo to London.
An Evansville, Indiana, youth caus
ed his automobile to turn a complete
somersault by instantainous applica
tion of the brakes, and the fool sur
vives the "stunt."
Vanity cases are to be slightly en
larged to accommodate a small elec
tric iron to be used for removing
musscd-upness of milady's clothing.
Merely another contrivance that
readily fits into the overworked light,
Longview is long alright, for you
can see it a long while while enter
ing it and a long time while leaving
Tax reduction of $300,000,000 by
the next Congress, which means that
a certain editor we know of will be
effected just 2 cents worth.
The Weston Picnic, true to form,
brought the June rain.
Washington Spends $18,620,000 and
Oregon $15,000,000.
Washington, P. C. Oregon will
spend $16,000,000 on road construction
this year, Including state and local
highways, the federal bureau of roads
The Oregon program is said to In
clude 252 miles of road to be built by
the state highway department, of
which 125 miles will be earth improv
ed, 125 miles sand-clay gravel and
macadam, and two miles asphalt, con
crete or brick.
The bureau estimates indicate that
the state of Washington will build
385 miles of road this year at state
expense and that state and local ex
penditures combined on highways will
total $18,620,000, of which the state
will spend $9,250,000. Idaho is expect
ed to spend . $3,280,000 in all and to
construct 145 miles of Btate highway.
26 Sailors Landed by Lifeline.
San Francisco. After 48 hours of
anguish with their boat spitted upon
a reef, 26 members of the crew of the
freighter Indiana Harbor were taken
off with breeches buoy. The vessel
bound from San Francisco to Portland,
was driven aground near Point Gorda,
south of Eureka, Cal.
Llndsey Loses High Court Appeal.
Washington, D. C Ben B. Llndsey,
formerly juvenile judge at Denver,
Colo., was refused a supreme court
review of the Judgment of the Color
ado supreme court holding that he
had been defeated at the November,
1924, elections by Royal I. Graham.
Yakima Buys Potatoes
Yaldina, Wash. With stocks ol
seed potatoes in Idaho and Montana
cleaned up, Yakima for the first time
In a number of years is getting seed
from British Columbia. Two carloads
have just been recolved from theChil
Iwack district near Vancouver.
Good Wood Good clear yellow
pine, $6 per cord; small pine $4 per
cord, all 16 inch cut, at Jim Brittan
place, Reservation Mountain.
Chickens Wanted Bring your chick
ens to the Athena Hotel. Highest
market price paid.
For Sale A good milch cow. II.
M. Saulsberry, phone 25F21.
"It Pays to Look Well"
Regents of University of Oregon
and Oregon Agricultural college as-
The Fitch Shampoo is more than a
shampoo. Applied with our super
strtke mthoastYilUa, scientific
scalp treatment.
Super-service isout" motto which
means the teru latest scientific
equipment, standard toilet prepara
tions, clean towels and absolute
sanitation, J
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore.
31 Years Ago
- June 5, 1896 '
Camp meetings are in progress
north of the Baptist church.
Born, near Athena, June 4, 1896,
to Mr, and Mrs. George Lieuallen, a
boy. ' "
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rushing have both
been confined to their home with ill
ness, this week. Dr. Stiles, of Wes
ton, is in attendance. ,
Many of the deserted farms in the
Cold Spring district are , being re
claimed by a colony of Quakers.
Several ladies went to Pendleton on
the excursion Thursday to witness
the tournament.
E. L. Barnett has put in pipe and
will beautify his lawn by the use of
city water.
Joaquin Miller, the poet, lectured
at Weston, last evening under the
auspices of the Normal school.
H. Caplinger and Thomas Payne
have returned from a bear hunt.
They slayed four bears and lost three
or four good dogs.
Mrs. Hindman, of Weston, from
whose person a 30 pound tumor was
removed by Dr. N. G. Blalock a few
days ago, is doing nicely. .
Reservation votes were plentiful in
Athena Monday. Free lunchj cigai's
and liquid refreshments were served,
and a royal good time was had by all.
Milton will celebrate the Fourth of
July this year regardless of hov the
election may terminate. Wo will
still be under the stars and stripes
and continue to live in a free coun
try, all of which are ample causes for
In Athena, Tuesday, June 2, 18S6,
Marvin Leon Hastings, aged 22 years
5 months and 25 days, died of con
sumption. The June term of the circuit court
convened Monday. The grand jurors
are: O. F. Thompson, foreman; Peter
Bahr, M. M. Johns, Walter Lynn,
John Hagen, L. M. Huson, C. C. Darr.
Two years ago last Sunday, a cy
clone played havoc with a part of
Long Creek, in Grant county, and the
Blue Mountain Eagle says there were
some last week who were prepared
to fly to underground cellars, upon
sight of any angry-looking clouds.
W. M. Pierce and wife have come
home from Chicago and will remain
in Pendleton. Mr. Pierce has been
assiduously devoting himself to the
OMAHA 70.35
KANSAS CITY.... 70.35
ST. LOUIS 80.35
DETROIT 104.87
TORONTO 112.80
ATLANTA 116.40
WASHINGTON ...140.61
NEW YORK 146.45
BOSTON 192.51
Low fares also to other points in
Middle West, South and East.
Liberal stopovers permit visiting
Zlon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park
For Illustrated Booklets,
Reservations and Information,
address Agent named below.
C. M. EAGER. Ac-ent
Athena, Oreg
study of law, and comes home a fully
equipped practioner, ready to enter
actively into the practice of his new
ly chosen profession.
Election day passed off very seren-
ly in Athena, nothwithstanding li
quid refreshments could be had .in
abundance at more than one joint on
Main street.
Historic Town
Harper's Ferry Is a town In West
Virginia at the- confluence of the
Shenandoah and Fotomnc and Is about
GO . miles from Washington. It re
ceived its name from Robert Harper,
an English millwright, who obtained
the grant of this site In 1748 from
Lord Fairfax, the friend and patron
of George Washington. The original
survey was Jiiade by Washington him
self and It is said that he personally
selected the ferry as the site of a
national armory.. Harper's Ferry Is
famous In American history as the
scene of John Brown's raid.
Ex-Governor McCray to be Paroled.
Washington, D. C. The federal
parole board ha3 recommended that
Warren T. McCray, former governor
of Indiana, sentenced to the Atlanta
penitentiary for 10 years, be paroled
In August when he becomes eligible
for clemency.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of Union High School District
No. 3, of Umatilla County, State of
Oreeron, that the Annual School Meet
ing of said District will be held at
the school house from 2:00 o'clock p.
m. to 7:00 o'clock p. m. on the Fourth
Monday of June, being the 27th day
of June. A. D. 1927.
This meeting is .called for the , pur
pose of electing one director and the
transaction of business usual at sucn
Dated this 6th day of June 1927.
Chairman Board of Directors.
District Clerk.
In the County Court of the State of
TTmnfcillfl CountV.
In the Matter of the Estate of Lewis
C. Preston, Deceased.
xTnt;..n io Viovohw rivpn to all ner
.i v.. j rn - -
sons whom it may concern: lnat
Joseph N. Scott and Clyde Eldon
Preston, administrators with the will
annexed of the estate of Lewis C.
Preston, deceased, have filed their
final account and report in the ad
ministration ot tne estate; mat, we
f lArra Kw nrHur dulv made
and entered, has appointed Monday
- - . . i -r.i i (nrt t- 4-Ua
the 11th flay oi uuiy, ash, v "
t.h forenoon as
the time and the County Court House
; DoniHotnn rwenn. ns the nlace
lit A ww'vwi v . , - - .
where all objections and exceptions
to said iinai account wiu ue neaiu
and a settlement of the estate made.
Dated the 10th day of June, 1927.
JOSttFrl in. swii,
Will M. Peterson, John A. Harvey,
George R. Lewis Attorneys for Ad
ministrators. J10J8.
(Equity No. 4318)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
M. L. Watts and Homer I. Watts,
William Steen and Naomi Steen, his
wife, and all other heirs at law,
if any there be, of C. E. Steen,
deceased, whose names are un-'
known to the plaintiffs; Richard
D. Hamilton, sometimes known as
R. D. Hamilton; the unknown heirs,
if any there be, of said Richard D.,
or R. D. Hamilton, deceased; Frank
B. Steen and Cora Steen, his wife;
C. W. Steen and Bertha Steen, his
wife; William H. Steen and Beryl
Steen, his wife; May Steen-Roth-rock
and A. B. Rothrock, her hus
band;. Grace Steen-Murray and
Hugh S. Murray, her husbend;
Maude Steen-Miller, formerly the
wife of Grant Steen, deceased;
Harold - Steen, a minor, noar 14
years of age, being the only surviv
ing child of Grant Steen, deceased;
and all other heirs at law, if any
there be, of Ralph Steen, deceased,
whose names are unknown to the
plaintiffs; and all other persons
unknown, if any there be, who
claim any right, title, interest, es
tate or lien in, to or upon the real
property described in the complaint
in this suit. Defendants.
To all those defendants above de
scribed as follows, to-wit: William
Steen and Naomi Steen, his wife, and
all other heirs at law, if any there
be, of C. E. Steen, deceased, whose
names are unknown to the plaintiiTs;
Richard D. Hamilton, sometimes
known as R. D. Hamilton; the un
known heirs, if any there be, "of said
Richard D.. or R. D. Hamilton, de
ceased; and all other heirs at law, if
any there be, of Ralph Steen, deceas
ed, whose names are unknown to the
plaintiffs; and all other persons un
known, if any there be, who claim
any right,' title, interest, estate, or
lien in, to or upon the real property
described in the complaint in this
In the Name of the State of Ore-
- r 1 t A 1
gon: xou ana eacn oi you are nere
by required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit within six (6)
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons and you will
take notice .that if you fail to ap
pear and answer or plead in this
suit within said time, the plaintiffs
nhnve named will ftnnlv to the above
entitled Court for the relief demand
ed in fheur complaint, which com
plaint prays that the - defendants be
required to come into Court and an
swer said complaint and state what
claims, interests, or estates they or
any of them have or assert in or to
the real property situated in Uma-
tdla County, state oi uregon, de
scribed as follows, to-wit :
All of Section 36, Tp. 5 N. R. 34
E. W. M. The N'j of Sec. 31
and the N'i of the S'j of said
Sec. 31, and the S'i of the SW'4
of said Sec. 31 and the SW'i of
the SE1 of said Sec. 31, All in
Tp. 5 N. R. 35 E. W. M.
adverse to the plaintiffs and their
interest and estate therein; that the
Court shall examine into the claims
which the defendants, or any of them,
mv make adverse to the plaintiffs
interest in and to said real property,
and tiass UDon the same, and deimite'
ly declare, after such examination,
that none oi the deienaants nave any
right, title, interest, estate, or lien in,
to or upon any part of said real prop
prtv which is adverse to the plain
tiffs and their fee simple interest
therein, and will further declare ana
decree that as far as the defendants
and each of them, and all persons
claiming, and to claim, by through
or under them, or any of them, are
concerned, the plaintiffs are the own
ers in fee simple of said real prop
erty and the entire title thereto; that
plaintiffs have such other and further
relief as to equity shall seem proper
in said suit.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order of the County Court
of Umatilla County, Oregon, made
pursuant to an application of the
plaintiffs in said suit for such order
pursuant to Section 56 of Olson's
Oregon Laws; said order being made
and entered in the above entitled
matter on the 18th day of May, 1927,
and the first publication of this sum
mons is made on May 20th, 1927, in
the Athena Press, a newspaper print
ed and published at Athena, Umatil
la County, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Post Office Address: Athena, Ore
gon. M20J1.
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies,
Sundaes and Sodas
Cold Drinks
Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River,
Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roaches
Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc.
Short Order Lunches .
W. R. Harden
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Blacksmith Shop
. Prices Reasonable i..
Athena, Oregon
Father, mother and daughter and
son, can make a regular practice of
visiting us for a course of chiroprac
tic adjustments. It's the wise and
sensible plan to safeguard the fam
ily health. No drugs just common
sense methods.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. . 957 J
" i r We Sell Genuine
International Repairs
Made For
By the
International Harvester Co m pan
REPAIRS made for International implements and
other farm equipment by the Harvester Com
pany are the only repairs made from the original
patterns. All others are copied from copies, and in
this roundabout reproduction they may lose in correct
ness of shape, sharpness of detail, closeness in fitting,
and quality of material. These repairs are made for
Deering, McCormick, Milwaukee, Titan and other
International-made machines. . ' X
Genuine ((JJ Repairs
Are Better in Quality
Fit Better and Wear Longer
The Harvester Company stands back of its
machines. Be fair in the matter. Do not substitute
imitation repairs for the genuine and expect best service.
Repairs made by other concerns and marked "Made
for" or "Will fit", are not genuine IHC repairs. They
often lack weight, are not always correct in shape, are
imperfectly finished, do not fit properly, or are made
of inferior material. Buy Genuine International Repairs
for your International Farm Equipment
Bewarelof . Any Other . Kind!
Rogers C& Goodman
( A Mercantile Trust)
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921
J. E. Snively . Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583. '
Get That Hair Cut Right!
U R Next in our chairs and we are next to your needs in the barber
ing line. I am ably assisted in my shop by Charles Russell, and
you know me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
i f Bui uai mmv mmt mm mmt am I, ill mmi nriRi ( mmi inrinrwnrinT wmi mi
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST , ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
If you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over ?75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
annually. '-
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made In Athena, b Atbena labor, in one o! the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best (elected Bluestem
wheat frown anywhere. Patronize home indueuy. Your
grocer sells the mous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. .
Waitsburj?, Wash