The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 03, 1927, Image 3

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    We have a New Goodyear Tire
for Fords and Chevrolets
A Balloon Tire with the Famous Good
year All-Weather Tread scientifically
designed to give better traction and
slow, even tread wear. Come in and
see it. : VW. .;...
29x4.40 - - - - - $12.85
Athena Garage
Body of Oregon Man
On Way TO Portland
Earl Kilpatrick Will Rest
in His Home btate is
teT7T7r-T?PQfiv KfltetV KflZOf Wltn DUC
V Ja.-fcWW f - "
s - -
t1.,U CKotMnrr PrMtn Slip hnttlP nt
lUUb UUU V J.U wVfc.A www ww- -
I Coty Perfume with each box Coty
I Powder. Aluminum Shaker with
one lb. Thompson's Malted Milk
1MB 1WB iwy IWM iyn( nun mil IM1' llllf UUL.
Press Paragraphs
31 Years Ago
May 29, 1897 ,
Mel Carden last week put in new
music racks in the band room.
Burt Kirby, of Adams assisted the
Athena Band on its Weston engage
ment yesterday. '.
Should the weather prove favor
able tomorrow, a large number of
people will be in Athena to partici
tint( in memorial day exercises. Many
people from the surrounding country
are expected to be present. The peo
ple of Adams will be up, accompanied
bv their band, and the Weston G. A-
E. Post headed by the Weston cornet
band, will take part in the day.
A crippled man, residing in Milton,
1 1 fiti
win iiw
TUT CCCE-ft WAV 15 Tfl SRPT. 30
DENVER $67.20
DETROIT 10!-6' '
CINCINNATI...... 10.
TORONTO 111.80
WASHINGTON ...110.61
BOSTON....... MM y-
Low fares also to other points in
Middle West, South and East.
Liberal stopover permit vi$Uing -
Zlon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
YtIlowtm National Park
Rocky Maun tain Natfl Park
For Illustrated Booklets;
Reservations and Information,
address Agent named below.
C M. EAGER, Agent J j,A
, Athena, Oreg , Ulil
was' over Monday soliciting funds to
pay his way to a surgicial institute.
Our citizens responded liberally.
A larere number of people from tne
country surrounding Athena attend
ed camp meeting at Weston, Sunday.
Tom Johnson, who has been absent
from Athena for some time was cir
culating among his friends the past
week. Tom has been employed in
Walla Walla. He will leave soon for
the mines.
William Blakeley, our next sheriff
and Charles Bowling, candidate for
county Treasurer, were in the city
Tuesday forenoon. In the afternoon
they proceeded to Weston and the
"East end.",
Misses Eva and Mable Froome, of
Pendleton, who . have been visiting
Grandpa and Grandma Froome the
past week, returned home yesterday.
Miss Kitty Sharp went home with
them for a short visit.
Dave Tavlor is having a serious
time with a spell of the whooping
cough. Dave "whoops" just the same
as other children likewise afflicted.
John Duffy, who some time ago had
the misfortune to get one of his fing
ers snapped off by a vicious hog, is
recovering from the accident.
Yesterday City Marshal Gillis had
in custody three Indians, who were
drunk and disorderly. This morning
he has them not - To two of the
duskv braves he gave liberty yester
day evening , on provision that they
leave town. The other one, a heavy
set, stout siwash, who resisted arrest
and otherwise carried himself in a
very mean and disorderly manner,
was locked up, and was to have been
brought before Recorder Smith this
moraine, but he did not appear from
the fact that he affected his escape
from the jail-
Thomas Myers, one of our farmer
friends, this season has a vast quan
titv of vegetables and willrunaveg
etable wagon reeularly to this city
Mr. Myers is a hardworking, deserv
ing man, and should be given the
preference to outside peddlers, by our
citizens who purchase vegetables and
fruit i : ' . ,
The democrats will have a rousing
time at Pendleton tomorrow evening.
E. DePeatt and William Mosgrove
were in Pendleton Monday. ,
Barney Prine. the Weston Pioneer,
was observed among the politicians
who were in town Saturday.
The Portland Journal says that
friends are preparing for the sad re
ception of the body of Earl Kilpat
rick, "most brilliant graduate of the
University of Oregon," who was kill
ed ' in an airplane accident near
Donaldsville Louisiana, late Mem
orial day, while about his work as
assistant director of disaster relief
work in the Mississippi flood area.
Mrs. Kilpatrick. called on the long
distance telephone at St. Louis, Mis
souri, at midnight, told Alfred Pow
ers, dean of the U. of 0. extension
school, that she and her four small
children would come to Portland w-th
the body of her husband, leaving St.
Louis Friday.
Dean Powers said Tuesday that
Mrs. Kilpatrick" apparently had been
unable to get all the details of the
accident. '
"All Northwest, and now much of
the Middle West knows Earl Kil
patrick," said Powers. "He was
graduated from the university when
19 years old, in. 1909, and there is
in my mind no doubt but what he
was the most brilliant alumnua of
that institution.
"He held many important posi
tions while still a mere boy. His
intelligence forced people to accept
him as more than his age."
He will be buried in a Portland
cemetery, beside his mother, who died
Baptist Church
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Morn
ing worship at 11:00 A. M. Topic,
What Does the Bible Mean to Me?
Young People meet at 7:00 P. M.
Certainly a splendid class meeting
from time to time. Here are the
future leaders, help them along. Song
and Praise at 8:00 P. M. Topic, Vit
al Christianity. Christianity does
not purchase anything but gives
everything. Young Peoples Prayer
and Devotional every Tuesday eve
ning at 8 P. M. Young people face
no simple situation; they have real
work ahead; what is your contribu
tion to help them? Regular Mid
week meeting 'every Thursday eve-
nine? at 8:00 P. M.. consisting of
devotional and Bible study. All cordi
ally invited, . ' "-
Frank Beale of La Grande, Mrs.
D. H. 1 Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs.
Nat Kimball of Pendleton spent Sun
day and Monday in Athena, guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logs
don. ..
Mr. Bomboy of Pendleton and A.
E. Shick of Athena motored to Yak
ima last Thursday and attended the
Funeral Directors Association - con
vention which was held there Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday.
Claude Snider of Weston, former
Athena high school student, has a
position in the government patent of
fice at Washington, D. C. His wife
came from Seattle to Weston for a
brief visit, after which she left for
Mrs. Bern Banister is seriously af
licted with blood poisoning, and is ut
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kay-
mond Geissel, at Freewater. Mrs.
Banister suffered a scratch on her
hand, which developed the attack of
blood poison.
Mrs. Glenn Dudley w participating
in the state golf tournament atr Port
land, this week. Mrs. Dudley entered
the tournament under the Oswego
banner, paired with Mrs. S. B. Hos-
kin, of Columbia. Mrs. Dudley holds
the woman's championship.
Ronald Kretzer has been appointed
chairman of the music committee at
University of Oregon. - The music
committee is one of nine sub-com
mittees appointed by the . new and
retiring presidents of the University
to assist the executive council.
E. A. Dudley i3 building a cabin
at Bingham Springs, where the fam
ily will reside a part ofLthe time
during the summer. W. M. Peter
son has also built a cabin there, and
M. L. Watts has secured a lot adjoin
ing, with the view to building.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kidder and daugh
ter Elva of Gibbon and Mrs. F. L.
Pittman of Athena spent the week
end in Portland. They visited W. W.
Harrah who is in the Good Samaritan
hospital and state he is getting along
nicely and that he may be home in
a couple of weeks.
Miss Genevieve Rogers . came up
from Portland and spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Rogers. Miss Rogers resides
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. D.
Watts in Portland where she has a
lucrative position in the offices of
Dunn & Bradstreet.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hadley and son
Roland left Athena this week for
Portland, where they will remain for
the summer. Mr. Hadley has several
A Standard Bred
Registered Jack
will make the season at my iarm
two miles south of Athena
TermsFor single service $5; or $20 to insure.
Phone 32F5, Athena, Oregon.
"" Remember this-
Adll CmVN Specialize
W whenyouwan' in
' J Vegetables
Waitsburg Races "' .
Athena people attending the races
at Waitsburg Friday and Saturday
report a very successful race meet A
number of the horses that-participated
in the Elk's race meet at Pendle
ton, the previous week, were entered
in the Waitsburg races.
So SwSmmor
and Get
Your Chicken
. - at
Bingham Springs
Dance Every Saturday Night
Dolph Thompson, Manager
Gibbon, Oregon
Good health is the greatest possession you and your family can have. Be sure
and keep it. The best safeguard you can have is to eat good foods. When
your foods come from our store you can depend upon them being fresh
and pure. . The quality will be high but the price will be right down as low as
our good quality can be sold for. Give us your grocery order today. (
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. " Athena, Oregon
offers of school positions, but has
received none that appeal to him. He
may decide to spend next year in
some Eastern college.
Mr. and MrS. Sam Smith of Spo
kane who visited the first of the week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Smith, left Wednesday for Portland
where they will visit. They were ac
companied to Athena by Miss Savan
nah Smith who has been attending
Cheney Normal school. Miss Smith
expects to spend a part of the sum
mer with her parents. -
A number of young people who en
joyed a picnic on the Walla Walla
river and later attended a ball game
at ; Walla Walla were, Misses Edna
Pinkerton, Hilda Dickenson, Helen
Hodgen, Pearl Ramsey, Lois Mcln
tyre, Genevieve Rogers, Fredericka
Kershaw, Vennie Marquis of Pendle
ton and Jeannette Miller of Marsh
field, Messrs Mose Banister, Cy Hod
gen, Lee Banister, John Pinkerton,
Norman Mclntyre, Don Johnson,
Dean Pinkerton, W G. Cowan and
Paul Lieuallen.
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
Continental Oil Company
Prompt Service
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Malted Milk, Sodas, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Sun
daes, Ice Cream, Bricks, Dixies, Eskimo Pies, etc.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
J. L. Harman
We Carry the
Machine Works
Hinged Weeder
Main Street Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
r isn, uysiers, uraus, uun, -iviauu m jtKv.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
-A I
Bell & Dickenson
Phones 452 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
. At Reasonable Prices
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena