The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 03, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Races.
One copy, one year
One copy, six months
One copy, three months 13
Athena, Oregon June 3.... 1927
With the crest of the Mississippi
flood eating it3 way through Louisi
ana to the gulf, already the task of
rehabilitation is tinder way. Hoover
appeals to the North for $2,000,000
in funds for flood sufferers, and the
National Board of Fire Underwriters
makes the following offer to the
president of the United States:
"We offer the government, and
through the government to the citi
zens in the stricken area, the full
services of our engineering staff
which is equipped to give the flooded
communities expert engineering as
sistance to restore the water sup
plies, reorganize fire departments and
fire alarm systems, and advise re
garding the rehabilitation of dwel
lings and mercantile buildings.
"For many years The National
Board of Fire Underwriters has
maintained a corps of engineers to
survey water supplies, fire depart
ments, fire alarms and building condi
otins of these cities, and it is these
men supplemented by the engineering
staffs of other organizations, under
the directum of the fire insurance
companies, members of this board,
who we believe will be of immeasur
able assistance at this time in bring
ing order out of the choas which will
follow the recession of the flood,
"In the event these services are
desired, we shall be pleased to place
ourselves in contact with whomsoev
er you may designate, either in
Washington or elsewhere, and ar
range for entering upon such plans
as may be expedient to render the
best possible service promptly and
. o
Ever once in a while we come
across an eruptive explosion by some
body on the pros and cons of govern
ment ownership, and here is one of
them: "Government ownership is the
product of loafing minds and loiter
ing ambitions," says Henry Swift
Ives, Vice President of the Casualty
Information Clearing House, Chicago.
"It is the indolent offspring of the
static mind, and its ancestry may be
traced back through a long line of
dawdling political soothsayers. As
a theory it lacks imagination, origin
ality, inspiration and romance. As
Bn actuality it is a stupid, dull, lan
guorous method of carrying on the
work of the world. It is the substi
tution of government deficits for pri
vate profits. It is the dragging brake
on individual enterprise and a stub
born barrier to industrial progress. It
is the Santa Claus idea of govern
ment, heralded by political sleigh-bell
A friend editor, elated over the
elustic usefulness of the ranch tele
phone delivers this one: "The tele
phone is a hired man who eats noth
ing, who will not forget his orders,
who will not flirt or elope with the
hired girl, who will net set fire to
the farm with his careless pipe or
cigarette, who will not strike for
higher wages just when the need is
greatest. A farm phone is almost as
necessary as land or house or barn."
Veston union school district is con
structing a magnificent school build
ing, creditable to that community
and it should serve as an inspiration
to the pupils who will occupy it.
We fail to discern the difference
between the Kaiser's mailed fist and
the iron jaw of Mussolini, or the
steel brigades of Prussia and the
blatk shirts of the Fascisti.
We may expect the rest of the
Missourians to bo with us here in
Oregon if cyclones continue... their
rampage back in the yo-.i-show-me
Captain Lindbergh, the unofficial
flying ambassador from the United
States, blushed when kissed on both
cheeks by the king of the Belgians.
Atta boy!
No matter whether or nut
you are a pioneer you owe
it to the pioneers to attend their
thirty-fifth annual reunion at Weston.
Portland has a street car conduct
or who runs errands for the people
of the district he serves; and yet no
Portland policeman has ever been ae
cuspri of such conduct.
The peg is set for a plane that
will carry 100 persons across the At
lantic. The next peg will be set for
one that will carry 200 persons, and
so on and so on.
"Lindy" had no thought of personal
safety when he landed in that milling
mast of humanity in London. True
to instinct of the skilled mechanic,
his one consuming desire was for the
safety of his machine, exemplifying
that to succeed one must love his
' o ;
Weston Mountain ranchers are
shipping out the last of their spuds;
but we should worry, next month the
new crop will be planted.
Clothed in ermine or clothed in
rages, it makes no difference; they
wear 'em cut just below the knees,
Jimmy sez: If a few more frigid
aires come to town, there will be no
use for electric fans. "Now you tell
Oregon will again hold a June elec
tion to vote on the income tax
meaure. And be sure you vote.
(, 1627, Western Newspaper Union.)
The more a man possesses, the
more he desires; the more he suc
ceeds, the more ho wishes to un
dertake; and the more obstacles he
has to overcome, the more new
ones he creates for himself. It is
perhaps a favor of Providence to
deprive of doslre "those who have
no chance of hope. (Jeorse Sand.
Our greatest chefs nj;ree that the
salad Is a most important factor in
the dinner or
luncheon in e n u.
They nmy ejthpr
make or mur the
meal. The follow
ing are some you
may enjoy trying:
Mexican Salad.
A nice tart salad
is especially good,
served with a fish or meat course. As
a sandwich filler, or an accompani
ment to a molded Jelly, or with elder
Jelly, this makes an excellent salad:
Chop fine one cupful of celery, one-half-spnnlsh
onion, one cucumber and
one green pepppr. Mix with the fol
lowing dressing: Three tablespoon
fuls of butter, one tnhlespnnnful of
sugar, one teaspnonful of cornstarch,
three-fourths of a cupful of cider vin
egar, one tenspoonful of salt and one
half teuspoonful of mustard with one
beaten egg. Melt the butter, ndd the
dry ingredients, then slowly the vin
egar, and cook for five minutes. Pour
slowly over the beaten egg, stirring
constantly; Keturn to the double
boiler to cook for a few minutes.
Chill thoroughly before serving.
Potato Salad With Cheese Dressing.
Add to a well-benten egg one-fourth
tenspoonful of salt, one-half tenspoon
ful of cornstarch, one tenspoonful of
mustard and one-fourth cupful each
of vinegar and water. Cook over hot
water until thick, then add one neuf
clmtel cheese. Cool, and pour over
sliced cooked potatoes. The addition
of celery and chopped sweet pepper
makes an Improvement.
Polish Salad. Shred one pound of
cooked game or poultry, moisten with
oil and elder vinegar, senson with pep
per and suit. Allow it to stand for
three hours to marinate. Arrange on
a bed of lettuce nud garnish with four
cooked egg yolks passed through a
wire sieve. Chop the whites and use
as a garnish.
Celery Salad. Fill the tender stalks
if white celery with seasoned cheese,
cut in'o Inch lengths and serve on
lettuci with a French dressing.
Good Wood Good clear yellow
pine, $6 per cord; small pine $4 per
cord, all 16 inch cut, at Jim Brittan
place, Reservation Mountain.
Chickens Wanted Bring your chick
ens to the Athena Hotel. Highest
market price paid.
For Sale A good milch cow. H.
M. Saulsberry, phone 25F21.
"It Pays to Look Well
Wo J l
The Filch Shampoo is more than a
shampoo. Applied with our super
sertict methods, itfj&-a scientific
scalp treatment,
Super-serclceTis "out " motto which
means the eery latest scientific
equipment, standard toilet prepare
Hons, clean towels and absolute
sanitation. J
YThitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore.
An Old Timer
Weston Leader: Lum Bernard,
member of a well known pioneer
family who lived in Weston in early
years, looked up old friends Satur
day while returning home to Santa
Barbara, California, from a motor
trip to Spokane. His wife accom
panied him. Mr. Bernard, who in
his boyhood ran away from home
in order to become a painter, con
ducts a flourjshng painting and de
corating establishment at Santa Bar
bara. . .
(Equity No. 4318)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
M. L. Watts and Homer I. Watts,
vs . , , .
William Steen and Naomi Steen, his
wife, and all other heirs at law,
if any there be, of C. E. Steen,
deceased, whose names are un
known to the plaintiffs; Richard
D. Hamilton, sometimes known as
R. D. Hamilton; the unknown heirs,
if any there be, of said Richard D.,
or R. D. Hamilton, deceased; Frank
B. Steen and Cora Steen, his wife;
C. W. Steen and Bertha Steen, his
wife; William H. Steen and Beryl
Steen, his wife; May Steen-Roth-rock
and A. B. Rothrock, her hus
band; Grace Steen-Murray and
Hugh S. Murray, her husbend;
Maude Steen-Miller, formerly the
wife of Grant Steen, deceased;
Harold Steen, a minor, now 14
years of age, being the only surviv
ing child of Grant Steen, deceased;
and all other heirs at law, if any
there be, of Ralph Steen, deceased,
whose names are unknown to the
plaintiffs; and all other persons
unknown, if any there be, who
claim any right, title, interest, es
tate or lien in, to or upon the real
property described in the complaint
in this suit, Defendants.
To all those defendants above de
scribed as follows, to-wit: William
Steen and Naomi Steen, his wife, and
all other heirs at law, if any there
be, of C. E. Steen, deceased, whose
names are unknown to the plaintiffs;
Richard D. Hamilton, sometimes
known as R. D. Hamilton; the un
known heirs, if any there be, of said
Richard D., or R. D. Hamilton, de
ceased; and all other heirs at law, if
any there be, of Ralph Steen, deceas
ed, whose names are unknown to the
plaintiffs; and all other persons un
known, if any there be, who claim
any right, title, interest, estate, or
lien in, to or upon the real property
described in the complaint in this
In the Name of the State of Ore-
. mm
Round Trip
To Round Trip
From Athena
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Duluth - - - - $ 70.33
New York 143.45
St. Louis 80.3S
Kansas City ------- 70.35
Cincinnati - 105.15
Washington - - 140.31
Detroit 104.67
Philadelphia - - - - 144.97
Omaha ' - - - 75.60
Denver 67.20
Special Rates to Other Cities Ask About Them
F. B. Wood, Agent, Athena, Ore.
Ice Cream
in Bulk, Bricks, Eskimo Pies,
Sundaes and Sodas
Cold Drinks
Malted Milk, Coca Cola, Root Beer, Green River,
Grape Boquet, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Roaches
Draft Beer, Bottle Beer, Milk Shake, Etc.
Short Order Lunches
W. R. Harden
gon: You and each of you are here
by required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit within six (6)
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons and you will
take notice that if you fail to ap
pear and answer or plead in this
suit within said time, the plaintiffs
above named will apply to the above
entitled Court for the relief demand
ed in their complaint, which com
plaint prays that the defendants be
required to come into Court and an
swer said complaint and state what
claims, interests, or estates they or
any of them have or assert in or to
the real property situated in Uma
tilla County, State of Oregon, de
scribed as follows, to-wit :
All of Section 36, Tp. 5 N. R. 34
E. W. M. The NJ4 of Sec. 31
and the N'i of the S'2 of said
Sec. 31, and the S'i of the SW'4
of said Sec. 31 and the SW'i of
the SE'i of said Sec. 31, All in
Tp. 5 N. R. 35 E. W. M.
adverse to the plaintiffs and their
interest and estate therein; that the
Court shall examine into the claims
which the defendants, or any of them,
may make adverse to the plaintiffs
interest in and to said real property,
and pass upon the same, and definite
ly declare, after such examination,
that none of the defendants have any
right, title, interest, estate, or lien in,
to or upon any part of said real prop
erty which is adverse to the plain
tiffs and their fee simple interest
therein, and will further declare and
decree that as far as the defendants
and each of them, and all persons
claiming, and to claim, by through
or under them, or any of them, are
concerned, the plaintiffs are the own
ers in fee simple of said real prop
erty and the entire title thereto; that
plaintiffs have such other and further
relief as to equity shall seem proper
in said suit. '
This summons is published pur
suant to an order of the County Court
of Umatilla County, Oregon, made
pursuant to an application of the
plaintiffs in said suit for such order
pursuant to Section 56 of Olson's
Oregon Laws; said order being made
and entered in the above entitled
matter on the 18th day of May, 1927,
and the first publication of this sum
mons is made on May 20th, 1927, in
the Athena Press, a newspaper print
ed and published at Athena, Umatil
la County, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Post Office Address: Athena, Ore
gon. M20J1.
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specializing in Electro and Quartz
Lamp Therapy.
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Father, mother and daughter and
son, can make a regular practice of
visiting us for a course of chiroprac
tic adjustments. It's the wise and
sensible plan to safeguard the fam
ily health. No drugs just common
sense methods.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
We Sell Genuine
International Repairs
Made For L$f
By the
International Harvester Company'
i - ,i
REPAIRS made for International implements and
other farm equipment by the Harvester Com
pany are the only repairs made from the original .
patterns.- All others are copied from copies, and in
mis roundabout reproduction they may lose in correct
ness of shape, sharpness of detail, closeness in fitting,
and quality of material. These repairs are made for
Deering, McCormick, Milwaukee, Titan and other
International-made machines.
Genuine ((jj! Repairs
Are Better in Quality.
Fit Better and Wear Longer
- -1
The Harvester Company stands back of its
machines. Be fair in the matter. Do not substitute
imitation repairs for the genuine and expect best service.
Repairs made by other concerns and marked "Made
for" or "Will fit", are Jiof genuine I H C repairs. They
often lack weight, are not always correct in shape, are
' imperfectly finished, do not fit properly, or are made
of inferior material. Buy Genuine International Repairs
for your International Farm Equipment
Beware 1 of Any Other Kind!
Rogers C& Goodman
( A Mercantile Trust)
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
" Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921
J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop.
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
The home of good
Get That Hair Cut Right!
U R Next in our chairs and we are next to your needs in the barber
. ing line. I am ably assisted in my shop by Charles Russell, and
you know me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683. ,
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits. .
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semi
annually. -
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, b" Athena labor, in one oi the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the beef selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry". Your
grocer tells the fiunout American Beauty Floor
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash