Press Paragraphs lv ill and has been receiving treat ments at Walla Walla, says the Lead- Vernard Bell of Pendleton was !x.:e Tuesday. Mrs. Lewis Stewart spent Tuesday in Walla Walla. John Banister of Weston was a vis itor here Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph McEwen was a visitor, Monday, in Pendleton. Ben Hill, ex-mayor of Walla Wal la, was in Athena, Tuesday. Mrs. Glenn Dudley who has been il for several days is better. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kidder of West visited Athena friends Sunday. Mrs. Ross Payne who haa been seriously ill is much improved. W. S. Ferguson was a business visitor in Walla Walla Tuesday. Mrs. Willaby of Pendleton was in Athena Tuesday visiting friends. John Barne3, now of Freewater, was visiting friends here SuvSey Miss Sue Brownell and L. E. How ard of Pendleton spent Sunday in Athena. Fred Radtke Jr., has taken a posi tion in his father's store for the summer. PflHdv Matlock and Richard Rice of Pendleton paid business calls here Tuesday. Mrs. C. M. Eager left yesterday for Portland where she will visit for a week. Bob Beckham who farms nenr Freewater was an Athena visitor Monday. Mrs. A. A. Kimball of Pendleton i her dauehter Mrs. 0. 0. Stenhens. Mrs. Lilla Kirk and son -John have gone to the Valley, making the trip by motor. Arthur Douglas and family attend ed the race meet in Pendleton Sun day afternoon. Geraldine, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith, is serious- ,i ,;it vieif n,itli fripnds. She will John Stanton who has been on his TT1H - I also visit in Milton before returning annual sheep shearing tour returned er. John Pinkerton employed by the Standard Oil company is on a two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carstens have left for Portland where they will spend the summer. John Davidson, who has been vis iting his sister Mrs. Estes, has left for Salem on a visit. J. A. Lumsden, prominent farmer of the Weston district transacted business here Tuesday. vav HnHces. prominent real estate dealer of Pendleton transacted busi ness in Athena Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pinkerton of Mil- uoro hpre to attend tne recuai of Miss Hanna's pupils. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow spent Monoay in Walla Walla visiting her motner Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles. Marion Hansell is iiuEugene where he is participating in the State Trap shoot taking place there. A new garage is being built ai the home of Mrs. Ceclia Burden. Iheie will be room for two cars. Mrs. A. B. McEwen arrived from Portland Tuesday evening to be the guest of relatives for a time. Miss Merle Best, teacher in Pen dleton schools, was a week end guest of Miss Zola Keen last week. Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hor ace Bclnap, in Nampa, Idaho. Miss Dorothy Rodman has departed for Eugene and valley points. She will not return here next year. Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns left this morning for Portland and Vancouver, where they will visit relatives. A. W. Douglas and family have moved from their residence in Athe na to their farm for the summer. Bernard Jakeway, representative oJ the Atiyeh Oriental Rug company of Portland, was in Athena Tuesday. Miss Jeannette Miller of Marsh field arrived here Tuesday evening home Monday for a brief visit, leav ing shortly for Montana. Several truck loads of race horses have passed through Athena en route to the Waitsburg races which will be held today and tomorrow. Miss Elsa Roeers of Wasco, Oregon is visiting at the home of her uncle Marion Hansell in Athena. Miss Rog- and Mrs. H. S. Swift have left ers will enter 0. A. C. this fall. home Dorsev Kretzer popular 1927 gradir ate of Athena high school i3 employ' ed at the Tubbs ranch south of Atl.e na. "Lefty" Kretzer has left for The Dalles, where he will join his father who is operating a well drilling out fit. Mr. Athena for Kamela, where next year Mrs. Swft will teach in the schools there. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley spent Sunrlav at Rintrham Snrines where Ed Smith, whom travelers in the John Day district will remember as living at the mouth of Desolation Creek was a visitor here Tuesday. The Misses Betty Jane and Virginia (JUllUlt mv I - they contemplate building a summer Eager left Tuesday morning for Day- cottage Mr. nd Mrs. Ace Waener have boutrht an alfalfa ranch near Free water and last week removed to their new home. Miss Mariorie Booher of Walla Walla, spent the week end in Athe na nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. For rest Zerba. Mrs. Fstella Howe. nroDrietor of the Marinello Shop in Pendleton is at her nlace of business after a five weeks illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams called nr. a number oi Ainena inenas oai- urday afternoon. Miss La Vone Pittman who has heen visitina her cousin Wavel Mit chell on Reed & Hawley mountain has returned home, A. 0. Hayes and D. P. Hayes cn route from Pendleton to their homes nt Wnitshnrc. were guests of M. L. Watts here Sunday Elmer Booher came up from Con don last week to attend the funeral of his aunt. Mrs. Al Booher, who died Tuesday the 17th. Mavbelle Clemens who was op erated on for hernia last week is con valescing satisfactorily at St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla. i a 4 fa I Candy Special Chocolate Coated Marshmallows Sterling Caramels Peanut Cluster 27c 1-2 lb. McFADDEN'S Pharmacy ton where they will visit their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eager for a fortnight. Mrs. James Creswell who was in jured in an automobile accident near Portland several weeks ago, is much improved and is expected home soon. Jim Hodeen who has been employ ed bv the Standard Oil company at Yakima for the past two months, has been transferred to Athena, and ar rived Monday to take up his duties here Mrs Totiv Freeburn and sons of Freewater and Mrs. Raymond Geis sel and dauehter Beverely of Milton, sDent Wednesday afternoon in Athe na at the home of Mrs. Dora an- chez. Mrs. Dora Sanchez, Miss Dorothy Geissel of Athena and Bill Dixson of Freewater. motored to Portland Sat urday. They also visited in Eugene. before returning to their homes Wed nesday. M. I. Miller and family have left for Endicott, Washington, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Miller will be foreman on his brothers ranch for the summer months, return ing here for the next school year. Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton has Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Jr., turned home from College Place Sani- WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER MONDAYS-THURSDAYS SATURDAYS Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing Twin City Sanitary Cleaners Organizers and Owners since April 2, 19fll J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 683. The home of good Get That Hair Cut Right! U R Next in our chairs and we are next to your needs in the barter ing line. I am ably assisted in my shop by Charles Russell, and you know me. Penn Harris" Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Thone 683. A Standard Bred Registered Jack will make the season at my farm two miles south of Athena Terms For single service $5; or $20 to insure. HENRY KOEPKE, Jr. Phone 32F5, Athena, Oregon. is helping materially in the work by assisting with the painting. "You Can't Always Tell" is the title of the latest story sold by Nard Jones, savs the Weston Leader. It was accepted by the Ramer Reviews Publishing company, New York City. Mrs. Sarah Gross, Miss Jennamaa Read and Miss Lois Johnson motored to Portland Saturday morning. They contemplate going to Eugene where they will visit Miss Blanche Johnson who is attending' the University of Oregon. Weston Leader: The James Mc Leans of Washtucna were guests last week-end of the Will McLeans at their home on Dry creek. Their sons, Dale and Gale, who have been attend ing school in Athena, returned home wth them. Rev. Clifton Phillips and family have left by motor for Springfield, Orecron to visit at the home of Mrs. Phillips' brother. Mr. Phillips has resigned the pastorate of the Christ ian church - here and contemplates takiner ud mechanical work. Miss Lois Mclntyre accompanied bv a school mate are down from W. S. C. at Pullman and are speni- Intf flit wppk end at the home of Lois' rmrents in Athena. Miss Roma Charlton who was to have come with them, is a victim of the mumps and receivinir treatment in th; college hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mrs. Glen Hammer and Miss Lena Rogers arrived here from Condon Monday nieht and were guests at the home of Mr. and1 Mrs. Alfred Kibbe. Miss Rogers remained in Athena, while the rest of the party proceeded to Moscow, Idaho to attend the Nazar ene Assembly which is in session there. Thev will return the first of the week. Rebekah lodge met Tuesday even inir at which time a report was giv en bv Mrs. Lloyd Michener who at tended the Rebekah State Convention at Astoria. The convention will be held next year at Roscburg. After business was transacted the mem bers repaired to McFadden's Thar macy where they enjoyed delieiou3 ices, in honor of Mrs. Mitchener. Tho next meeting will be Tuesday, Junj Wth. tarium where she has been undergo ing a series of medical treatments. Mrs. Pinkerton, whose condition is imDroved. is still confined to her bed, and is being attended by her mother, Mrs. Gray. , Mrs. Hamp Booher who has been at the home of her brother Alf John son in Walla Walla for several months is expected to return to her home here, this week end, where she expects to remain. The party motoring from Athena to Astoria, for the Rebekah conven tion has returned. Mrs. Bert Logs- at Bingham don was accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Michener, Mrs. Mansheld of Pendle ton and Mrs. Acres of Milton. The visitors report rain and cloudy wea ther during their trip. Mrs. Glenn Dudley and Mrs. Ralph McEwen left this morning for Port land for a week's visit. Mrs. Dudley will compete in the Oregon State Golf tournament which will begin Tuesday at the Oswego Country club. Miss Frederica Kershaw and moth er of Pendleton were in Athena Tues- teaches contem plates taking an advanced course in music in Portland this summer. She will have charge of the music de partment again next year. were dinner Quests at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphy in Pen dleton Saturday evening. Mrs. Clyde Willaby and son Leon aid and wife of San Jose, California, spent the week end in Athena at the home of Mrs. Minnie Willaby. Mrs. J. H. Edwards of Forest Grove is visiting at the home of her da ugh ter Mrs. Dick Thompson. Mrs. Ed wards will be in Athena for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Logsdon and Mr. and Mrs. Yenney of Walla Walla spent a few days this week Springs. 0. 0. Stenhens is having a con crete walk laid on Third street, west of his business nronci'ty. He is al so reinforcing the foundations of his warehouse and store Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk motored to Walla Walla Sunday where they vis ited Mrs. Hess who is at St. Mary s hospital. Mrs. Hess' condition is not improved to any extftit. 'PI.. TOnliovla ViiilfHnn. in TVltiiri -i. ...i.:.,v. ; .,,) von.i-. ). day. Miss Kershaw who .nmnlef nn. Pnna Rirhflrna I musii; hi we uui. ui Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M., fol lowed by Memorial services at 11:00 A. My Topic, Value of Memorial Day. Junior Young People at 6:00 P. M., Senior at 7:00 P. M. Song and Praise at 8:00 P. M. Topic, Great Men. Praise, Devotional and Bible Study every Thursday evening at . 8:00 P. M. Our Young people start their weekly prayer and testi mony meeting next week. Worship somewhere. Salem, Or. Prison stripes, adopted under the administration of Warden Li!lie as garb for the "hard boiled" members of the state penitentiary population, will be taboo under the new administration, it was decided by the state board of control, following a visit cf Inspection to the prison. "The -stripes simply set the 'hard loilcd' off as heroes in tho eyes of the ess hardened criminals." Jim Lewis he new warden, told the board of :ontrol members. . Card of Thanks We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the kind friends, who extended their loving help and sym pathy during the illness and death of our beloved mother. MRS. T. A. LANG. MRS. ELLA SM ALLEY, MRS., HENRY BOOHER, MRS. JOHN SHICK. Men's full Cut Bib Overalls 220 Weight Denim per pair $1.29 Chambray Work Shirts, each 79c Witch value that ckfiet com, parisoa ! ThU lovely watch hu cmc and a dependable 15 jewel Bulova Movement, y FRED H. BROWN, Jeweler Pendleton. Oregon Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, May 28 Mary Pickf ord In "SPARROWS' Her Greatest Picture Many moments of laughter but above all the most thrilling and hair rais ing climaxes ever screened! This is drama and, suspense such as you find once perhaps in a generation of pictures! International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Sunday, May 29 s Robert Kane's Big Comedy Sensation iluebeard's Seven Wives With Ben Lyon and Lois Wilson Solomon had 500 Brigham Young had 50 ! Bluebeard has only 7 wives but they're quality. He heard a wife makes a fellow a success, so he tried seven of them. . , Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Wednesday June 1 Vancis McDonald And Edna Murphy In The Valley of Hell AJ Thrilling Western Melodrama Comedy Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c