The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 20, 1927, Image 1

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It would be a big job to- tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery. ,
Entered at the Poet Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Washington Road
Dispute Up To Court
Question of Chairmanship
Submitted for Judicial
Olympla, Wash. State Auditoi
Clausen, as chairman, and State
Treasurer Potts, as a member of the
state highway committee, directed a
lengthy letter to J. J. Donovan of Bell
ingham, president of the Washington
State Good Roads association, setting
forth their reasons for refusing to pro
ceed with any further highway con
struction program pending decision
by the supreme court upon the ques
tion of the highway committee, secre
taryship and upon the return of the
highway bids of May 3, which Gover
nor Hartley is withholding from the
committee. ,
The committee from the good roads
association presented a tentative con
struction program for the current
Action was instituted in supreme
court to adjudicate the chairmanship
and secretary disputes in the state
highway committee, by two quo war
ranto proceedings, one brought by C.
W. Clausen against Roland H. Hart
ley for the chairmanship and the
other by George T. McCoy against
Sam Humes for the post as secretary.
The complaints state that the posi
tions are being usurped by the claim
ants, preventing the regularly elected
officers from functioning. Twenty
days' time was given in which to file
an answer. Attorney-General John H.
Dunbar brought the actions.
Alexandria, La. The worst of the
Mississippi valley flood disaster
should become known during this
week, Herbert Hoover, secretary ol
commerce, declared after a ten-day
survey of the situation, including first
hand observations of the " flooded
"Until then it is impossible to esti
mate either the losses or' the dimen
sions of our problem," he said.
"The country must not overlook the
fact that although the flood has been
slow, that its destruction and the nec
essities for its remedy are still in
creasing. "We should know the worst of this,
our greatest national disaster in peace
time, during the forthcoming week.
"The crest of the flood is now con
centrated in central Louisiana. ' New
levee breaks at Bayou des Glaises
have started water across a popula
tion area of 105,000. Their tenacity
in clinging to their homes had been
such that a large majority together
with their animals, must now either
be brought out by boats or cared for
on the high spots.
Marine Captain, Private Killed When
Forces Meet.
Managua, Nicaragua. Captain C.
.Bell Buchanan and Private Marvin
Jackson of the United States marines
were killed in a clash with a band of
liberals at La Paz Centro, near Leon,
it was announced.
Six liberals are reported killed and
several marines wounded..
Washington, D. C The killing of a
marine corps captain and a private in
a clash with Nicaraguan liberals at
La Paz Centro, near Leon, marks the
first fatalities in action among the
force of American marines sent to
Nicaragua soon after the outbreak of
civil war between the Diaz conserva
tives and the Sacasa liberals.
Eight Grade Makes
Fine Test Record
This Years Average in State
Examination Better
By 3 Points.
( Girl Jump Over 17 Feet
Eureka, Cal. Miss Elta Cartwright,
Humboldt State Teachers' college stu
dent, jumped 17 feet 4 inches n the
broad jump, taking that event la I
field meet against the men students
of the college and bettering the na
tional mark for women by four inches.
Oregon Athlete Drowns In Rivf,
Eugene, Or. Harold Mangum, !S. of
Portland. Or., football star, sports
writer and editor-elect of the Oregon
Daily Emerald, was drowned in the
Willamette here when a canoe in
which he was riding with Arden Pang
born, also of Portland, a fellow stu
dent and rpommatej tijjped ever.
The returns on the eighth grade
examinations have been received and
the entire Athena class passed with
an average of 93.8 per cent. This
beats the record of last years class
by 3 points as their average was fiO.8
per cent. -The record for high hon
ors was hotly contested, but Mar
guerite Moore won by an average of
96.8 only 3 per cent more than her
closest rival, Emery Rogers, with an
average of 96.5. The rest of the
class is in the following order:
Georgie Grejn, 96.1; Myrtle Camp
bell, 95.7; Roland Wilson, 95.5; Eliza
beth Walters, 94.5; Arthur Crowley,
93.7; Herbert Reeder, 92.3; Walter
Huffman, 91.6; Ralph Carsten, 90.6;
Wayne Pittman, 89.2.
This is the record of eighth grade
work only and after the grades in
Georgraphy and Physology are addod,
the average will vary to a certain de
gree. . . . -
All the sixth grade students pas
sed with high honors in Oregon His
tory and Physology. Robert Lee
carries off the high honors in Phy
siology with a grade ' of 100, while
Roland Richards receives high honors
in Oregon History with a grade of
97. ' ', ,
Due to the change in the type of
examinations in Geography, the final
returns have not been received, but
it is understood that the ranging of
the class is about or above the av
erage in the county.
Athena. Elks Take
Part in Race Meet
" Athena Elks "toe taking an active
part in the Pendleton Elks Race Meet
which occurs at Round-Up perk to
day, tomorrow and Sunday. Local
Elks have contributed $150 toward
the $2500 racing purse, and F. S. Le
Grow is a member of the race com
mittee. .
On account of the large number of
horses entered, it has been necessary
to increase the number of races each
day to eight, instead of six races as
was at first scheduled. Arrange
ments are under way to make the
Elks Race Meet an annual affair,
and the large number of race horses
owned in the Northwest assures suc
cess of the adventure.
Interest of Athena fight fans is
centered in the boxing card which
takes place tonight, owing to the
fact that Mose Banister, local boxer,
is matched to go six rounds against
Buskirk, of Pendleton.
Miss Johnson Honored
. Miss Lois Johnson, pupil of Miss
Hanna, was honored at a tea given
by the Etude club yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Max Hop
per. A profusion of fragrant lilacs
decked the rooms and a number of
Miss Johnsons' friends called during
the afternoon. Miss Johnson who is
a talented pianist, played three
groups in her usual brilliant style.
She was assisted by Miss Marguerite
Mitchener of Walla Walla who gave
three splendid readings. Tea was
served from a table centered with
marigolds and yellow tapers, Mrs.
Matt Johnson and Miss' Hanna poured
and Mrs. Sarah Gross and Mrs. Bryce
Baker cut ices. The class mates of
Miss Johnson assisted about' the
rooms and included the Misses Belle
Anderson, Margaret Lee, La Vone
Pittman, Lucille Smith, Lenore Mc
Nair, Jennamae Read, and Edna Do-Freece.
. In . Automobile Accident
Friends of Mrs. James Creswell will
be pleased to hear that she is recov
ering from injuries sustained in an
automobile accident last week. Mrs.
Creswell ' was en route to Forest
Grove for a visit with her parents
and was alone at the time of the ac
cident which occurred about six miles
east of Portland at a blind street car
crossing. The Ford coups was hit
broadside by the street car and was
almost demolished. Mrs. Creswell
was thrown in the bottom of the car
and stunned. She suffered painful
injuries to her back, several scalp
wounds and was badly bruised. Wit
nesses declare that her escape is a
miracle. At present she is convs,les-
cing at Forest Grove and hope to
return here within a couple of weeks.
Judge Phelps Dies
After Long Illness
Well Known Oregon Jurist
Succumbs in Portland
Judge Gilbert W. Phelps of the
sixth judicial district, Umatilla and
Morrow counties, one of the best
known jurists of Oregon, died Thurs
day afternoon of last week at a hos
pital in Portland. He had been ill
for two years, following a stroke of
paralysis. Before his election to the
bench, he practiced law at Heppner
and Pendleton. He was 55 years of
age and is survived by his widow
and two daughters, Miss Genevieve
Phelps, teacher in the St. Anthcny,
Idaho, schools, and Miss Margaret
Phelps, teaching at Hammond, In
diana. Judge Phelps came to the bench of
the circuit court of this district in
1910 under appointment, to succeed
Judge H. J. Bean who had been elec
ted to the Supreme court. Following
elections to succeed himself in 1912,
1918 and 1924 he never had an op
ponent to contest his election to the
office. He came to Pendleton from
Heppner, Morrow county, where he
first practiced law, and was a part
ner -of the' late Judge W. R. Ellis,
upon his election as district attorney
for Umatilla and Morrow counties.
In Pendleton he formed a partner,
ship with the late John McCourt.
Judge Phelps was held in high es
teem by the Pendleton bar and all
attorneys who practiced In his court,
and he held the honor of having
practically all cases appealed from
his court, confirmed by the supreme
court. In addition to having the dis.
tinction of being one of the state's
most able jurists, he had served a
term ' in the state legislature. In
his home " community, Pendleton, he
was active in public And educational
The body was brought from Port
land for interment at Pendleton. Fun
eral services were held Monday af
ternoon at the Church of the Re
deemer in Pendleton,
Active pall bearers were John AJ'
ams, George Hartman, Roy Ritner, J.
V. Tallman, S. R. Thompson and It.
T. Brown. Honorary pall bearers
were Congressman N. J. Sinnott, Le
vi Chrisman, M. Z. Donnell and Judge
Fred Wilson, all of The Dalles, Sen
ator Fred Steiwer, Wilson E. Brocik,
Dr. W. D. McNary, E. M. Wingate,
of Portland, H. M. Cockhurn, of Mil
ton and E. S. Notson of Heppner.
All were old-time friends of Judge
r V ; :
Janet Geister of Elgin, III., has
been chosen director of the American
Nurses' association, with headquar.
ters In New York eity, to succeed
Miss Agnes Deans, resigned. Miss
Geister has been prominent In Inves
tigations of a national scope, 90 n
ducted by the Society for the Preven
tlon of Infant Mortality and other
bodies, and Is the author of books
on nursing.
Death of Mrs. Booher
Mrs. Minnie Booher, widow of the
late Al, Booher, died at her home in
Athena, Tuesday at the age of Q
years, four months and 22 days, Mrs.
Booher had been in failing health for
a long time, and bore under her long
sickness with patience and fortitude.
She Is survived by four daughters,
Mrs. Etha Lang, Mrs. Ella Smalley,
Mrs. John Shick, all of Portland, and
Mrs. Henry Booher of Athena. Fun.
eral services were held at the family
home yesterday afternoon, attended
by a large number of friends. Floral
offerings were numerous and beautf"
Farmers Attend Weeder
Demonstration Friday
A large number of farmers saw a
practical demonstration of weeders
given at the Henry Koekpe place
south of Athena Friday forenoon.
Everybody profited by the demon
stration, including Henry Koepke.
who had oodels of weeds killed by
the three makes of weeders on exhi-
bitiqn. " - -
Exhibits were made by Rogers :&
Goodman, sales agents for the Snider
Weeder, manufactured by the Snider
Weeder Company ' of Weston; J. L.
Harman local agent for the Pendle
ton ' Iron Work's Weeder. nd Rex
Ellis of Pendleton, who is salesman
of the Penland Bretherg Weeder.
The three weeders "slicked'' back
and forth over the field in demonstra
ting their "points" of efficiency,
which were better understood by the
farmers in attendance than by a cer.
tain editor who went out there in
search of a weeder for hia garden,
but found no implement offered that
could be drawn by less than a six
horse team, .
Base Ball Scores
Weston defeated Walla Walla Elec
trics in a 10-inning game Sunday on
the Weston grounds, 11 to 9. Adams
won from Umaplne in the Walla
Walla valley league, 5 to 4. In the
Blue Mountain league games, Pendle.
ton went into first place by winning
from Walla Walla, 4-3. The reser
vation Indians defeated Hermlston, 9
to 2.
Big Yield Realized
East Oregonian: Sale of wheat
from two tracts in the Athena dis
trict owned by J. M. Walker of Mil
waukee, Wisconsin, totaling 400 acres
have brought returns of $9,112.13 as
crop share rental which makes an av
erage of $22.80 for the acres In the
two tracts, and is regarded by grain
men as being an excellent return for
wheat lands. The wheat was sold
by J. N. Scott to the Balfour, Guthrie
company, .
Class Oration Given
By Granville Cannon
"Try, Trust and Triumph"
Symbolic in Achievement
of Success.
Two crowning features of the
graduating exercises of Athena High
school at the auditorium Friday even
ing was the address by Rev. Stover
of Salem, and the class oration given
by Granville Cannon. The oration as
delivered by iui. Cannon, follows:
We who are passing out of High
School life into a more active citizen
ship or in to college life, have only
a feeling of gratitude and thankful
ness tonight. To you, who have by
your kind, persistent labors provided
this school for us, and have made it
possible for us to be graduated from
its peaceful halls, we want to say
that we not only fully realize the
honor which is ours, but we compre
hend a little of the responsibility
that goes hand in hand with that
honor. Upon us now rests the re
sponsibility of becoming better citi
zens, and better men and women. You
have done your part, now it lies
wholly with us.
To the faculty who have given us
the biggest service possible, we ex
tend our appreciation which we have
never quite realized until now. You
who have been our guides and our
counsellors in the past year, we thank
you. The graduating class of nine
teen hundred and twenty-seven
thanks all who have had " any iart
either directly or indirectly, in
bringing us to this, our graduating
Friends, we as a class, have chosen
"Try, Trust and Triumph" for our
motto, and we wish to consider for a
few minutes what that means id us.
The word "try," means more to the
world and its people than any other
single word. Only three letters group
ed together, yet the result, a word
which has probably changed the
world more than any other word
could possibly have done. We owe all
our modern civilization to men who
have tried to make this .world a bet
ter place in which to live. All the
modern conveniences which we en
joy, all the Inventions which have so
revolutionized every phase of our
daily life have been brought about as
the result of the ceaseless labors of
men or women who tried and tri
umphed over all the difficulties
which came in their way.
What would be the result if this
desire, "to try," were suddenly taken
out of the lives and ambitions of
men? What would be the effect up
on the human family? What would
be the effect upon. each one of us?
These three questions afe of vital
Importance to all of us who are in
terested in the welfare of our na
tion and of our posterity. It is hard
for us to comprehend the result to
the world if this desire were elimin
ated, but we can say this! If men
ceased to try, if men were no longer
urged on by the desire to attain
greater heights, to try just one more
new venture, all the activities of the
world would soon come to a stand
still. The desire, "to try" gone, man
would cease to accomplish. And in
a startlingly short time the human
Saving the Vicksburg Railroad Transfer
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race would become stagnant and then
The lives of the men who have
helped to make the history of our
own country are glowing proof of
the burning desire, "to try." Name
over the great men of our nation, or
any 'other nation, read their bio
graphies and you will find that in
nearly every case they started out
under the most trying conditions
yet tried constantly and as a result
There are many men who owe all
their success and greatness to try
ing and trusting. Three such men
come immediately- to my mind when
referring to those who have traveled
each step from the bottom to the
highest rung of the ladder of suc
cess: Jacob Riis, J. C. Penney and
Abraham Lincoln. Jacob Riis, an
immigrant, who came , from Den
mark, a man whose spirit and ambi
tions were not broken by cold, hun
ger, or sleeping in door ways. Today
he is considered the one man who has
done more to better the conditions of
the Slums in New York City, than
any other man. Roosevelt said of
him, "He comes the nearest to the
ideal of an American citizen."
J. C. Penney began to shift for
himself at ten years of age. His
first investment was a pig. Today
he is at the head of the largest chain
of stores in the United States. '
We do not need to say anything
about the trials and hardships of
Abraham Lincoln the man who catio
from the log cabin to " the White
House, the man who is honored
through out the world. Lincoln once
made the following statement which
illustrates the force of trying, "1
will try and prepare myself so that
when the time comes I Bhall be prepared."
If we of the graduating class are
going to try, in whom are we going
to put our trust? To succeed all
great men put their trust in God,
themselves and their fellowmen. Let
us consider these three things;
In the first place our religious be
liefs are the foundation, for our. am
bitions. They are the force which
holds us in the right. Through trust
in a supreme being, we learn to trust
our fellow men and in turn to be
trusted by them. .
The one thing which hinders the
ideas and progress of men, morn
than any thing else is that they have
not the confidence in themselves.
They are afraid to trust themselves
to launch out on some great under
taking. This lack of trust in ones
self is the cause of a great majority
of the failures in the world.
Man cannot afford to be an isolated
being. He must cooperate with and
trust in his fellow men if he is to
succeed in any undertaking, be it
great or small. He must feel that
when he has sent some man on an
important errand, he will accomplish
the task he has laid before him. And
in turn he must make himself worthy
of the trust of others. A race with
out a goal, a contest without a prize
or a search without a reward would
cease to be for us a race, contest, or
search. So in life's race we are in
terested in the goal, in the possibility
of triumph. Few of us are big
enough to continually try and trust
unless there be some possibility of a
triumph. What will be the return
for all our labors is man's constant
query. I he answer to that query
will be directly dependent on the
manner in which we have tried and
trusted. Some one has said, "A
great man cannot be measured until
he has fallen." Only when we shall
have left behind those things whi'-h
are non-essential, those things which
will hinder us in our going, ait'l
shall have tried and trusted to the
best that is in us, can wc hope to
reap that triumph which shall come
if we sincerely follow our motto, "Try
Trust and Triumph."
Tlio railroad transferor Uckaburg wits in greiit darir of destruction l.y the flood wateis of the MiMntalppl urn!
un army of iueu was put to work reinforcius the levco with tliousunds of nucUs of dirt
Jewte Vaughn Dead
Athena relatives received word
Wednesday of the death of
Jesse Vaughan, brother of Mrs, W.
R. Harden and Mrs. Henry Miller,
who died suddenly at Pendleton. His
death came as a shock to Athena re
latives, as he was In his usual health
when seen by Mr. Harden, last week.
Jesse Vaughn grew to manhood at
Athena, and of late years had been
engaged in farming in the Pendleton
district. He is survived by his widow
and five children, three sons and two
daughters. Funeral arrangements are
incomplete pending word from a
daughter in Idaho.
Pass In State Examinations
All of the student in the sixth,
seventh and eighth grades of the
Athena schools, who took t'ae state
examinations passed.
Oregon Trunk May
Build to Klamath
Interstate Commerce Com
mission Authorizes Ex
tension of Line.
Washington, D. C. Withdrawing
practically all the conditions it had
sought to impose upon railroads con
templating new construction in central
Oregon, the Interstate commerce" com
mission authorized the Oregon Trunk
and the Southern Pacific to proceed
with building operations which have
been in controversy between them foi
several years.
The commission specifically gave
the Oregon Trunk authoritlty to build
from Bend to Klamath Falls, provid
ed it began work before June 17.
It also gave the Oregon, California
St Eastern, which the Southern Pa
cific has tentatively acquired, per
mission to proceed with extensions it
has planned, and relieved it from the
necessity of tendering joint use of its
tracks to the Oregon Trunk .
Holding that construction of the ex
tension from Bend by the Great North-;
ern alone Is obviously less desirable
than if the service is performed in
conjunction with the Northern Paci
fic, each road being half owner of the
Oregon Trunk, the commission denies
the application for separate construc
tion recently presented by President
Budd of the Great Northern, without
prejudice to its right later on to re
new the application for construction
of a line by itself or for acquisition or
operation of the line to be construct
ed by the Oregon Trunk under the
plan now approved. This is to meet
the contingency that the Northern Pa
cific will refuse, as part of the Ore
gon Trunk, to participate with the
Great Northern in building into
Klamath Falls. , , .
- a-i'v Ol D. 0 Picnic r
The O. D. O. club held their an
nual picnic Saturday at Dorothy's
Grove. ' Games and stunts kept ev
eryone in high spirits and a bounti
ful lunch appeased hearty appetites.
This being the last meeting of the
year for the club, officers elected for
the following year are: Mrs. Flint
Johns, President; Mrs. Jesse Gordon,
vice president; Mrs. Lee Whitehead,
secretary-treasurer and reporter. '
Farewell Reception
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Hadley will be
honored at a reception at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. Bollinger next Tues
day evening. The affair is being
given by members of the Baptist
church who extend an invitation to
friends of the honorees. Mr. and
Mrs. Hadley will leave shortly for
Portland and the affair is in the na
ture of a farewell.
-Severely Burned
J. E. Snively, proprietor of tho
Twin City Cleaning establishment at
Milton was .seriously burned on the
face, arms and hands when a steam
pipe burst in the cleaning depart
ment, Saturday. Discovering that tho
pipe vas leaking, Mr. Snively put on
gloves and held a sack between him
self and the escaping steam, and
while he was in the act of tuning
the valve, the pipe burst. The sack
was blown aside with the result that
Mr. Snively was burned. Quick ap
plication of linseed oil and flour
served to lessen the severity of
Meeting of U. of O. Alumni
The U. of O. Alumni of Pendleton
will sponsor a meeting at 8 o'clock,
Monday evening May 23rd, at the
Library club rooms in the interests
of the Fine Arts Building. Mrs.
George T. Gcrlinger of Portland will
address the meeting. All Oregon
alumni arc requested to attend. No
funds will be solicited at this meet,
Back From Yakima Shoot
Marion Hansell and Omer Stephens
returned home Sunday night from
Yakima, where they attended the
Washington state trap shoot. Neither
of the Athena trap men shot up to
usual form. In one event'U
made a score of 49 out of 50.
Bridge Club Entertained
The Athena Bridge club was charm
ingly entertained Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Lloyd Michener.
Spring flowers in profusion were
used about the rooms. Three tables
were in play, the award for high
store falling to Mrs. W. S. Ferguson.
A dainty guest prize was presented
to Mrs. Max Hopper.