v r n r fj MM f if. i Limited" One of America's Men In Your Town Good Citizens The Northern Pacific is a home-town institution it is part of vour Wn v,r county and vour state. We live hor,. Tfe nirmA ri: v. yo".r town, your a lot of cars and miles of teel-T s T73 e a"' essentially of the Northern Pprifir .h a;.!.. 7," i " " ""' "?YUU 01 PeP'e- Men r i l . ...uu jum ucignDors are the lend . j..v jy ""' "-"uwhib ana Knowing well. North ern Pnrifir- mpnarn in tha n rnoj r .ft 'UI- W o7 Vu u7" iur meir jite work and L. l Kj ?i . ll .wu".al 4,.ro transportation service iui uiu iioiuiwci, uitir ocsi aouny ana skill. Fine Trains 141 lef 77iem Serve You F. B. Wood, Agt., Athena, Ore. Northern Pacific Railway '.'First of the Northern TramcontinentaWl Saturday April 30 is Bingham Opening Day Swimming, Dances, Fishing and Hiking Will Interest the Many Guests. Saturday April 30, has been chos en aa the opening; day at Bingham Springs for the season by Manager Dolph Thompson, who for several weeks has been preparing for the opening. Hotel accommodations will be up to the usual standard and every effort will be put forward by the manage ment to please patrons. The cabins have been thoroughly renovated and are in better condition than ever be fore to serve the convenience of rent ers, and camping privileges are ar ranged so as to be satisfactory to all who desire them. The enlargement of the swimming pool met with public favor last rea son, and as usual this feature of Bingham Springs resort will appeal to all who go there for recreation and pleasure. Trout fishing is better than usual on the Umatilla river this spring, and this fascinating sport is already attracting fisherman to the Springs and vicinity. Later hiking parties will be formed to follow the river trails and up mountain sides. Opening night a big dance will be given at the dance hall, a good "or chestra having been secured for the occasion. ' Manager Thompson is pre pared to make this season the ban ner one for Bingham. The resort has always been popular with Athe na people, and with the assurance of a good road down Thorn Hollow, the main disadvantage of the trip to the Springs has been removed. Graduates from University The Freewater Times reports that John Clark, son of Mrs. Lena Clark of that city, has completed his course in Business Administration at the University of Oregon and leaves soon for Alaska where he will spend the summer. Mr. Clark has accepted a position as Rccountant for the Port land Packers association and his du ties take liim north during the fish ing season. We Call For and Deliver Mondays Thursdays Saturdays Rugs Rugs As spring is now here and it is the best time of the Year to have your Bugs cleaned and freshened up after the hard wear of the winter months. Get our Prices first. Work guaranteed. It's Our Specialty We clean everything from the Rug you stand on to the Hat you wear. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing Twin City Sanitary Cleaners Organizers and Owners since April 2, 1921 J. E. Snively Milton-Freewater E. L. Snively Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583. I High School Notes Get That Hair Cut Right! U R Next in our chairs and we are next to your needs in the barber ing line. I am ably assisted in my shop by Charles Russell, and you know me. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Phone 583. Dorothy Geissel spent the week end in Milton visiting relative's. Ethel and LaVone Pittman spent Wednesday in Walla Walla. The Junior class girls met at Kath leen Radtkes home Monday and at Lorena Schuberts home Tuesday night to prepare decorations for the Junior & Senior banquet, light re freshments were served later in the evening. Belle Anderson went to Pendleton on Tuesday afternoon. Members of the Senior class have received their pictures. The morning of April 27th is to be used for a pre school-age clinic, The county health nurse and two doc tors are expected to make the ex amination. The various high school classes will observe forestry week April 25 29 writing essays on dfferent phases of forestry. Mr. Hadley attended a meeting of superintendents and principals of Umatilla County in the county school superintendent's office last Saturday. Several changes were made in the rules and regulations which govern the track meets and the declamatory contests. The Athena grade team played the Helix team last Friday and took vic tory in their hands to the tune of 12-3. All of the boys played an ex cellent game and no one was hurt as in the Adams .game. The Adams team will play here next Friday. The graders will try to get in condition for the fracus. All in the eighth grade have re ceived reading certificates for read ing ten books from the county read ing list and reporting on them. By reading these books and reporting on them, the pupils are exempted from the state test in reading and given a grade of 100 per cent in reading on their report card. The Latin classes sans two songs in Latin at last Fridays assembly. The school try outs for representa tives to the sgctional track meet are in full swing. Several representa tives from Athena will go to Helix tomorrow to take part in the meet. At a recent student body meeting the high school decided to make their annual Bingham Springs trip a week from tomorrow, Saturday April 30, which is opening day at Bingham. The high school play is to be giv en next Tuesday evening. The week of April 25-29 is to ba First Aid week in the upper grades. Each pupil has been given a book containing lessons in first aid work, The teachers have demonstration kits to make the work more interesting, Pupils in the fifth grade receiving (hundreds in spelling are: Leo Geis- sel and Fred Singer. In the sixth I grade Marjorie Montague, Maxine j Mocre and Lowell Jenkins received : hundreds in spelling, j The Juniors are hard at work pre paring for the banijuet. Press Paragraphs after: Query on the morning "How's your peona buds?" Miss Ruth Jackson, former Athe na school pupil, is teaching the Campbell school, 10 miles north of Pendleton. Recently her school made a display of sewing and art, which is said by County School Superin tendent Yeager, to be the best rural school display he has ever seen. Harvey Shelton, who formerly was employed as barber by Lee White head at his shop in Athena, died at Bend of heart failure, passing away very suddenly. The remains were brought to Walla Walla, where fun eral services were conducted from the McMartin and Chamberlain un dertaking parlors, Saturday. From the sporting page of the Oregonian and the columns of the U. of O. Daily Emerald, the bunch up here falls to the information that "Scotty" Kretzer is considered to be some goof as a pitcher on the Uni versity team. In a game between the varsity and Pacific University, Pacific was leading by a margin of four in the seventh when our Mr. "Scotty" went on the mound and held the enemy scoreless, for the remain der of the game, which was won by Pacific, 8 to 7. Basket Ball Defense Play is Simplified There is much discussion over the changes made in basket ball play, by both coaches and players. Limit of the basket ball dribble to one bounce will make defensive play 50 per cent simpler, because a guard hereafter will have only two threats to watch instead of three. This is the opinion of R. V. Bor leske, coach of athletics at Whitman, and well known in Athena, whose basket ball teams of late years have been among the most successful in northwest college circles. ' "The change will take a lot of kick out of basket ball and make the man with the ball either pass or shoot. As the game is now played, defensive men must not only gutu-d against the pass or shot, but the dribble as well." Both Borleske and F. D. Apple gate, physical director of the "Y, M. C. A., at Walla Walla, who is con sidered an authority on the indoor game, are of the belief that the drib ble was virtually eliminated because officials seldom call the charging foul properly and thus have penaliz ed defense unjustly. Demonstration Train A dairy and hog demonstration train, to be known as "Union Pacific Dairy Products Special" and consist ing of seven cars, Is now arranged to commence tour of Central and East ern Oregon, Monday, visiting eight een points. Weston Preparing for Annual Meeting of Uma tilla County Pioneers The Weston Leader reports that Sim J. Culley, president of the Uma tilla County Pioneer association, has announced his. committee appoint ments for thirty-fifth annual reunion of the association, which will take place at Weston Friday and Satur day, June 10 and 11. The event this year is one week later than usual, because of the late season. Then again, it is thought the Weston country may begin to need more rain along about the 10th and 11th of June, and more or less moist ure usually accompanies the picnic. It is confidently expected that members of the several committees will take hold of their respective tasks with the customary vim, and that Weston will live up to the en viable record it has made in the past as host to the pioneers. The com mittees are: Finance Lance Kellough, iV. II. Mil Gould, Carl Brandt. Concessions C. W. Avery, Jay Smith, Lester O'Harra. Program Clark Wood, Dr. W. H. McKinney, C. K. Overhulse Publicity P. T. Harbour, O. A. Adams, Ed L. Wood. Music S. A. Barnes, W. L. Smock, William Hass. Speakers Charles L. Pinkertoft, Herman Goodwin, Nard Jones. Decoration Claud Price, Clarence Reser, Lysle Webb, Clifford Culley. Sports Newt O'Harra, Tim Mc Bride, Walter Webb, Frank Snider, H. R. Pope. Badges W. S. Price, Ross King, Ray O'Harra, Harrison Kirk. Grounds Marvin Price, Fred Du puis, Frank Greer, J. A. King, L. B. Davis. Reception J. T. Lieuallen, G. A. Hartman, T. A. Lieuallen, R. Alexan der, J. H. Raley, Henry J. Taylor, John Bentley, M. L. Watts, J. A. Fee. Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Morn ing worship at 11:00 A. M. Topic, The Heart of Christianity. Junior Young People at 5:30 P. M. Seniors at 6:30 P. M. Evening Song and Praise at 7:30 P. M Topic, Coining New Phrases. Mid-week meeting at 7:30 P. M . Thursday Regular monthly Mens League meeting Friday evening April 29 at 7:30 P. M. Pro gram consisting of music, readings and a talk on Astronomy. This meet ing is not for the men only but all are invited. On the first Sunday in May we change to our summer schedule, all evening services begin ning one half hour later. ft THE GUIDING STAR TO HEALTH j is the modern price of chiropractic.: It has been evolved into tJie science j of vertebral adjustments. Every nerve of your body connects with your spine and has its scat there. We utilize this knowledge to keep you healthy. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte ! Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton, Oregon. 937 i Buy At Your Own Price I recently traded for the Six Lots in Block One in Knowlton's Addition to Athena, this is the property formerly owned by John Samuels and in which Arthur Jenkins has been living in. I haven't any more use for this than a Cat has for two tails So just look it over and make me an offer, either cash, easy terms, rent or exchange. Just offer me what you think it is worth to you. You can write or wire me and I will give you a prompt answer. H Frank Kinney, Owner Eugene, Oregon If it's a Goodyear Tube If it's a Goodyear Tube inside that casing of yours, you have the finest air container that quality materials and manu facturing experience can pro duce. We have Goodyear Tubes in three grades at three prices. Bring your tube problems to us. Athena Garage It Began Monday- SEALY Sealy Tuftless Mattress Regular Price $55 Sale Price $59.50 One Week Only-April 18 to 25 This is the genuine Sealy Tuftless Mattress which we sell regularly at $55. During this sale you save $15.50. For over forty years the Sealy Tuftless has been' recognized as Am merica's finest mattress. Its luxurious comfort is derived from a combination of pure long staple cotton and a patented Sealy Air-Weaving Process a process which so inseparably knits the cot ton fibres into a single giant batt that the Sealy needs no tufts to pre serve its trim appearance or to keep it from separating. Hence the Sea ly's smcot surface conforms to ev ery outline of ycur body like a giant, pillow. This sale is an opportunity you should not neglect. You owe it to yourself, to your health, and to the health of your family to put Sealys on every bed in your home. Nights of refreshing sleep on a Sealy mean days filled with energy. They mean better health for you greater efficiency in ycur work. Now you have the opportunity to get your Sealy for the price of an ordinary mattress. Don't delay this sale lasts only a week. After that the Sealy Tuftless postively goes back to the regular price of $55. Sale Ends Next Monday-Get Yours Now Miller s Furniture Store South Side Main Street, Athena, Oregon.