The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 22, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $
Dne copy, six months 22
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, April 22 1927
It is a noticeable fact that adult
education is increasing as is mani
fested in correspondence students in
Oregon, as well by increase shown
in other states. Leaving of school
work at the completion of the eighth
grade or at the end of the high
school course, has been found in af
ter years by adults to make them
deficient in educational requirements
demanded for success in many voca
tions that opened to them. Ordinar
ily the student who acquires a
thorough high school education is
fitted to begin life's work, but as
times have changed, occupational op
portunity has become more of the
specialized order with the result that
the high school graduate finds that
he is handicapped in his application
to preferred vocations, as compared
with the student who took at least
a preparatory course in institutions
of higher education.
The Portland Journal assumes to
believe that New York's banished
crime bandits are flocking to the
coast cities, and sees in the tvin
robberies of the Olds, Wortman &.
King department store, evidence thut
they are operating in Portland. The
swansong of the gangster was sung
in Gotham when the legislature at
Albany passed a real law in defense of
society which effectively sawed
crime mongers short off at the pock
ets. The same legislative dose in
the behalf of decent, law abiding
citizens is needed in every state in
the union.
We read that Tammany has or
ganized the "Columbia order, a pa
triotic and benevolent order of which
political Tammany Hall is an out
growth." Further the Tammany out
fit proposes to invade other states by
forming "auxiliary wigwams," little
festered sprouts coordinating with
the New York Tammany society.
Well, we have always had a leaning
toward Jeffersonian democracy, but
here's hoping that the G. 0. P. will
be so allured strong in Oregon that
the roots of Tannnanyism will for
ever wither here.
The lower Mississippi is huving its
annual battle with dykes and the
dykes are breaking, bringing ruin
and misery to plantation owners in
the lowlands. Within the week 25,000
persons in the southern flooded dist
ricts have become refugees. It be
gins to look like the reclamation pol
icy of the government will eventual
ly have to be turned toward the
building of dykes and levees instead
of dams and canals.
It is to be sincerely hoped that
the financial difficulties now being
encountered by the Portland Evening
Telegram may be satisfactorily ad
justed by the cooperative movement
on the part of the employes the
men and women whose sweat has
bought from the public appreciation
of the paper's real worth and that
the Telegram will continue to fill the
important niche it has held for fifty
years at Portland and in the stato.
"Calling attention to the possibil
ity of trouble ahead in the coal fields,
Carry C. Abell, past president of the
American Gas Association, predicts
that a phenomenal turning to gas
fuel by both industries and homes
will be an outstanding development
of the next five years." Yes. And if
the proper development of Umatida
Rapids and other meritorious projects
were realized, electricity would be
enabled to do its share.
It is a question whether or not the
proposed national movement in ask
ing motorists to cooperate in saving
lives of birds and wild animals along
the highways will function, because
of the mere fact that the average
motorist is usually in such a hurry
that he cannot determine whether his
machine strikes a wren or a moose.
The real trouble confronting the
accomplishment of church union, is
that it is rather hard on the fellow
who is called on to turn the key in
the door lock and batten up his
church house windows. Church prop
erty may be only church property,
but it's property just the same.
Senator McNary announces to Sa
lem cherry growers that the tiriff
commission has assured him that the
import duty on that fruit wili be
raised. All of which is cause for
cherry men to perk up and smile
quite a bit.
Mr. Marshall and Mr. Smith have
front page space now, and the scare
heads on religion are just as se.ivy
as are the heads carrying chronicles
of murders and robberies.
.ii.iMiiJnniniiJin""" J
The Social Side j
(By Adele McEwen)
O. D. O. Club
Mrs Lewis Keen entertained mem
bers of the 0. D. 0. club at her
home Wednesday afternoon All mem
bers report a very pleasant after
noon The next meeting of the club
will be at the home of Mrs. Law
rence Pinkerton. Delicious refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Happy, Happy Kiddies
Mrs. Richard Thompson entertained
a bevy of youngsters at an Easter
egg hunt Saturday afternoon. De
spite the cold windy day the Easter
bunnies had hidden dozens of eggs
in the Thompson garden and the
eighteen little guests scrambled about
harvesting the gay colored trophies.
After the hunt the hostess served
ices and cakes to the happy kiddies.
Bridge at Mrs. Watts
Mrs. H. I. Watts entertained in
formally when a small group of
friends were invited to her attract
ive home on south third street. Guests
sufficient for two tables of bridge
were present. Mrs. Henry Barrett
making high score and Mrs. W. P.
Littlejohn received the consolation
prize. Dainty ices and cakes were
The Etude Club
Members of the Etude club spent a
pleasant afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Frank Ames Tuesday. The
rooms were attractively decorated
with spring flowers in shades of
yellow. The annual election of of
ficers was the feature of the busi
ness session with the following re
sults. President, Mrs. Bryce Baker;
Vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Michen
er; Secretary, Mrs. Frank Ames;
Treasurer, Mrs. C. M. Eager; Di
rector, Mrs. E. B. McEwcrt; Custodi
an, Mrs. James Creswell; Accompan
ists, Mrs Max Hopper and Mrs. 0.
0. Stephens. Plans for the coming
year were discussed followed by
chorus practice. At the tea hour
Mrs. B. B. Richards and Mrs. Lloyd
Michencr served delicious ices and
Mrs. Dudley's Guests
Miss Thelma Thompson of Pendle
ton and Mrs. Harriet Lestow of
Portland spent Tuesday at Athena
as guests of Mrs. Glenn Dudley.
Entertained at Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Jr.,
entertained at dinner when they hon
ored Mrs. Elizabeth Dickie of New
York and Paris. Other guest3 in
cluded, Mr. and Mrs. Ranson Glafke,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crawford, Mr.
Fred Glafke, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Glafke, Mrs. Lorton and Mr. and
Mrs. William Leonard. Dainty pink
roses were used as a centerpiece. Fol
lowing dinner bridge was played.
Hostess at Foursome
Mrs. M. L. Watts was hostess at
a foursome at the Walla Walla
Country club luncheon Thursday.
Her guests were, Mrs. Sarah Jane
Bowles, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mrs.
H. I. Watts.
Etude Club Guests
The Etude club motored to Pen
dleton Thursday evening where they
were guests of the Pendleton Wom
en's club at a meeting and reception
in honor of Mrs G. J. Frankel, presi
dent of the Oregon Federation of
Womens clubs. A most interesting
program was enjoyed, the Etude con
tributing two chorus numbers and
Mrs. David Stone a solo.
Gave Silver Tea
A very pleasant event of Wednes
day was the silver tea at the home
of Mrs. F. B. Boyd on Fifth street.
Easter lilies and other spring flow
ers adorned the rooms and the
beautifully appointed tea table was
centered with yellow and white roses
and narcissus. The affair was spon
sored by the women of the Christian
church for benefit of the orphan girls
University at Eugene. Mrs. David
Stone gave two songs, and Mrs. C.
M. Eager a reading, which were
much appreciated. Proceeds were $15.
Newlyweds Serenaded
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Jr,
were surprised by a group of friends
who serenaded the newlyweds with
an old fashioned charivari. "After
the due amount of din the perpetrat
ors were entertained by music, danc
ing and later a buffet supper was
Enjoyable Easter Service
A most profitable and enjoyable
Easter service was held at the Rac
ist church Sunday morning when the
church was filled to capacity. Special
Easter music by a large choir was
enjoyed. The theme of the sermtn,
delivered by Rev. Bollinger, vas
"Victory and .Immortality." The au
ditorium was beautifully decorated
with Blaster lilies, fruit blossoms and
daffodils. A feature, was the song
birds among the flowers.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as referee, under and pur
suant to a decree of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Umatilla
County, duly made and entered on
the 7th day of April, 1927, in a parti
tion suit then pending therein be
tween William J. Kirk as plaintiff
and Mary C. Sommerville, Cora Kirk
and Clara Josephine Kirk, defend
ants, will sell at public auction for
cash in hand, all the right, title, in
terest and estate of said plaintiff
and of each of said defendants, of,
in, and to the following described
real estate, situate in Umatilla Coun
ty, State of Oregon, to' wit:
The South half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 28, and the
North half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 33, all in
Township 3 North of Range 35
E. W. M..
together with the tenements, hered
itaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise apper-tDininw-
RniH sale to be subicct to the
confirmation of this court.
That said sale will be made at tne
west door of the County Court House
in Pomllpfnn Umatilla Countv. State
of Oregon, on the 16th day of May,
1U27, at the hour ot z ociock in me
afternoon of said day. That the in
terest of said Clara Josephine Kirk
in said real property is encumbered
by a mortgage made on October 30th,
1924, by Roy A. Kirk, a single man,
A. 0. Kirk and Josephine Kirk, hus-
knnrl onrl Ulifp to MoSPS Tavlor for
the sum of $6000 on said lands and
other lands, wnicn saia mortgage was
recorded on the first day of Novem-
Vio 1Q94 in l?nnk 84 at nairp. 150 of
the mortgage records of Umatilla
County, State ot Uregon. mat saia
mortgage will be paid to the extent
of $2500 as agreement between said
Moses Taylor and said Clara Jose
phine Kirk, by the undersigned as
referee, from the proceeds of the
nolo nf thn intornst. of the said Clara
Josephine Kirk in said real property,
. . i .ii i j. ii.
ana a release 01 saia ianas irom me
lien of said mortgages will be pro
cured by the undersigned, as referee,
and filed with the County Cleric of
Umatilla County, State of Oregon.
That said lands will be sold free
and clear of all other encumbrances
except that the purchaser will be re
auired to pay the reasonable value
of the summer fallow and cultivation
done on said premises, up to the dato
of sale for 1927.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
E. Froome, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Laura Froome and J. W. Maloney
have been appointed administrators
of the estate of John E. Froome, de
ceased; that said John E. Froome
was also known as John E. Froom.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present them to said Laura Froome
at Athena, Oregon, or to J. W. Malon
ey at Pendleton, Oregon, or to them
at the law office of Will M. Peter
son, attorney at law, Pendleton, Ore
gon, duly verified in the manner re
quired by law, within six months of
the date of the first publication of
this notice which is the 8th day of
April, 1927. LAURA FROOME.
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis
Attorneys for Administrators.A8M6.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
George W. Gross, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final ac
count and report in the above en
titled matter and that the above en
titled Court has fixed Saturday, the
30th day of April, 1927, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day
as the time, and the County Court
room of the County Court house at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
as the place, for the hearing of said
final account and report. Objections
to said final account and report
should be filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena. Umatilla County,
Oregon, this 1st day of April, 1927.
I'lxecutors of the Last Will and
Testament of George W. Gross, Deceased.
Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. A1A29.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon lor Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Will
iam P. Willaby, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned .has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of William r.
Willaby. deceased, by an order of the
above entitled court.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena.
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts &
Prestbye, at their office in Athena,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication of this
notice. All claims must be verified
as by law required.
Dated at Athena. Oregon, this 1st
day of April, 1927.
Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for estate. A!A2S).
Is the Opening Day at
Dolph Thompson
Lots o' Fun
Umatilla. County's favorite Place for Recreational Pleasures
Good Motel Accommodations
Meals at all hours, Clean Comfortable Cabins, Reasonable Prices, Court
eous Treatment Picnic Parties Welcomed, Superb Camping Privileges.
Spend Your Summer Vacation Here I
Coming to
Dr. Melienthin
in Internal Medicine for the
Wil fi'tcen years
Will be at DORION Hotel
Officd Hoiks: 10 a. m. to 4 p. ni.
One Day Only
No Chai.;t lor Consultation
r.. MnlUntliin i a vpB'ular I'TfldU-
Ul, lUCIItll'"" -" .
ate in medlcuo t nd surgery and
licensed ty the itate of Oregon He
..nm-nttt tor chronic appen
dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stom
ach, tonsils or aaenoios.
He has to Ms credit wonuEnui ic
,.Uo ) Jicnogsi nf the stomach, liver.
nUlW I" - '
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, -.heart,.
i,;,io,r WaHrW horl wettir dr. catarrh.
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatka,
leg ulcers and rectal anmmis.
Below are the names of a few of
his many satisfied patients in Oregon
who have been treated ior on-j ui mc
above named causes:
B. G. Clark, Troutlake, Wasumgton.
J. A. Wilbert, Albany.
Mrs. Yaquina McClay, Roedsport.
Elmer Booher, Condon.
Mrs. O. Garrison, Warren.
Mrs. L. D. Beam, St. .Tohns.
Mrs. Eliz Yoller, Astoria.
Mrs. R. Gustavison, Wcstport.
Mrs. W. B. Henslee, Marshiield.
Remember above date, that consult
ation on this trip will be free and
that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accompan
ied by their husbands.
Address: 211 Bradbury building,
Los Angeles, California.
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specializing in Electro and Quartz
Lamp Therapy.
Main Street. Athena. Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Au
gusta Betz, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday the 2;!rd day of
April, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said dav as the
time, and the County Court room of
the lounty Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place for hearing said account and
report. Objections to said final ac
count and report should be filed on
or before that date.
Dated at Athena Oregon, this 22nd
day of March, 1027.
Ancillary Administrator for Ore
gon. M25A22.
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Care of
Cemetery, Lots
We are equipped to furnish either
perpetual or annual care of lots in
the Athena Cemetery", at reason
able rates.
See: E. C. Prestbye, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sexton.
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Brighten Up Your
With One of Our Wool Sponges
and 'Chamois
25c to $1.50
McFAPDEN'S pharmacy
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you Interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semiannually.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Aihena, b- Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise horns industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
thena. Oregon. - - Waitsburg, Wash