The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 08, 1927, Image 2

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ilMIIMiMiiMiiiiiiiiMiiM, f ! I M 1 f I I M I M IM 1 I
I Press Paragraphs j
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, April 8 1927
The following editorial, appearin
in the Pendleton East Oregonian of
recent date, logically and lucidly dis
sects the protection angle of Mc-
"The Saturday evening Post is up
set about MeNary-Haugenism, so
much so that last week it devoted its
principal story to the subject and al
so a page editorial. The country
must be saved. .
"It is only rural McNary-Haugen-ism,
however, to which the Post ob
jects; it makes no complaint against
the industrial MeNary-Haugenism
provided for by the high tariff act.
The one and only purpose of the tar
iff act, as everyone knows, is to keep
domestic prices of protected good:
above the world price. The act is
chiefly for the benefit of industrial
concerns that financially and in op-
crating memous are tne strongest; in
the world. In most cases they can
meet competitors in any part of the
world and run them ragged. Yet ac
cording to their story they are so
helpless that in the domestic market
they must have protection against
foreign competition.
"The one and only purpose of the
McNary-IIaugen bill is to raise the
domestic price of farm staples above
the world level. In principle and in
purpose the farm bill and the tariff i
act are the same. The differences in
the two measures are mostly in fav
or of the farm bill. It seeks to help
people who have been seriously hurt
by one-sided governmental interfer
ence with business. They are com
pelled by law to buy in a protected
market while they sell in a competi
tive market, something no one can
do without feeling. Another differ
ence between the two measures is
that the tariff act provides outright
protection for its beneficiaries while
the farm bill seeks to make the
farmer pay for his protection through
an equalization fee that may become
so high as to offset any protection.
The general idea of the farm bloc is
that the farmer pays for the banquet
and should be allowed to attend. The
McNary-IIaugen bill will give him
admission and he will be seated if
the places are not all taken.
"To put the thing another way the
tariff is a black bear. He is preda
tory but he is sacred and hence must
neither be chained up nor shot. Re
cognizing the fact this sacred bear
works harm to agriculture Senator
McNary and others have tried to off
set the evil by introducing a brown
bear to do a little raiding on the
other side of the fence. This brown
bear is an unknown quantity but he
might do something if given n
chance. However the president gave
him chloroform and the New Kngland
maple sugar is safe for the present.
"Those who believe in sound busi- i
ncss and natural laws of trade have
a right to criticise predatory legisla
tion whether enacted in behalf of one
group or another. Hut it is laughable
to hear protectionists rail against the
McNary-IIaugen bill for they mere
ly denounce their own program. The
fat and solemn losic of the Saturday
Evening Post is not so good when
you consider both sides of the story
However that is the way bear hunt
ing goes and lots of people cannot
find the forest because of the trees."
anyway, on the spur of the chief 3
order, went out and brought in gang
ster Vincent Drucci dead, with four
well directed bullets placed in his
anatomy. That's what one would
call Irish precision.
Those fellows out at the Standard
Oil plant have found time to beautify
the grounds with a lawn, in addition
to their daily dozens of other duties
they find necessary to perform that
they may draw a smile from an ex
acting purchasing public.
! The Social Side
"Blessings on thee, little man''
but no, 'tis the ladies who are get
ting ready to go barefoot. In fact
only a pair of high heeb covered
with gingham cloth, will soon be be
tween their tootsies and the ground.
With the reservoir overflowing
and fifteen feet of water in the' new
city well, Billy Pinkerton has our
permission to resume his former hab
it of sleeping eight hours out of
That new law regulating supervis
ion over tax assessments is surely
being perforated. All that is left of
t from schedule C on down, are the
(By Adele McEwen)
Mrs. Glen Dudley was honored at
a bridge tea at the home of Mrs,
Donald Robinson in Pendleton when
Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Brook Dick
son entertained a group of friends,
Five tables were in play, Miss Thel
ma Thompson making high score.
What's the use of being taxed if
we don't want to be taxed; witness
eth what is being done to the law
providing for supervision of assess
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Hirsch
were entertained at a beautifully ap
pointed dinner Tuesday evening. The
tables were gay with vari-colored
spring blossoms and covers were laid
for twenty. Following dinner bridge
was played, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen winning hjgh trophy and Mr
and Mrs. Bryce Baker receiving the
consolation. Those present were, Mr
and Mrs. Grant Prestbye, Miss Jen
namae Read, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ames,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mr.
and Mrs. Max Hopper, Mr. and Mrs
James Lieuallen Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Bryce Baker, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden
and the hosts.
Vanishing Americans fleeing from
cantankerous Chinese territory, can
not even stop to Pekin Canton now,
That city has also become one of the
riot hotbeds of the Orient.
Snowballs will be in season again
when they bloom.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon tor Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
E. Froome, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Laura Froome and J. W. Maloney
have been appointed administrators
of the estate of John E. Froome, de
ceased; that said John E. Froome
was also known as John E. Froom.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present them to said Laura Froome
at Athena, Oregon, or to J. W. Malon
ey at Pendleton, Oregon, or to them
at the law office of Will M. Peter
son, attorney at law, Pendleton, Ore
gon, duly verified in the manner re
quired by law, within six months of
the date of the first publication, of
this notice which is the 8th day of
April, 1927.
Will M. Peterson, George R. Lewis
Attorneys for Administrators.
Miss Dorothy Lee and Miss Jaun
ita Woodruff were honor guests at
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs
E. M. Bollinger Wednesday evening.
The table was centered with yellow
jonquils and Easter favors marked
the places. A group of friends were
asked to call later as a surprise and
the hours were passed playing games
and competing in contests suggestive
of Easter and April fool's day. At
tractive prizes were presented to the
winners. The hostess served delicious
refreshments also carrying out the
April fool idea.
i 0 i i
ii mere was apprehension as to
Portland's ability to handle any fin
ancial problem in proportion to its
rapid growth and development that
might be suddenly presented, it has
been dispelled by the direct and un
hesitating manner in which Portland
capital came to tho rescue of a great
banking institution and frustrated
even the slightest ripple of doubt as
to the solidity of Portland's financial
standing, as compared with other
cities of the Pacific coast. The cali
bre of the men who are making Port
land and backing Portland, is strik
ingly exemplified in the directorate
and stockholders of the Northwestern
National Bank, who stood as one in
the protection of the integrity of the
Northwestern and against any loss
whatever to its depositors, by should
ering responsibility beyond what
banking laws require of them, up to
the point if necessary, of their full
financial ability. All that is left
Portland to do is to run to earth ami
prosecute those responsible for the
malicious misrepresentations that led
to the closing of one of its great
banking houses.
"Get trouble makers before they
g t anybody else," Chief Collins of
Chicago, told his men. "Round them
up and bring them in ai fait you
find them. 1 !iio election L going to
be bitterly fought, and I intend to
see that it is peaceful and orderly."
And big Dan llcaly, Irish policeman,
whose pet aversion is gangsters,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Au
gusta Hetz, Deceased.
Notice is hereby (riven that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday the 23rd day of
April, 1!)27, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day as the
time, and the Countv Court mnm ,.f
ine bounty Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
piace lor nearing said account and
report. Objections to said final ac .....I .... 1. ..1. i ii ...
i.Ui.,.t, cm iviiuri. suouiu De iiied on
or neiore that date.
Dated at Athena Oregon, this 22nd
iiuy oi niarcn, l'.izi.
Ancillary Administrator for Ore
I iano for sale, vicinity of Athena
Fine standard make piano, a bargain.
$10 monthly. For particulars address
Western Piano Brokerage company,
The Dalles, Oregon.
i asiure Dave Stone has good
pasture for a limited number of
horses and mules. rhon ojrik
a menu.
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specializing in Electro and Quartz
Lamp Therapy.
Horses and Mules
George Shaver of Union has ar
rived in Athena with a carload of
good young stock all broke to work.
Horses and Mules
Wait for this bunch, it's a good
no. See them at Bolin's Corral
near Lumber Yard.
Spring flowers lent a festive feat
ure yesterday afternoon when tin
Etude club was entertained with an
April frolic at the attractive home of
Mrs. B. B. Richards on Jefferson
The program arranged by Mrs. C.
M. Eager and Mrs. R. B. McEwen
was apparently broadcast from Sta
tion F. O. O. L. and consisted en
tirely of stunts. One of the features
was an A P. P. R. given in grand
style by Mrs. Arthur Douglas, Mrs.
Bryce Baker, Mrs. James Creswell
and Mrs. Lloyd Michener.
Miss Edna Pinkerton sang "What
Do You Pusha John" and was attir
ed as a "wop" "Bridget O'Flynn"
was given by Mrs. Lewis Stewart, in
Mrs. Victor Hirsch and Mrs. Frank
Ames gave a characterization of "I
wonder how I look when I'm asleep?"
A burlesque, "Crazy Words, Crazy
Tunes" was sung by Miss Pearl
Ramsey in costume.
Miss Lorraine Terry, Miss Dorothy
Rodman and Mrs. Olin Hadley, who
will leave Athena at the end of the
school year were presented with dain
ty gifts from the club by two haile
quins in gay costumes, Mrs. McEwen
and Mrs. Eager.
At the tea hour little Virginia
Eager appeared dressed as p clown,
and carrying a huge basket, from
which she dispensed tempting viands
in picnic fashion. Marshmallows
were toasted over the coals.
Percy Wilson was a visitor here
Tuesday from Pendleton.
Fred Pittman and family are rid
ing in a new Chevrolet Sedan. '
Mrs. Clara Blake of Adams, was
a business visitor in Athena. Wed
R. Alexander and son, Roy, were
visitors in Athena Saturday, from
William Morrison, Pendleton real
estate dealer, transacted business in
Athena Tuesday.
Mrs. Hester Willaby accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton when they
returned to Spokane Wednesday. .
Mrs. M. L Watts and Mrs. F. S,
Le Grow left by motor Wednesday
morning for a few days in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin were
in town Tuesday from their Squaw
Creek stock ranch, en route to Wal
la Walla.
Mrs. Frank Ames, Mrs. Victor
Hirsch, Mrs. Arthur Douglas and
Mrs. Justin Harwood were in Walla
Walla, Monday.
Gale Anderson, employed at the
Beck & Winans grocery store at Wal
la Walla, visited at the home of his
parents in Athena.
Miss Genevieve Baker, graduate of
Athena high school, class '26. is em
ployed by the Spokesman-Review
Walla Walla office, in the advertis
ing department.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Lee return
ed from Cheney, Washington, Tues
day night. They were accompanied
home by their daughter Dorothy and
Juanita Woodruff who will spend the
spring vacation with relatives here.
A silver tea for the benefit of the
Orphan Girls school at Eugene will
be given at the home of Mrs. F. B.
Boyd on Wednesday afternoon. Anril
20, by the Christian Missionary so-
Mrs. Grant Prestbye invited a,
group of friends to her home Wed-
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
The Comforts and Complete
Safety of Train Travel
commend themselves to you whenever pleasure or busi
ness call you away from home. Northwest travelers
require of their railroads very high standards of
equipment, maintenance and operation. You
can always be sure of a completely
i.:r i il. Zr r? n unn,t Ant
siutcna, ure.
Northern Pacific Railway
i'First of the Northern Transcontinentah'i
"North Coast
One of America's
Fine Trains
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
License No. 203319 wins five gallon
of gasoline at Prestbye's Service
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Georare W. Gross. Deceased.
Notice is hereby criven that the un
dersigned have filed their final ac
count and report in the above en
titled matter and that the above en
titled Court has fixed Saturday, the
80th day of April, 1027, at the hour
ot 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day
as the time, and the Countv Court
room of the County Court house at
1 emileton, Umatilla Countv. Orecon.
as the place, for the hearing of said
final account and report. Objections
to said final account nnd rpnnrt
should be filed on or before that date.
Hated at Athena. Umatilla Countv.
i! m . .. "
uivkoii, mis jsi aay ot April, 11)27.
Executors of tho Last. Will anA
Testament of George W. Gross, Deceased.
Watts & Presthvp Athnnsi rWovtri
Attorneys for Estate. AlA2t!
nesday afternoon, to an old fashioned
quilting bee. Those present were
Mrs. Victor Hirsch, Mrs. Bryce Bak
er, Mrs. Justin Harwood, Mrs. Grosj
and Mrs. Arthur Douglas.
Laura Froome and J. W. Maloney
have been appointed administrators
of the estate of John E. Froome, de
ceased. Mrs. Mary McKay was hostess to
the Christian, Missionary society
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
her parents on Jefferson street, and
was assisted in serving by Mrs. Lou
is Keen. Seventeen ladies were pres
ent. The high school tennis court has
been put in condition for the sea
sons playing. The geometry class
made the measurements and put the
court in playing condition. The big
court of the Athena Tennis club will
be made ready for play at once.
Chance Rogers conducted a demon
stration of the International Harvest
er company's potato planter, at the
W. L. Rayborn place on Weston
mountain Wednesday afternoon. A
large number of potato growers of
that section were present and were
well pleased with the performance of
the machine.
Care of
Cemetery Lots
We are equipped to furnish either
perpetual or annual care of lots in
the Athena Cemeteryr, at reason
able rates.
See: E. C. Prestbye, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sexton.
and will licrht the wav for
row down- the stream of life with
vim, vigor and vitality which you
never had before. Come today for
an adjustment.
spinal analysis free. '
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. ' 957 J
In Bend Hospital
Cleve Stanton, who suffered a
paralytic stroke at his home in Athe
na, several weeks ago, and was tak
en to Prineville by his brother, Will
Stanton, was removed to a hospital
at Bend, last Friday. The condition
of the patient has grown worse, with
indications of a second stroke com
ing on.
Church of Christ
Bible school 10 a. m. Floyd Pink
erton, superintendent. Preac'iio.?
service 11 a. m. Junior C. E. 6:30 p.
m. Evening service 7:30 p . m
Ladies Aid 1p.m. Thursday at the
church. Choir practice 7:30 p. m
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas. Subject of the morn
ing sermon will be "The Crucifixion"
and in the evening Rev. Phillips "will
give the answer to the reason for his
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla Countv.
In the Matter of the Estate of Will
iam r. willaby, Deceased.
Notice is hereby eriven that tho nn.
dorsigned has been appointed admin
istratrix ot tne estate of William P.
Willaby. deceased, bv an nrW rf li
above entitled court.
All persons havinir i-luimu miii
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to mc at Athena.
Oregon, or to my attorneys. Watts J5
Prestbye, at their office in Atlian
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first . publication of this
notice. All chums must be verified
as by law riouired.
Dated at Athena. O
day of April, 1927.
, , Administratrix.
WuttS & Preathvr Athmi rw. ......
Attorneys for estate. ' A"A29!
4 Fff-Tf"
-J I J 0
With every box of Coty Face
Powder, a trial bottle of
Coty Perfume
McFadden's Pharmacy
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES-For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS-We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates. Qf deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE-Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent, cdupons payable semiannually.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Aihen., br Athena labor, in one oi the verr ben
quipped mill, in the Northwest, of the beat .elected Blueetem
wne.t frown anywhere. P.troniie horn, industry. Your
trow ell. the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena. Oregon. - - Waitsburg, Wash