The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 01, 1927, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
'Flaming Forest"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn spent Tues
day in Walla Walla.
The J. T. club is meeting today
with Mrs. Will riper.
Miss Thelma Thompson of Pendle
ton visited friends here this week.
George W. Liojallen transacted
business in Pendleton Wednesday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mc
Ewen in Walla Walla March 24, a
Sam Thompson, prominent farm
er of Pendleton was a visitor here
Dr. Joseph P. Brennan prominent
Pendleton physician visited friends
here this week.
Dick Clemens a former Athena
resident was a visitor here from his
home in Pendleton.
The 0. D. O. club met Wednesday
afternoon at the country home of
Mrs. Lawrence Mclntyre.
Frank Curl, prominent farmer of
the reservation district was a busi
ness visitor herj Wednesday.
Elmer Merritt is having his cot
tage on Fourth street reshingled.
Henry Miller is doing the work.
Mrs. Ora Shigley was operated on
at St Mary's hospital in Walla Wal
la Monday. She is reported to be
getting along as well as could be
Mrs. C. E. Miller has recently re
turned from Walla Walla where she
had a minor operation on a finger.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece of
Walla Walla, were Sunday visitors at
the Sims Dickenson home in Athena.
Miss Lois Smith visited over
the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Kirk, of Wes
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckner who
reside near Nolin, visited Sunday at
the Charles Williams home south of
Mrs. Nellie Duncan of Waitsburg,
was in Athena Sunday, attending the
funeral of her late uncle, J. E.
Mrs. Nellie Taylor and her mother
Mrs. Leeper of Pendleton, motored
here Tuesday and spent the day with
Mrs. Lillian Ray of Weston under
went a major operation at St. Mary's
hospital in Walla Walla Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and
little daughter, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell,
in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and
daughters motored to Walla Walla
Monday where they were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Clark.
98c to $4.50
Fully" Guaranteed
McPadden'S pharmacy
IMli-AMUfcJJmfc-awaa ..
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and they are uccessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $.r0() and $1,000 denominations and draw, in
terest at the rate of G per cent, coupons payable semiannually.
Bank Statement
Charter No 451G. Reserve District No. 12
Report of the Condition of the First National Bank at Athena in the State
of Oregon, ut the close of business on March 23rd, 1927.
1 a Loans and discounts including rediscounts, ac
ceptances of other banks and foreign bills of ex
,.i,imirn nr drafts sold with endorsement of this
bank (except those shown in b and c) $ 552,390.11
Total loans
2 Overdrafts, secured, $ 35.32 ; unsecured, $ 102.12
3 U. S. Government securities owned:
a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)
b Ali other United States Government securities (including
premiums, if any) 45,000.00
4 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned:
0 Banking House, 0,0(12.00 Furniture and fixtures, 338.00
5 Uiwful leserve with Federal Reserve Bank
10 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks
11 Amount due from State Banks, bankers and trust com
panics in the United States(oth er than included in Items
8, 9 and 10) - ,
Total of Items 9, K, 11, is, una id u.o.uo
15 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S.
Treasurer 625.00
Total - 738,948.08
19 Capital stock paid in 50,000.00
20 Surplus fund 00,000.00
21 a Undivided profits 22,208.49
b Reserve for 22.208.49
c Less Current expenses paid 7,149.22 15.119.27
23 Circulating notes outstanding 12,500.00
27 Certified checks outstanding
28 Cashier's checks outstanding
Total of 21. 25, 20, 27, and 28..
'!) Individual denosits subject to chock
;:0 Certificates of deposit due inless than 30 days (other than
for money borrowed)
31 State, county, or municipal deposits secured by pledge of
assets of this bank or surety bond
Total of demand deposits( other than bank deposits) sul
joct to Reserve, Items 29. 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34... 242.237.20
35 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed)...-
38 Postal savings deposits
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 35, 36, 37,
and 38 310,520.22
I nited States deposits (other tha n postal savings, includ-
ing War Loan deposit account and deposits oi unitea
States disbursing office
Total 738.948.08
Mate of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss.
I, F. S. LeGrow, Cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear
that tho above statement is true to tne Dcst ox my Knowledge una oeuei,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 29th day of March 1927.
E. C. PRESTBYE, Notary Public.
Commission expires July 10, 1928
F. S. LEGROW, Cashier.
Correct Attest:
HENRY DELL, Directors
The Wilderness Woman"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Five Gallons of gasoline is com
ing to the owner of automobile li
cense No. 105988 at Prestbye's Serv
ice Station.
Jay Williams, well known resident
of Walla Walla, died Tuesday of
last week, having been operated on
for appendicitis.
Mrs. Alma Koontz came up from
her home in Portland to attend the
funeral of the late W. P. Willaby, re
turning Tuesday.
Mrs. J. F. Twohy, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
F. B. Boyd, returned Tuesday to her
home in Portland
Mrs. Millie Gross of Brownsville,
Oregon is visiting her ranch in the
vicinity of Helix. H. M. Hale3
farms the property.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman and
family and Miss Ruth Proebstel tf
Walla Walla visited Athena friends
the first of the week.
Mrs. Delia Booher and Mrs. Ther
esa Berlin of Walla Walla, motored
over Sunday to attend the funeral
of the late J. E. Froom.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson who
make their home on the Umatilla
river above Gibbon, transacted busi
ness in Athena Monday.
Mrs. Andy Rothrock has returned
home from the St. Mary's hospital
in Walla Walla, where she has been
ill with bronchial pneumonia.
Mrs. H. J. Cunningham and daugh
ters came up from their home in
Pendleton Saturday and spent the
day with Mrs. Forrest Zerba.
Aaron Douglas and Nadine Elder,
pupils of Athena grade school will
participate in the county declamatory
contest at Pendleton, tonight
James Hodgen left Wednesday
morning for Tilton, near Yakima,
Washington, where he will be employ
ed by the Standard Oil company.
Mrs. D. H, Mansfield and Miss
Yelva Mansfield of Pendleton were in
town Sunday and attended the fun
eral services of the late J. E. Froom.
Miss Blanche Johnson who spent
the spring vacation from University
of Oregon in Athena, at the home of
her parents, returned to Eugene to
resume her studies. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke re
turned Wednesday ofJast week from
their honeymoon trip to Portland
and other points, and will soon be at
home to their friends
J. W. Maloney, and other members
of the present state game commis
sion have resigned, in order to give
Governor Patterson opportunity to
make his appointments,
New doors were installed at the
entrance of the First National Bank
building this week. The doors are
of heavy hardwood frame, centered
with beveled plate glas3.
Nitrate fertilizer is being tried
out on a five acre tract on the A. R.
Coppock farm south of Athena. The
tract has been sown to spring wheat,
following spring plowing.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raley of Pen
dleton were here Sunday, attending
the funeral of J. E. Froom, who died
on Friday, March 25. Mrs. Raley is
a niece of the deceased.
Barney Foster's caterpillar plowing
outfit has been at work this week at
the Barrett place north of town
With the completion of plowing the
field, it will be sown to spring grain
Miss Lcla Schubert who is em
ployed at the Peacock flour mill at
Freewater spent Saturday evening
and Sunday in Athena at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ameil
James S. Johns, president of the
Hartman Abstract company at Pen
dleton and John Montgomery, man
ager of the Pacific Coast Joint Stock
Land Bank of Portland were visitors
here Wednesday.
When a broken plate glass window
was being removed from the local
telephone office, Henry Shroeder had
the misfortune of having his arm
badly cut. Ten stitches were neces
sary to close the wound.
E. O. Lee contemplates driving to
Cheney, Washington, Monday. Tues
day he will return to Athena, accom
panied by Miss Dorothy Lee and
Miss Juanita Woodruff, who are stu
dents at Cheney Normal.
The Dixie Colored Jubilee Singers
entertained a large audience at high
school auditorium Tuesday evening.
The singers appeared under the aus
pices of the sixth and seventh grade
classes of the Athena schools,
Gerald Kilgore has sold hii store
delivery car and business to Ovell
McPherrin. In former years Orell
was in the delivery business heie,
He will be prepared to do light haul
ing in addition to taking care of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dudley motor
ed to lJendleton Monday evening
where they were guests at a dinner
party at the Willard Bond home
Mrs. James Sturgis and Mrs. Rich
ard Mayberry were hostesses with
Mrs. Bond.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Flint Johns over the week end
were, Mr. Chnnman of Vancouver
Washington, father
and her two sisters,
Chapman and Mrs.
children of the latter.
"The Fire Brigade"
Standard Theatre, Wednesday night
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Thompson
were in town Tuesday irom rsmg
ham Springs. Mr. Thompson, who is
manager of the Springs, reports lots
of snow in the mountains with pros
pects for plenty of water and a good
range for stock, this season.
Miss Stamps, who has been em
ployed in the culinary department of
the girls dormitory at Whitman col
lege in Walla Walla for several
years and Mrs. A. J. Ross and child
ren of Freewater, were Sunday vis
itors at the Roy Cannon home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Ray
Johnston, motored to Moscow, Idaho,
Saturday where they visited at the
George Johnston home, returning
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are
the parents of Mrs. Smith and Ray.
Mrs. Ralph McEwen returned home
Saturday from Portland, where she
was called when her father, E. E.
Goff was operated on for relief from
cataract on one of hts eyes. The op
eration was successful and indica
tions are that the patient's sight will
be fully restored.
Miss Cathren Froom who teaches
school at Washougal, Washington,
Thursday arrived in Athena to be p.t
the beside of her father, who passed
away Friday morning. She was ac
companied here by Lyman Cooley of
Portland. Mr. Cooley left Sunday
for his home, and Miss Froom will
remain in Athena for several day3.
McLaughlin Won Debate
McLaughlin Union high school wen
the debating championship of its dis
trict, which comprises Umatilla,
Morrow,. Wheeler and Gilliam coun
ties, by defeating Pendleton last Fri
day night in the third debate with
that school, held at Athena. Twice
before Mac Hi has tied Pendleton in
dual contests. Being winner of the
contest Mac Hi is now entitled to
meet The Dalles to determine who
shall enter the finals of Eastern
Oregon. The Eastern Oregon win
ner will then go to Eugene to debate
for the state championship."
Bend Bumped
After winning ten firsts at the
traps in the Oregonian telegraphic
tournament the Bend shooters were
defeated in Sunday's shoot by Pen
dleton. Pendleton high shooters were
Dr. Hanavanx and Ralph Park, each
with 25 straight, and Omer Steph
ens with 24. total 74. Bend's score
was 73.
The Churches
Baptist Church
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Morn
ing worship at 11:00 A. M. Junior
Young People at 5:30 P. M. Senior
at 6:30 P. M. The evening church
hour will be in charge of the Senior
Young People conducting a Fanny
Crosby Memorial Service. Mid-week
meeting every Thursday evening at
7:30 P. M. "Time whose tooth gnaws
away everything, is ' powerless against
truth." Huxley
Church of Christ
You are invited to hear Honorable
Oliver W. Stewart the President of
the Flying Squadron Foundation, at
11 a. m. Sunday. The Flying Squad
ron is an organized group that re
presents everything in Protestantism
and the purpose of this group is to
present a heart stirring and soul-
reaching message in every commun
ity in the United States at least once
a year. Unver W. btewart is their
president and chief speaker and
Athena is more than fortunate to
hear him. Be present and get the
benefit. Come! All other services at
the usual time and place. Dont for
get the Bible school. Be on time,
subject for the evening message
will be "The Lord's Yard-Stick." The
choir under the leadership of Miss
Lorraine Terry will furnish scecial
music for both preaching services.
Card of Thanks
We take this method of extending
our sincere and heartfelt thanks to
all who so kindly assisted us in our
bereavement and loss of our beloved
husband, father and brother.
w kod
Just Received
zA shipment of nifty 4-piece Boys Suits. Double
Breasted Coat, Vest, one pair long, one pair golf
Pants. Just the thing you want for Easter.
Size 6 to 17 years
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Card of Thanks
We are deeply grateful for the
sympathy and assistance given us in
our bereavement and loss of our
husband and father.
of Mrs. Johns
Miss Josephine
Coles, and two
Spread of Leprosy
America was discovered about the
time that leprosy was widespread In
Europe and there Is evidence that the
earliest emigrants from Portugal and
Spain carried leprosy with them. Mon
tnva stntes that the first cases In Co
lumbia were all In Spaniards as early
ns 154.X The African slave trade wa
a more Important factor, however. In
spreading leprosy In the western hem
isphere, 1,300,000 slaves bavins been
carried to Central America by the end
of the Sixteenth century.
Saturday, April 2
James Oliver Curwood s
rrn w ti Try
ne if laming it ores
Antonio Moreno and Renee Adoree
A stirring story of the Mounted Police presented by
cTWetro at regular Admission prices.
International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, April 3
It's a Wow
The Wilderness Woman
Aileen Pringle, Lowell Sherman and Chester Conk
lin. Alaska to Broadway with all the trimmings-
Pathe Review Admission Prices. 10c-25c-35c
Wednesday, April 6
Our Big, Fine Mid-week Offering
Metro's Mighty Epic of the American Fire Depart
ments and their Heroes.
Charles Ray and May McAvoy
and a Big Cast
.'.'The Fire Brigade" tells the story of the American fire-hero, revealing (as
"The' Big Parade" revealed the soldier) the trials, the humors, the true thrill
ing life story of these unsung heroes.
Admission Prices, 10c-35c-50c