The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 01, 1927, Image 3

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A World Beater at a Moderate Price
The easiest running separator in the world. Two cream outlets." Self drain
ing, anti-splash supply can.
(A Mercantile Trust)
High School Notes
Mr. Hadley, accompanied by Lois
Johnson, Edna DeFreece ' and Belle
Anderson attended the eastern Ore
gon typing contest which was held in
Tendleton last Saturday. A pupil
from The Dalles High school made
the best record in this, contest.
Mrs. Huffman and daughter Dovey
visited the primary room Monday.
The school tennis court has been
put in shape and it is expected that
tennis teams from other schools will
be met some time soon.
At a recent student body meeting
the question of a high school publi
cation was brought up and it was de
cided that an annual similar to that
of last year should be published.
Four speakers from Athena are
taking part in the county declama
tory contest which is being held in
Pendieton this week end. Margaret
Lee and John Kirk are representing
the high school in the high school
contest which is to be held in the
Tendleton Methodist Episcopal church
tomorrow evening. Nadine Elder and
Aaron Douglas are taking part in
the grade contest which is to be held
in the Pendleton high school audit
orium this evening.
The senior class has decided to
have the baccalaureate services on
Sunday evening instead of the fore
neon as has been the custom here-to-fore.
A few of the high school boys are
turning out for track.
The upper grades realized about
$10.00 as a result of sponsoring the
Dixie Jubilee Quartet Tuesday even
ing. The geometry class has been do
ing some practical work in propor
tion this week. They have been
measuring trees, church steeples and
other tall objects.
The Juniors had a class meeting
Monday afternoon to discuss plans
for the Junior Senior banquet. Com
mittees were appointed by Helen
Hahsell and work is progressing
The biology class made a field trip
up the Wildhorse recently.
The sewing class intends to visit
the Pendleton Woolen Mill some time
Iva Baker of the Freshman class,
has received word that her mother,
who resides in Seattle, is quite ill.
Iva expects to leave for Seattle soon.
Miss Bateman entertained at her
home in Milton, Friday evening in
honor of the members of the play
cast and their friends. The evening
was spent in playing games and at a
late hour refreshments were served.
At a student .body meeting Tuesday
afternoon . it was voted to have o
high school "weinie" roast Friday
evening at Weston Dam.
Mrs. E. 0. Lee visited in the
grades Wednesday.
Cannery at Pen
Establishment of a canning fact
ory and enlargement of the tannery
installed last year will be carried out
at Walla Walla penitentiary in place
of the rehabilitation of the jute mill
if plans of Olaf Olsen, director of
business control are carried out.
Governor Hartley vetoed, the propos
al to start the jute mill again, even
though the plan was sponsored by
Senator Kirkman of Walla Walla,
who is one of the staunchest Hartley
men in the legislature. Olsen nas
gone to Spokane to find out the cost
of canning factory machinery.
Walla Walla Poneer
John Berg, 71, Walla Walla pion
eer of 1862, died suddenly at 12:30
Sunday afternoon of heart trouble,
He had been quite ill for ten months
He was writing a letter Sunday
when he toppled . over dead. Ill
health caused his retirement from
business in in 1922. .
etter Fraction
-Longer Wear
The tread of the new
Goodyear All-Weather
Balloon Tire is
semi-flat and scienti
fically designed to
give maximum trac
tion and resistance to
skidding. Another big
advantage is long,
slow, even tread wear.
"Cupping" and unev
en tread wear, so
common to many Bal
loon Tires, is elimin
ated. Come in and see
this wonderful new
29x4.40- - - - - $12.85
Athena Garage
31 Years Ago
' March 27. 1896
Lew Shaw has returned from Ar
izona and will engage in business in
Sometime ago the telephone was
taken out of the Adams office by the
company. We understand they have
replaced it.
The reporter learns that the Mc
Kay boys will soon leave Canada for
Colorado. The probabilities are they
will eventually come back to Athe
na. The Athena band is now in better
shape to play on engagements than
ever before. Some changes have
been made in the instrumentation of
the organization, one of the princi
pal changes being Owen Eusie to
baritone. ,
It is reported that several mining
claims have been staked off at Uma
tilla during the past few days and
that quite an excitement has pre
vailed over the operations. Gold has
been washed from the Columbia
sands for several years, and last
year a number of men washed out
quite a large amount pf yellow
A bell has been placed near the
center of the city to be used only to
give fire alarms. The small boy will
please take notice.
William Wells makes application
for a license to sell liquor in Athena.
Sam Doble does likewise, and Athe
na will soon have three saloons.
The Normal base ball club has sent
a formal challenge to the Athena
boys for a game on Saturday, and if
agreeable they will cross bats at
The last meeting of the whist club
for the season occurred at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilkinson on
Tuesday evening. Refreshments were
Gettysburg Post, G. A. R. met in
Athena Saturday. The question of
organizing a Son's of Veterans camp
in this city, was brought up and dis
cussed. All members of the post
seemed to favor the organization of
a camp, and many of the old soldiers
were in favor of the Post standing
part of the expense of organizing.
Application blanks for membership
will soon be on hand, and all son's
of veterans who wish to join the
camp can make application at the
Press office.
East End News
(From the Weston Leader)
Nard Jones reports the sale of
three new stories: "Cherchezla Mule"
will appear in War Stories; "The
Little Wife" in the May issue of
Young's Magazine; and Stage and
Screen has recently bought his story,
"The Third Point." .
Claud Snider is visiting parents
and friends in the old home town,
prior to leaving early in April for
Washington, D. C, where a position
awaits him in the government patent
office. He recently passed a special
civil service examination in engineer
ing for the work which ,be will be
assigned. The experience gained at
Washington he expects to prove of
much value in securing future lu
crative employment in his chosen
field. Mrs. Snider will join him in
June. Claud was a senior in engin
ering at the University of Washing
ton and "will have his credits trans
ferred. He expects to do night study
in order to- finish the course in an
eastern college. '
Ralph Graham, Weston youth who
admitted taking money : from the
pocket of a vest belonging to John
Reynolds and hanging up in Rey
nolds' place of business, was com
mitted to the reform school by Judge
Schannep of the juvenile court at
Pendleton. Edward Clark, another of
three boys arresed for the same
theft, was released under a suspended
sentence, and will be kept under sur
veillance. Eddie Hess, the third boy
of the trio, was entirely exonerated.
Five dollars of the $12 claimed to
have been stolen, is still missing.
(From the Milton Eagle)
W. R. Eaton, of Waitsburg, has
purchased twenty-four acres of al
lalfa land on the east end of the R.
Lawson ranch, and contemplates the
construction of a modern home in
thenear future.
"Mrs. S. Glaspy, who died at her
home in Walla Walla last Saturday
was an early settler,, crossing the
plain from Indiana in 1875 with her
father, William Doty, and settling 15
miles east of Milton, where they liv
ed for five years and later moved to
a homestead near Touchet.
Dr. Rockey a Famous
Portland Surgeon Dead
- - -
The death of Dr. A. E. Rockey
prominent Portland surgeon which
occurred Tuesday night, comes as a
distinct shock to many people in this
Dr. Rockev is identified with the
growth of Portland both in civic and
medical affairs.
He was an untiring worker in any
thing which he undertook to do, and
he considered happiness one of the
greatest assets of life.
His work was not confined t re
munerative consideration a3 he was
president of city, county ami state
medical societies. At one time he
was clinician in surgery for the Uni
versity of Oregon and was a prom
inent member of all the important
medical associations of the north
west; in short he was one of the I
best known surgeons in the United j
States and was much revered for his !
philanthropy and his activity in civic j
and social affairs cf the coayauaity
in which he Hved. j
(From the Freewater Times)
Roger Brower had his leg ampu
tated at St. Mary's hospital Monday.
Mr. Brower suffered severe injuries
in an auto accident in California
about a year ago.
Many dairy herds of Umapine were
tested for tuberculosis, under the
supervision of the extension service
of State Agricultural college, last
Tuesday afternoon.
J. L. Dennis, Hudson Bay dairy
and alfalfa rancher, has a freak of
bovine specie which was born lecent-
ly on his ranch a calf without a tail.
The mother of this animal is 20
years old and still a good producer
and was born on the Dennis ranch
and will remain in his possession un
til eternity.
Mrs. Milo O. Bentley entertained
at her home last Thursday afternoon
at a St. Patrick's day party. Various
games and stunts in keeping wth St.
Patrick's day were played and at the
close of the afternoon refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Roy Cox and children of Athe
na, visited a couple of days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flaugher.
Take Income Tax or
High Property Levy
Governor Isaac L. Patterson.
an address at McMinnville Saturday
night before the Yamhill County
Bankers' association said, regarding
the proposed income tax measure:
"If the measure does not meet the
approval of the voters in June it
will become necessary not only to
raise property taxes but also to re
sort to the so-called "nuisances
Following the speech by the gov
ernor, the association passed a re
solution unanimously indorsing the
measure and promising the support
of Yamhill county bankers.
J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Weld. Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena, Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
French Optical Parlors
IS E. Main St Phone 653
A Large Shipment of Ladies and Children's
Durham Hose
The largest and most complete line ever carried
in Athena.
For Men
Plain and fancy" Union Suits, fancr Socks, dress
Shirts. Working men's Shirts, Gloves, Socks, Over
alls, etc., at prices that are right.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
Two sets of Wall Paper Sample
Books to select from. Get my
prices on House and Barn Paint.
Work done by contract or at 90c
per hour.
Continental Oil Company
Prompt Service
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Real state
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
Granite Company
II. J. BLAESING, Manager
Eastern Oregon Representative
Odd Fellows Bld'tr, Pendleton.
Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies.
Gerald Kiigore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Bell & Dickenson
Phones 452 and 21
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
At Reasonable Prices
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena