The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 01, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rate.
One copy, one year. $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One coov. three months 75
Athena, Oregon, April 1 1927
Taxes are continually on the rise,
in your community as well as else
whprr. Your community taxes are
your taxes. You voted them on your
self; no one thrust them upon you,
for every bond issue must be voted
by a majority of the taxpayers in
the district involved. Commenting
on the general increase of taxes in
thn United States. George W. Hin-
man in the Chicago Herald Exam i a
er, says:
"The taxpayers ko on votincr new
bonds and groaning under the bur
dens and deprivations which the bond
issues inflict upon them.
"Unless somehow the taxpayers of
the United States learn more about
the taxes they pay, there is rough
awakening somewhere ahead.
"The total debt of state and local
governments in the United States is
today around 12 billions. Most of
this is in bonds.
"In the last four years these bonds
have increased by at least four bil
lions. The interest on this colossal
debt has to be paid. The debt itself
has to be paid. By whom? By the
"So it comes that besides half a
billion in yearly interest, there is a
growing amount of principal to be
met just as if it had been borrow
ed by the associated taxpayers at
the bank.
"How do these colossal bonded debts
oppress the individual taxpayer? In
three ways. In the first place, he
finds his own personal taxes going
up from year to year. In the second
place, he finds that many of the
things he buys are made to cost
more on account of the increasing
taxes which the manufacturer has to
"In the third place, if he has in
vestments, his dividends are reduced
because of the crowing amounts de
ducted for taxes from ' the business
profits of the companies whose stock
he holds."
Change is Made in
Assessment Reports
The following letter from County
Assessor R. 0. Hawks is self-explanatory:
I have just received the following
telegram from the State Tax Com
mission: "Salem, Ore., Mar. 22, 1927
R. 0. Hawks, County Assessor,
Pendleton, Oregon.
At a meeting of the Tax Commis
sion held today it was decided to
eliminate the Income Account (Sched
ule C) from confidential reports.
Kindly advise taxpayers to whom
you sent blanks and cancel section
(C) from blanks not yet distributed
by drawing red line through that sec-
The above is of vital interest to
the business and professional men of
your community and I would ap
preciate your giving it early and
conspicuous publicity.
" Respectfully,
R. 0. HAWKS,
County Assessor.
Piano for sale, vicinity of Athena
Fine standard make piano, a bargain
$10 monthly. For particulars address
Western 1'iano .Brokerage company,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Pasture Dave Stone has good
pasture for a limited number of
horses and mules. Thone 24F15,
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Ten years ago the proposed merg
er of 70 Pacific Coast sawmills into
a $400,000,000 : corporation .would
have caused a helluva uproar and
commotion. Now such amalgamation
of wealth and natural resources
causes little comment. Nothing much
will be heard about the sawmill octo
pus until about the time the tax
payer will be asked to pay the bill
lor reforestation after the lumber
barons hnve depicted the present
forests. Then the "masses" will
wake up to the fact that another of
their pet "natural resources" lias
been exploited (?) to expand the
coffers of these captains of industry.
"This is a big move," says a period
ical published in the interests of big
business, "toward making our for
ests produce perpetually. One of the
main requisites to its success will be
the revision of our tax laws where
needed, in order to make it practical
from a financial standpoint to prac
tice reforestation on a large scale."
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specializing in Electro and Quartz
Lamp Therapy.
"The Flaming Forest,"
"Wilderness Woman,"
"The Fire Brigade"
For tomorrow night the Standard
has selected for its Saturday night
family picture, James Oliver Cur-
wood's "The Flawing Forest," star
ring two of the screen's favorite
stars, Antonio Moreno and Renee Ad
oree. All who have read the book
will agree that the photoplay should
be a splendid production of the great
outdoor writer's thrilling story, and
it is.
Sunday night Aileen Pringle, Low
ell Sherman and Chester Conklin will
be be seen in "The Wilderness Wo
man." First National has left noth
ing undone in the settings of this
picture, which opens its plot in Al
aska and ends in New York's fash-
onable resorts.
The Standard's mid-week offering
for next Wednesday night will be an
other of Metro's big thrilling super
specials, "The Fire Brigade" which
last week set a mark at the Ameri
can theatre in Walla Walla. As was
Metro's "Tell it to the Marines" an
epic of the navy, so is "The Fire
Brigade" an epic ef American fire
departments. Charles Ray May Me
Avoy and Tom O'Brien, of "The Big
Parade" fame, are cast in the lead
ing parts.
Harold Crawford, prominent Wal
la Walla architect was a business
visitor here this week.
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
Horses and Mules
George Shaver of Union has ar
rived in Athena with a carload of
good young stock all broke to work.
Horses and Mules
Wait for this bunch, it's a good
one. See them at Bolin's Corral
near Lumber Yard.
Blacksmith Shop
; Horseshoeing
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
The easy-riding cushion seats of the
taxi seems to have been the primary
cause for putting many of the street
car lines on the rocks. Waking up
to this fact a San Francisco street
railway will spend $53,000 to put
decently comfortable seats in about
77 of its cars. Now if this company
will abolish strap hungers and give
free rides, it may pick up some business.
Will Rogers opines: "Any person
that will stay in the middle of a
civil war for. six months and don't
know enough to even send his fam
ily out, it won't do much good to
rescue him. You brinff him back
home and he will run right in front
of a Ford. We had to shell the
town to let our people know it was
time to come out and be rescued.
Yours for home missions."
Analyzing the demands of West
em railroad employes for seven and
one half per cent wage increase
similar to that granted the employes
of Eastern roads, a trade journal
gives the astounding information
that "living costs are generally
higher in the East than in most of
tlic Western states." But who said
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Au
gusta Betz, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled court
has fixed Saturday the 23rd day of
April, 11)27, at the hour of 10 o clock
jn the forenoon of sain (lay as the
time, and the County Court room of
the County Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place for hearing said account and
renort. Objections to said final ac
count and report should be filed on
or before that date.
Dated at Athena Oregon, this 22nd
day of March, 1027.
Ancillary Administrator for Ore
gon. M25A22.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregot for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
George W." Gross, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final ac
count and report in the above en
titled matter and that the above en
titled Court has fixed Saturday, the
30th day of April, 1027, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day
as the time, and the County Court
room of the County Court house at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
as the place, for the hearing of said
final account and report. Objections'
to said final account and report
should be tiled on or before that date.
Dated at Athena. Umatilla County,
Oregon, this 1st dav of April, 1927.
Executors of the Last Will and
Testament of George W. Gross, De
ceased. Watts & Prestbye Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. A1A21).
If we were to beliuve statistics, ev
ery ninth person in this country is
a stockholder in some sort of cor
poration. And by the same token,
every ninth person holding stock in
oil veil h a tucker.
Why wait for, the shock troops to
boost you out? Get on the side lines
to watch the Chinese fight nmomj
themselves, its their battleground.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Will
iam P. Willaby, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of William P.
Villaby,(doceased, by an order of the
above entitled court.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena.
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts &
Prestbye, at their office in Athena,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of, the first publication of this
notice. All claims must be verified
ai by law renwed.
Dated at Athens, Oregon, this 1st
day of April, 1027.
watts Prestbye Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for estate. A1A29.
Tiresome days follow sleepless
nights. There is a path for you to
follow that leads to health and hap
piness. Chiropractics is the science
of the spine, the seat of physical and
mental health. Come to us and let
us tell you about chiropractics and
of how we readjust the spinal column
and its effects upon the nerves.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
a i
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes
Try Our
We use standard toilet preparations
mads in scientific laboratories under
the supervision of graduate chemists.
Only the best is good enough for our
Our sereice is of the same high standard
os our supplies. We guard your health
and enhance your personal appear
once. If you appreciate cleanliness
and sanitation, supersertice and high
trade supplies, drop into our shop at
the first opportunity.
f This is the shop you hate
been looking for. t
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Athena, Ore.
(yIIr) r vN
IS "vw in I
NlCj A silvers
where savings are greatest9
Pendleton, Oregon
Friday , April P
Ji I W ' v J This milenost in
irv ' jrviX til
history of our Com
pany will not be marked by any
departure from our usual policy,
which is to say. we will NOT hold a so-called "sale"
nor talk about "reduced prices," but our great selec
tive and buying resources have been exercised to the fullest for your
enjoyment and benefit for this event
25& Anniversary
Anniversary Value
Our stationeryfeatured
for this Anniversary event.
100 sheets and 50 envelopes.
1 A Memento Silver Offering
ncautitui signalizing vjuv
St" Silver or 25th
The tremendous buying power
of this Nation-wide Institution
makes this remarkable saving
26-Piece Set
of Rogers
Electro Silverplate
25fr Anniversary
Self-Stripe Sateen
that are cut
to fit the
figure com
fortably, but snugly.
elastic cuff
and so low
priced. Pair
25h Anniversary
Jap Pongee
A Useful Fabric
The woman who sews finds
Innumerable uses for pongee
especially this fine all silk
quality that is priced so at
tractively I 32 to 33 Inches
6 Fori
6 Knives
6 Teaspoons
6 Tablespoons
1 Sugar Shell
1 Butter Knife
Made of highest quality nickel silver
metal with, heavy deposit of pure sil
ver. Knives have quadruple silver
plated handles with steel blades that
will not stain or corrode. Spoons
nd Forks ' have reinforced " plate
where wear is greatest. The chaste
Jines and exquisite design will always
be in good taste in every home and
for every occasion.
You know that it is barely
ordinary kind of Tableware
In Artistic
per set
25c Extra if Ordered by Mail
In reaching s quarter of a century of
human helpfulness and achievement
it ir fitting that we present an out
standing value in silverware as s
memento offering for our Silver An
niversary. Makers of the celebrated
Rogers silver plate guarantee perfect
satisfaction without time limit for
this table silverware. Whether for
your home or a gift, it is a treat.
possible to buy even the most
at this extraordinary low price.
25& Anniversary
Spring Silks
Printed and Plain
New Printed Silks all
over patterns, appealingly
fresh for Spring. Low
priced, too, yard
Crepe de Chine our own
T C P all silk crepe de chine
In popular shades. 39 inches
wide, yard
25th Anniversary
Bed Spreads
Two Good Styles
25& Anniversary
Turkish Towels
Large Size
Such an opportunity! To
stock your linen closet with
large size turkish towels of
heavy quality anticipate
your future needs now.
white or
white with
a colored
border. A
real Anni
v e r s a r y
Value, each
25& Anniversary
Crinkled spreads! One
in cotton and the other,
with lustrous rayon
stripes. Typical of Anni
versary Values,
98c and $2.98
Honor Muslin
Dependable Quality
This mus
lin wins first
honors in
many house
holds for ap
pearance and
quality that
la st si Un
bleached 3 9
inches wide
and bleached
36. Yard,
Miami i
25h Anniversary
New Hand Bags
In Colors to
Match Your Costume
So important the acces
sories that give the air of
correctness to your costume I.
Novelty leathers and bright'
colors in the new bags at
Care of
Cemeteny Lots
We are equipped to furnish either
perpetual or annual care of lots in
the Athena Cemetery, at reason
able rates.
Sec: E. C. Prestbye, Secretary, or Ike Phillips, Sextoa
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, b Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patroniie home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash