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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1927)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months 75 Athena, Oregon, March 18 1927 NEW UNIVERSITY PROGRAM At a recent meeting, the faculty of the University of Oregon made rulings which will result, in import ant changes in the conduct of the in stitution. These changes are so re voluntionary in character that it is remarkable that they are so quietly inaugurated, with little evidence of dissent on the part of the conserva tives who are to be found on every college faculty. Perhaps the explanation for this unanimity lies in the fact that the college program has for a year been under consideration by committees from the faculty and the student body, that the reports finally adopted represent the result of long and careful study, with general discus sions which have taught every resi dent of the campus something of the need and the desirability of these changes. So happily undertaken, the new plan has added prospect of success. The new program, as announced, establishes a line of demarcation at the end of the sophomore year, mak ing the first two years a junior col lege, from which one may "graduate" with a feeling that he has completed something. There are many students who cannot profitably devote more than these two years to college life, and by securing their graceful re tirement at this point, the university clears its decks for the better action of the students who remain. Furthermore, the ambitous student will be granted greater liberties in his junior and senior years, to order his own work and follow the trails of his curiosity to their conclusion. The one who wants to study will bo relieved of the routine devised for those who must be made to stu.iy. The effect of the new plan is to get away from the teaching of classes, to the education of the individual. There is so much of dry-as-dust mechanics in our educational system that one is moved to welcomo any change, as indicating life and growth. One that offers such promise as this is all the more to be commended. The people of ,the state will watch its operation with interest, and since they realize the difficulties of any novel undertaking, they should await its experiment with patience. Port land Telegram. long passed the buck up to Wood, for being clever, and now the Wil lamette brethern have learned why. o The "arf and arf" is the latest bob, in which the hair is drawn back severely on one side. The ear on this side is not permitted to show. On the other side the ear is permitted to show, and it is on this side that you are supposed to do your whimp ering. p Either boneheads should hereafter do the diving stunts in swimming tank exhibitions, or else spring mat tresses should be provided to cover the tank bottoms. Altogether too many fractured skulls for the good of aquatic sports. o Who said the groundhog is not a good weather prophet? And then comes Easter with seven Sundays thereafter. They are trying to take the lid off down in Nevada. The State assembly voted to legalize gambling by 20 to 14, and it is likely that the senate will follow suit not with cards votes. o Eleven-year-old Portland girl "hookied" from school for six days, sleeping in barns and woods, sellinrr stolen milk bottles for food, and had a peck of fun riding a stolen bicycle; a case of experience vs. school tests. o Scotland distillery interests say their liquor exports have been cut one-half. The lost half may be lo cated by the canny Scots in the label rooms of American lithographers. o "German Duchess Broke," reads headline. First we had heard of it. Otterson-Miller Orting, Washington, Exchange Coming as a surprise to their many friends here was the report that Mr. Irving Otterson and Miss Hazel Miller were united in marriage in Tacoma on Wednesday, March 9 The ceremony was performed by Jus tice Blanche Miller in the afternoon The wedding was a quiet affair, on ly a few friends and relatives of the couple witnessing the marriage. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd West accompanied the happy pair and attended them during the ceremony. Bo,th the parties are well known to Orting people, Mr. Otterson hav ing grown to young manhood in this community and gained many friends through his cheerful and en terprising manner. The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mil ler, of Athena, Oregon, has become. well acquainted here through her visits with relatives at this place. The newly wedded pair will reside in the home owned by Mr. Otterson on Railroad avenue, and are at home to their friends. Entertained Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden en tertained a party of friends at din ner, Monday evening. Daffodils grac ed the centerpiece arrangement, while place cards and favors were, carried out in a St. Patrick's Day motif and following the dinner hour, the evening was spent at bridge, four tables being in play. Guests were Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prest bye, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Prestbye, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor llirsch, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mc Fadden. Mrs. E. C. Prestbye and Mr. Dudley won the honors at bridge. Etude Club A sacred program arranged by Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and Mrs. O. O. Stephens was given at the meet ing of the Etude club at the home of Miss . Edna Pinkerton Thursday of last week. Refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and Mrs. Stephens. Guests were, Miss Hilda Dickenson, Mrs. Fred Pinker ton, Mrs. Will Pinkerton and Mrs. Alex Mclntyre. The program fol lows: Song, "He Keeps Me Singing" Etude club; Reading, "Child's Pray er" Mrs. C. M. Eager; Piano solo, Mrs. Max Hopper; Paper on Sacred music, Mrs. Lewis Stewart; Duet, "Rock of Ages" Mrs. R. B. McEwen and Miss Edna Pinkerton; Solo, Mrs David Stone; Quartette, "I Love to Think of Jesus" Mrs. Archie Mcln tyre, Miss Sadie Pambrun, Mrs. Ar thur Douglas and Mrs. Frank Ames; Contest of familiar hymns; Reading, Miss Bateman; Trio, Mrs. Bryce Bak er, Mrs. Lloyd Michener and Miss Rodman; Duet Miss Terry and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton; Reading, Mrs. Had ley. A vivid comparison of British and American law and court procedure stands out this week wherein a Lon don murderer was convicted and turn ed over by the court for execution in short order, and the escape of three convict murderers from the Joliet, Illinois jail. Nearly a year ago these convicts with three others had mur dered a prison warden in an attempt ed escape from the penitentiary. By long, tedious process they had been convicted and sentenced to the death penalty. But instead of the sentence being executed they have been kept in jail on one pretext or another for months, protected by provisions of the criminal code, and when they made their escape, shooting down two officers in their effort, a judge was about ready to grant a review of the murder case. Is it any wonder that Chicago with its hordes of "skos," "ittis," "skis," and "offsys" and other banditti scum, is looked upon as being the world's cradle of crime and murder? California Prospects Good Henry Collins, miller and grain dealer of Pendleton, returning from California, said to the East Oregon ion: "California has the best crop prospects in years. The wheat crop will be unusually large and will be from 20 to 25 million bushels and barley 700,000 tons. The rains have been very heavy and it rained every day while I wus in California, which is very unusual for that country." Bank of Stanfield Closed. The Bank of Stanfield, at Stan field, Oregon, was closed Saturday by order of the state banking de partment. Guy Hickok, examiner of the state banking department, said that the closing was the result of withdrawals of desposits following the death of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe of Portland, who had been aiding the bank for some time. Went 50 Straight Marion Hansell and Steve took their mascot (Bert Ramsey) down to the Pendleton shoot last Sunday, and dinged if both the lads didn't run up a score of 50 targets straight. Of course, Ramsey is claim ing all the credit for the fine score, but the boys did the shooting. Four shooters went 25 straight. More and more the process of bulking instead of sacking the grain crops of Umatilla county, is being favored by wheatraisers. A sub stantial addition to the Farmers Grain Elevator plant at Athena is under way of construction, for addi tional storage of bulk grain. A sec ond elevator of 75,000 bushels capa city is being built at Adams, by one of the big farmers of that section. Other farmers are looking toward the building of storage tanks on their farms in anticipation of using them for temporary storage purpos es during the harvest season, later hauling the bulked crop to the re ceiving elevator. The difference in the cost of sacks, as against th bulking cost is said to be more than enough to justify the change. o - Either they have mighty good law yers at Pendleton, or justice court juries are easy to get along with down there. A man charged with driving an automobile while intoxi cated was found not guilty. Too drunk to know what he was doing and temporary insanity, persuade 1 the jury to acquit him, o It would appear that Clark Wood was very much of a success as speaker before the conference of Oregon newspaper men at Eugene. We fellows of Eastern Oregon have Scouts on Hike Pilot Rock boy scouts made a 20- mile hike, from Pilot Rock to Mc Kay dam and return. Campfire lunch was enjoyed by, the young trooper.? on their arrival at the dam. CLASSIFIED For Sale A small car at a bar gain. Mrs. Zcltha Mclntyre, Athena, Oregon. Seed Potatoes J. E. Froom has rjetted Gem seed potatoes for sale. Pasture Dave Stone has good pasture for a limited number of horses and mules. Phone 24F15, Athena. Incubator New Buffalo Incubator. Half Price. F. J. Jackson. For Sale Twenty-one head young mules 15 to 5 years old and ten head good young horses. F. J. Watkins, Fifth Street, Athena, Oregon. Bell & Dickenson, draymen, have acquired a team of horses to do gar den plowing and other work as re quired. Special attention will be giv en to spring plowing, fertilizer and dirt hauling, cellar excavation, etc. Cull on us to haul away your winter's accumalation of rubbish. Horses and Mules George Shaver of Union has ar rived in Athena with a carload of good young stock all broke to work. Horses and Mules Wait for this bunch, it's a good cne. See them at Bolin's Corral near Lumber Yard, Snow-Clad Hills What may be the departing gest ure of winter greeted Athena people when they arose from bed Monday morning and beheld a light fall of snow on the ground. Low down on the foothills the ground remained white until Wednesday, with freezing temperatures at night. So far no damage has been reported from frost. What Interested Him One of our customers Is a merchant who thinks, eats, and sleeps in terms of business. Bis business Interests him more than anything else lu the world. One night, according to the story, his wife discovered hi in stand ing over his baby's crib. She saw lu his face rapture, doubt, admiration, despair, ecstasy, Incredulity. Naturally, she was touched at this somewhat unusual parental attitude, so with glistening eyes she arose uud slipped her arms around hi m. "A penny for your thoughts," she said In a voice tremulous with ten derness. Startled Into consciousness, he blurted out: "For. the life of me, I can't see how anybody can make a crib like that for $3.49." Old Colony News-Letter. We Handle Genuine Goods-No Substitutes Try Our D.R.SHAMP00 IMJ The World's Greatest Washing Machine 7MR M JlnE uJ M!7S Usafe?Ra S lit j The only washing machine in the world that cleanses a 23 -gallon tuhful of clothes in 4 minutes It is worth any woman's notice that the best working washer that money can buy is also the most attractive. For the Meadows is the only washer that really cleanses a 23-gallon tubful of clothes in 4 minutes. And does the whole job without asking the housewife to come to the rescue on neck-bands and cuffs. The only washer that treats lingerie and filmy things as they were meant to be treated. Here are the reasons for these superb advantages of washing with the Meadows: The tub is 4 gallons bigger; it can be bigger be cause this washer embodies the secret of faster water action; the washing process is gentler, though more thorough, because the Bakelite agitator is forever smooth and does not wear rough and sharp like the metal agitators in other machines. You owe it to yourself to do at least one washing with the Meadows. Our service man can show you how to run it in three minutes' time. You alone will decide that' this machine has kept a rich promise. Phone us today , for a demonstration. - - ROGERS & GOODMAN A Mercantile Trust Kaiser's Experts Let Big Opportunity Pass Colonel Deport, iuveutor of the "75," the rapld-liring gun that saved France, died a few years after the war. p.efore he passed away the col onel wrote the story of the gun and revealed how France came within an ace of losing the plans and models long before the war. When the first models had been constructed, they were carefully sealed in a freight car ami shipped to au Isolated section of the country for a tryout. The cur was by mistake hooked up to a goods train, destined for Uennnny and ac tually landed on "German soil. The (lermans opened the car and immedi ately ollleers of the artillery school cume down to examine the guns mi nutely. Hut they let them go again, re porting that no olllcer would be able to manage a battery of guns that could each fire a hundred shots per minute. And so the gun cume back, though the Hermans managed to make an Imperfect copy. The real secret of the hydropneumatique wus never mastered in Germany, even in 1914, when the kaiser's armies captured plenty of models. Pierre Van I'aas- seu, In the Atlanta Constitution. We use standard toilet preparations made in scientific laboratories under the supervision of graduate chemists. Only the best is good enough for our trade,' Our sertice is of the same high standard as our supplies. We guard your health and enhance your personal appear once. If you appreciate cleanliness and sanitation, supersemice and high grade supplies, drop into our shop at the first opportunity, This is the shop you hate been looking for. Whitehead's Barber Shop Athena, Ore. Feminist Bride of Senator Dill. Cold Springs Harbor, N. Y. Miss Rosalie Gardner Jones, prominent feminist, Tuesday became the bride of United States Senator Clarence C. Dill of Washington. They were married in the Episcopal church of St. John here with the rector, the Rev. Harry Bar rett, officiating. Only intimate friends attended the ceremony. Miss Louise Jones, older sister of the bride, was her sole attendant. The Best Dentistry Done Without Pain Dr. Leach Bond Building, Pendleton. Jensens Blacksmith Shop Horseshoeing Prices Reasonable . Athena, Oregon ,1 SMI HIM Bffl HI 1W1 M SMI BMt SKI IE! 1M HM EMI 1WI Wf Ml Iffll HR Iflt 1W PM W fWl 711 ir i I ir I ii nr nil I in ir i if I r nr nri iri,i fn. r I r.r ria ran iriMiir.M ira. I M i l a SOME OF THE FACILITIES OFFERED BY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up. These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof vault, and they are accessable to you at any time during ' banking hours. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest on deposits. WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by the National Surety Company of America. These bonds are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in terest at the rate of 6 per cent, coupons payable semiannually. MjHiiarus on norstitai.n I One of the novelties introduced In the game of billiards was the playing of n game on horseback by the mem bers of the Paris Jockey club in 1S!S The horses were taken up n Bight ft stairs to the billiard room with great dilticulty. The game was for 12 points up and was linished lu 20 min utes. The origin of the game of billiards Is rather hazy. Too great proficiency at billiards even today Is said by many to be a sisa of . a misspent youth, and it was perhaps this idea that kept our forefathers so quiet upon the subject, says n writer In Tlt-llfts. That It existed centuries ago is indi cated by a passage in Shakespeare's "Cleopatra" In which she invites Charwion to play billiards with her. J.LHarman Blacksmithing Oxy-Acetylene Weld. Delivery and Truck Bodies Manufactured Main Street Athena, Oregon WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street. Athena. Oregon State and Federal Court Practice DRS. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS French Optical Parlors 15 E. Main St Phone 653 WALLA WALLA, WASH. "Script Form" Butter Wrappers 1 Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and! bladder right ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your grocer sells tht famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash