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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1927)
Press Paragraphs "Winners of the Wilderness" Standard Theatre, tomorrow night. Louie Ringel has purchased a new Studebaker sedan. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson are driving a new Chrysler coupe. Mrs. S. F. Sharp was brought home from the hospital, Wednesday. The J. T. club is meeting today at the home of Mrs. Arthur Douglas. A blustry reminder of winter was ushered in with a light snowfall, Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slosson of Dry den, Washington, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones. Mrs. Raymond Geissel of Milton visited with relatives and friends in Athena, a portion of this week. Mrs. Ida Banister is seriously ill at her home in Athena. Mrs. Cora Geary, nurse, is caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon are having some remodeling done to their home in the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitehead mov ed Monday into the L. J. Foss resi dence in the north part of 'town. The Women's Missionary societjw of the Baptist church met with Mrs. Jess Gordon on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gibbs of Taik dale, were week-end guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Cham berlain Edward K. Lane, a stockraiscr of Arlee, Montana, was here this week, visiting at the home of his nephew, C. L. McFadden. The owner of automobile license No. 177800 is the winner of five gal lons of gasoline at Prestbye's service station this week. The ladies of the Baptist church will hold a cooked food sale at 0. O. Stephens' Pure Food Grocery on Saturday March 12th. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Linbley who reside near Pocatello, Idaho, stopped at the Lee home in Athena a few days this week on their way home. They had Rpent the winter in Seattle and Portland. Milton Sills in "Paradise" Standard Theatre, Sunday night. All members of Pythian Lodge No. 29 K. of P. are requested to be pres ent at the meeting to be held, Thurs day evening, March 17. Miss Frederica Kershaw who spent the week end with her parents in Pendleton, was in Athena Sunday, ac companitd by Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw. Most of the holes for blasting the remainder of the Thorn Hollow grade have been bored, and blasting along the right of way is now in progress. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betts and Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Bollinger drove to Dayton Wednesday to hear Dr. Oscar Lowry in his Tabernacle Un ion revival meeting. Mrs. A. E. Shick, who was oper ated on several weeks ago in The Walla Walla Valley General hospital, was brought home Sunday and is convalescing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J D. Huggins spent a portion of last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Bur den near Umapine. Mrs. Huggins is a sister of Mr. Burden. There will be a St. Patrick's silver tea at the Baptist parsonage home of Rev. and Mrs. Bollinger on St. Patrick's day Thursday afternoon March 17, given by the ladies of the church. For everybody. A St. Patrick's carnival dance will be given tomorrow night at Le gion Hall. Special novelties will be in order for this occasion, which is among the series of every other Saturday night dances now being sponsored by the local American Le gion Post. A number of Athena people attend ed the style show sponsored by the American Legion in Pendleton Wed nesday evening and last evening. Miss Velva Mansfield, sister of Mrs. Bert Logsdon and who formerly re sided here with her parents, was one of the models. The 0. D. 0. club spent a pleas ant afternoon at the country home cf Mrs. Harry Saulsbury. The afternoon was spent in needlework -and chat. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Roy Cannon on Wednesday afternoon of March the Going to Pai Then use Sherwin-Williams Paint, PREPARED MADC TO PAINT BUILDINaa WITH, OUTtlOC AND INSIOC and you'll get satisfaction. It's the best protection you can give your house. It is made from the high est quality materials. It does not powder, flake off or crack. It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the longest time. Its colors are clear, bright and lasting. It costs less by the job than any other paint made. The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S. W. P. is put up full measure, always. nt? j IcFAI )1 )I2N'S I'll A UMACY sixteenth. Mrs. Lee Whitehead was taken in as a new member. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. T. E. Messenger, highway patrol man has been transfered from the Echo highway sector to the Athena division, taking the place here of Robert Cutler, who had been on this division since the highway was com pleted. Mrs. Arthur Douglas entertained a party of friends at bridge Tuesday evening. Five tables were in play. Mrs. Eager and Mr. Ames winning high scores. The hostess served din ner to her guests at 6:30, prior to bridge playing. Mrs. Claude Dickenson will be hostess to the Study club at her home this afternoon. Last evening Mrs. Dickenson gave a shower and reception, honoring Mrs. Raymond Geissel of Milton, at which many of her Athena friends were present. Wednesday, making a day of it, members of the local Christian church assembled and thoroughly cleaned the church . building, from basement to gallery. At noon, lunch was- provided the workers, coffee be ing made and served by the pastor. The members of the Etude club en tertained their husbands and the cast of the operetta "Once In a Blue Moon" at Legion Hall, Wednesday evening with a dancing party. Danc ing was enjoyed from eight until eleven when refreshments were served at Kilgore's Cafe. H. W. Liles, an elderly man who spent the winter at the mountain ranch of J. E. Jones, died at a Wal la Walla hospital Saturday evening. He formerly was employed at the Ferguson sawmill. He is survived by three daughters, one residing at Spokane, the second at Dryden, Washington, and a third at San Fran cisco. A fine special picture, Rex Beach's "Winds of Chance," will be shown as one of the Standard Theatre's mid week better photoplays, next Wed nesday evening, March 16. This picture was made at Wallowa Lake and in the Wallowa mountains by First National Pictures Corporation and it stars Anna Q. Nilsson, Hobart Bosworth, Viola Dana and Ben Lyon. "Mignonette Rebekah lodge met Tuesday evening, and after the meet ing closed, those present repaired to Kilgore's Cafe, where they enjoyed delicious refreshments. It has been decided to have a social hour after each meeting of the lodge and re freshments will be served. Those on the committee for next meeting night, March 22, are Miss Ruth Wil liams, Miss Velma Schubert and Miss Ethel Geissel. Mrs. Ralph B. McEwen was hostess at a large luncheon Saturday after noon, when her tastefully decorated rooms were arranged to seat thirty six guests, at small tables. The af fair was given in honor of Mrs. Verne Dudley of Dayton and Mrs. Glenn Dudley of Athena, recent brides, and Miss Mildred Lorton of Walla Walla, who became the bride of Henry Koepke ,Jr., Wednesday, March 9th. Yellow daffodils and pussy willows were used, the dainty yellow being carried out at the tables in gauze over linen, and lighted tap ers. An interesting innovation in serving a four course luncheon was the "fingers before forks" idea, where all table silver was dispensed with, I Cotton Double Blankets and Pendleton Woolen Robes Ladies' Chiffon Hose $1.15 and $2.00 We Guarantee All Ladies' Hose Complete Line of Children's Hose All sizes STEVIS'S GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon appropriate viands being provided saving embarassment to the guests. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Henry Barrett and Mrs. C. M. Eager. The afternoon was passed with bridge, eight tables being in play, the high score going to Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn. . , High School Notes 1 At a recent meeting of the senior class, Granville Cannon was select ed as class orator for the graduation exercise. "Try, Trust, Triumph" was selected as a class motto. The class colors are to be pink and blue, and the class flowers are Forget-Me-Not and Roses. Mr. D. T. Santo of Walla Walla took pictures of the various grade and high school classes recently. Superintendent H. E. Inlow of the Pendleton schools visited the grades and high school recently. As a re sult of his visit two Athena teachers have been asked t apply for posi tions in Pendleton. Lawrence Lieuallen- and Cad Christian of Adams were recent business visitors at the school. Mr. Stolzheise, accompanied by Mr. Pearson of Umapine and Mr. Lang of Echo, drove to Salem last Friday evening arriving there about 3 A. M. Saturday morning. They returned in time for their school work Monday. The local tryout in declamatory work was held in the school audi torium last evening. The winners will speak in the sectional contest at Adams next Thursday and Friday evenings. The grade contest ia Thurs day and the high school contest is Friday. . Miss Sellars' room gave the as sembly program last Friday. The program consisted of a scare crow drill, a reading, a song by four girls and a little play. Several parents were present for the program. The state basketball tournament is underway at Salem. La Grande, Pendleton, Salem, Eugene, Tillamook, Astoria and Washington high of Portland are playing. Loren Basler, former Athena coach passed through Athena with his bask etball team from Boise, Idaho, en route to Moscow for the Idaho state tournament. The pupils of the third and fourth grades, who washed their teeth ev ery day last month were: Genevieve Barrett, Doris Jenkins, Maurine Ed ger, Jack Miller, Barbara Lee, Ar leen Foster, Laurence Stamper. Miss Terry presented each with a tube of tooth paste. Those who received hundreds in spelling in the third and fourth grades for the month are: Doris Jen kins, Barbara Lee, Aaron Douglas and Arleen Foster. New method of killing mice by ccach of Athena high. Ask him, he knows. Lorena Schubert returned to school Monday, having been out on account of illness. Kathleen and Fred Radtke were in Walla Walla Saturday. Dorothy Geissell spent the week end in Milton, visiting friends. Miss Cornelison and Miss Bate man were in-Walla Walla Saturday. Lenore McNair, Jennamae Read and Lois Johnson were in Walla Wal la Saturday. Two public iiu-ii in w iismiiikhii) were one ilny talking of the traits of n certain member f congress, who lias n way of permitting himself to gt "nil hot ill1" "ver t rifles and who generally makes a great to-do with respect to the accomplishment ol email things. "Yes, sir," observed one of the men first mentioned, "that chap Invariably hitches a Corliss engine to n gimlet' The Churches Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. De votional at 11:00 A. M. Topic, A Sure Indentification. Junior Young People meet at 5:30 P. M. and Sen iors at 6:30 P. M. Both of these so cieties are splendidly equipped for an aggressive campaign; help the leaders to make them prosper. Even ing Song and Praise at 7:30 P. M. Topic, "Thaw,? Mid-week meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M. Choir rehearsal at the parsonage Friday evening. You are cordially invited to service. Church nt Christ The Sunday school has had good attendance the last two weeks and we wish to keep on the upgrade. If you are not attending a Sunday school re member that you are invited here. The song service, communion, ami preaching at eleven A. M. The morning sermon will be "A Refused Crown." The Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 P. M. We are hav ing good meetings now and invite you to attend the Junior Endeavor. The sermon for Sunday evening will i be "Faith." You will be interested in this subject Come! Invite your ! friends, and let us reason together. We will open the Bible and see what I it says to us on this important theme. I Come! A welcome awaits you! New Spring Goods Arriving 36 inch Printed Fabrics, per yard 25c 32 inch Printed Soiesettes, per yard 50c 40 inch Printed Bermuda Voile, per yard 45c 36 inch Printed Indian Head, per yard :.50c 36 inch Keyston Faulards, per yard.. 60c 36 inch Peter Pan in colors, per yard 55c 36 inch Colored Pongee, per yard 95c 36 inch Plain Voile, per yard. .. 40c 36 inch Independence Percales, per yard......... 35c 36 inch Devonshire, per yard 40c Ladies Silk Hose All late colors, per pair" 89c, $1.50 and $2-25 5 per cent Discount for Cash Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, March 12 Winners of the Wilderness With Tim McCoy and Joan Crawford If you don't thrill to this one, see your doctor-A great romance of the Golden West in the days of Braddock and old Fort Duquesne. "'" A romance with a kick in it ! Against the background of early pioneering days, Indian warfare and intrigue! Thousands of Indians feats of horse manship to .amaze you! A new kind of Western! One founded on histor ical events transpiring in Colonial days. International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Sunday, March 13 aradiise 55 With Milton Sills and Betty Bronson Another Sills Triumph! By the ironical whim of a heartbroken father he was willed Paradise island a hellhole masked by the beauty of the tropicsr-it would make him, or break him but there are men who are not easily broken and he was one of these. A South Sea romance a drama of the Pacific that rings out with the clash of brawny men fighting-for a dot of land at the, world's edge and a girl! One of the truly big pictures of the season. Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Special! Wednesday, March 16 The Big Picture "Winds of Chance" Filmed In Wallowa Mountains With Anna Q. Nilsson. Hobart Bosworth, Viola Dana, Ben Lyon arid Victor McLaglen Comedy Admission Prices 10c-25c-35c