The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 25, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subwcriotlon Rates.
npv. one year
n n hs
. $2.00
(Jil. i'wbiuary 25 1927
Says an exchange: It is a common
practice to accuse industries of de
stroying the beauties of nature. In
some instances the charge is justi
fied. But on the other hand, many
great corporations beautify property
and waste land.
As an illustration, take our great
hydroelectric plants. The dams and
buildings which they construct are
works of art, and as substantial in
their character as the canyons and
river banks which surround them. It
they were in some foreign country
rn-' a w hundred years old, they
w uld be advertised as attractions
for tourists on a par with castle-,
which now draw travelers from all
f.arts of the world to see them. The
same policy of beautifying their
properties applies to our railroads
their right of ways, their bridges
and their stations. Generally speak
ing, their holdings, in conjunction
with public utilities and modern
large industries, represent the best
kept premises in cities and towns or
in the waste places over the country.
Many persons will dump rubbish
and tin cans on their neighbor's lot
and think it good riddance. The av
erage large industry with progressive
management, disposes of its trash,
beautifies property wherever possible
and commemorates unusual or his
toric points in a suitable manner.
The magazine, Nation's Business,
reflects that remorse await3 the busi
ness man today who fails to read the
signs of the times, for, swiftly comes
change inevitable change. The old
base-burner went down before the
furnace. Stove manufacturers learn
ed to make radiators. Automobile
bodies today come out of many a
former carriage factory. Leather
workers switched to traveling bags
from harness when the mad race of
change became too swift for old Dob
bin. The tinkling music-box lost its
popularity, and cabinet-makers prac
ticed their art on phonographs. Then
science broadened the field by intro
ducing radio. The far-seeing black
smith of 1900 learned to tinker with
that "new-fangled horseless car
riage," and now an up-to-date gar
age and service station stands under
the spreading chestnut tree a home
ly memorial to the vision and adapt
ability of American business.
Hides are now tanned by electric
ity in Germany in half the time
formerly required. Just how far Am
erica has advanced in the tanning in
dustry, we will not attempt to say,
but we know of one hide that was
tanned in a woodshed with a hickory
elm second growth sprout, about the
thickness of your little finger and
about four feet long, and tough! We
can whisper that it was.
The "dirt fanner" is being sup
planted by the lion farmer down in
Southern California. The dirt farm
er is still "pailing" cows to pay off
the mortgage, while the lion farm
er is growing rich from selling his
surplus stock to the Hollywood movie
John Q. Tilson, representative in
Ontrress said the other duv: "If
ever what we call 'liberty' fails, and
any form of despotism, either of the
many or the few, comes to the peo
ple of this country, it will be more
on account of the tendency for mul
tiplying laws than any other."
In view of the fact that retains
from rented reservation lands are
greater for the Indian owner than
accrues to the renter, it would seem
that this is not the proper time ior
the department at Washington to
move for higher rentals.
Marshal Sun Chaun-Fang's horde
gave the Cantonese army a Sun bath
the other day that had the reverse
of the desired effect the Cantonese
turned around and licked the stul'fin'
out of Sun's troops.
If it won't cost the country any
more to help agriculture through op
eration of the MeNury-IIaugen bill
than it costs the country to support
protection for manufacturing indus
tries, let it stick.
George Hobbs, Redmond high
school boy, raised an $1155 crop from
three and one-half acres. Looks to
us as though George was preparing
to pay his way through college.
The manufacture of chewing gum
is by no means a shoe-string indus
try, when it can shovel $25,000 into
a swimming contest without sticking
up anybody.
Portland Telegram: Now some
body who wants to interfere with
folks' sleep wants to know if the
man who is driving a golf ball all
the way from Mobile to California is
replacing all the divots.
The little narrow gauge Sumpter
Valley Railway has been heard from
it has just retired $160,000 bond?
through earnings.
Well, one Jack Delaney has been
eliminated from the Tex Rickard show
at Madison Square Garden. Next!
The "Flu" has hit Ellensburg, and
Ellensburg is not located in Spain
Grain Growers and Cotton Farmers
Will Be Benefited.
Washington, D. C The $8,600,000
seed loan bill was passed by the sen
ate with provision for cotton farmers
is well as northwestern grain growers.
With the approval of Senator Ner
lx;ek, republican, South Dakota, amend
ments were added to permit loans
for obtnlning seed in cotton states and
for sugar cane crops in Florida and
As sent to the house, the bill stip
ulates that $5,000,000 shall be for
farmers in North Dakota, South Dako
ta and Montana, and $2,500,000 for the
drought stricken areas in South Caro
lina, Georgia and west Alabama.
The secretary of agriculture would
be in control of the loans with power
to fix the terms.
Beauty and Good
Indeed, the beautiful is insepara
bly united to the good and the true,
. . . for the very nature of the
sense of beauty is such that through
It we gain a clearer concept of the
oilier two values. The history of the
race has shown that at the height of
materialistic success, the desire for
artistic enjoyment has been a potent
factor In bringing a people back to
tin higher Ideals which underlie a
peaceful intercourse between nations.
Herbert Sidney Langfeld, In "The
Aesthetic Attitude."
Dagger Pledge of Fidelity
When a Druse woman marries she
presents her husband with a dagger,
over which she has knitted with her
own hands a red woolen cover, enclos
ing It completely like a sewed-tip purse.
The dagger Is a symbol of the death
penalty she must pay If she Is un
faithful, while the knitted, sewed-up
cover is the symbol of the law, by
which her husband himself must not
unsheath the knife unless all her own
male relatives are dead, but must re
turn It unci her to her father or broth
ers, who pronounce and execute the
sentence. Asia Magazine.
Baby Chicks Rhode Island reds,
McRaes strain $18.00 per 100, none
better. S. C. White Leghornes $15.00
per 100. O. A. C. strain, Barred Ply
mouth Rocks, $18.00 per 100. Good
layers mated to O. A. C. cockrels.
Why send away for chicks when you
can get just as good at home. Order
early. 15 per cent books your order
for chicks. D. C. McFadyen, Athena.
Piano for sale vicinity of Athena.
One of America's finest pianos to t o
sold at bargain. Cash or terms $10
monthly. If interested in seeing the
instrument write C. F. Hendiick
Piano Broker and Adjuster, G6 Iont
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Weaving Mrs. Henry Booher is
prepared to do rug weaving.
Lost Large brown and sable Col-
Jie. Name Meldrum Rt. 8 Spokane,
Wn. on collar. Reward for informa
tion or recovery. Geo. R. Gerkin,
Athena, Oregon.
For Sale Twenty-one head young
mules 3 to 5 years old and ten head
good young horses, F. J. Watkins,
Fifth Street. Athena. Oregon.
For Sale One leuther Davenette,
some leather rockers as good as
new. Phone 454, or call on J. F.
Now is the time to clean up your
rubbish. Hoggard has two teams to
do it.
Good netted gem potatoes at $2 per
sack. Good fresh Swiss and Jersey
milk cow with heifer calf, giving 40
to 45 lbs milk per day. A. H. Swant.
Phone 31 Fit Weston.
Hell & Dickenson, draymen, have
acquired a team of horses to do gar
den plowing and other work as re
quired. Special attention will be giv
en to spring plowing, fertilizer and
dirt hauling, cellar excavation, etc.
Call on us to haul away your winter's
accumulation of rubbish.
Horses and Mules
George Shaver of Tnion will soon
be in Athena with a car load of good,
young, broke
Horses and Mules
Wait for this bunch, it's a good
one. See them at Bolin's Correl
near Lumber Yard.
U. S. Authority Sees Ample
Motor Fuel for Long Future
0 A i
The V. 8. Bureau of Mines is confident that motor fuel supplies
vill be ample for many years to meet all needs of the country's mil
lions of automobiles. Harry II. Hill, chief petroleum engineer of the
liureau, here tells the reasons for this conviction, and sketches the
advances in industrial methods uhich justify his opinions.
Chief Petroleum Engineer, United States. Bureau of Mines.
ONE reason why there is no rea
son to worry greatly about
motor fuel for a long time
ahead is that people are worrying
about It. Interest in such a question
at the right time, is the best Insur
ance against disaster. The President
and the Federal Oil Corporation
Board have done what was needed, at
the right time.
We know that most petroleum has
come from rather limited areas and
that even from these only a small pro
portion has been: taken out. Oil pro
duced by gas pressure capable of lift
ing it to tlie surface when we drill
holes Is but a small proportion of all
the oil contained in the sands. Even
from the best pools recovery by the
old method.) is small, perhaps one
half in the most favorable conditions,
oi'tener one-sixth, or one-seventh, or
one-tenth. Hut a considerable part of
what still remains in the ground can
be recovered by methods now estab
lished a'i technically and economically
Producing oil from coal and shales
and by mining the oil bearing nands
is entirely possible. Experiments are
going on in these directions, and It we
ever have to fall back on these re
sources wo will bo ready. For a long
time, however, the present methods of
exploration and drilling, with improv
ing processes to assure larger recov
eries, are likely to suffice.
An Oil Dome Illustrated
I am no draughtsman, but maybe I
can draw something that will help ex
plain. Here's a rough drawing of an
oil dome. The shaded part at the bot
tom Is a deposit of oil bearing sands
with an Impervious rock stratum
i.bove. A wild catter drilled the hole
A H and Kas pressure caused oil and
gas to flow. After a while the gas
pressure wasn't tmJlleient to keep up
the flow and they pumped until ulti
mately even this ceased producing.
Nevertheless, most of the oil was
still left sticking to the wand grains.
Then tho operator drilled the well
C P, which flowed tor a time, but most
of the oil was still down there In the
sand. K the gas pressure could be re
stored more would (low. So the oper
ator injects r;m lata one well, restor
ing, the pressure and causing the oil
to resume (lowing from the other.
After a time the (low will stop again,
but still much of the oil will be left.
In some lieUls it has been possible to
obtain additional amounts of oil by
Introducing water in some of-the wells
and forcing tn oil to others. The ad
dition of a chemical such s troda itth
to the water may assist in removing
the oil from the sand grains, but nei
ther plain water nur water containing
chemicals should be introduced into
an oil sand except a a last resort,
for it is likely that the water, which
travels faster through the eaud, will
get to the open wells ahead of the oil
and when the How is resumed under
pressure water will come out.
Everything Saved Nowadays
The gas escaping f;om an oil well
carries with it a proportion of gaso
line, which in the old day was lost.
Nowadays it U extracted from tho gas
and saved, while tue dry gas can be
forced back into the ground to main
tain pressure.
One of the menaces to most ol!
pools is the inflow of subterranean
water. Water (lows through the oil
amis faster than oil, and by surround
ni.tht bctt.mi the well keep ita
oil out. How to shut off the water
and permit the oil to run out Is a prob
lem with which, the engineers have
long worked. They have made great
progress and so increased recoveriee.
In earlier times most oil producers
carefully guarded all information
about their wells and experiences, but
latterly there is co-operation in theee
matters. Geologists and petroleum
engineers, once derided by the "prac
tical" oil men, are more and more
accepted as guides and mentors. New
knowledge Is constantly increasing re
coveries. As to Mining for Oil
In Lorraine they have dug shafts
down to the oil eanda and actually
brought the sands out, like coal from
a mine. But U's costly.
Another mining process is to sink a
shaft to the oil sands and from its
bottom drive tunnels in all directions
through the sands. From these tun
nels small perforated pipes are driven
into the sands, which drain the oil
out of tho sands. It flows to larger
pipes hack at the foot of the shaft and
thence Is pumped out. This requires
installing an expensive plant, but in
some fields the high recovery that is
assured might justify the cost. I
understand the process 's about to be
intsalled In a few Melds in this coun
try, some companies being convinced
it is practicable and profitable.
Oil can be distilled from coal, and
much work is now being done
along this line. But more appeal has
been made by the plan of extracting
oil from shale. The shales of Scotland
have been worked for three-quarters
of a century, and they are almost un
limited in this country, richer in oil
than those of Scotland. Kentucky,
Ohio, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Wyo
ming and California are particularly
rich U shales. It is just a question
of the cost of extracting the oil. Con
gress has given $180,000, with which
the Bureau has installed a plant near
Rulison, Colorado, to distill oil from
the Colorado River Shales. It Is
calculated that 'the shales mined "at
Rulison will produce about, a barrel
of oil to the ton.
The Use of Oil Shales
In Scotland they are working shales
that produce about twenty-five gallons
of oil per ton. The seams are from
three-and-a-half to eight or ten feet
thick. In Colorado are seams many
times as thick and containing much
more oil per ton. Reduction of shales
involves an enormous mining opera
tion, and after the oil Is extracted the
vast tonnage of refuse must be dis
posed of. So it is expensive compared
with producing oil from wells.
Ben E. Lindsey of tho Bureau of
Mines Experiment Station at Bartles
ville, Okla., Is confident that explora
tion, better recoveries, better utiliza
tion and deeper drilling would furnish
enough oil to meet all requirements
for at least twenty-five to fifty years.
If It ccuild bo extracted in that time.
P.ut as a practical matter this will not
be possible. Within that period there
will be times of shortage, when oil
from shale will be needed to supple
ment the oil from wells, etc.
Meantime federal and state govern
ments and the industry are co-operating
In an astonishing range of inves
tigations and studies. These activities
cover such a wide field that even an
enumeration of them would run Into
tiresome detail ,
"Step On
Get Ready to Plow
iver an
I .
Oliver Chilled Hardened, Deep Suck, in 2 and 3-bot-tom
Gangs. We have in stock the New 95, with its
Heat-Treated Beams-the last word in plows.
( A Mercantile Trust)
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Real state
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
At Finch's
Cleaning and Pressing
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
. . : A. W. LOGSDON .
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Weld. Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena. Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 65S
Foley's Kidney Cure
mahts kidseys end bl'ddsr right
is made in Athena, b Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
thena, Oregon. - Waitsburg, Wash