The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 11, 1927, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
l-Iazimova in "My Son"
Standard Theatre, Saturday night.
ID. N. Mclntyre was in Athena
Wednesday, from Helix.
Koy Kussell wno nas much ouv
ill is reported improving.
Mrs. S. J. Bowles is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. F. S. LcGrow.
II. A. Barrett has been attending
court at Walla Walla, this week.
The brick work on the new WatU
residence was finished Wednesday.
Mr; and Mrs. William Campbell
are driving a new "Chrysler 70" se
dan. Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens and Mrs. B.
B. Richards spent Tuesday in Pen
dleton. Fred Beckner who farms near
Nolin was a business visitor here
Mrs. Stott of Dayton, Washington
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Em
mett Lee.
"The Brown Derby"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Frank Sloan, well known stockman
of Stanfield, was in Athena Monday,
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman of
Walla Walla, were Sunday guests at
the B. B. Richards home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Prince of Pas
co, Washington, are house guests ot
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon.
Automobile license No. 141,248
wins the five callons of gas at Prest-
bye's Service Statibn, this week.
E. A. Bennett, the painter, recent
ly completed painting and papering
the Joe Key residence in Weston.
Friends of Mrs. James Lumsden,
who is ill in a Walla Walla hospital,
will be glad to learn she is improv
"Lassie" one of the Scotch Collies
in the McEwen household has found
a home with a Palmer Junction
Last week 41 little chicks were
hatched and saved at the Earl Mar
tin home. During the coldest weath
er the hens would not leave their
lc to 50c
Valentine Candy Hearts
Valentine Candy Boxes
Valentine Ice Cream Bricks
McFadden'S pharmacy
nests for food, and the nests were
carried into the house, where aftet
Ldng warmed, the hens would come
off for food.
"Once In a Blue Moon" will fill
the auditorium next Tuesday evening,
so you'll have to be early to get a
good seat.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Geissel
and Herbert Tanke of Milton, spent
bunday in Athena visiting relatives
and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schrimpf of
Weston were guests at a birthday
dinner Sunday given by Mr. and Mrs
Flirt Johns.
Everett Rothrock who has been
seriously ill with appendicitis and
was operated upon is said to be
sliehtly improved
Ralph McEwen Jr., is wearing his
hand in splints as the result of a
fracture suffered in a boxing bout
the first of the week
Alex McRea made his periodical
visit to Athena this week. Alex
lives in Portland and is engaged in
the silver fox industry,
A. MacKenzie Meldrum, former
pastor of the Athena Christian
church, Sunday night will begin a
series of meetings there
Jack Tweedy is here from Palmer
Junction to appear as a witness in
the Barrett vs. Martin case being
tried in Walla Walla this week
Miss Iva Baker of Walla Walla
has entered high school here. Miss
Baker is making her home with the
R. B. McEwen family at present,
. Watts & Prestbye are in Walla
Walla this week trying the case of
Barrett vs. Martin which was re
centlv transferred from Pendleton.
Little Jewel Pinkerton, who had
scarlet fever in light form, is recov
ering and will soon be able to at
tend school again in District No. 2
Miss Lenore McNair was brought
home Sunday from St. Mary's hos
pital in Walla Walla, where she un
derwent an operation for appendi'iit-
Thompson's Garage
Grebe Radio
The Best By Test
Electric Goods
Auto Accessories
Phnne 471 C WllSRI J Athena, Uregon
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Craw
ford of Athena, February 2, 1927, a
daughter. The little miss has been
named Effa Anna after its two
Mrs. E. Clark and son Frank of
Los Angeles, who have been visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Walter, left this week to visit relat
ives at Yakima.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn entertained
the Bridge club at her home on Jef
ferson street. The usual three tables
were in play, Mrs. W. P. Willaby be
ing a guest of the club. After the
play the hostess served delicious re
Mrs. Celia Burden is having her
narking filled with the dirt being i'j
moved from the street curbings. Mrs
Burden has made substantia im
provement to her residence property.
including concrete sidewalks and a
substantial fence.
The 0. D. 0. club will meet Wed
nesday afternoon February 23, at the
home of Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton. The
meeting was postponed from Febru
ary 16 to the following Wednesday
on account of the Etude operetta.
Miss Lorena Schubert who was op
erated on for appendicitis in a Wal
la Walla hospital several weeks ago,
is so far recovered as to be allowed
to return home. She was brought
home yesterday.
High School Notes
, , , ...... .
Ethel Pittman has been out of
school this week on account of a case
of Dtomain Doisoning. She will not
be able to resume her place on the
girls' basket ball team this year.
The high school basket ball teams
Dlaved teams from Adams and Uma-
pine here Wednesday. Mr. Warren
and Miss Schroeder of Pendleton
handled the frames.
Thursday' evening the boys ana
f?irls of the upper grades played
teams from Weston,
Mr. Stolzheise went to Pendleton
Mnndav evenine for dental attention
Mr.. Wakefield of the Clint W. Lee w
' .!-.
Company of Seattle was a business
visitor recently. He took orders lor
pnmmencement announcements and
Wilbur Harden and Dean Pinker
ton. members of . the graduating class
of last year, were high school visit
nrs Tuesday. ' ;
Helix brought three basket ball
teams to Athena last Friday even
ingthe boys arid girls from the
upper grades and the girls from the
hiirh school. Athena grades won
both their games. Substitutes were
used most of the time. The girls
won 14-2. The boys won by a score
22-6. The high school girls game
was one of the best ever seen on the
local floor. The teams were evenly
mnthpH. Helix managed to nose
out one uoint in the lead at the end
of the eame. the final score being
15-14. Wilbur Harden acted as re
feree for this game. Miss Corneli
son and Ronald Lieuallen handled the
other games
The senior class is writing essays
on the life of Lincoln. Each year
the Illinois Watch company presents
a medal to the one writing the best
essay in all high schools. This medal
is nresented at graduation tn.e.
Dorothy Lee won last year's medal.
Edna DeFreece and Lois Jonnson
made the best speed records in type
writing during the month of Janu
ary. Edna wrote 52 net words a
minute for fifteen minutes, and Lois
wrote 40.
The biology class is making a
study of angle worms at the present
Iva Baker of Walla Walla register
ed in the Freshman class Monday.
Margaret Lee accompanied her
parents on a week end trip to Day
4 i'if'J PKY 1 I
- f - .... .....
Made of horsehide
through and through
Tr0y Askfor
Stock No. 779
It dries out soft
This is the famous Wolverine 1000 Mile Shoe, made of horse
hide through and through. A shoe that wears and wears and
that stays soft, no matter how you wet it. This is due to the
special double tanned Cordovan horsehide of which it is made.
A leather that wears like iron and always remains soft even
after it gets a real soaking in water, mud or slush. The lightest
weight 1000 mile shoe made no double leather anywhere, in
upper or sole, yet made in Blucher style, Goodyear welt sewed
and brass reinforced. Made to fit narrow feet as well as wide.
Widths C, D, E. Good looking enough for every day wear,
tough enough to stand any wotk joo.
Saturday, February 12
The Tense. Storv of a-Mother's Battle to Save Her
Boy from the Snare of a Temptress
eve Added a New Line
Ladies and Misses
Pure Silk Artificial Silk
Helen Hansell was absent from
school, three days last week
Phvllis Hodeen and Jessiedeane
Dudlev were in Pendleton Saturday
Edna DeFreece was in Walla Wal
la Saturday
Lois Johnson played at the Malen
Burnett Recital at the Prestbyterian
church in Walla Walla Friday even
Dorothv Geissel. Ethel Pittman and
Thena Russell were in Walla Walla
Jennamae Read and Lois Johnson
visited at the St. Marys hospital
Sunday afternoon
Lenore McNair was brought home
Siindav afternoon, from the St
Mary's hospital.
The bovs all seemed to enjoy their
trip to Washington, especially Gran
villp Cannon durinz his stay at
'.Pike" Miller's home in Endicott. He
will tell you all about "Pike's" sis
ters. (ask him.)
Lucille and Lois Smith were
Walla Walla1 Sunday
Wednesday night the primary
room gave a Robert Louis Stevenson
reading program. Each child gave
or read a poem. Songs by Steven
son were sung. Booklets of his po
ems, illustrated by the children, were
taken home by each one.
The hiirh school girls team has re
ceived a challenge from Dixie, Wash
ington. The challenge will be accept
ed if a date agreeable to both teams
can be arranged
The sewing class is studying wool
en material at the present time.
The third and fourth grades are
working up a '"Jajanese Project,
with sand, booklets and pictures
All the rjumls of the third and
fourth grades, who wash their teeth
every morning of this month, will re
ceive a tube of tooth paste at tho
end of the month
The district basket ball tournament
will be held in Pendleton this year.
The dates set are February 24, 25
and 26.
Nazimova, the Mother
Jack Pickford, the Son
Supported by these big stars, Hobart . Bcswcrth, Ian Keith, Mary Akin, Dot
Farley, Charles Murray and Constance Bennett.
Here is a great picture screened from the wonderful stage drama, that
should fill very seat at the Standard Theatre. When the mad urge sends an
erring youth home to rob his mother of faith One of the greatest moments
you've ever lived through. When a son forgets and a mother sees fond hope
perish! You'll never forget it! For you will thrill to this mother-love
drama. The story of a boy who asked a sacrifice that only a mother could
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
International News
Sunday, February 13
He takes the lid off Laughter
Johnny Mines
Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
Jolly Twenty-Five
The Jolly Twenty club met Friday
February 4th at the home of Mrs.
Ralph Cannon and all enjoyed a
pleasant afternoon. Refreshment.
were served by Mrs. Archie Mclntyre
and Mrs. C. L. McFadden. Club
guests were, Mrs. Clyde Prince of
Pasco, and Mrs. Forrest Zerba. It
was decided a club party
given and the same was held yester
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Bert Logsdon. A goodly number
was in evidence and all report a
splendid time. Cards comprised the
chief amusement 'of the evening. The
next meeting will be Friday, Febru
!ary 11th at the home of Mrs. C. E.
IFiske at Weston.
r own Derby
Crammed Full of Grin Fizzes
Jump In ! There's plenty of room for the quickest time you ever made,
around the joy circuit. The Brown Derby isn't a horse race, but it's twice
as fast! the ostrich and the kangaroo laughed like the dickens, so will you!
an ostrich hides his head in the ground, but he always comes right up for
Johnny r he ain't gonna miss the fun!
Pathe Review
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
The Enchanted Hill