The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 11, 1927, Image 3

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We are Equipped to do
Job Printing
Ml Kinds. Short Notice
3 Acts-42 Voices
Presented by the Etude Club of Athena, Tuesday, February 15
Beautiful Costumes and Stage Settings
Style Show sponsored br Bond Brothers of Pendleton. Prices: Adults. 75c,
High School 50c, Grades 35c Athena High School Auditorium, 8:15 o'clock.
31 Years Ago
' ' '
February 7, 1896
The lark and the robin are with
Warjn days have brought the pesky
squirrel forth from his lair and our
nimrods of the rifle may be seen go
ing forth to slaughter them. Shoot
ing squirrels is said to be fine sport,
and a number of our business men
are experts with the rifle, for which
the farmer is duly thankful. f.
. ..The municipal-political pg.kis.jiot
simmering as has been its accustom
ed wont in the past. "Scab" and
"ring" are words that have apparent
ly sought the shades of all else de
parted, for we have not heard them
mentioned so far. From all appear
ances, Athena's city election, which
occurs on March 3, will be a rather
tame affair, to say the least. But
then, you cannot always tell which
way the ball will roll, and mayhap
there is fun in store for the boys yet.
Mrs. J. W. Maloney has returned
from a visit to relatives and friends
in Pendleon.
Albert Bales, Philip Price and Illa
Craigen attended teacher's examira
tion at Pendleton, this week.
Tom Purdy has accepted a position
as book keeper for a Pendleton firm.
Frank Thar? and family and F,
M. Kirkland departed Saturday for
the Willamette valley. Mr. Kirkland
went down with a car loaded with
stock and household goods. The
Tharps will locate in Corvallis.
Our hose team should begin to
train for the tournament. The of
ficers of the association will meet in
Pendleton on the 15th to decide on a
place where the tournament will take
Negotiations for the erection of a
new opera house and lodge room are
going right along with fair prospects
of materializing. .
The council and the city marshal
came together again in regard to a
bill. Mr. Gillis wanted ?36for 12
days carpenter work. Councilman
Kirk thought times were too hard to
pay. that amount, and thought $2
per day reasonable. Mr. Gillis pre
ferred if the bill was to be cut to
have the number of days lessened
and not the amount per day, as' he
did not wish to establish a precedent
of working at his trade for $2 per
day. Mr. Kirk then made the motion
to allow Gillis $24 for 8 days carpen
ter work.
The Press is pleased to state that
Prof. R. 0. Hawks is now able to
be out. The many friends of Mr.
Hawks will be pleased to learn that
he is regaining his health.
Born In Athena, February 1, 1896,
to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hansell, a
Mrs. Lowell Rogers and Mrs. Ad
am Knox were central figures in a
runaway below town Sunday night.
The buggy pole tore thro' the neck
yoke, and scared the team.. The
ladies were thrown to the ground and
Mrs. Rogers severely hurt. The bug
gy is a wreck.
The funeral train conveying the
remains of Sam P. Sturgis for inter
ment at Walla Walla, passed through
this city at 9:22 this morning. Many
friends of the deceased were at the
depot together with the Masonic
lodge of this city, who marched to
the train in a body, and boarded the
train for Walla Walla to take- part
in the funeral ceremony.
R. M. O'Brien is one farmer of
this neighborhood whose foresight
and faith have brought him reward.
Mr. O'Brien has believed all along
that the low price of wheat could not
last. He thought and said that when
such a staple remained lower than
the cost of production, it was no time
to sell; such a condition was unnat
ural, and could not endure forever.
So he held on to his crops of 1894
and 1895 with the persistency of a
book asrent to a promising victim,
and mortgaged his home place that
he might be enabled to do so. His
patience has at last been rewarded,
much to the pleasure of himself and
friends. Last Saturday he sold 5400
bushels, the purchasers being Stump
& McCaw, of the Weston mills, and
W. S. Byers, the big Pendleton mil
ler. The price was 52 and 54 cents,
and enabled Mr. O'Brien to free him
self from his mortgage and all other
obligations. He yet has 3000 bush
els, which he is in no hurry to sell.
Sam P. Sturgis died at his home on
Water and Johnson streets a few
minutes after 9 o'clock Tuesday
night. Hardly a second later the
news of the death of Pendleton's
most prominent and popular citizen
got abroad and caused sorrow among
those who knew him intimately and
tnose wno were chance acqua:u-
tances; all recognizing him as a trus
benefactor, a man of sterling integ
rity and a man of conservatism, tru
ly beneficial to all communities, in
fact, a man who had the interests of
his adopted city at heart.
Ay, That's Me Rub
The word "scrape," meaning a dif
ficulty or some unfortunate predica
ment, has several synonyms, as "rub,"
a "squeeze," a "pinch," etc., all of
which are younger than the term
"scrape," and of slightly different in
terpretation. "Getting Into a scrape"
fcame from Scotland, and the expres
sion is as old as the ancient and
honorable game of golf. Is Scotland
a rabbit's hole or, burrow Is called a
"scrape." When a player'i ball rolled
into one of these holes It was mani
festly impossible to play It, and the
rules of the game recognized this
fact by naming but a slight penalty for
the player.' He merely "got into a
scrape." Chicago Journal.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the estate of Jacob
Franklin Reno, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has tiled his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday, the 5th day of
March. 1927. at the hour of 10:00
o'clock A. M. of said day. as the
time, and the County Court room in
the County Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place, for the hearing of said final
account ana report. Objections to
said final account and report should
be filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena. Oreeon. this 4th
day of February, 1927.
Administrator with the Will An
nexed of the Estate of Jacob Frank
lin Reno, Deceased.
Watts & Prestbve Athena. Oregon.
Attorneys for Estate. F4M4.
Malen Burnett Pupils
In Interesting Recital
The pupils of the Athena branch
of Malen Burnett School of Music
appeared in recital at high school
auditorium, Wednesday evening of
last week under direction of Miss
Edna Hanna.. The reading of Mis3
Mitchener was a 'feature of the pro
gram, which was as follows:
Duet, Scarf Dance ....Chaminade
Betty Eager and Marjorie Douglas
Chimes and Bells; .: ...Hoist
. Daniel Reeder .
The Clock......... Ellsworth
Happy Sailor Woodrow
Going to Camp Adams
Aaron Douglas
Duet, The Bees Lullaby Terry
Bernice Wilson and Marjorie
Bedtime Song Rogers
Sleep Fairy Terry
Jack O Lanterns ..Paldi
Nylene Dee Taylor
Angelina Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Little Brown Baby...
- Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Culled Lady on the Telephone
Miss Mitchener
Jack Tar Main
Dance of the Marionettes.. Adams
Moccasin Dance Terry
Garth Pinkerton
The Fairy Wing
Minuet Rogers
Elfin Revels Paldi
Bernice Wilson
The Pig Maixim
Valse :...Rogers
Howard Reeder
fairies in the Ring Branscombe
Gypsy Dance Dutton
A Jolly Party Grant Schaeffer
Will o' the Wisp Goodrich
Marjorie Montague
A Roving. ..Silcher
Myrtle Campbell
Punch and Judy Lembnt
Tarantella :.:.......MacDowell
Marjorie Douglas-
March; Mignonne Jansen
Skating Kullak
The Skylark Tachaikowsky
Betty Eager
White Moth... . Ware
Gavotte Mowiey
Kathleen Radtke
Reading Arrangement of "If I
Were King" McCarthy
Miss Mitchener
Romance Sibelius
Edna DeFreece
Prelude Barbour
Fred Radtke
Revel of Spring ; Friml
Emma Thoeny
Etude de Concert MacDowell
Lois Johnson
Nn 914
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Uregon, tor the County of Uma-
E. C. Prestbye, Plaintiff,
Viola Butler Sbafpr. TWenrlnnf
To Viola Butler Shafer the above
named defendant: In the Name oi
the State of Orpcnn!
You are hereby notified that E. C.
Prestbye is the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1984 issued
on the 10th day of November, 1925,
by the Sheriff and fax Collector of
me ioumy oi Umatilla, State ot
Oregon, for the amount of Thirteen
and 88-100 ($13.88) Dollars, the
same being .the amount then due and
delinquent for taxes for the year
1922, together with penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you
are the owner as appears of record,
situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and de-
:i j i ii
scnoea as iouows, to-wit:- .
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 of Kirk's
Second Addition to the City of
Athena, Umatilla County, Ore-Ron.
You are further notified that said
U Prestbye has paid City Liens
and has paid taxes on said premhef
for prior or subsequent years with
the rate of interest on said amounts
as fellows:
Oily of
J'atePttid Tux IM Am't Hale
Nov 10, IflUi
Nov 10, l'j2j
J 1211
Jan i. IHi'll
Air ail, I Mil
Nov 2, IW0
A "Show Me" 'Boy
Bobby had his mother's best bread
knife out In the yard, where he had
been trying to cut bricks. His moth
er found him at the Job and asked
"How In the world do you expect
mother to cut bread with that knife
when you get through?"
"I don't know, mother. Show me
how," came back Bobby, who handed
the knife back to the fond parent
Columbus Dispatch, .
Said Viola Butler Shafer, as the
owner of the legal title of the above
described property as the same ap
pears of record, and each of the other
nprsftna flhnvp nnmpH a liniiKit
further notified that E. C. Prestbye
will apply to the Circuit Ccurt cf the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien again3t the
property above described and men
tioned in said certificate. And you
are herehv snmmonr-rl tn nrmem'
in sixty days after the first publica
tion oi tne summons exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and de
fend thlH flrtinn or nav iha
. v. ,1,, w. OlflVSUilL
due as above shown together with
costs ana accrued interest and in
case of Vfinr fpiliiro in An A,.
cree will be rendered foreclosing the
Hen of said taxes and costs aainst
tne iana ana premises above named.
This summons is published h or
der of the Honorable Gilbeit W
Phelps Judge of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County
of Umatilla, and eaid order war,
made and dated the 6th day of De
cember, 1926, and the date of the
first publication of this summons i
the 24th day of December. 1926.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Address, Athena, Orepon.
Tvwr- Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
Source of Quinine
Cinchona or chinchona is the name
of the tree from the bark of which la
prepared the valuable medicine called
quinine. The tree Is a native of South
America, growing best on the moist
eastern slope of the Andes mountains,
but It has been successfully Introduced
Into India, Burma, Ceylon and the
West Indies. The bark of this tree
is called Peruvian bark, because it
was In Peru that the Spaniards first
learned of its medicinal Dronprties.
It Is also known as cinclionu bark, and
from it quinine is obtained, which In
the form of sulphate of quinine has a
wide use In the practice of medicine.
"3 ii i
llgjT If Established 1891.
' I
I Butter Wrappers
1 1 . i
and no medicines and ordinary prac
titioners will help you, you some
times turn as a last resort to a chiro
practor. Why not come to us in
the first place and save pain and ex
pense? We can surely help you as
we have helped many, many others.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specializing in Electro and Quartz
Lamp therapy.
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Granite Company
II. J. BLAESING, Manager
Eastern Oregon Representative
Odd Fellows Bld'g. Pendleton.
he Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Bell & Dickenson
Phones 452 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
At Reasonable Prices
Whitehead's Barber Shop
Lee Whitehead, Proprietor
We make a specialty" of cutting Ladies hair in all the
prevailing styles
Fair and Courteous Treatment
Agency for Troy Laundry and The Model Cleaners
Phone 492