The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 11, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon February 11........1927
We have a newspaper friend who
is a badger in digging out statistical
results. Here is his latest:
Had our farmers employed the
same methods of sowing and harvest
ing 1926 wheat as were used 100
years ago, it would have required
labor of our 115 million people for 8
months and the labor of B0 million
people in addition. By modern meth
ods, the great crop was sowed and
harvested by 3 or 4 million farmers
in a few months.
Statistics also show that had our
railroads used same methods of mov
ing the great commerce of 1926 as
were used but 20 years ago, cost to
producers, shippers and consumers
would be 350 per cent greater, and
because of shortage of cars and hick
of facilities, much of it would still
be unmoved in the warehouses or
rotting in the field.
Just as our farmers met the situa
tion by using modern methods and
machinery, so our railroads met it
by providing additional facilities, in
cluding larger engines and cars to
haul more tonnage per train.
Had primitive methods been used
in cultivation and transportation of
our crops and commerce in 1926, our
condition despite our boundless re
sources, would not be unlike that of
China or Russia, where modern me
thods are neither used nor under
stood and where both productivity
and transportation are alike still in
the primitive stage.
As a people we have had the good
sense to avail of the achievements
of inventive genius, and have pro
gressed and prospered as have no
other people in the world.
In regulating transportation and
public utilities, we should see to it
that facilities provided to accommo
date our growing industrial needs,
like larger locomotives to haul heav
ier trains, are not wastefully re
stricted by laws reducing and limit
ing either capacity to serve the pub
lic in moving traffic or to earn a
reasonable amount on their cost. We
are a big country and must do busi
ness in a big way.
The degree of bitterness of the in
come tax pill seems to have depended
on who administered it. All trails
in search of rehabilitation of Ore
gon's finances, no matter where they
led to, reverted hack to an income
tax. For four years the state has
ben tussling with different Income
tr measures which in the main were
fathered or sponsored by ex-Govcr-iior
Pierce. These measures got no
w'.iere, and finally Bruce Dennis and
"'figure Hound" Chapman (of Oro
. ti Voter Fame) tried to cold deck
a!' manner of income tax measures
in Oregon for a term of 15 years.
The first chance the voters got, they
put the skids under this brilliant (?)
proposal. This seemed to be the en
tering wedge, and Governor Patter
son seized the opportunity to ap
prise the legislature by special mes
sage that the only way to put the
i i ite of Oregon back on a cash basis
w'thout totally crucifying property
owners on a cross of taxation, was
t!v enactment of a sensible income
tat measure,, to be voted on at a
tri vial election. And glory be, ev
i "'body seems to be suppnrt'ntf the
) .'crnor's idea. Even the Morning
O.cgonian admits that it has nothing
better to offer, and with customary
celerity again turns its coat right
or wrong side out, which ever you
may prefer, and in a tone of coin
mi oration, punctured here and there
villi gobs of what it. terms com
promise, lets it be known that it
stands behind the governor rady to
pat him on the back in his doiruiid
for income tax. No one seems to be
paying any attention to "Hound for
Figures" Chapman, for his figures
ha. e proved to be the bunk anyv.ny,
and as for Dennis, he is trying to
tell Klamath Falls what to do, lmv
iin; bought a newspaper down thee
after the voters faded him out of the
picture. We are all in favor of Pat
teison for we believe he has the
rirht kind of dope. "Pat" jou're a
go'-. 1 ol' guy!
fities for another two years, or until
the state can extricate itself from
its financial dilemma. It's all right
to give when we have it, but when
we haven't how can we?
The Washington bureau of ths
Portland Telegram finds that federal
financial authorities have just been
apprised of a far reaching proposal
whereby additional millions of Am
erican capital will find their way in
to foregn investments. The scheme,
which is shortly to take the form of
a bill before the state legislature of
New York, aims to legalize the list
ing on the New York Stock Exchange
in their own currency units, of the
principal stocks and bonds of foreign
countries. Nothing of this sort has
ever before been done. If the plan
is carried out, its results will repre
sent a revolution in American invest
ment practices.
The Hassalo, once packet pridi of
the Columbia river, has passed cut.
According to the Portland Telegram,
the old favorite of beach excursion
ists sank the other night at her moor
ings, where she was awaiting dis
section. The Hassalo for years has
to the lower river, what for many
years the Arrow was to the upper
A swarthy gypsy violinist, who
once wrecked a royal household by
eloping with one of its princesses,
and living with her in a Hungarian
mountain hut, died the other day in
New York, attended by his seventh
wife, who perhaps like the other six
could not resist the charms of his
That was more than a college
"joke" when those two got married,
using the names of a couple of
friends. Now they are trying to un
joke the joke, and the courts will
have to do it for them.
O '
"If daddy Browning did not "jump
around on the floor like a monkey,"
then what did he jump like?
If you haven't anything on the
man who laughs last, then laugh
last yourself.
The democrats may as well split
fifty-fifty, with Al Smith all wet
and McAdoo bone dry.
Lifting Machines Old Idea
Lifting machines with pulleys, ropes
and winding drums, are as old as
Archimedes, 11. C. They were
used In the coliseum in Home; In the
Middle ages for military purposes;
and the germ of the modern elevator
Is In the drawings of the universal
Inventor, Leonardo da Vinci, and In
Agrlcola. lint the earliest known
primitive passenger elevator Is that
In the convent of St. Catherine, on
Mount Sinai. It was worked by a
capstan, anil cari'lcd holh people and
stores to the upper Hoors, to he sale
from the desert rol.liers.
Wrong Idea About Storms
The weather h;!ivau .'ys that there 1
Is no reason vvliy ; : is -ii.iniil )V :
more fmpieni u iv on Septem
ber ill or ( :m 1 1 I equinox) than
Oil Scptenilii I' 10 or 11. say, or 'J! or
30; nor, !n I'ael, ere lliey. The same
Is true of I lie j-pHiij; or vernal equi
nox. This whole notion about "oqui
noctial Mnniu" is erroneous, and It
even Is uiiierlaln how, where, when or
by whom ili. idea was started. We
only know ill t in one form or another
It goes !::!; ;! least to 17 IS.
The Churches
'ust hnw Covernor Patterson is go-in.-
to lirt hi- state out of the defic
it olumn, with his ways and means
i i . imittee answering yes to approxi
mately $2,000,000 appropriations for
new buildings at Eugene and Corval
li s and for other thousands for norm
;.! schools and armories, is beyond
ou" ken. Under stress of present
conditions, when everybody is working
aiid worrying overtime in trying to
soVe the problem of getting the
state bank on a cash basis, we know
of no taxpayer up this way who
would seriously grieve over an an
nouncement to the effect that the
University and Agricultural college
get along with present housing facil-
C'hurch of Christ
We have but one interest for the
coming week. The meeting to be led
by Dr. A. M. Meldrum which will
start next Sunday morning at 11 A.
M and is planned to run at least
two weeks. We want you to notice
that this is a short meeting and if
you are to get the benefit you must
start early and attend regularly. The
whole community knows Dr. Meldrum
and it is useless to say that he is
one of the truly great speakers. Let
us support the meeting with our at
tendance, our prayers and our deepest
interest. We are anxious a great
attendance and a sincere endeavor to
make the Bible school also corres
pons with the revival services. Come!
Bring your family, your neighbors
and invite everybody. All other
church activities at the usual time
and place.
Baptist Church
Sunday School at 9:45 A. M.
Preaching service at 11:00 A. M.
Topic, Stewardship and Sovereignty.
Junior Young People at 5:30 P. M.
Senior Young People at 6:30 P. M.
Song and Praise Service at 7:30 P.
M. Topic God's i'vovision. Regular
T!nirs. evening service at 7:30 P. M.
"0!i, East is East, and West is West,
and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently
at God's great Judgment Scat;
But there is neither East nor West,
Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to
Tho' they come from the ends of
the earth."
From "The Ballad of East and West."
(, 1827, Western Newspaper Union.)
But lot the good old corn adorn
The hills our fathers trod;
Still let us, for His golden corn,
Send up our thanks to God!
The appetizing flavor of anchovies
adds much to the enjoyment of many
dishes and especial
ly sandwich fill
ings. Anchovy, Fish
and Egg Sand
wiches. Finely
mince lialf-a-pound
of cold boiled fish
(about one cupful),
packed solidly. Add two hard cooked
eggs finely chopped, six anchovies
skinned and chopped, one-half medium-sized
beet chopped fine. Mix thor
oughly, season with salt and pepper.
Finely chop crisp water cress, add to
one-half cupful of mayonnaise. Spread
thinly sliced white bread with dress
ing, cover half the slices with the
fish mixture, cover with the remaining
slices, press together and cut Into
triangles. Garnish with stuffed olives
and pearl onions arranged around the
olive slices.
Caviar Sandwiches. Put the caviar
nto a shallow dish, add mayonnaise
until of a creamy consistency about
a tablespoon ful. Add the juice of half
a lemon and a teaspoonful of grated
onion. Spread thin slices of white
bread with the caviar and an equal
number with mayonnaise. Put to
gether In pairs, press lightly, cut Into
narrow strips and brush lightly with
butter. Arrange on a wire broiler
and toast to a light brown.
Roman Sandwiches. Finely mince
cold broiled smoked fish there should
be one cupful add one teaspoonful of
anchovy paste, or three anchovies
pounded to a paste; add one table
spoonful of made mustard, one tea
spoonful of vinegar from the pickled
onion bottle and just enough mayon
naise dressing to moisten. Use as a
filling between slices of brend spread
with salad dressing. Cover half of
the slices with the mixture and the
remaining half with lettuce leaves,
spread lightly with mayonnaise. Put
together in pairs and cut into tri
angles. Mock Crab Sandwiches. Take one
cupful of grated cheese. Rub the yolk
of a hard cooked egg through a sieve,
add salad dressing with the cheese and
work to a paste. Use as a filling
between crisp saltines or very thinly
sliced rye bread.
Maoris Put Up Brave
Battle for Country
The history of the Maoris of New
Zealand Is a most remarkable one.
Primitive and even cannibalistic up to
sixty years ago, they have In a brief
space of years achieved equality with
the white man.
It Is hundreds of years since six
large canoes, each holding about 200
persons, arrived there from the Tahiti
archipelago. Maori tradition has pre
served the names of these boats, and
the New Zealand fleet now employs
them. By the time of the British
conquest the 1,000 people who had
landed, Utterly exhausted by their tre
mendous journey, had become 100,000
a small population for such a large
No tribe ever exhibited such hero
Ism in the face of European conquest
as did the Maoris. In seizing New
Zealand, Great Britain lost 15,000 sol
diers, though the forces of the Maoris,
armed only with old-fashioned wooden
weapons, did not exceed 2,000. When
peace finally came, the conquerors
found they had a deep respect for the
conquered. Arnaldo Cipolla In La
Stampa, Turin (Living Age).
$10,0CO,CC0 Voted in Corn Borer War.
Washington, D. C The senate has
passed a $10,000,000 appropriation foi
fighting the European corn borer,
which has made its appearance in thir
country and threatens to march west
ward and devastate the corn belt. The
house already has passed the bill.
Baby Chicks Rhode Island reds,
McRaes strain $18.00 per 100, none
better. S. C. White Leghornes $15.00
per 100. O. A. C. strain, Barred Ply
mouth Rocks, $18.00 per 100. Good
layers mated to O. A. C. cockrels.
Why send away for chicks when you
can get just as good at home. Order
early. 15 per cent books your order
for chicks. D. C. McFadyen, Athena.
Now is the time to clean up your
rubbish. Hoggard has two teams to
do it.
Good netted gem potatoes at $2 per
sack. Good fresh Swiss and Jersey
milk cow with heifer calf, giving 40
to 45 lbs milk per day. A. H. Swank
Phone 31F11 Weston.
Bell & Dickenson, draymen, have
acquired a team of horses to do gar
den plowing and other work as re
quired. Special attention will be giv
en to spring plowing, fertilizer and
dirt hauling, cellar excavation, etc.
Call on us to haul away your winter's
accumalation of rubbish.
Home-Builder Gets Good
Investment Plus Comfort
II mmwm
as nsnr
r unci- j
k Jwr.mfnti
-J ' lJ ;-l
1 : m
I OPIN fOlCH qV-'i'm a
liMf'io-tf DOOM V
rTot. R n
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tU LIVING iroiViTX.'
n""i .MP. Is&ss:
' hI
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"Step On It Now"
Gel Ready to Plow
Oliver and P. 0
Oliver Chilled Hardened, Deep Suck, in 2 and 3-bot-tom
Gangs. We have in stock the New 95, with its
Heat-Treated Beams-the last word in plows.
( A Mercantile Trust)
3 E
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon -
ttiu wiioHi -- tlons and
affords a window seat or fernery within.
Every room has windows on two sides, giv
ing cross-ventilation. The house Is insu
lated, walls and roof, with oelotex as protec
tion against cold and w.aste of fuel in the
winter, and the hot rays of the sun In sum
mer. The floors are hardwood throughout,
and have a layer of celotex placed between
them to deaden noises within the house, a
feature that Is especially appreciated where
there are small children and noisy boys in the
The living room has an open fireplace
and built-in book case. The porch or sun
room may open off the living room or dining
room, mid can well have a sleeping porch
above If extra sleeping quarters are needed.
The service entry Is couvenlently placed at
tne siue, to save the Housewife steps. The
ECONOMY of space In this five-room
English town house has not meant a
sacrifice of an artistic exterior. Built of
variegated or common brick, whitewashed,
with a roof of stained shingles or slate, it
presents an unusually attractive and com
pact appearance. The portico is arched
and roofed, and has a red brick floor. The
shutters of solid, weathered boards give
nn interesting departure from the usual
New England type.
A number of features provide for ex-
ju.oj oertional comfort and convenience. The
I living room has an oriel bay window that
gives ngni
from three
rot nut
ino roti
1 ll 5t0
r r loo'
lii ill
........ i
kitchen has built-in cupboards, Iroulng-board and breakfast-nook.
, Colotochnlo Institute, Chicago, J9I6.
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
At Finch's
Cleaning and Pressing
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
The Best
Without Pain
Dr. Leach
Bond Building, Pendleton,
Oxy-Acetylene Weld. Delivery and
Truck Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena. Oregon
Main Street. Athena. Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
We carry the best
That Money Buys
-Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Foley's Kidney Cure
Jtmkcs kidaeys and bUdJer right
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.,
is made tn Aihena, b- Athena labor, w one ol the very beat
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat crown anywhere. Patronise home industry-. Your
grocer sella the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
thena. Oregon. - Waitshurg, Wash