The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 04, 1927, Image 2

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    k Mum $xm
F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Ratea.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, February 4 1927
At this season of the year when
there are absolutely no irrigation de
mands on the Athena water system,
with winter moisture at its peak and
springs, and wells at almost normal
efficiency, the Press fails to see any
reason whatever for an empty reser
voir and low water pressure in the
mains. Yet in the face of these al
most normal moisture conditions, and
with permanent improvements made
to the system during the past two
years, the north part of Athena was
practically without fire protection
Sunday afternoon, Sunday night urd
until early Monday forenoon. There
seems to be no excuse whatever for
lack of pressure in the Athena water
system at this time, entailing an un
called for fire hazard, to say noth.nt.;
of the inconveniences encountered in
household uses for domestic and san
itary purposes. So far as we know
the city pumping plant was in cus
tomary working order Sunday, but
evidently it was not operated. For
what reason was the plant not op
erated and the pressure allowed to
become so low that in some instances
toilets could not be flushed, and the
homes and business property of thi:
town left without protection from
fire? With the soil oozing with
moisture and water, water every
where, why can not Athena have
some of it in her water mains at all
Senate who wish to force an extra
session is one of the possibilities now
The National Republic has for
many months been calling attention
to the important place Mexico holds
in bolshevist strategy. At a confer
ence of communists in Mexico last
spring it was openly stated that Mex
ico afforded the one promising pros
pect of obtaining a "toe hold" for
communist operations against the
United States from without the bord
ers of this country. Lenin and Trot-
zky have both declared that the Uni
ted States is the chief obstacle to the
world-wide domination of bolshevism
A copy of the United States Consti
tution hangs in an official "chamber
of horrors" at Moscow, labeled the
worst enemy of mankind."
An exchange finds that school
children inspection .of fire hazards
is credited with saving Kansas City
a million dollars in needless fires,
within the past five years. The
children are trained in the schools to
note and to eliminate fire risks; and
they are encouraged to make their
city safe from fire by pointing out or
abating these proven hazards'. Ev
ery needless fire is that much wanton
destruction of the life work of those
who built the property, whatever it
is. From this standpoint, every fire
is a public calamity, even a crime.
To teach the children to abate fires
is to teach them the sanctity of life.
Entire wardrobes for young women
were featured in the annual state
high school clothing contest held re
cently in Birmingham, Alabama, un
er the auspices of the state depart
ment of education and the Alabama
Home Economics Association. Dress
es made by pupils in local contests
were scored both on and off the per
son, and the girl scoring highest had
the privilege of representing her
school in the state contest. Travel
ing costumes worn by pupils were
judged upon arrival in Birmingham
as to becomingness and suitability.
Dresses for afternoon, street, or
church wear were scored for suita
bility, technique, hygiene and cost;
and the cooking costume on general
appearance, hygiene and technique. j
New and remodeled hats and a silk
cVoss for street or church wear were
special entries. Standards for in
struction in the selection, construc
tion and care of clothing are being
established, and an opportunity was
offered teachers to observe the wort
of other schools.
American interests are vitally in
volved in the revolutionary activity
in China. General ('hung, the Canton-
re commander, who is surrounded
ly bolshevist influences, declares
that he proposes to give China a
"ommitlee form of government."
l'e also declares that America is an:
":mperinlist" government because it
dies not withdraw from the Philip
pic Islands, adding: "Any country
holding territory outside its natural j
b uindai ies has an imperialistic na-!
t ire and must relinquish claims to
i-'U'h territory." "Revolution Rumbles
n in the Orient: Fiver Forward,"
f claims the Daily Worker, chief or
m of the communists in the United
Mates, which sees ia the Chinese re
volution the beginning of bolshevist
domination in Asia and throughout
the world.
The state market agent says the
gi'neral outlork for the marketing
situation for lit"? is not much dif
ferent than for the past year, and j
the surplus nroblem is as yet Unsolv
ed. Cotton, corn, hay and beef ha."1
rot been profitable products, while
potatoes, eggs, butter, wool and lings I
Imve had fair markets. The big sur
p'us cotton eron of the south is re
fected in Wisconsin and ether .states
in the cheese industry. The south :
1 as been a big consumer for middle
vest cheese, but with the big surplus
and low prices for cotton, this de-;
maud for dairy products has been ,
materially decreased. The Labor
P-ireau reports that wages of indus-:
t.ial workers are on the increase, as!
i"v al-o average earnings, while liv- j
itig costs are coming down.
During the few weeks which re
main of the final session of the Six
ty-ninth t ngress, a number of im- j
portant problems remain to be faced, i
The several supplv bills in them-j
s Ives will require much of the tint .?
or the short session. If any of these!
should fail of nas.sage, a special ses-
sion prior to July 1 will be made i
necessary, since the appropriation-, i
for the fiscal year beginning on that '
dhte must be made within the next
six moruns. 10 lorce suen a session
it is necessary only that passage of
one or more of the appropriate it.
bills bo prevented, and an open or
covert filibuster by members cf the
Politics in America
Got Napoleon's "Goat"
Napoleon had an unusually deep In
terest In world politics, extending
even to the Internal politics of a re
mote section of the United States, It
was revealed - when Col. Duncan K.
MacRae of North Carolina went to
Paris as consul general more than a
century ago. Napoleon was puzzled
as to why the people In one part of a
country embraced one party, while
their neighbors held opposing views.
In some manner he had learned that
Edgecombe county, In North Carolina,
was Democratic, while Pitt county
embraced the Whig faith. Informed
that Colonel Macltue was from that
state, lie said to his courtiers:
"Now, I will find out the riddle of
North Carolina politics." So he gave
Colonel Maoltae nn extraordinary
welcome and said to him :
"I understand that the same rivet
flows through the counties of Edge
combe and Pitt In North Carolina, that
the people of both counties till the soil
and own slaves. I am told that prac- j
tleally all the people In Edgecombe j
county belong to the Democratic,
party, while most of the people of,)
Pitt are Whigs. Why Is It?"
Any other person than Colonel Mac
Rae would have been flabbergasted,'
remarks the Raleigh News and Ob
server, but not so the eloquent colonel, ;
known as North Carolina's first ora-
tor. Nobody knows the answer he
made, but he was quick to give a rea- !
son that satisfied the monarch.
China's Many Kuiers
fhe early condition of China was
tribal, which before Christ merged
Into a vast feudal system nominally
ruled by many contemporaneous dy
nasties, dated from 2205 15. O. The
king of Ts'In put. down all other rul
ers and assumed the title of Hwang TI
or emperor. The principal dynaslles
from this period are Han, 2(XI 15. O.
to 220 A. D.j T'ang, (518 to !HH1; Sung,
!Mi0 to 1279; Yuan the Mongol, 12S0
to 1HU7; the Ming, b'iOH to 1013; the
Ch'lng or Ts'lng Maneho Tartar, 10-13
to fall of the empire and date of ra- ,
31 Years Ago f
January 31 1896
Marshall Gillis repaired the hang
ing apparatus of the fire-bell this
R. M. O'Brien, a Weston farmer,
sold his wheat the other day for 54
cents per bushel.
Jackson Toles a resident of the re
servation, fell through the stairs
which lead up to the back door, to
the Press office Wednesday and was
considerably bruised.
L. A. Githens will soon move his
family to Walla Walla, where he will
engage in conducting a broom fac
tory. S. A. Maloney and "Dick" will
also leave soon for that city to en
gage in the business.
Frank Kelly was tried before Just
ice Stowe at Umatilla Wednesday on
a charge of having deer meat in his
possession during the closed season
He was convicted and fined $50. The
costs, amounting to $36, were taxed
to him.
David Taylor, agent for Hamilton
Rourke Company , at Athena, has
shipped from the warehouses over 50
cars of wheat.
Wednesday evening Billy Wilkin
son was at the Turner place north of
Weston, and while ' getting into the
buggy to return to town, his horse
got away from him. The remains of
the buggy were found strewn from
the top to the bottom of Dry Creek
hill. The horse ended his mad career
in the town of Milton.
At the residence of Judge E. Pe
Peatt the other evening, a number
of friends assembled to spend the
evening with Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Kirkland, who will make their home
in the Williamette valley, at Inde
pendence. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland
have resided in Athena for throe
years past, and during that time
have made many warm friends who
are sorry to see them leave the city.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E.
R. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Kirkland,
Mr. and Mrs. E. DePeatt, Mesdames
Edington, Callender and Leeper,
Misses Leola Young and Gen Hooth
and .Messrs. J. W. Smith, Marshal
and William Chamberlain.
The eastbound passenger train
struck a rock slide at Gibbon Wed
nesday morning and two wheels of
the tender left the track and were
badly damaged. New wheels were
sent up on the Walla Walla freignt
train, which was about to leave Pen
dleton when the accident was report
ed, and was substituted for the brok
en ones. After some delay the train
was again started eastward. By
making the trip to Gibbon, "the
freight train was delayed six hours.
The contest at the school house
Tuesday evening was fairly well fit
tended, considering the weather. The
judges who were, Mr. E. S. Water
man,' M. L. Watts and W. A. Saund
ers awarded the medal to Miss Alice
Last Saturday evening at the A.
O. U. W., hall occurred the memor
ial service of that order. Elder G.
Rushing delivered the memorial ad
dress. Excellent vocal music was
rendered by a double quartette. Elder
Rushing's remarks were very touch
ing and made a lasting impression on
the assemblage. The services were
public and many of our citizens were
Stella Finley, the 13-year-old niece
of A. R. Means, of Umatilla,, took a
dose of strychnine by mistake yester
day morning, and within a few hours
succumbed to the effects of the pois
son. The girl, it seem3, had been
in the habit of taking, quinine occas
ionally, and desiring some yesterday,
she went to the closet where it was
kept. By mistake she seized the bot
tle of strychnine and took a large
dose without noticing the label.
Says the Weston Leader: W M.
Pierce, who is continuing his study
of law at Chicago, indulges in ' ora
tory for amusement. In a letter to
his brother, C.- M. Pierce, he writes:
"Won great honors in a college de
bate in defense of Grover Cleveland.
Have been selected to represent Ill
inois in a big debate with Wiscon
sin." ..
Birds Follow Icebergs
Each season when the Icebergs
break away from Greenland and start
to the south In the Atlantic they are
followed by ever-Increasing flocks of
sea birds.
Officers of the coast guard cutters,
on duty near the Icebergs to warn
shipping, report the bird life with the
bergs is much greater this year than
In the past. Fulmars, shearwa
ters, murre, klttewakes and dovekles
are there In large numbers, apparently
to get the food supply that Is pro
vided when the waves dash against
the bergs and disable the little people
of the water or the melting of the Ice
releases food Imprisoned In the far
north ages ago. Ohio State Journal.
Ju3t a Snack
Silas' usual breakfast was 12 pan
cakes. But, then, he generally had u
good hard morning before him In the
field. One morning a heavy rain
made his chores impossible, so as he
passed the kitchen he called to th
farmer's wife :
"I shan't need much breakfast this
morning. Kleven'll be enough. But
make 'em a little larger."
Baby Chicks Rhode Island reds,
McRaes strairi $18.00 per 100, none
better. S. C. White Leghornes $15.00
per 100. O. A. C. strain, Barred Ply
mouth Rocks, $18.00 per 100. Good
layers mated to O. A. C. cockrels.
Why send away for chicks when you
can get just as good at home. Order
early. 15 per cent books your order
for chicks. D. C. McFadyen, Athena.
Hoggard will deliver well rotted
fertilizer for gardens at 75c per
Hay for Sale Ralph Allen has a
lot of first cutting baled? alfalfa hay
for sale.
Used piano, a real buy, terms to
suit. Write Pendleton Music House,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Oil Your Harness !
While you have the time to do it right
Our Oil
Its the right kind
Also this is the time to get set up for. the plowing
season. Our spring stock of new plows is now ar
( A Mercantile Trust)
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Gean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg
Real Estate
At Finch's
Cleaning and Pressing
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
j THE' ' . 1
1 GERALD KILGORE, Proprietor
Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours.
Ice Cream and. Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies. I
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
New England Atmosphere
With 1926 Improvements
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
mmmmmmmsmmmsmmmmmsmmsmsmsmtmmmmm ; JsWJi 'r- mow ... ,,, ,' ,
KANTLEEK rmHlim'-:S ' ' - I
na i Y.? . ' B.B RICHARDS, l
H Water Bottles E Tmfr?P& . S MH., I
i O rtWA ZV&S4L&:: I 1 . ; - Sir.l-' irm ' City and Country
I SI I i. ,'W.Nf 7'tv,'vl it r ' U U ' 1. 1
We carry the best
That Money Buys
ate the best we ever had.
Finest Para Rubber, mould
ed in one piece, so they en n't
leak. No patches, seams,
splices or binding.
Guaranteed for two years
McFadtlen's Fhsriucy
The Sc4&x& Store
Athena, Oreuon
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street ; , Athena, Oregon.
ANY one who has ever motored through
the quaint sleepy towns of New
Fngland has fallen In love with the small
houses that abound In that section
of the country neat, white, unpreten
tious and with a touch of reserve about
them. Just such a house Is the one
pictured here. It is equally adaptable
ror town or country, and by merely shift
ing the living and entrance porches around can be built on a wide or nar
row lot without spoiling It architecturally.
The house is sturdily built and has an exterior of wood siding except
for the unusual stucco panels that start at the level of the second floor win
ows. me roor is or stained shingles, pref
erably moss green, in keeping with tho
window shutters. A house of this com
pact style is very easy to heat, especially
when the specifications call for innulatlon
throughout with celotex, which prevents
heat leakage, and keeps the house cool In
the summer.
The living and dining rooms are here
combined Into one large room flooded with
lljjht by windows on three sides. The two
bedrooms on the second floor each have
double exposure and an extra large closet
In which a window may be placed.
etD too tcpjecxr
t rn
Always at Your Service
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Ctlllaa max
, Celotechnto Institute. Chicago, 192.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
la oiade in Aihena, b ' Athena labcr, in one ol the very ben
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry". Your
grocer tells the famous American Beauty Flour
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kHaejrs end tU'JJsr risrAi
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. , Waitsburg, Wash