Entered at the Poat Office at Athena. Oregon, as Second-Claaalall Matter VOLUME 48. ATIIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNINGrBR3Cl927 NUMBER H 1 i t U. S. To Treat With 1 the Chinese Factions If the Delegates Are Named Secretary Kellogg Will Discuss Treaties. .Washington, D. C The United States has notified all Chinese fac - tions and the powers signatory to the Washington : conference treaties that ; If proper delegates can be agreed up : on in the war torn country it stands ready to transact, either in concert with other nations or alone, if neces : sary, a new tariff and extra territor ial treaties with China. ' However, until new treaties are ne gotiated with "somebody representing . China," and ratified by the senate, existing pacts "cannot be abrogated." These are the cardinal points in ; Secretary Kellogg'a long waited Chi nese policy declaration, made public in the form of a "statement," and mak ing no mention of the British memor andum on the subject,, to which it had first been planned to be an answer. It pointed out that American naval forces will be held in Chinese waters to protect American life and property in event the "Chinese authorities are unable to afford such protection," as serted the United States has watched with sympathetic interest the "Nation alist awakening of China," and ex pressed a desire to observe strict neu trality as between Chinese factions and to deal with that country in "a most liberal spirit" as to unequal treaties. . WASHINGTON FARM INCOMES REDUCED Spokane, Wash. Washington farm ers received a total of $125,000,000 for their 14 principal crops in 1926, the federal crop reporting board estimates in a report made public here. This compares with a total income from the same source of $153,000,000 the previous year. ... , Winter wheat, with an acreage of 847,000 and a yield of 23 bushels an acre, showed a return on 19,481,000 bushels of 22,405,000 at $1.15 a bush el as again.3t a return of $12,571,000 in 1925 on a 372.000 acreage at $1.28 a bushel. Spring wheat showed a decided drop, from 39,883,000 for the 1925 crop, on an acreage of 1,700,000 at $1.81 a bushel, to $24,324,000 realized from 20,790,000 bushels at $1.17 a bushel, rai3ed on 1,260,000 acres plant ed last year. Total receipts from the apple crop of 34,030,000 bushels were $25,522,000 at 75 cents a bushel. This compared with $38,415,000 realized the year be fore from a smaller crop of 29,550,000 bushels sold at $1.39 a bushel. Rehearsals Are Directed , By Mrs. Loren Basler Rehearsals for "Once in a Blue Moon" the operetta to be presented Tuesday evening February 15th by the Etude club are going .forward with enthusiasm. Mrs. Loren Basler who will direct the production has arrived from Boise and under her efficient super vision solists and chorus are being perfected. The setting of this musical ro mance is strictly modern with touches cf college youth and love making in terspersed throughout : . , ' Delightful dances lend a festive air to the production and a complete unity is displayed by chorus and so loists. An added attraction will be the Style Show sponsored by Bond Broth ers of Pendleton which will be pre sented between acts. . , This company will also furnish many of the costumes for those tab ing part in the operetta. Attractive lighting effects will be used and from every standpoint the affair promises to be the best ever presented by the club. Car Skids Off Highway While returning from the basket ball game at Helix Saturday night, O. C. Hadley's car skidded from the highway. The accident took place at the turn from the Helix road on to the hardsurfaced highway. Mr. Hadley's Essex coach skidded up against the embankment, and in do ing so the left rear wheel struck a rock and was completely, demolished The running board was shattered, and this was the extent of damage to the car. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hadley, little son and three high school girls, occupants of the car, were not injur ed in the least. New Hospital Opens Dr. Wallace Pratt, secretary of the board of trustees of the" new genera! hospital at Walla Walla, announces the opening of the institution on next Wednesday, February 9. ' A public reception will be given at the hospital Tuesday afternoon and evening Feb ruary 8, the hours being 2 to 5 and 7:30 to 10. A brief musical program is being arranged and a short ad dress will be given, this talk to be broadcast. 0AKVILLE BANK ROBBED Cashier Locked In Vault as Cash and Securities Are Scooped Up. . Oakville, Wash. The Oakville State bank was looted at 11:30 o'clock Mon day morning of $10,000 in currency and securities by two unmasked men who entered the place while A. W. Jensen, cashier, was alone. He was ordered Into the vault at the point of revolvers, while the robbers gathered up all the cash in sight . As. they were engaged in this, the assistant cashier, Miss Leona Lera roons, returned from the postoffice and was forced to stand in a corner until one of the men started a sedan In which they fled in the direction pf Aberdeen, 37 miles distant. - r Government Offer Pulp Timber. Washington, D. C To assist In the establishment of. a paper manufactur ing industry in Alaska, producing at least a million tons of paper a year, and to relieve to some extent the ne cessity for American users buying from Canadian . and Newfoundland mills, the government offered through the forest service for competitive bid ding, two of the largest timber tracts it ever had offered. Each embraces 5,000,000,000 board feet of pulp wood timber. Olive Long Known to Man Olives are named In the earliest ac count of Egypt and Greece. The tree spread throughout Asia Minor, and its fruit was one of the most valued crops. The oil pressed from the fruit was In general use throughout all those countries. The olive was Bret planted In Italy abont the year 5C2 B. C. Cape Colony. Sovth Africa, has rrnwo olives since 1730. Mad Dog At Hermiston . George Legler of Hermiston, found his dog frothing at the mouth, and believing something was fast in his throat, lacerated his finger on a tooth when he opened the dog's mouth. Later the dog continued to act queerly and it was killed. The head was sent to Portland for ex amination and it developed that the dog was afflicted with rabies. Leg ler was at once given the serum treatment. Helix Takes Both Games ' Griswold high school of Helix took, the boys and girls' double header Saturday evening, from Athena high school at the Griswold gym. The Athena girls were defeated by the close score of 9 to 6. The Athena boys lost by the one sided scora of 32 to 11. Dance Tomorrow Night The Legion boys will give another of their Saturday night dances tomor row night. They are preparing to entertain a big crowd. The Jolly Joy-Maker's Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Billion-Doiiar Retirement In Prospect for This Fiscal Year. Washington, D. C -Public debt re tirement of $1,000,000,000 this fiscal year is in prospect, Director Lord of the budget bureau informed the semi annual business meeting pf the gov ernment. General Lord reiterated that the apparent surplus for this fiscal year was $383,079,095 while the margin for next year appeared to be $200,703, 863. He did not discuss tax reduction.. . Relating1 the results of the budget, the director said that in the six bud gets so far submitted to congress the estimates totaled $22,741,082,295, which was $1,492,458,996 less than was askec by the executive departments. Employer Can D ctste Trading, Rulec Portland, Ore. Federal Judge Beat has held that the Oregon state lav. making it unlawful for a corporation to dictate, under threat of discharge as to what establishment its employer shall patronize, or where they shall reside, was unconstitutional because It violated the right of contract and such 1 authority was held not to be within the police power of the state. Umatilla Legislators Present Unique Bill Would Abolish the Office of County Recorder; Boost To Salaries, An act to abolish the office of the Umatilla county recorder, providing for the transfer of the records and duties of the county recorder to the office of the county clerk and taking the salary of the county recorder and distributing it among other county officials has been introduced jointly in the state legislature by L. L, Mann, S. A. Miller and J. S. Nor ell, Umatilla county legislators. The plan, which keeps within the lines laid down by Governor Patter son in his message, would increase the salaries of county officials, and at the same time make unnecessary an increase for this purpose in the budget of the county. The act would become effective January 1, 1929. A copy of the bill follows: "For an act to amend section 3621, Oregon Laws, relating to the sal aries of county officers of Umatil la County, Oregon, and to abolish the office of County Recorder of Umatilla county, and io provide for the transfer,, of the records and duties of the office of County Re corder to the office of the County Clerk of Umatilla county. This act not to become effective until Janu ary 1, 1929. "Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: "Section 1. That section 3624, Oregon Laws, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 3624. The county offic ers of Umatilla county shall receive as compensation for their services the following annual salaries: "1. County Judge, from $1,800 to $2,500. "2. County commissioners, $5 per day for each day employed in the transaction of county business. "3. County treasurer, (1,500), $1, 800. ' . ' ; ' "4, County clerk, (2,000), $2,100. "5. Sheriff (2,500), $2,756. "6," All fees provided by law to be paid to the constables in Umatilr la county for services rendered as such in civil cases shall be paid to and be retained by the sheriff of said county whenever he shall per form such services, and shall not be paid by him to the county treasurer. All sheriff's fees for . mileage in Umatilla county now provided for in civil cases shall be paid to the sher iff of said county and retained by him, and not raid by the count;' treasurer. "7. Assessor, (1,500), $2,000; one deputy (125) $130 per month, and such other deputies as may be nec essary but whose number and com pensation shall be determined and fixed by the county court pf Umatil la. "8. County school superintendent RUSSELL C. WOOD Big Medicine Dance Causes Indian Death Russell C. Wood of the secret serv ice, who now guards John Coolidge at Amherst and elsewhere.' Being quite young, he will himself take studies In the college. (1,800) $2,000. In addition thereto he shall receive , not to exceed $800 annually to defray his traveling ex penses, which expenses shall be au dited and allowed by the county court in the same manner as other bills are audited and allowed; pro vided, that whenever one or more, county school supervisors is or ape employed in said county, then and in that event no sum whatever shall be allowed to said county school super intendent for traveling expenses or otherwise. "Section 2. On and after January 1, 1929, the office of County Record er of Umatilla county, Oregon, shall be abolished and the records and duties of the County Recorder shall be transferred to the office of the County Clerk . of Umatilla county. "Section 3. This act is not to go into effect until January 1, 1929." Whitebird, Noted Nez Perce Dies Participating In Dance. "Pals First" At the Standard Tomorrow First National's fine picture, "Pals First" will be screened at the Stand ard Theatre tomorrow night, with Lloyd Hughes and Delores Del Rio in the leading roles. "Pals First" has to do with a man worth a million but a hobo. It is from the st.u-y written by Francis Perry Elliot and the stage play by Lee Wilson Dodd -one of First National's best pictures of the year. Sunday night Bebe Daniels will be seen in a whopper of a crook story, "The Splendid Crime." Nina DanMs is supported by Neil Hamilton and a big cast of Famous Players.. Good comedies and news reels fit in nicely with these two feature urograms. The Standard has scheduled Jack Holt in "The Enchanted Hill" from Peter B. Kyne's greatest nowl for Saturday, night week, and "The Brown Derby" for Sunday following. The Spokesman-Review gives the following account of the passing of Whitebird, noted Nez Perce Indian: The first fatality connected with the series of medicine dances conduc ted at different points on the Nez Perce resc: v' occurred Thursday night at the hamlet of Webb, near this place, when James Whitebird, 60, in his desire to outdo all of his tribe's people, danced until he be came frenzied, then fell dead from a heart attack. These dances have been held at Lapwai, Spalding and Webb and have been largely attended, . the medicine men coming from Montana. In these dances the Indians, in order to think they are being relieved of ills, real or imaginable, go through the same forms as practiced by their forefath ers, throwing themselves to the ground and writhing in seeming agony until they think themselves cured. On ft number of occasions, it is reported, the dancers cause them selves to enter a cataleptic state and the medicine man is also adept a practicing a hypnotic influence cm his subjects, and tales, reaching here tell of the men and women having to undergo treatment after they leave the dances. With the passing of Whitebird the Nez Perce's lose their outstanding figure in history. At the age of 10 h": fought in the war against the whites in 1887 and, according to persons know ing history, he proved a valuable ac quisition to his father, Chief White bird, and Chief Joseph, and was the youngest person on the side of the Indians. He was captured in Mon tana by General Nelson A. Miles and later banished to Oklahoma. He was a stately figure and was always in demand at public gatherings. His war-time regalia, was considered the costliest and most elaborate on the reservation. He is survived by n 8-year-old-son. Funeral will be at Sweetwater Monday, On Barnstorming Trip Coach Stolzheise and his Athena Hi hoopsters left yesterday morning on their annual barnstorming teur. Games will be played with teRms of Clarkston, St John and Endicolt, Washington. The boys were accom panied on the trip by William Kirk, O. O. Stephens, F. B. Radtke, Art Douglas and M. I. Miller. The Groundhog's Shadder Mr. Groundhog came out of hi3 dugout Wednesday and for a short tjme interviewed his "shadder". Mr. G. H.'had no trouble in finding his shadow, for the day was warm and spring-like, with sun shining and snow entirely gone. The Trapper 5tl,?ETeWS 0VE 6ROVnO H06 4A1U NEVER. -SEE. His shadow laT mm tK2 Jyt mam mw j y v 1 - .. ' . 4 . ..I J Useleszness cf War ProvsJ by Voltaire One of Voltaire's most poptilni books, his history of Charles XII, 1 devoted to n prnctlcul proof of the utter folly of war. The life of Charles XII of Sweden is an example without equal of the colossal futility of war. Charles, one of the world's most In spiring examples of n canahle. inde fatigable ruler, In a life of self-denial, had but one fault, lie spent his entire life making war. Starting his career at the age of eighteen with the sui cessful defense of his kingdom ngiinst the combined forces of several of tlie greatest countrjes of Europe, within a comparatively .short time he was complete dictator of eastern Kurope. Many times he overwhelmed forces outnumbering his own live or ten in one. Crowning and dethroning kings? almost tit will, his aimg were usually altruistic. lie sought always to hi? impartial and just. He undertook no offensive wnr with the Intention of bet tering himself or his country. Yet when he died he had done no lasting good. He had Irreparably impover ished his own and other countries, and had wasted his great life, which mighi have been so productive of good to tli world. In telling this most signXi cant story Voltaire Impressed upon tli. world the terrifying uselessness of tin thing hp so hated war. From "Tii Vouna Voltaire," by C.' U. Chase. Small Change cf No Inisrect to Royalty Louis Philippe of liourbon, the French pretender, had n royal way of shopping. When the World war was nt Its height, be stalked into an ex pensive boot shop In London and or dered a dozen pairs of boots and shoes. The bootmaker wanted to sagged something on account, as the man was n stranger, but his remark that the bill would run to about .fl'.TO met with no response. So his wife tact fully asked for some money toward the cost of buying leather. The stranger pulled out n thick roll ol treasury notes and handed It over. A week later he returned and "Irled on." The result was satisfactory and the bootmaker Inquired us to where to send the order. "You may consign It to the king of France." ho replied, anil named his hotel. The order was delivered by messenger with a flowery letter In French, In which was enclosed ?2i!.,'l), representing (be amount overpaid. A day or two later a secretary appeared ut the shop with the news that the king was Incensed at the refund, add ing affably that it would have beep nil the same If the balance bad been on the other side. Mam liosttr Guard-Ian. The Blue Danube ,yenr Vienna on the Danube at the Woti Gates the speed of (he current I from 12 to 10 feet per second and tin British nionllor the Glowworm go' stymied halfway up It. couldn't g either forward or astern, and bail d hold down her valves to get n high enough head of steam to struggle on! of It. It was a question whether die would go up or blow up. It takes a special towing steamer, pulling Itself up on a cable from one and one-half to two hours, to up this two-kilometer stretch. The Ger mans used locomotives to (low ships through It during the war. Down below Orsova these dreaded Iron Gales nre not one-half so sticky as the sixly flve miles of rapids and submerged ledges below Drencova. As a matter of fact, the "Scbachlet" by Vllshofen la one of the nastiest parts of the river. Negiey Farson In Adventure Magazine. Pure Air on Market In Amsterdam, Holland, the munici pal electric light works sell air to citi zens. This seems mi odd by-product of the electric Industry until It Is con sidered that the electric ozonation process Is one of the most effective means of purifying air Just as light ning "freshens" a dank and humid at moKpbere, stimulating thowo who breathe It. The Dutch air Is drawn down thnuiv.li n chimney 100 feet high, purified and dried by electricity and compressed Into cylinders like those used for soda fountain gas In America. These are sold to homes In Ibe city on an annual contract basis, for about $21 a year. Slow release of the air In bedrooms of people afllicted with asthma Is said to bring relief U the sufferers. Slitting Parrot's Tongue "It Is a widespread superstition that to enable a parrot to talk (In Imita tion of human speech) It Is necessary to split the tongue," says Alexander Wet more In the Scientific Magazine. "This, however, has no foundation In fact, and when practiced only Inflicts sn unnecessary cruelty. Birds make sounds In a llttlo organ known t th syrinx at the lower end of the trachea or windpipe, and as tho tongue has little to do with the process, splitting it has no connection whatever with the ability to lmltato sounds." Coolidge is Against All Martial Gestures President in Favor of Ade quate Preparedness for National Protection. Washington, D. C An assurance of "adequate military preparedness" was coupled with a warning against mili taristic gestures or acts leading to competition in armaments, by Presi dent Coolidge iu speaking before the semi-annual business meeting of the government. The president also re ported a prosperous condition of the treasury, but again withheld promise of early tax reduction pending a study of the producing ability of the new revenue law. Mr. Coolidge made no direct refer ence to the struggle in congress to override his stand against immediate construction of three new cruisers, or to the proposal to increase the budget figure for tho army, but he took oc casion to remind congress that tho question of national defense is always given "the most Berious thought in my recommendations to the congress in the budget message." . "What we need, and all that we need for national protection, is ade quate preparedness," he said. Pointing out that the government had reduced its public debt below tho 119,000,000,000 mark and now is more than $2,000,000,000 ahead of the debt- retirement schedule, the president de clared the nation was probably in the most fortunate financial condition of all tho great nations of the world. But, from a financial standpoint alone, he insisted, the United States must refrain "from any gesture which could possibly be construed as mi'.i- taristlc." PACIFIC COAST STATE INCREASE POrWIOii Washington, D. C An increase In population of 23,000 is estimated for the state of Oregon during the fiscal year 1927 by the commerce depart ment. Oregon on July 1, 1927, will have 890,000 residents, officials of the cen sus bureaujbolleve, as compared with 877,000 on July 1, 192G. Tho official census of 1920 credited Oregon with 783,389 persons on January 1 of that year, so tho estimate made for tho middle of 1927 would Indicato a gain in population for tho stale of 106,011 over a period of Vk yean. Tho estimates forecast an increase or tha state of Washington from 1.- 538,000 on July 1, 1920, to 1,GG2,000 on July 1, 1927, and for California from 4,310,000 in 192(5 to 4,433,000 la 1927. Tho population of tho entire United Stolen, estimated at 117,130,000 on July 1, 1920, will have Increased to 118,(,2S,0U0 on July 1, 1927. says tho census bureau. Sinco tho official pop. ulation of the United Stales at the last census was 105,710,020, It Is presumed to have Increased 12,917,380 in Vz years. MUSIC AND FILM COMBINED Photophone Pictures Perfected to Point of Practical U3e. Schnectady, N. Y. The smallest motion picture theatr.i in the cuunlrv may now have the services of a K)1) pleco orchestra to accompany its re U If It desires, mid to the possible mys tification of the audience, tho orchc. tra will not be present, even though its music Is heard as distinctly an though It were. This has been made possible by de velopment, to the point wb ro It is commercially practicable, of tho "talk ing movie" by r search sck-ntists of the General Fleet rk: company, it was announced here, siimultaneou My with a private showing of the new pictures, which are called "photophoni s." I3y this process, both action and sound are recorded simultaneously, if desired, or can he recorded separately and later put together without destroy ing the synchronization. Washington State Banks Cain. Olympla, Wash.- noports from tho 255 state banks iuiJ trunt conipnn'es of this state to the Mate hanking di vision as of Docembi-r 31, 1920, indi cate rapid progress toward normal conditions and reflect grout credit Ui on the stability of the titute, Supervis or II. C. Johnson said. An Ir.cruas of fit 0S7.6fl9.37 in the total r; :.-ourcea 'it tho banks was mudo In 1925 over tho previous year.