Press Paragraphs "Stop Flirting" while at The Standard tomorrow night. Kohler Belts has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. Minnie Dt-reatt will be host ess to the Study Club this afternoon. Forrest Zeiba who had a setback while afflicted with the flu, is again able to be up and around. Born To Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wil son (nee Lucille Kemp) at Lewiston, January 17, 1H27. a daughter. The meeting of the .1. T. club which was to have been held today at the home of Mrs. Ralph Cannon has been postponed. Edgar Schultz of Eugene, who spent a part of last week in Athena, at the Geissel home, left Monday for Rosebud, Alberta. Watts & Trestbye have received a supply of income tax report blanks, and are prepared to make put state ments at their office. Fruits and vegetables down at Steves were kept from freezing dur ing the cold snap, by rousing fires at night, Steve doing the stoking in per se. n. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk have been confined, to their home this week with a serious attack of flu. Mr. Kirk has been quite ill, so it is reported. George Finch and Jens Jensen came to the rescue of several Athena households the fore part of the week, when frozen pipes required immedi ate attention. Mrs. Arnold Wood who has spent the past two weeks in Portland, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Will McBride and Mrs. Lumsdcn, return ed to Athena Saturday. Miss Velva Mansfield of Pendle ton spent several days last week in Athena at the home of her sister, Mrs. Maude Logsdon, who has been quite ill, but is much improved at present. "The Boy Friend" Standard Theatre, Sunday night. Dudley Rogers and Brooks Ander son were in Pendleton Tuesday. Miss Lenore McNair was taken to St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla, Sunday evening where she under went an operation for appendicitis. She is reported to be getting along as well as could be expected. Omer Stephens attended the recep tion to Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks Grakelow at Pendleton, Tuesday evening. Plans for entertainment of the head of Elkdom were elaborate and were carried out in detail. Stafford Hansell who is confined to his home with a nervous attack, is reported to be improving. Miss Hel en Hansell has been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd during the past fortnight, attending school. Tuesday night was to have beer installation of officers in Mignonette Rebekah lodge, but owing to so much sickness it was decided to install next meeting night, which is Tuesday February 8. It is hoped that all members will be present. The maintenance department, have so far been successful in keeping the highway open between Pendleton and Walla Walla, Bince the recent fall of snow. Automobiles and stage:? have been using the highway without much weather interference. The White Cross of the Baptist church met in the church parlors Thursday afternoon. Sewing on hos pital garments occupied the members and at the tea hour a kitchen shower was given, the articles to be used in famishing the church kitchen. Members of the Methodist Mission ary society enjoyed an interesting and instinctive meeting at the home of Mrs. .). 1). Muggins Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Ilerr led the devoti( nals. Features of the pro gram were the papers on foreign Missions read by Mrs. William Mc Pherson and Mrs. Justin Harwood. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Charles WE ADVISE f JI I bU BATTERY j Willard J T RADII MARK KtGISItHCO atteries For All Cars Also a complete line of Radio batteries. Let us show you. Thompsons Garage Athena, Oregon Phone 471 McFarland served dainty refresh ments at the tea hour. Mrs. Clarence Hand was the honor guest of the so ciety lor the afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Herr on the 4th Wednes day in February. Mrs. Arthur Jenkins surprised her husband with a birthday party at their home Saturday evening. Cards, chat and refreshments comprised the evening's entertainment. Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Bun Bolien and Mrs. Charles Alspach of Helix, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Mayberry and Mrs. W. R. Har den. William Taylor, driver of the car that collided with a light pole in Walla Walla, when Miss Evelyn Wil son was killed, and others injured, was fined $200 and given 15 days in jail, when he pleaded guilty to reck less driving in Judge Sharpstein's court. The sentence was suspended on condition that Taylor does not drive any car until January 1928. On account of illness of class mem bers, the recital of the Malen Burnett School of Music, scheduled for Wed nesday evening of this week at high school auditorium, has been postpon ed to Wednesday evening of next week, February 2. The program numberes will include readings by Miss Marguerite Mitchener. The pub lic is invited to attend the recital. Athena's annual musical treat, the Etude operetta will be presented Feb ruary fifteenth at the high school auditorium. "Once In A Blue Moon' with a prologue and three acts is a tuneful and artistic musical romance with beautiful settings and will be presented by a talented cast and a splendid chcrus. Rehearsals are be ing held nightly and unusual en thusiasm is being shown. Mrs. Lor enBasler who has directed former productions of the club will arrive from her home at Boise, Idaho, th? first of the week and will remain un til after the 15th of February. Mrs. Basler is a talented musician and a most capable director and the club is most fortunate in being able to ob tain her services. Tea-Totalert The English poor owe llieir lmll gesiioii to tlielr munla for teu drink IiiK. An hour before he fc'ots up ev ery MiigllKliinan drinks on uu empty stomach h huge cupful of tea us strong us It can lie bivwed. This fur nishes Hip foundation for the tea jag that lie will build up In the course of the day. A peiiMint woman in an Kmllsh vil lage once asked an American visitor to have a cupful of tea. But the tea was un black as Ink, and the Ameri can declined. "How long have you had that tea pot simmering on the stove?" the asked. "Why, miss, I never take It off," the peasant woman replied. "I put In a fresh pennyworth when it jets weak and then, when the pot sets full of leaves, I put In my hand and pull out a handful for my old man to smoke." Cold Storage of Foods on Increase. Washington, D. C. Larger stocks of poultry, meats, lard and apples were on hand In cold storage January 1 than on that date a year ago, the department of agriculture announced. Supplies rt I butter, cheese and eggs in cold storage were smaller than a year ago. I Off On All Slipovers and Blazers Now Carried In Stock STEVE'S GROCERY Quality Quantitv, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon High School Notes Mr. Skeen writes that his school lost $175.00 as a result of the lone bank closing. We understand that Pilot Rock high school lost $400.00 when their bank closed. Mr. Saunders the piano tuner, tuned the school piano Monday. Mr. lies, the Underwood Typewrit er representative from Portland re paired the school typewriters Mon day. . Proficiency certificates were re cently awarded to Kathleen Radtke, Granville Cannon, and Alvin Ander son, by typewriter companies for writing between thirty and forty net words a minute on the typewriter for fifteen minutes. Lenore McNair was taken to Walla Walla for an appendicitis operation. The Athena basket ball teams play at Helix Saturday evening. The boys will make their Washington trip next week. Mr. Miller acted as referee for a basket ball game between Umapine and Weston at Weston last Wednes day evening. Miss Cornelison spent the week end visiting with friends in Walla Walla and attended a dance given by Delta Gamma sorority. Miss Bateman spent the week end visiting with Mrs. Randolph Cook (Gertrude Mclntyre) of Helix. Mrs. Cook and Miss Bateman were soror ity sisters at the. University. Nearly one third of the school was absent last Friday on account of sickness. Miss Flanagan, the county health nurse, assisted by Miss Jack of Pen dleton examined the grade school pupils last Thursday. She reported that she found very few underweight and that the teeth were in very good condition. She said that some of the children had been told that they did not need to have their baby teeth filled but this was a mistake. Lois Johnson assisted with the clerical work. Another carload of coal has been ordered for the school. The last car of forty-eight tons lasted just three months. Margaret Lee and Carl Calvert took the state examination on Bible history Friday. Any high school pupil who successfully passes this examination is allowed a credit to ward graduation.. The third and fourth grades gave their teacher Miss Terry a surprise party last Friday after school. Mr. Stolzheise took his general science class on the roof of the school building Friday evening after the basket ball game for the purpose of studying the stars. Dorvan Phillips acted as night fireman during freezing weather, The heating system at the Adams school froze over the week end. As a result of this- a scheduled basket ball game with the Athena team was postponed until next Monday evening January 31. The Churches Church of Christ Bible School 10 A. M. Communion and Preaching service 11 A. M. Jun ior C. E. 6:30 P. M. Preaching serv ice 7:30 P. M. Ladies Aid Society Thursday I P. M. Choir practice at the parsonage, Thursday 7:30 P. M. Continuing our series of sermons in the life of Christ, will speak on "The Great Temptations" for the Sunday morning service and in the evening, "Evangelism In the First Century." We are looking forward to an evan gelistic meeting to be under the di rection of Dr. A. M. Meldrum. We urge an especial effort on the part of all members to be in the spirit of prayer and to be faithful to all the services and to everything possible to help the meeting to be a real sue cess. Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Di vine Worship. at 11:00 A. M. Topic, "The Christian Explorer." Young Peoples Services at 5:30 and 6:30 P. M., with the Senior Young Peoph in charge of the program during the church hour, 7:30 P. M. If, on ac count of sickness, the Young People cannot take the evening service hour, the regular Song and Praise service will take place, the topic being, "The Heedless World." Young Peoples Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 P. M. Mid-week meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M. The Men's League meeting for last Fri day evening in January has been, on account of conflicting dates, changed to Friday evening February 4 at tha church, beginning with a dinner at 6:30 P. M. and followed by a pro gram of songs, readings and talks by home talent. Be sure and hear this program. Silk Hose pecial S For one week we are making a special price on Free Entertainment A free entertainment, to which the public is invited, will be given under auspices of the Athena Camp Wood: men of the World, next Wednesday evening, at American Legion Hall. 1 Captain T. Jones, Jr.. a notable ma gician, will be on the entertainment I program. 1 our regular $1.00 silk hose at All colors. All sizes Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, January 29 Al Christie's Laugh Special Stop Flirting With Wanda Hawley and John T. Murray In this sparkling, bright Christie conu:dy there are more laughs than there are eggs in a shadroe. Scott Sidney, master comedy director, with his unique talent for creating fun, has, of this successful comedy, devised a riot of laughter. And moreover there are Wanda Hawley, John T. Murray, Vera Steadman, Ethel Shannon, Jack Duffy and Hallam Cooley all comedians of the very highest calibre. International News Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Sunday, January 30 Marceline Day and John Harron In he Boy Friend" From Monta Bells Stage Success Ah, Gee! He tried to win her by the Book - A city dude stole his girl away. And then he bought a book on how to make love, and started to follow its advice. You've riever seen a picture so hilar ious and full of riproarious happenings! The more he studied to be the per fect lover, the more trouble he stirred up! What a whirlwind of fun and excitement! What a gorgeous surprise ending! You'll hold your sides with laughter at the season's comedy sensation! Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c Coming: "Pals First"