The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 28, 1927, Image 3

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1100 IS
HE public schools are building
for America a nation of musi-
explanation for the extraordinary interest in music at
by nearlV a! sc6re of noted artists, educators and other i
leaders, included in a symposium compiled by the Conn Music
Center, Elkhart, Ind.i The Music Center was lead to secure the
opinions on the value of music to the public school pupil that
follow by the publication of government figures showing a
large gain in the number of professional musicians, and further
indicating that the sale of musical instruments throughout the
country has more than doubled in the past twelve years.
According to the published figures, there are now in Other contributors
the United States, as many musicians as there are . and contributions to
clergymen or lawyers and five times as . many as
there, are journalists. This, of course, does not take
count of the thousands of semi-professional and ama
teur musicians who are doing part-time work teaching,
singing in choirs, or earning extra dollars by working
on the side with violin and saxophone. Figures from
the same source also show that while the value of mu
sical instruments turned out in 1914 was only $119,
000,000, in 1923 the figure had risen to $242,000,000
and is steadily going up. ... ..
Of the millions of boys "and girls who are entering
high schools in America this fall, the Conn Music Center
estimates that close to a million will have some sort
of musical training before they enter college
or commerce.. These will form the bulk oi
the high school and university bands of
tomorrow, later turning to lodge and
&i w
community bands and orchestras, ' a
few into symphonic orchestras and
still others to grand opera. They
will take the places now being filled
largely by musicians brought in
from abroad, and among them will
be the great soloists to represent .
America in the world councils of ,
"Young Boy Can't Sing"
Three strlkine viewpoints stand out
in the symposium below. Several of
the contributors make the point
Americans are no longer content with
merely hearing music, but that they
are showinir unmistakable signs of
wanting to take an active part in creating ' music.
Sportively speaking, it might be interpreted to mean
that the rising generation is tiring of watching a base
ball game when the opportunity there to go out and
play golf. Unquestionably, there is a growing inclina
tion on the part of Americans to' develop their "musical
bump.". . . : ... '
Frederick Neil Innes", one1 of the' greatest bandmasters
of all times and now head of a unique institution in
Chicago which aims to train band men as well as band
leaders, thinks that the present amazing popularity of
instrumental music among young folk is a reaction to
the distress experienced by their parents in being forced
to take vocal work in the schoolroom in their youth.
The boy in the adolescent stage, he says, will not sing be
cause he has "no voice to sing with," but given a trom
bone, cornet or any other instrument, it is amazing
with what energy he will apply himself to it. Mr. Innea
is a strong believer that band and orchestra are vastly
superior to the vocal class as-a training medium and in
this he is seconded by several of the contributors to the
Another new thought on music in the schools is ad
vanced by C. D. Greenleaf, for ten consecutive years
president of the National Association of Band Instru
ment Manufacturers. He thinks instrumental music
should he included in the manual training course of
the school curriculum. "Our schools nave Deen uevei
oped so that now a child can learn to be a car
penter, mechanic, printer or a member oi a
number oi other professions, all at puDiic
cost," says Mr. Greenleaf; "why not
extend the same sort of opportunity to
children who desire to take up music
as a life-worki"
Youth Blowing Its Horn
Continuing, Mr. Greenleaf says:
"Radio, the phonograph and the
public school band are conspiring
to make the United States the
most musical nation in all the
world. After hearing more music
than any other generation has ever
heard, America is expressing an ardent
wish to blow its own horn in the actual
sense of the nhrase. The creative
spirit is lifting its head and today D& Herman N. BUNDESEN
the United States is developing
more musicians and embryo musicians than ever before.
"No matter how far short he may be from the ac
cepted standards of his instrument, the player derives
far more satisfaction and pleasure in- the" knowledge
that he is creating music, than he could possibly feel
from the strains of the modern masters, artificially re
produced. "It is a serious problem with many parents these days
to find wholesome methods of recreation for their chil
dren. The band and orchestra furnish an ideal outlet
for the energies of the 'gang' which might otherwise be
expressed in ways not nearly so healthful. It is pretty
generally agreed that while the child is growing up is
the best time to imbue him with a knowledge and love
for music. The child has the time to devote to it, and
learns music readily. By not giving him a musical edu
cation in childhood, we are probably depriving him of
the joys of music forever."
the music school sym
posium are:
John Philip Sousa,
recognized as "king of
band leaders": What
I should like to see in
this country, .what I
believe would do more
than anything else for
its musical develop
ment, is the extension
of the band idea along
the lines de
veloped by organized baseball.. This game
was once a purely local thing; isolated
teams clotted here and there in school
or village or factory. We know what
it has become. - Why cannot tha
American band be made as vital and
universal a part of our everyday
The musical training of children
is a most important part of any pro
gram for makinsr America more and
more musical, but I believe that, like
other education, its place is in the
school and not in the home. The reason
why many children of nast cenerations
have lound music drudgery is because it
was made an extra task, an infringement
upon, their playtime instead of a part of their
Frederick Neil Innes. director of th Conn
National School of Music, Chicago: America
is destined to be the leading nation of the world in the
realm of music. It does not yet rank with Germany,
France, Hungary, Italy or England. But she is climb
ing. It is the music in .the public schools which will
give America her supremacy. ; Fully eighty per cent
of the high schools have some musical organization,
orchestra or band. No other country offers her young
people such opportunity to know, to appreciate and to
play good music. '
I believe the band or orchestra ia vastly superior to
the vocal class. Why?, Because the boy in the adoles
cent stage simply will not sing. He may be compelled
to go through the motions, but he will not actually sing.
He refuses for the simple reason that he has no voice
to sing with. But give him a trombone or a cornet, or
any other instrument of the band, and watch his prog
ress. It is amazing how he will work and study. There
is no question but the public schools are wise in de
voting more time to instrumental instruction. When
music occupies a position in the school on an equal foot
ing with mathematics and history America will have
capable musicians.
Dr. Herman N. Bundcten, Commissioner of Public
Health, Chicago: David's harp drove away Saul's ill
humor. Music- plays a vital part today in the mind and
body of the nation. We have learned that tones can
play a vital part in the treatment of the men
tally ailing. Hospitals have learned that
with music they can ease the suffering
The effect of music on sick children
is remarkable. Musical games and
calisthenics performed to music not
only stimulate,- but are disciplining
agents in the training of convales
cent and growing children.
Where there is life there is music,
and where there is music there i3
life, love and health.
Thomas A. Ediion, the "electrical
wizard": Campaigns should be inaug
urated for the purpose of acquainting
people with the advantages of musical
training. Families should be induced to have
all their children learn to play separate instru
ments and to form home orchestras. The ef
fect of this on the musical life of our country
would be immense. One of the reasons chil
dren should be taught music is that when they grow
up they will have a taste for it and a means with which
to occupy their leisure. .
fcdward W. Bok, editor, author and philanthropist :
To be brought up in a home in which there is no music
is a terrible deprivation. If I had my life to live again
I should certainly want to make music a part of my
early training. My two sons fortunately have a love
for music. One plays the piano and the other pfays the
trombone. It has seemed to me that American musical
training in the past .as been far too superficial. Mutic
has done me a wonderful and invaluable service. I
firmly believe it is only a matter of time when wo
shall become in this country a great music-creating
joliet (Minou) High School Band, Winner of the 1926 National Contest.
rwi - - in i i nnim n j m r n i i , if i , .1111 n. i i!ti!immfmi&
Joint Usage of Idaho Lines Granted.
Washington D. C The interstate
commerce' commission granted per
mission to the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation company and
the Northern Pacific for joint posses
sion and use of the line of railroad
under construction by the Northern
Pacific in Clearwater county, Idaho,
between Orofino .and Headquarters,
and of the existing Northern Pacific
line between Joseph and Stites. '
In the County Court of the State of
Oreeon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Dora
..Lockwood, deceased.
-Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execut
or of the above entitled estate, and
that he .has qualified as the law di
rects. All persons having claims
against the estate are directed to
present the same to me-at my home
in Athena, Oregon, or at the office
of my attorney, Stephen A. Lowell
in DesDain Block, Pendleton, Oregon,
within six months from the date here
of, with proper vouchers.
Dated December 24, 1926.
' 2E.PH W. 'LOCKWOOD, Executor.
D31J28.' '.
"Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Louisa Ada
ljh'e Wagnert deceased, in the Coun
ty Court in the State pf, Oregon, for
Umatilla County. All persons having
claims against the said estute are
hereby required to present such
claims duly verified, and with iropcr
vouchers attached, to the undersign
ed, at the office of Raley, Raley
Steiwer, in the First National l.'ank
Building, in Pendleton, Oregon, with
in six months from date of this no
tice, the same being dated and pub
lished the first time this 81st day of
December, 1926.
Administrator of the estate cf Lou
isa Adaline Wagner, deceased.
Raley, Raley , & Steiwer, & 11. J.
Warner, Attorneys for Administrator.
D31J28. ,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Umatilla.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Wright, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That the
undersigned has filed his final ac
count and report in the above entitled
matter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday the 29th
day of January 1927, at the houv of
10 o'clock in the forenoon as the
time and the County Court room at
the County Court House at Pendle
ton, Oregon, as the place for hearing
said final account-and report. Ob
jections to said final account and re
port should be filed .on or before that
date. '
Dated at Athena, Umatilla County,
Oregon, this 24th day of December
1926. ' . B. B. RICHARDS
Administrator of the Estate of
John Wright, Deceased.' D31J28.
No. 214
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Uma
tilla. E. C. Prestbye, Plaintiff,
Viola Butler Shafer, Defendant.
To Viola Butler Shafer the above
named defendant: In the Name of
the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that E. C.
Prestbye is the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1984 issued
on the 10th Jay of November, 1925,
by the Sheriff and Tax Collector of
the County of Umatilla, State of
Oregon, for the amount of Thirteen
and 88-100 ($13.88) Dollars, the
same being the amount then due and
delinquent for taxes for the year
1922, together with penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you
are the owner as. appears of record,
situated in said County and State,
and particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 of Kirk's
Second Addition to the City of
Athena, Umatilla County, Ore
gon. You are further notified that said
E. C. Prestbye has .paid City Liens
and has paid, taxes on said premise
for prior or subsequent years with
the rate 6f interest on said amounts
as follows: " . .
City of
JJotc Paid . Tax Kee't Am'l Rale
. , Number Iiit'nt
Nov 10, 102.5
Nov 10, im .
Jan 4. Iltat
Apr mm'
Nov 2,
2 0)
Said Viola Butler - Shafer, as the
owner of the legal title of .the above
described property as the same ap
pears cf record, and each of the other
persons above jiamed are hereby
further notified that E. C. Prestbye
will apply to the Circuit Court cf the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien again3t the
property above described and men
tioned in said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after the first nublica
tion of the summons exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and de
fend this actior W pay the amount
due as above shown together- with
costs and accrued interest and in
case of your failure to do so. f de
cree will be rendered foreclosing th?
lien of said taxes and costs aaimt
the land and premises above named.
' This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Gilbeit W
Phelps Judge of the Circuit Court of
Ua Cfoto r.f OrMrnn. fnr the UililTltv
of Umatilla, and said order wan
made and dated tne btn day or ue-
.nrnko 1Q9A UTlA the HfltA til tVl
first publication of thin summons 1
the 24th day of December, 1920.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Address, Athena, Oregon.
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
W e are Equipped to do
Job Printing
All Kinds. Short Notice
by taking advantage of the latest
methods of chiropractic adjustment.
This office offers you the very new
est ideas adopted by this latest and
greatest of the healing arts. For
young, middle-aged and old chiro
practic is indeed helpful.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
The Best
Painless dentistry is better dentistry
because a dentist can do more care
ful work where there is
No Pain
By my new method I can fill or ex
tract teeth
Without Pain
Painless extracting a specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Dr. Leach
Bond Building
Pendleton, Oregon
Phone 24
Transfer and Express
Prompt Service
Dealer in
J. L. Harman
Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Delivery and
Trunk Bodies Manufactured
Main Street Athena. Oregon
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
"State' and" Federal Court Practice
Established 1891.
"Script Porin"
Butter Wrappers
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to vour building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena
Whitehead's Barber Shop
LeejVhitehead, Proprietor
We make a specialty of cutting Ladies hair in all the j
prevailing styles
Fair and Courteous Treatment
Agency for Trey Laundry and The Model Cleaners
Phone 492