11 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $ 1.00 One copy, three months 75 Athena, Oregon, January 28..... .1927 COME WEST TO GET IT Whether it be talc for beauty cul ture or for marble to grace the build ing turrets overhanging its canyon like streets, the East comes to the Pacific Coast and the Southwest to get it. According to G. X Sielaff, Southern Pacific's chief geologist, the company has now compiled a col lection of over 800 private properties holding commercial minerals in Ore gon, California, Utah, Nevada, Ari zona and New Mexico. Some of the finest talc for face powders and build ing marble comparable to the famous marbles of Italy are available. This information is made available by the railroad through various organiza tions for the benefit of manufactur ers who are seeking mineral products. Parties having mineral properties may list them with the railroad. Two years ago a preliminary survey was made of the mineral resources alonj; the railroad's lines. . The list now includes nearly all minerals required by modern manufacturers. Since the railroad started disseminating the in formation a large number of deposits have been opened to development ard production. The information included in the list of properties is bein used by chambers of commerce as we'l as the railroad in locating industries in the West. o Ed Averill, state game warden, has evidence showing conclusively that game birds are a help rather than a pest to the farmer. A year's specific study of Chinese pheasant diet con ducted by the state game department of Idaho, has disclosed that any harm the pheasant might do to crops is more than offset by the good they do in the eating of weeds and insect.;. Corn was found in the pheasant crop in only two months, Febru:t y and December. Wheat appeared in March, August, September and N vember. Little of the wheat was oili er than gleanings of the field, it i:; thought, however, because for the ivost part it was in hulls. o Governor Patterson's idea of get ting Oregon out of its present li imncinl difficulty is to cut deeply in holding down appropriations, then scuttle the receipts of all boards and commissions five per cent, dumping the proceeds into the general fund. Well, there's nothing like having a healthy, thrifty general fund even though other funds are wrecked to create it. o Wrigley could acquire a lot more advertising by making this fellow O'Bryne cough up about $8000 of that manager graft he raked off Young, the boy swimmer. The bo;' earned every cent of the $2fi000 prize and it's poor sporting conditions in California or anywhere else that per mit the winner to be robbed of $U, 000. o They have a repeal of laws com thittee in the Oregon legislature, ihat ih giving chloroform to a number pi' d.'ad letter laws that have outlived their usefulness. We move that this cjnimittoe be given plenty of scope and that it be forced to work over time. o . A. S. Wells, state chemist, says ''Ninety per cent of the liquor that I have examined is not fit to drink." s Mr. Wells does not say anything about the remaining ten per cent, wo V ill have to let it go at that. o We are told that it snowed star (tt Hood River during a recent storm. Closer investigation might have re vealed a blue moon or twA anion), t'ie flakes. Portland and the lower Columbia supplicate June for relief fiom the ri t rs of frigid temperature and a Si.owy landscape. Up here we har.l: en full coal bins and woolen blanket. o Poln is a defendant in a clai'n of a German company for $lt000. Tola in the role of a defendant in ourt, is somewhat different from P la in a role on the screen. o The Rev. Robert S. Miller, Los Ar. rdoa preacher, who tried to mis- re ligion, gasoline ami moonshine, h.i: admitted to the police that his experi ment was a failure o If you want birds you will have t.i f -vd them when they cannot food tluMiiselves. This applies to game I;ds as well as the songsters. o American league owners have sus tained Commissioner Landis by put ting a ban on President Johnson. o The latest permanent wave is made yith an icicle. , 1Z3. Western Newipr Union.) The highest duty of the state is o to legislate and minister as to make good homes, for It Is only a larger home, and for the same uses that the state exists. Ellen Rich ards. SEASONABLE FOODS There Is probably no meal of the day where dainty service and pretty appreciated than at the morning meal. We hear much about starting the day right and It Is very Important. A hurried break fast over an untidy table may be the cause of many of the unhappy experi ences of life. Start the day right with a neat table, well-cooked food and a cheerful smile. Fruit is the first dish which appeals to most In the morn ing. Whenever possible fresh green foliage of the fruit itself Is the pret tiest garnish. AfLer the fruit comes the morning cereal. As there are al ready hundreds of them to cook or serve uncooked, variety isi always present. The whole wheat as It conies from the granary is an Ideal breakfast food for all ages. Wash It well and soak overnight, then cook all day or until every grain is burst and covered with the gelatinous center of the grain. Serve with top milk or cream. A quantity cooked at once will keep for several days If kept In a cold place. Fried Chicken, Southern Style. Joint a fat young chicken, dredge with flour, salt and pepper and place on a platter. In a deep frying pan fry out n half-pound of bacon, add one cup ful of lard and when smoking hot lay In Hie chicken; turn when brown, giv ing the thicker pieces longer time to cook. Place on a hot platter and gar nish with water cress. Breakfast Muffins. Beat one egg, add one-half cupful of milk, flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder to make a soft baiter, then ndd two ta blespoonfuls of melted butter and pour Into well-greased muffin tins to bake In a moderate oven. Blueberry Cake. Cream a table spoonful of butter, add one cupful of sugar and when well blended add two well-beaten eggs. Pent live minutes, add a teaspoonful of vanilla, a few gratings of nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, sifted with two cup fuls of flour; ndd a pint of well-lloured blueberries and bake In a loaf or In muffin pans. Conferees Split on Banking Bill. Washington, 1). C. Conferees of th ) senate and house on tho McFad den branch banking bill have been unable to agree, a report to the house Sill 111 Kirkland Dentist Held pa Slayer. Seattle, Wash-Dr. C. C. Dohbs. Kirkland dentist, was arrested here by authorities investigating tho slay ing of Letitia Whitehall, 11-year-old high school student. i 31 Years Ago i January 24, 1896 A leap year party was given at the opera house Wednesday evening by the Misses Mae and Lillie Fischer. Games, cards and refreshments were the main features of the evening. After lunch was served those who were disposed indulged in a very pleasant hop until 12 o'clock, when they departed for their respective homes. Those present were: Misses Anna Kirk, Letha Estes, Anna Hard en, Lula Gates, Myrtle Porter, Vergie Stamper, Iva Callender, Mae Fischer, Effie Nelson, Delia Estes, Kate Hard en, Selia Vaughn, Lida Beale Etha Looher, Stella Willaby, Rubie Cal lender, Lillie Fischer, Miss Estes. Messrs. J. E. Sharp, Winnie Krebs, Tom Purdy, Matt Johnson, M. Kelley, C. McCollough, Charles Kelsey, Ord Ilostwick, W. McCollough, Fred Fis cher, Charles Fischer, Will Harden, Ed Murphy, D. Farley, John Foss, Dick Maloney, Jack Purdy, Elmer Stone. Wild Horse Lodge, No. 73, I. O. O. F., last Friday evening installed thi following officers: A L. Swaggart, N. G.; M. Kelley, V. G.; W. J. Wilk inson, Sec; S. F. Sharp, Treas.; J. J. Gross, War.; G. W. Gross, I. G.; E. Taft, O. G.; W. T. Gilman, Con.; W. E. Young, R. S. N. G.; J. Stone, L. S. N. G.; J C. Stamper, R. S. V. G.; J. Bloch, L. S. V. G. A revolver thrust into Postmaster Johnson's face, the Pendleton postof fice looted of a sum lowly estimated at $500, a struggle, a shot iired through the fleshy part of Johnson's left hand these are, in brief, thn ev ents which occurred within a very few seconds after 7:10 o'clock Mon day night, and the few lines tell the story f one Tf the most daring rob beries ever committed on the Pacific coast. And the perpetrator is at large says the Tribune. G. W. Rigby & Son last week slaughtered 150 hogs for bacon at their reservation ranch. The bacon brings about 9 cents, and a larger profit is derived from its disposal at that price than from the sale oi" hogs on foot at the present low quotations. A cold storage house will soon be erected on William Rigby's ranch on the Umatilla, and bacon will be kept on hand all season. Rigby & Son are building up quite a business. quarter circle underneath on right stifle. One brown blaze face mare, weight 1000, about 5 years old, no brand visible. One bay mare blaze face hind feet white, weight 900, shod all round, no brand visible. One brown mare about 6 years old, weight 850, indistinguishable brand on right .stifle. . Four ' yearlings as follows: One gray gelding, one black mare, one bay mare and one brown mare, no brands visible. Dated at Athena, Oregon this 25th day of January, 1927. B. D. TAYLOR, City Marshal. CLASSIFIED In Pound Notice is hereby eiven that the fol lowing described animals have been taken up and placed in the Athene i city pound, and unless redeemed by jpwner will be sold to the highest bid der for cash in hand luesday ruDru aty 1, 1927, at 2 o'clock p. m. One bald face sorrel horse about i years old, weight about 800, brand 7 B connected on left stifle. I One brown mare mule about 7 ! vears old, weight 900, no brand vis : lble. One blue roan mare about 10 years old, weight 700. brand II F connect i ed on left shoulder, and T J connect j ed on left stifle. One bav horse about 5 years old, j weight about 1050, brand O with Baby Chicks Rhode Island reds, McRaes strain $18.00 per 100, none better. S. C. White Leghornes $15.00 per 100. 0. A. C. strain, Barred Ply mouth Rocks, $18.00 per 100. Good layers mated to O. A. C. cockrels. Why send away for chicks when you can get just as good at home. Order early. 15 per cent books- your order for chicks. D. C. McFadyen, Athena. Hoggard dray company will deliver coal after 'this date for 75c per ton. Hay for Sale Ralph Allen has a lot of first cutting baled alfalfa hay for sale. Wanted Laundry work to do at my home. Will call for and deliver. Mrs. Ada Stamper EVERYBODY'S GOING! CALIFORNIA bids you turn back the calendar to summer and come play in the warm sunshine. As an added inducement the Union Pacific now offers special low round trip fares and assures you a marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connections via Portland or Salt Lake City. MAKE TOUR RESERVATIONS NOW C. M. EAGER, Agent Athena, Oregon KANTLEEK Hot Water B-ttles This Thrifty Home Brings Joy to the Rent-Weary I IM V " ' .v.,l..ff 'r ?1 , j j! are the best we ever had. Finest Para Rubber, mould ed in one piece, s they can't leak. No patches, seams, splices or binding. Guaranteed fiv avo years $2.50 NicFadden's Pharmacy the 3l&o& Store Si Athena, Oregon i jsrnT' "'r -f 'Vi? 4j i I ".y -, ... ryT: ' - . H i I, .KITCHIN DININO U,"L a o-u t I room "L I "It !' M Jf0ll v ffwJ Mil flMlMl ok. I i I . 1 1 1 1 1 -i hi .. m lu- i'li 1 1 IT j! I I Tt&OM I j . Jf m nvma too f 4 1M,.. J D. J. McFaul, M. D. Office over Inland Empire Bank Pendleton, Oregon Specializing in Electro and Quartz Lamp Therapy. FOR THE family of four or five there Is this attractive two-story, six-room house of beveled siding ami slate or shin gle roof. One of the Interesting features of this house Is that everyroom has a double exposure, while the living room has three sides exposed. Extra windows not shown In the plan may at slight expense be added at either end of the living room. While 1 Sjti eooS10 STTo L StCOND FLOOR. FUN (lama mim.i of , Celotechnlc Institute, Chicago, 19S. fl5T HOOe PLAN this type of house affords the utmost in light and cross-ventllatton, It would be well to protect it against the extremes of cold and heat by Insulation with celotex for the walls and roof. Such Insulation will also cut down outside noises to a marked de gree, as in addition to Its Insulating prop erty, celotex Is an efficient sound deadener. The living room has the much desired open fireplace and cleverly arranged book shelves flanking the entrance to ths dln!ng room. The sun porch may be put r.cther to the side or the back of the house, according to the builders' wishes or to nfor.n to the demands of the lot. While you have ihe time to do it rijjhi Use Our Oil It s the right kind Also this "is the time to get set up for the plowing season. Our spring stock of new plows is now arriving. ROGERS & GOODMAN (.A Mercantile Trust) The Athena Hotel t. E. FROOME. PROP. Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon Jensens Blacksmith Shop Horseshoeing Prices Reasonable Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg At Finch's HOOD RUBBERS FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN CATTLE KING HIGH AND LOW TOP RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR MEN Cleaning and Pressing G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon JJ liliillillBlllUllllllltl THE :cal state Insurance Farm Loans Cheap Money I GERALD KILGORE, Proprietor ;j I Short Order Lunches and Meals served at all hours. ; 1 Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies, j NONE BUT WHITE HELP EMPLOYED J j Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon B. B RICHARDS, Athena Claud Dickenson Phone 452, Athena, Oregon Auto Truck Dray City and Countiy ' HAULING Always at Your Service DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon DR. W. G. CCV.'AN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street 1: Athena, Oregon. 1 2c t,MMMMniiMiinmmMiimiimnmMMM? ESTABLISHED 1865 DRS. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS - French Optical Parlors 15 E. Main St Phone 653 WALLA WALLA, WASH. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Aihena, t ' Athena labor, in one ot the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. " Patroniie home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers r Foley's Kidney Cure J Athena, Oregon. - - Waitsburg, Wash makes kidneys ens MddJer rishi ji.a ""niiini til I ill n I j i jjjj 1 1 j, 1