The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 14, 1927, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year '$
0 le copy, six months
Ciie copy, three months '5
Athena, Oregon, January 14 1927
As is usually the case, the appal
ling loss of children's lives in the
Montreal theatre disaster resulted
wholly from panic and not from fire,
as the blaze was a trivial one. To
all intents and purposes the Montreal
theatre was built for safety of its
patrons in case of fire. It had four
ample exits. Three of these through
coolness of direction on the part of
ushers permitted the lower floor and
one side of the balcony to be emptied
with order and without injury. But
the fourth exit became jammed witn
little human bodies as the result of
panic where panic was not justified
and where competent direction would
have guided the little ones safely to
the street. Apropos of the Mon
treal trngedy, attention of Press
readers is here called to conditions of
safety under which the local thejtre
is conducted, in strict conformity
with regulations laid down by the of
fice of the State Fire Marshal. The
aisles in the Standard Theatre more
than conform to required width;
there are four exits all in straight
line leading from the auditorium
and three exits with out-swinging
doors leading from the building; the
operator's booth is lined entirely,
sides, roof and' floor, with iron; the
projecting machine, modern in every
respect, is equipped with automatic
fire shutter, and two approved firo
extinguishers are at the hand of the
two operators, one of whom must be
constantly at the side of the ma
chine. These precautionary methods
are not only employed at the Stand
ard Theatre, but are required of all
theatres, and these requirements re
sult in holding theatre fires down to
trivial consequence so far as fire dam
age is concerned the mere loss cf
several thousand feet of film and a
water-drenched operating booth,
where the fire is bound to be con
fined until extinguished long after
the audience has hud plenty of time
to retire from the building. For ex
ample, picture film is made of cellu
loid, it is highly inflammable and so
sensitive to heat that it will stand
exposure in one spot less than half
a minute when stopped in front of
the powerful lamp globe in the ma
chine. It is the stoppage of film in
the process of passing through the
machine before the globe's powerful
ray of electric light that causes
the film to burst into flame. To pre
vent this, two appliunces serve in the
capacity of protection. The second
the film stops still in the aperture
'plate in front of the light, the auto
matic shutter falls in front of the
i.i the plate, directly across the light
ray. This failing to function, u hand
shutter is there for instant use by
the operator, who has absolutely
nothing to do while the picture is
running, but to be ready to trip the
hand shutter and keep the picture in
frame on the screen. Hut in event
n film fire should occur in the Stand
ard booth, the booth would be in
stantly closed. The flame, no more
than of ordinary fireplace dimension
or intensity, but accompanied by bil
lows of black smcke would burn for
pvrhnps five minutes before broakin;:
through into the main building, it' controlled by the fire extinguish
ers sooner. Thus it will be seen that
plenty of time is given for all to quit
tiie building in no danger whatever.
In event the theatre were to hi
emptied, a few cool heads would pre-
-il for quiet and orderly exit. The
c-iildren in front would go through
the two rear exits, passing through
the big door at the back end of tlw j
1 lilding. Some of the adults would
I that way, but the bulk of the i
audience would pass outto the street
1; rough the two big double door exit.! j
in front. And once starting oik no I
i ie should attempt to turn hack, i
t 'eking somebody. Right there would!
c isue the inevitable struggle and j
i ramble in which the ones on the j
f')or would be trampled by the on?s j
Oil top. And always, always remrm-!
1 r that if it should occur, for f.u. ,
1 ng minutes a film booth fire is no
'1 ,gor than the blaze in your (iro-
.ace at home-that it is coiiline i '
thin iron walls, and only that the '
t ioke is bigger and blacker. j
day. If rail revenues were derived en
tirely from freight service it is evi
dent that every car loaded would have
to pay $7 of railroad taxes.. Freight
service, however, accounts for about
three-quarters of the railroad's total
operating revenues, so the tax paid
by each carload would be approxi
mately $5.25. The net revenue for
each freight car loaded on this com
pany's Pacific Lines during 1925 av
eraged less than $35. If this basis
was maintained during 1926 the $5.25
in taxes would amount to about 15
per cent on the next revenue per
car. For 1925 our Pacific Lines
taxes, both Federal and state, aver
aged 8.3 per cent of total gross re
venues received. .Railroads probably
are the only business enterprises in
America taxed in excess of the total
amount of dividends paid to stock
holders, the owners of properties
which move the bulk of the nation's
Uncle Sam and John Bull talked
for the first time over the new radio
phone service between New York
and London, Friday forenoon. "Hel
lo," "Are You There?" passed in mid
ocean, and that was all there was to
the successful beginning of a new
means of communication between
America and Britain.
Republicans are asking for changes
in the Washington state primary
laws which will tend to restore party
responsibility. Just to what the ex
tent of responsibility asked for, may
be gagued opposition to the change.
A gallant young old groom of 82
winters, took a winsome young old
bride of 80 summers and filled out
the first marriage license for 1927,
issued at Corvallis. May they live
long and prosper.
Charlie Chaplin has brought a
$500,000 damage suit against the
Pictorial Review Publishing company,
which shows that Charlie is chasing
after the coin when off the screen as
well as on.
The Los Angeles Times observes
that automobiles may be putting a
few railroad trains out of business,
but not when they meet on grade
A wise man once said: "If vou
marry the right woman, there's noth
ing like it; if you marry the wrong
woman, there's nothing like it.
Long Creek has been visited by an
air plane under forced landing. Long
Creek is not far from beaten paths,
after all.
Klamath Falls, Eugene and Salem
stepped up in building operations in
1920, each with a gain of more than
Sold by Auction
Morganatic marrliiges of royalty are
freely discussed, hut perhaps the most
curious stories lire aliout the auction
ing of wives which took place ns re
cently as !H) years ago. According to
the Annual Register the Inhabitants
of Carlisle witnessed the sale of a
Wife by her husband, Joseph Thomp
son, In 1SD2. A bellman was sent
round to give notice of the sale, which
Jttrncled the attention of thousands.
The woman stood on n large oak chair
with a rope or halter of straw round
her neck, and Thompson addressed
the crowd.
After nn hour or two she was pur
chased by a pensioner for the sum of
20 shillings and a Newfoundland dog I
London Tit-Hits.
B, 192, Western Newapaper Union.)
To try Is better than the thins; you
try for;
To hope Is higher than the thing
attained; To love Is greater than the love
you sigh for;
To seek Is nobler than the ob
ject gained;
To wrestle with the angel this
Although the motive for the wres
tling falls.
Now Is the time for all good house
keepers to serve the wild mushroom.
It will be found In woods
and pastures and when
served with cream on
toast makes a dish of
rare flavor. Broiled
mushrooms are delicious.
Place the caps on a but
tered broiler and cook
well on the top, turn and
cook on the other side;
In each cap place a lump of butter and
serve on toast, or as a garnfsh for
broiled steak.
Deviled Mushrooms. Mix a tea
spoonful of mustard, a dash of cay
enne, a tea spoonful of Worcestershire
sauce and half, a teaspoonful of pap
rika, cover broiled mushrooms with
this mixture and serve on hot buttered
Grape Mold. Take four tablespoon
fuls of granulated gelatin, soften with
two tablespoonfuls of cold water, then
add the Juice and grated rind of a
lemon, two and one-half cupfuls of
grape Juice and one-half cupful of
sugar. Stir until well dissolved and
the gelatin has begun to thicken, then
add one-half pound of grapes seeded
and skins removed. Pour Into a wet
mold and set away on Ice to harden.
Date, Nut and Pineapple Salad.
Chop a cupful of dates and three
good-sized apples, add a cupful of
chopped celery and a cupful of broken
nut meats, one-half pound of seeded
and skinned grapes. Mix all together
and heap on a slice of pineapple which
has been marinated In French dress
ing. Serve with mayonnaise dressing.
Marshmallows may be used In place
of nuts If cut fine.
Peach d' Armour. Fill tall glasses
with peach Ice cream and sufficient
raspberry juice to run down through
the glasses and color the cream. On
top place n spoonful of plain vanilla
lee ereiim and garnish with a fresh
raspberry or two.
When stirring food In n small dish
on the stove steady It by using n
Eugene Council Names Mayor.
Eugene, Or. A. L. Williamson,
' member of the council for the past
four years, was elected mayor of
i Eugene at a special meeting called
last wesk. Five of the eight mem-
bers of tha council were present.
Mayor Leo was elected by the coun
i ell about a month ago to serve the
unexpired term of former Mayor E. B.
Parks and was rs-elected at the last
election. He resigned a short time
ago, effective January 1.
Cold Feet
"Po you suffer from cold feet?" the
doctor asked the young wife.
"Yes," she replied.
lie promised to send her some med
icine. "Oh," she replied nervously, 'they're
not not mine."
Wind's Great Effect
on Personal Comfort
Personal comfort at any time of the
year depends to an astonishing degree
on wind ; that is on the motion of the
air. An Interesting experiment, de
scribed by a writer In the American
Magazine, illustrates the point.
To find out the different effects of
still air and of nlr in motion, tt man
was shut up In n telephone booth. The
booth contained an electric fan and It
also bad tubes through which fresh
air could be supplied. The man had a
lighted cigarette.
With the electric fan cln8. and
with no fresh air coming In through
the tubes, the man was comfortable,
even after his cigarette had gone out
because of lack of oxygen to burn. But
when he was shut up in the booth
without the fan being turned on, he
was soon in great discomfort, even
though he was being supplied with
fresh air through the tubes.
"Curiosity Killed the Cat"
Just how this saying got started
Is unknown. There was an old proverb
that a cat has nine lives, yet care
would wear, them out. Another version
of the proverb Is that though she had
nine lives care killed the cat
Probably "curiosity killed the cat" Is
merely a corruption of the former
saying. Its popularity seems to rest
on the alliteration of the three bard
i"c" sounds, rather than on the sense
of the expression. Exchange.
Donald McFadyen will have Rhode
Island Red baby chicks to sell this
season also White Leghornes. Can
do some custom hatching at 7 cents
per chick. Prices on baby chicks
will be quoted in next issue of The
turn back the calendar
to summer and come play in
the warm sunshine.
As an added inducement the
Union Pacific now offers special
low round trip fares and assures
you a marvelous journey on the
finest of fast trains. Connections
via Portland or Salt Lake City.
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon
His First Love Affair
If n boy who has been notoriously
careless of his personal appearance
suddenly begins to show some Interest
In the condition of his face, neck, ears
and wrists; agonizes over the part In
his hitlr; takes his fingernails out of
mourning; discovers overnight that a
toothbrush Is of practical value In
stead of uselessly ornamentnl, and de
mands a clean shirt every day; If, we
say, and when, this amazing meta
morphosis occurs, remember the basis
on which the old French detective
used to go to work "find the woman."
There Isn't another thing under the
sun that will produce such a revolu
tion. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Practical Four-Room Plan
for That "Castle in Spain"
One million freight cars loaded j
c eh. week and seven million dollars (
1 : id in taxes every seven days, were .
ong railroad records of 11)26, nc
i i'ding to J. T. Saunders, freight
ivnnngcr for Southern Pacific com
pany. Wc have just closed the first year in
the history of American railronditnv
t'u ring which the car-loadings of the
( ' :ss 1 roads have averaged a mil
lion a week," Saunders said. '"It
was also the first year in which the
taxes paid by these railroads amount
pd to more than a million dollars a
Tower Famous Landmark
As a landmark, nothing can equal a
tower In a hilltop. For Instance, the
r.oted tower on the top of Lelth hill,
the culminating point of the North
Downs, England, can be seen 40 miles
The story goes that It marks the
spot where on eccentric farmer of the
neighborhood was burled on horse
back, and upside down, so that when
the world was turned topsy-turvy at
the last day he wortld be In the right
position. This story Is probably found
ed on the fact that Mr. Hall of Lelth
place built the tower In 1700. and was
'. tzU tlnne U years in'or.
1W Iff
MhW tear.. 1 ,ns
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office over
Inland Empire Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Specialising in Electro and Quartz
Lamp Therapy,
I I ' . -fr
n 1
s JHfiH
ItteoH R
IVINO too !! I
4" t-nzr-i?"?- -
T t i -;-1tt.v,:i ?..; ' s
FLAGSTONE terracing, Iron grille bal
conies and a quaint wrought Iron
lantern give distinction to this little old
world one-story hou-e. Rough plaster wall
and a colorful ttle roof make an attractive
exterior that will find a welcome In any
But a carefully designed floor plan la
Its greatest appeal. One enters from the
covered loggia directly into the large story
and a half living-room, with Its trlple
nrched windows reaching from the floor al
most to the celling. The dining room al
cove Is conveniently located and well
lighted. The kitchen haa been deftly
planned to give the housewife the greatest comfort and step-saving.
Everything about the house has been planned to give the utmost In
stability und real home comfort. The walls and ceilings are Insulated through
out with celotex to cut down the coal bills In winter and keep the house cool
In the summer. Who could wish for a more beautiful Utile home. .
& CeloUchule InlMtBTt, ChfcaBfl. li -
CtitlNft MIAMI tttt'tl
Oil Your Harness
While you have the time to do it right
Our Oil
It's the right kind
Also this is the time to get set up for the plowing
season. Our spring stock of new plows is now arriving.
( A Mercantile Trust)
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena. Oregon
Blacksmith Shop
Prices Reasonable
Tharp Bros, old stand, Athena Oreg.
Cleaning and Pressing
G. W. Finch, Prop. Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Cheap Money
I Short Order Lunches and Meals served atall hours.
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks. A full line of Candies.
j Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
Claud Dickenson
Phone 452, Athena, Oregon
Auto Truck Dray
City and Country
Always at Your Service
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
French Optical Parlors
13 E. Main St Phone 6SS
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Foley's Kidney Cure
fluics kiiseys mad bUdJer tixht
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Aihena, b ' Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mill in the Northwest, of the best 'selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sella the famous American Beauty Flour
t Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
J Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash